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NOLA in September?



  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2011

    Hey Dragon!

    How soon did you feel up to going back to work after stage 2? How long was your healing time? Mine is on Feb 8th and I'm concerned about getting up to speed again. My recovery from stage 1 was loooooong. Thx. 

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2011

    Happy Anniversary Jamie!! One year ago today (Jan 27) Dr. Sullivan also put me back together again....exactl;y one year from my diagnosis! Love my beautiful 'girls'!!! The surgery, the recovery, all of it.....was one of the best things I have ever done! Thanks to Beverly and this thread for guiding me in the right direction!!!



  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    Jaimieh:  Funny that you should reference to "all the king's men and all the king's horses" because my blog post today is entitled: Don't Believe Humpty Dumpty. You CAN Be Put Back Together!"  I'm right there with ya -- Dr. S is a wizard!  

    Dragonfly: Very nice to see you back!  

    My Quest: Discovering the dreams that lie within! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011

    db- just popped onto your blog briefly... hurray for your son and the treatment he received in Costa Rica. I am very happy that you were able to find something that helped him. hugs to you!

    Dragon - Hurray on finding a job - even if it is brief! I hope you are doing well.

    Kathryn - We are all thinking of you!

    Isiscarroll - I hope you are doing well! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011

    And LouAnn - Wishing you and your "twins" a happy anniversary!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited January 2011

    Thanks ladies, didn't realize it had been so long :) I am thankful to be back to work, feels so right but exhausting!! LOL

    Xfit girl, I was ready a LONG time ago after stage 2, but I had been laid off before that. I honestly felt stage 2 was a breeze. I had hardly any pain, stopped the pain pills 2 days after surgery and we walked all over the french quarter 3 days after surgery. I was slightly sore and tight and bloated feeling but nothing I couldn't handle compared to the 1st stage! I think you'd do fine with 2 weeks maybe 3 to recover, but that's based on my experience!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2011

    Eve, you could always go back to NOLA for Halloween if you didn't want to stay for so long. As if you wouldn't want to stay for three weeks!

    Spring, I talked with Kathryn by phone when she was considering going to NOLA, but did not talk to her after that.  Her DH was on the line too, and I found myself telling them both how happy my DH is with my result.   I invited her to the Los Angeles FORCE meeting tomorrow, but she has a very good excuse not to be there. Laughing

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2011

    db, you have nine children!!!!  I am in awe of you!!!!!!!!

  • fourboymom
    fourboymom Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2011

    Just a quick note...Saw local PS today just so she could check on my lower abdominal swelling. She reassured me it was normal and the little bit of fluid that is there (she guessed around 20cc) would not be worth draining. Continue to wear compression and go back to exercise slowly. No direct core work for 8 weeks.

    Her words to me, "Wow, your results are fantastic!"  Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Thank you Dr. S! Yaaaaaaaaa!

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2011

    To all my reconstruction friends,

    I have been in Houston@MDA for the last few days for test.

    Great news, the cancer has not moved to any of my organs and we hope the bone mets are stable.

    I will keep taking the Xeloda for two months. Then back to MDA for MRI.

    I have had several of you to ask about me so I decided to post here.

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2011

    Bettye ..... That is fantastic news!!!! :)

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2011

    So glad to hear that Bettye! Also must be a relief for you 4boymom!

    Sandy - yes, I'd like to be there 3 weeks, not sure Gary could swing it at work, tho!

    Hi Dragonfly & Trish!

    Hope you're doing well, Tracee!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011

    Bettye - That is AWESOME news!!! 

    Eve - Yes, I was thinking you would love to be there for 3 weeks also! LOL

    Sandy - I talked to her on the phone too before she went! I hope all is well with her! If you hear anything let us know! 

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2011

    (((((Bettye))))))))))) Awesome news!  Will keep you in my prayers for continued good reports! Hope everyone's new year is starting out well!

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2011

    BettyeE! That's fantastic news! So happy for you!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    bettyee, thank you for letting us know! I am delighted for you! Do you live by MDAnderson, or just travel there for your care? I am asking b/c I often wonder  - I mean, I think it's the best best place. Here I went to NOLA for recon (best in world). makes me wonder if I should consider MDAnderson. Let me know your situation if you don't mind.

    FourBoy, Yep! You will be getting those "rave reviews" on your boobs whenever somebody sees them. :)  Enjoy! I've had docs call others into the room to see. he he. Good thing I'm not shy in that way. My ONC zoomed in really close and asked if she could touch them. LOL. I said sure. She shook her head in amazement.  

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    Sandy: Please don't be in awe -- folks either think we're crazy or saints.  I tend to lean towards the crazy side, actually.  LOL  

    Fourboymom: Dr. S (aka the Wizard) strikes again!!!  Great to have your PS confirm what you already know -- FANTASTIC!  I'm certainly hoping Dr S still has some "magic" left to perform on me in a few weeks.

    Nordy: It was very strange how I discovered this Costa Rican healer but my son's improvement is nothing short of remarkable.   Hoping continued treatment this summer will help even further.

    Betty: Such, such good news!!  Hugs

    My Personal Blog: My Quest: Discovering the dreams that lie within 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2011 dad is from Everson and my mom is from Lynden! 

    Bettye!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!

    Spring, the best genetic team of docs who follow the most LFS patients is at MD Anderson.  I really want to go there for my follow up.  I'm scared to check on insurance since they hate me so much anyway..LOL!  I'm such a money pit! 

