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NOLA in September?



  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2010

    Kim, your post brought tears to my eyes...your mom and my mom were born and died really close in time to each other.   Christmas and my birthday are the times I miss my mom the most.   Birthdays were never the same once my mother died.  She always baked us a really special cake and usually made our gifts herself....always made a big deal about our day and now it's just so empty.   I have now lived three years longer than she did, which seems so weird.  Most of all, I wish that my children could have known my parents.  It hurts so deeply to think about what they have missed out on and my parents would have loved them so much!

    I know that all of our moms and dads who've passed on are smiling with pride at what they see, and saying "That's my girl!".

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2010

    (((KIM)))  Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt post and taking the time to do it! 

     Okay...I am a really positive person, but sometimes my cynic comes out. I hate to be so cynical, but the world of medicine is driven by pharmaceutical kick backs I swear. It seems ludicrous to me that we haven't found a cure for ANY disease in years, yet cures were discovered for many diseases hundreds of years ago before the advent of modern medicine. It is ridiculous!!!

    I think it is the government agencies (funded by big pharm) that stall everything with their endless red tape. And yes, I realize, that I sound like a paranoid freak hooked on conspiracy theories! LOL! But have you ever looked at the gov't link between food and Montsano?

    I know my cancer was caused by genetics.  But there is nothing I can do about my LFS.  They just found thyroid nodules on me and I have to have a follow up MRI on the mass on my adrenal gland on Friday.  Even knowing that I am pretty much prone to every type of cancer does nothing for prevention.  I can only be proactive with screening and hope that I keep catching everything in the pre-cancer stage.  Every single thing they cut out of me is aytpical I swear.  

    On a good note...Tre's blood work and physical were 100% clear which is the MOST important thing to me.  I've always said I'd do it a million times as long as my son stays cancer free.  

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2010

    (((Trishia)))) - Sending you positive thoughts, hugs and prayers for your follow ups. I hope everything turns out OK! And Hurray for Tre!!!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited December 2010

    Trishia~ Hoping and praying your scan comes back with NOTHING.  Glad Tre is doing so well. 

    LuAnn~ I think that women would have sent me off, and it wouldn't have been pretty.  I have a horrible temper and that would have done it for me. 

    As for me tatoo's look incredible still thinking about darkening them.  :)  I gotta put some pictures up but I have been running around like crazy.  Santa is NOT a man in our

  • lciscarroll
    lciscarroll Member Posts: 32
    edited August 2013


    Thank you for the pep talk.  You are absolutely an amazing wonderful person.  Thank you for sharing your story and all the valuable information I will need for my upcoming surgery.

    Have a laptop I will be taking to the hospital with me.  Hope to stay in contact with all of you.

    Have a good day everyone.  And to all those who have had surgery recently- take good care of yourself during your road to recovery.    

    Laurie (still raining in Seattle)

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited December 2010

    Laurie - It is for sure still raining in the great NW :)

  • lciscarroll
    lciscarroll Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2010

    I am just leaving to go for one of my last runs of the season in the pouring rain.  However, I was thinking, this is a perfect time of year to have the surgery.  Timing couldn't be better.

    Laurie (now it is really pouring outside)

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited December 2010

    As an Oregonian, you will truly enjoy the weather in NOLA! It was beautiful in November, and we came home to 20 and snow here!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2010
    Goals Accomplished!  I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seats... LOL Smile  Now if I can get rid of this hip drain....... maybe Saturday.... I'm ready to pull but Stacey says 2 more days :(
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2010

    Dragon, you are the second lady here who loved her Dom! Stephanie was another one, remember Sandy? he he. 

    Kim, I am with you. Honestly. Before this diagnosis, I trusted my doctors and society and the medical community. No more. Trisha is right, it is driven by profit. The standard of care sucks. They are not open to most homeopathic or even integrative approaches. This leaves us ON OUR OWN to figure it out if we are so inclined!

    HOT BUTT!! Congrats on amazon and your number two!!! We all celebrate with you because we certainly know what that is like!! he he he. giggles.

    Laurie, you go girl! Check back in. We are all waiting to hear from you...

    Ladies, all of you have no doubt heard of Elizabeth Edward's passing. Get this. the crazy people from the Kansas Westboro Baptist church (these are the insensitive kooky people that protest at military funerals!!) are coming here to Raleigh PROTEST at her FUNERAL tomorrow! This has me SO UPSET! I feel like these people are shameless, domestic terrorists!! I was heartened to see a FB "event" to create a "human shield" between the "protestors" and the church/funeral.

