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NOLA in September?



  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Thanks soccermom for that info on the train. I have Aetna insurance and it will probably be out of network and they will not pay. The NOLA docs sound so wonderful.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Hi Everyone!  I had to use another browser to get in here! I was blocked by the optional survey! It kept reloading the invite page even after I took the survey!!! 

    MSCal, have you thought of calling the center in NOLA and asking about your insurance? I would if I was you. They are the best in the WORLD!! And given you are from the area, and know people there, well, it just seems ideal to me. Good luck with everything, and yes, you are 58, not dead, and yes yes yes girl, you deserve to be sexy! We are totally with you there!!

    Ann, 2.5 weeks is just so so so early. But, if you are concerned, I would suggest you call and talk to someone at the Center. Is the hardness on the scar lines? Or inside our breast? I remember getting thickening on the scar line on my rads side. In the last 2B surgery, Dr. D removed all that and I am hoping it does not happen  again. 

    I found some stuff that is supposed to flatten thickened scar lines. If anybody wants to know about it, let me know. It smells more chemically than nail polish remover! But I think it actually might be working.

    PJ PJ PJ. I love you no matter what! I think it is a real journey to decide what changes  you're going to do after all of this. Everyone makes a personal decision. I have found it a journey to find a path of living that gives me peace personally. Maybe you need to just re-address all this again and see what's right for you? I hope to meet you in NOLA in Oct this time! (Check your bag! LOL!!)

    Daze, I am smiling thinking of you in the Caribbean with your new hot bod and lovely boobies!! You go girl!!

    Fourboy, if you did plication, be VERY careful! Baby steps for sure! And don't rush it because it all will come in time. :)

    Hi Minn! Hi Sandy!! Hi Marcia!!

    Nordy, when can I adopt you!? he he he. Did you get the new baby puppy yet?? Now those pics I will want to see even more than the "going to get the Christmas tree" ones! Those beauty little girlies with a new puppy?? Heaven. Enjoy! What anticipation! This is the good stuff of life. Enjoy it! 

    Did we every hear from Kathryn LA? (( I am losing my mind)). And I see we have a couple of surgeries coming up! 

    Jan 25 - Tracee - Bilateral SGAP, Dr. M. & Dr. S., NOLA 

    Jan 27 - Xfitgirl - Stage 2, Dr D., NOLA, SCSH.  

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone!

    I had the same problem as Spring and couldn't get past the survey to get on this site.

    Due to several reasons I won't be able to leave town this week and have re-scheduled my stage 2 surgery to Feb 8th.

    Kathryn - Hope you are healing well.

    Tracee - Good luck and wish you a speedy recovery. 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2011

    XFit - I had stage 2 once on February 8th! And it's my birthday, too. I said that getting my nipple was the best birthday present I ever got. Oh, and the flat stomach, too!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited January 2011


       as Spring suggested you should at least call the Center and see what,if anything they can work out with your insurance. It would be a shame not to look into it !




  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Liz, I changed your date to Feb 8th! Not too far off. Glad it won't be that long! Gives you more time to heal up. :)

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2011

    Spring, I did get to meet you silly!!  In the waiting room before your postop and before my pre-op in September last year! 

    Suggestion!  Let's plan it for when there is an Encourage meeting at the Center!! YAY!

  • just4ann
    just4ann Member Posts: 103
    edited January 2011

    Hey everyone.  Just wanted to make contact.  I have been trapped in "Take this survey" limbo land as well.  I have tried to get on here all weekend and just kept getting thrown back to the survey page.  I was becoming desperate, suffering what I suspect were withdrawal episodes!  So I just wanted to do a "Hello" post and in an attempt to soothe myself !  :c) 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011

    Ann and Sring - I was trapped in it also. So I swtiched web browsers to get on and it seemed to do the trick. Must be something with Mozzilla.

    Just checking in. Hopeing Kathryn is recovering well. Looking to hear from ICISCarrol to see how her healing is going as well.

    Marcia - Will call and check in with you later today!

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2011

    I really want to come to October extravaganza! I have a big work meeting/out of town conference every year in mid-Oct so I hope i don't miss it. Maybe I'll get my tatoos then...

     I couldn't get on for a couple of days, and was having withdrawal symptoms! I don't post often but read every day. 

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Spring!

    Two more weeks of healing can't hurt.

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Hi All. After my consult with PS tomorrow I will know what my next step will be.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    No one heard from Kathryn??  

    There's a bunch of us Stage 2 girls coming up, too bad we're not closer together.   

    Uck!  Totally forgot that my anesthesiology bill would be in addition to the docs and hospital!  Thank goodness my insurance paid a good portion but there's still a healthy leftover for me.   

    Nordy: So sorry for the insurance denial.  :(

    So, about this "King Cake" -- it's a real cake?  I thought this was some sort of cyber desert!  Someone please fill me in.


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2011

    Trishia, I love your idea!  It's the second Tuesday, and in October, the docs usually present on the various methods of reconstruction---would be fun to be there!  However, that means I'd have to skip out on my group here to be in NOLA.   It would also be fun to do the Komen race with the Center's team, and Komen doesn't have a date set for 2011 yet.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2011

    But then Gary and I would have to stay there 3 weeks!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Why 3 weeks Minn? What's happening there?  I also like the idea of being there for Encourage!