  • susie419
    susie419 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2011

    Hello-  I am new to posting so I hope I am doing it right.  I had prophylactic bilateral mastectomy and hip reconstruction July 2010 by Dr Dellacroce.  My left breast was pretty beat up after surgery....totally bruised and I had to use antibiotic cream and dressings for weeks afterwards.  Ever since the surgery, the breast has been really hard but over time has softened up a little.  On the outer side though I still have what feels like a 2 - 3 inch cubed shaped piece of wood in there.  It has been getting achy and burns sometimes.  I have a small hard area on the outer part of my right breast but otherwise that one is great!

    They are telling me it may be fat necrosis and that I should get an ultrasound.  I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what was done about it, if aything?  I'm afraid that if they have to remove it, half my breast will be gone.   I have not had Stage 2 done - my insurance company denied additional coverage as not medically necessary.

     Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011


    You did everything right, welcome to our little board here! I see that was your first post, very brave of you! I remember my first one. :)

    If you have the ultrasound they will be able to tell if it is fat necrosis right away. I had/have a small spot of it, like a lump, which of course sort of freaked me out. But they could tell immediately with the ultrasound that it was fat necrosis and not a lump of cancer. 

    If you find out it is fat necrosis, I believe this may give you some leverage for stage 2 with your insurance company. Just a thought. Dr. D will know exactly what to do. If he got ahold of you for another go, you would not need to worry. It sounds like you are not comfortable with this in there, which to me would be a reason to get it addressed, and I bet insurance could not deny you.

    I went back for a stage 2B surgery and since my fat necrosis lump was small and didn't bother me, he just "shot at it" with a lipo water thing, and reduced the size of the lump. I am not sure what they would do for you since it sounds like more.

    Another lady here really massaged her hard areas really a lot and pushed hard, and I believe the softened up. Maybe she will pipe in.  

    Trisha, I think my insurance feels I'm a money pitt too! ha!  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2011

    Hi Susie,

    I had my stage I in L.A. and went to Dr. D with a very large area of hard necrosis on one side.  It seemed to comprise about 1/4 to 1/3 of the breast.  I believe he poked holes in it with a small lipo cannula, and it basically disappeared over the next year or so.  As far as I was able to tell, I did not lose any volume in that breast. 

    Bettye, congrats on the fantastic news!!!!!

    I met Kathryn at the L.A. FORCE meeting today, and she looks remarkable, considering that she just had her surgery a little over a week ago.  I had to leave early and go help my DH and sons, as they were busy moving inventory while I went off to the meeting, so I hope she comes back to this thread because I was sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to her or Linee. 

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Dragon! I am also very busy these days but try to read the thread every day.

    Hi all! Hope you are all have a relaxing Sunday xox. 

  • x-raygirl
    x-raygirl Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2011

    Hi Ladies, I am scheduled for DIEP in March and am trying to find the youtube video that someone said was really good.  I want my husband to see it.  I can't remember which thread I was on when it was mentioned but I thought this might have been it.  Anybody know?   Daiva

  • x-raygirl
    x-raygirl Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2011

    Thank you Jacee!

  • susie419
    susie419 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2011

    Thank you so much Spring and Sandy for responding so quickly, your posts were both very encouraging.  It is really helpful to hear experiences of other ladies. I know that I am in good hands with Dr Dellacroce so I will see what he has to say and then we will go from there.

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2011

    Nordy - that is a bummer about your insurance. Maddening. I have no doubt that you look awesome at this point, but wish you could have exactly what you want and need.

    Bettye! That is wonderful news. I'm praying for everything to stay stable for you now.

    Hi to everyone else! Quote of the week from my daughter when she noticed a pimple on my face: "Look mama - now you have a nipple on your cheek."

  • journey
    journey Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2011

    Have a question for you ladies (I will post on Charleston too).  I am now having an amount of discomfort on both hips where the drains were.  Since I am nearly 3 months out I am thinking this might be scar tissue?  Or nerve regeneration?  Anyway, I own a Select TENS device (by Empi) and was wondering if it might do some good.  Anyone else try electrical stimulation?

  • fourboymom
    fourboymom Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2011

    Journey   I am a physical therapist. Use the TENS unit, it can't hurt. I also use alot of massage on myself to deal with scar tissue or any healing pain or whatever ails me :) The beauty of massage is that you don't have to be an expert. Just rubbing the area increases blood flow which helps stimulate healing, decreases pain etc.

    laughlines  out of the mouthes of babes. How cute. Thanks for the laugh of the day.

    dbdaze  Oh you know Dr. S is full of "magic". He'll never run out and you will be great. Excited for you!

    BetteE  Thanks for posting the good news. Will keep you in our prayers. Hurray for you!

    Susie419  I had a pretty significant area of fat necrosis that hurt on the inside. I was never worried about it being cancer since my breasts are now made out of gluteal fat. At my stage 2 Dr. Sullivan "took care of it". I have no clue what he did but the area is now soft, no pain, and no loss of volume. These docs deal with this stuff all the time. I'm with Springtime on this fat necrosis giving you leverage for stage 2 surgery.

    xfitgirl Excited for you for next week.

    Nordy  Your still in my insurance prayers.

    I know this has been answered a bunch on this thread but can someone repost what massage/scar creams they found to be helpful. Thank you wonderful ladies.

  • kelben
    kelben Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2011

    bio oil helps me alot