    I know it takes all kinds to make a world, but this is just too much!!! 

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited December 2010

    Why would they protest her funeral?  I don't get it.  Please, just let the woman and her family have some peace!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited December 2010

    Wow, only the 2nd person who loved it? I am nuts :) I think others just don't want to admit it ;) LOL

  • foobs
    foobs Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2010

    PAIN SURVEY  PLease respond

    Specifically how long did you have to take pain meds after a long DIEP reconstruction surgery? When did your swelling go down? I still have pain on my mastectomy and immediate reconstruction side.  Searing pain with movement.  Still have lots of swelling from donor site (tummy)    I'm still on pain meds at 4 weeks post op, wondering how I "stack"up?   ha!  Are/Were  any of you on pain meds that long?

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2010

    Okay, I will admit that I loved my first dom and wore it for ten weeks after my first surgery in NOLA!  The size I've been given has dropped each time I've had to wear one again and I once told Dr. D that I was going to keep coming back until I could wear the size small.   Well, I am done and didn't quite get that far, but did drop four sizes and feel good about that. 

    So, Spring, can you put me down for Jan 13th for a revision to the old umbilicus scar (in the clinic, local ONLY!!!) and tattoos?  I finally read my operative report from October and Dr. D did do plication.  I thought so because I've had it before and when I woke up, everything was so incredibly tight and sore.  I'm still very tight, but starting back up with my trainer on Monday.  She knows to be gentle with me.

    Is anyone else experiencing frequent leg cramps at night?  I've been told it's the Tamoxifen and I am long familiar with charley horse type calf cramps, but I also get some incredibly painful cramps in other places.  Last night, it was my inner thigh, but I've also had them on the outside of my ankles.  The spasms are so intense that I cannot walk them off like a normal leg cramp.  Sometimes when I'm watching a movie if I merely move my foot the wrong way, it will cramp and I'll have to jump up out of my chair and stand hard on my toes. I hope it's just the drug, but between the cramps at night and the rolling spasms in my abdomen all day long, my body is really trying to say something!

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited December 2010

    Foobs - have you contacted the Center to discuss your searing pain?  I had tightness, which relieved with gentle lymphedema massage (PT) and stretching.  This did help, for me.  It doesn't really sound the same to me.  I'd be calling for ideas, if it were me.  Let them do some thinking for you.

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2010

    Foobs, Have you talked to the drs about your pain?I had bilateral with immediate reconstruction, and had very little problems with my non-radiated side.  I did have a lot of tummy swelling for a long time. I think at 4 weeks I might have still been taking meds at night, but not sure...    We are all different in how our bodies handle this trauma, but if you are having pain, I would definitely follow up with the dr.  Let us know how you are doing!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2010

    Sandy, I get cramping in my legs and toes and feet from Tamoxifen!! It can be horrible. I have learned how to relax my muscles somewhat to prevent it and this works sometimes, but other times I am levitating out of bed!! I have to walk it off, mine always hit in the middle of the night.

    KC - you wouldn't believe what these crazy funeral protestors think/say. See this:  (not for the faint hearted! these people are ugly and hateful (scroll down to see their "manifesto":

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2010

    foobs - I had SGAP 7 weeks ago and DIEP 6 weeks and 2 days ago. I took my last pain med yesterday. I tried coming off pain meds at four weeks and had to take them again. The pain was too intense and Advil didn't cut it. Swelling is down now but again it took longer than four weeks. 

    Sandy - No leg cramps here but I'm not on Tamoxifen.

    Spring - Can you put me down for stage 2 on Jan 27th. Thx. 

    Last hip drain came out tonight. Hooray! Now 7 more days with the DOM. Ugh!

  • melindastn
    melindastn Member Posts: 98
    edited December 2010

    I still took some pain meds at 7 weeks.  Not everyday and never the whole pill but, some days I needed something and Advil did not take care of it.  I still carry some in my purse just in case.  There is no reason to go through pain during this process.  My tummy still swells up in weird ways but it does not hurt.  Guess I should just not eat so much at times.  I say this as I am watching cookies bake in my oven.Lol!!!