    Trisha, okay, yes we met briefly in the waiting room. We need to now go out and consummate our friendship with dinner and gab gab gab!! :) Plus, you and Minn can finally leg Wrestle. lol. I would not miss that for all the King Cakes in NOLA. :)

    Somebody asked what a King cake was. It's like a huge sweet roll or coffee cake with a lot of colorful icing isn't it? 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Oh, and typically there is a baby Jesus baked inside the King Cake. And, no, I am not kidding!!! The Winner gets the piece with the baby Jesus!

  • mamaluch
    mamaluch Member Posts: 82
    edited January 2011

    Count me in for a reunion- I would love to meet some of you terrific ladies!

    Nordy- I'm sooooooo sorry about your insurance. I wish there was a way to get them to be more sensitive to all you've already gone through and allow you to complete the reconstruction.

    Good luck to Tracee!

    It's funny how comforting it is to check in on everyone from time to time- it feels like my home away from home. It would be awesome to put together a team for the Komen race. Please keep me posted!!! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011

    OOOOHhhh, yes. Let's do the Komen race!!!

    Thanks everyone for your empathy on insurance - Its okay. AnneW - I thought about sending a picture, but I already know that it will be exactly what you said. In fact, I was in HR at the hospital a couple months ago and talked to the lady in charge of insurance stuff. She had initially helped me with the reconstruction. She asked how things were, I said, "Great. Although I am a little lopsided." She looked at me and said, "Well, aren't we all?" Hence, I do not think it will ever get anywhere. Really, the more I look at them, the more I am okay with them. Yes, the left could use just a little more volume as the right is a bit wider and fuller, but overall, they are just great.  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2011

    Well, duh, Beverly! HALLOWEEN!!!!! That's what!

    But I also think it would so much fun to do the Komen walk together! And maybe we could all just have our own Halloween party a little early. I think my legs are probably way weaker than Trish's are :( But that does not mean that Dr. D is not the best!!!!!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2011

    Oh yes Bev, I agree we need to consummate our relationship!! Hahahaha!

    Sandy, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of doing the walk with the Center.

    Nordy, the head of HR told me I didn't even need a stage 2 because everyone had 'dog ears'.  What a $%#$#$#$%!!! 

    Eve, better start doing some squats girlie!  The leg wrestling is ON!!! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    LOL, your girls are such a joy!!! I learned today I lost a friend at church (yes, to friggin CANCER - Lung this time. Never smoked! I AM SO SICK OF CANCER. WOULD SOMEBODY FIGURE IT OUT ALREADY PLEASE GOD). OK back to here. well, I am a bit blue, but you ladies make me smile. Minn, you crack me up!!!! Are you going to do squats as Trisha suggests? he he he. JK!!!  I like the Koman walk/race. Nordy and PJ will race, some of us will walk/jog, and some of us will walk!!! Anybody in the hospital will cheer us on!

    Nordy, for what it's worth, mine are not perfectly symmetrical either. I think, like you said, I am used to the way they look. They are "even enough" that in a bra, it does not smack you in the face that one is a bit smaller than the other. They look the same in a bra and clothes, at least i think so!! ha!! In October you can all gaze at my chest and tell me. LOL.

    Trisha, what the hell? "everybody has dog ears" They don't even know what they are talking about!!! Dog Ears are a friggin surgical side effect, not something found on regular boobs!! How did you STAND it?? LOL!!!! (stuuuuuupid!!!) 

    KathrynLA never checked in. Has anybody heard form her? Sandy? Does the "LA" mean you know Kathryn? I hope everything went okay.

    Tracee had her Stage 1 today. Tracee, we are thinking of you!!! Hang in there!! It gets better!!! 

    Our very own Liz is up in early Feb. ....  

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2011

    Even my Dog has Dog Ears! : )

    Im sorry about your friend Spring.

    I am pages behind.  I hope everyone is healing well.

    Kathryn Hope you are doign ok.  Tracee Good Luck today!

    If anyone shops Walgreens...This Sunday They will have Arnica Gel at a good price (Free after you buy it) you get a register reward to use on something else in the store.  Also Melatonin will be Free after RR.

    I updated my pics on Timtams

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2011

    1 Year, 1 Year ago I posted on FB...and all the kings horses and all the kings men COULD put Jaimie back together again...

    I am sure I have a bunch of "friends" scratching their head but that's okay.  I AM and will be forever thankful for you ladies for urging me to go see NOLA about having reconstruction there.  My sister and I refer to Dr. Sullivan as the wizard because everyone wants to know how he did this and that and I just tell them that he is a 

    Anyhow maybe I will celebrate by putting some pictures up on Timtam and follow Pam's example...

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2011

    Happy Birthday to the twins Jamieh!  I got goosebumps from your post, because I so relate. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Happy Birthday to Jamie's twins!!

    I won the King Cake this week! I am having a bunch of ladies over on Tues Feb 8th. I hope it keeps until then! (Freezer?) Apparently, if you get the piece with the baby Jesus, you have to throw the party the next year! ha! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011

    Congratulations Spring!

  • heatherbless
    heatherbless Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2011

    Has anyone heard from Dragonfly in awhile here?  Heatherbless

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Hi Heather!

    Let me know if you want your surgery date added to the list above. I don't think Dragon has been here recently. 

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited January 2011

    I'm here, I'm here.... sorry :) I went back to work after being laid off for 5 months and 2 surgeries etc...I am WIPED OUT!!! Must be getting old. Good thing the job only lasts for 5-6 months! I'm feeling ok, just tired. Hope everyone is doing great! I see some talk of a trip to NOLA for "FUN" in the fall, I'd love to go!

    Heather, I think I forgot to call you back? Life's been crazy busy the last couple months. PM your # please :)