  • just4ann
    just4ann Member Posts: 103
    edited December 2010

    Sandy, i had leg cramps at night to the point I was in a constant discmfort.  (I am obviously too medicate to do this. It took about 3 minutes toget that  sentence written so I a not going to worry about proof reading this plus I keep nodding off)  Anyway I had cramps all  of the time.  Even when I was just sitting n the relciner  was just,  I had to come off the tamoxifen due to other side effects but as soon as I was off rhe cramping stopped.  Because I couldn't take the medications I ended up having a hysterectomy, 

     I give up. I will have to post later for an update on everything.  There were several things I was wanting to shar.  I feel pretty good but my eyes won't stay open.


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2010

    Ann- that's pretty good that you're posting so soon after surgery - you're a trooper! I don't think my post-op posts made nearly as much sense as yours!

    Sandy - I first had leg and foot cramps like you describe after stage 1, this last time. And then again about a week ago. I'm not on tamoxifen anymore and never had those particular symptoms while on it. What seems to have helped me (and maybe it's just coincidence) is to take more vitamins. I'd heard that low potassium can cause leg cramps. I wondered if maybe my body had gotten used to two multivitamins pre-op and then I cut back to only one, plus all the healing that probably uses potassium (and other stuff), too. So I went back to double vitamins for a while and the cramps stopped. I had not taken any vitamins for a while last week because I ran out. After I started up again, the cramps quit again. Worth a try.

    Dragonfly - I like the dom, too. I think it looks sexy. Plus, it made it easier to get into my jeans and also kept the rough fabric from rubbing against my regenerating nerves.

    Trish - I hope and pray your scan results show nothing bad. So glad your son is doing well.

    Melinda - I want some of those cookies!

    Foobs - I don't remember how long I was on the pain meds. I do know that I kind of rationed them because they were so good...

    Xfit - Congrats on hip drains gone! You must celebrate the milestone!

    Spring - Those protestors make me sick! Remember after Katrina, some of those kinds of folks were saying God was punishing New Orleans for being a sinful city - thing is, Bourbon Street was pretty much high and dry!

    Jinger - Good luck tomorrow! We'll be thinking about ya!

    Carol - Pretty soon!

    LouAnn - When people say such stupid stuff, my problem is that I'm so floored, I can't think of a response. Then later, I think of plenty of things to say!

    Kim - See!

    Nordy - Any word from your danged insurance company?

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2010

    Foobs -- so glad you asked about pain and meds.  I'm just about 4 weeks out and I still need pain meds.  I take a full pill at night for a good night's rest and start the day with a 1/2 tab.    It seems to me that when I'm on meds my body is more relaxed and comfortable, thus I move and do more, which is a GOOD thing.  It's great to hear from others ( xfitgirl and melindastn) who were on their pain meds over a month.  I honestly think I'd be better if I added 1/2 tab in the late afternoon.  Guess I'll give the clinic a call, since I'm going to need a refill soon.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited December 2010

    I can't remember after stage 1 how long I took the pain meds, I think when I got home I stopped them. Mainly because you're not supposed to drive while on them. Being a single Mom to get my girl to school and stuff I had to drive. Plus I didn't notice a huge amount of pain other than from the drains. For stage 2, I tried demerol, NASTY STUFF for me anyway, it put me out and loopy and I felt like my head was not attached. So needless to say I couldn't take it, so I stopped and went to tylenol on the 3rd day after that surgery.

    Pain pill question, I know Laura told me just tylenol. However tylenol has never really worked for me and I'm an ibuprofen fan. She said it's not good right after surgery but I wonder when I can take it again on occasion?

    Minnesota - I'm glad you said you like it too! I feel better with the DOM on and I feel like I look better!! :) Maybe it's psychological? I don't care, I'm wearing it! lol

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2010

    I know I was instructed to wear the compression bra for 2 weeks (I believe it was 2 weeks) after surgery but now that I'm almost at 4 weeks, can I safely go braless for sleeping?  The bra feels so constraining and tight.  (This is coming from someone who is used to being a size A and now am bursting at the seams with a B cup!!!! LOL)  

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2010

    Dragonfly - I don't think it is psychological that you think the dom outfit makes you look better - its like wearing a giant girdle! It definitely made my boobs look bigger because it sucked my stomach in! LOL And I didn't mind the dom either - neither did my husband LOL... crotchless, little flower on top, black... LOLOLOL 

    Okay, I have NOT heard from my insurance company yet (thanks for asking Eve!). They said they received my appeal on the 24th and that they have 14 business days to reply. That puts us at the 14th - so will likely hear something by then. Will see and let you know. In the meantime - I am fighting my sweet daughter's virus that gave her croup. I think I am too old for croup, but have the early symptoms of  a virus. UGH. Going to go downstairs for some hot cocoa in a minute... I know tea would be better, but it is cocoa season! 

    Ann - you are hysterical. I can't believe you are trying to type! Then again, I made my hubby go find me a sudoku book right after my stage 2... and then I never could keep my eyes open to finish any puzzles!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2010

    dbdaze - I am not sure... I think you can take it off for sleeping after 2 weeks... I kept mine on FOREVER because I had a dream that I took my bra off and my boobs fell off with the bra! So, I think I didn't sleep without until 6 weeks... however, I know that was WAY longer than they required and Stacey laughed when I told her why I was keeping it on!

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited December 2010

    Dragonfly, like you, I am a fan of ibuprofen...for me a miracle drug!  I think they want you on Tylenol because ibuprofen can thin the blood (and make wounds more prone to bleeding) so they want you to wait until everything is pretty well healed.

    I don't think I took pain pills after DIEP once I was home.  I didn't really have a lot of pain to speak of and the pain meds make me sorta sick, so I didn't take any.  This time I didn't even fill the prescription.  I think it just depends on the body chemistry.

    Holtbolt glad to hear everything is going well.  Wink

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2010

    Nordy - thanks for the laugh!  Now if mine fall off during the night, I'll wish I had listened to you.  lol

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2010

    Wow!....much to comment on but I' am in fast mode so didn't make notes.  Eve you do a fine job of recognizing you take notes?  impressive! too are impressive altho I must admit to texting (w/ lots of typos) spring, Melanie, nordy? I know i fell asleep talking w/ her on the phone the night before...yikes!  And I know I showed Trish my breasts post stage 2-someone told me later.....and know for fact I fell asleep standing straight up/mid nurse was wonderful and made a great decision to turn off the basal rate on the demerol/phenergan drip when I had to stay another day due to being Soooo loaded and out of it....But OH YESS!  It was all very much worth it...I say exactly one year today from super deluxe stage 2!  I may want a little something else but as Dr. d said" give it a year".......Still planning to lose some lbs first too before i have anything else done but honestly I'm happy w/ all just as it is....happy to be healthy!

    Nordy...uggg on the appeal stuff.

    I can't believe the Eliz Edwards crazy people gathering stuff....sick sick sick

    Do hope there is a 'reunion' in 2011.  Sooo much fun that would be-yes I'm carrying on.

    TGIF......So much to do this wkend but no huge obligations....sooo lookign forward to that.

    Jinger all about you and prayers.  ann keep recovering-anyone else I forgot forgive me please!

    Have a great friday all!

  • just4ann
    just4ann Member Posts: 103
    edited December 2010

    Okay, I'm going to try this again since I had a good night's sleep and have successfully kept my eyes open for an hour now.  I hope everyone is waking to a wonderful day.

    Trish - I hope you get good news from your MRI.  I know it is so frustrating to constantly having to be on alert but we do what we have to do.  Good luck.  And know you will be in lots of prayers today.

    Xfit - doing the happy dance for you and your drains!  I know you are glad to be giving them up.

    Minnesota - I read back over my post.  For something that took almost an hour to write I guess its not to bad.  Of course, I don't know what it says about me to struggle an hour to get a post finished! 

    Foobs - I came off my meds after just a few days once I got home except for at night because I had so much trouble sleeping on my back.  I am a lifelong side sleeper so the pain meds helped me sleep.  I do still experience a lot of burning type pain and I am 12 weeks out from my Stage 1. But was told that was nerves healing so I guess that is a good thing.  But nothing that requires pain meds. Of course I just had Stage 2 yesterday so we will see how that goes.

    Dragonfly - glad you are getting a new Dom outfit.  I think I probably could have liked mine if it had fit me better.  I am too long waisted and it was constantly slipping down if I pulled it up to where it was suppose to go.  Not to mention that was way too short in the crotch.  But I really did like the way it smooths everything and made the clothes fit.  Maybe I should ask if they come in tall sizes.  That would be great.

    K9Kim - I am so happy for you to have you honey back home with you.  I bet you feel better already just having him there!

    Nordy - I can just imagine trying to do a sudoku right after surgery.  I doubt I could do one a week after surgery.  Being put to sleep really slows my thought process down for a while.  

    Okay, breakfast is here.  I'll post again later.  Hope everyone has a great day.

    -- Ann