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NOLA in September?



  • SAMayoFL
    SAMayoFL Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2011

    Thank you ladies for replying.  This is one of the threads I read almost daily.  Since we can talk freely about muffin tops and which panties to wear I will tell you all that I have one D-cup breast and one flat as a board breast.  The part of me that I show to the rest of the world says that I don't care about how I look and that I am perfectly content with my prosthesis.  The part of me that I can share with ya'll is looking forward to having two boobs and two nipples.  Like Ann said, I am bald, I only have one boob and chemo has changed the look and texture of my face.  I barely recognize myself when I look in the mirror and reading your stories gives me something to look forward to in the not so far off future.

    All I can say is keep on posting and sharing!


  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2011

    Ann--you said exactly what I feel as well!

    SAMayoFL, I am another person who found the mastectomy/expanders experience MUCH more difficult than the DIEP. I also wanted to mention that a good amount of what many of us have done during stage 2 is optional. You could easily forego much of the lipo.

  • melindastn
    melindastn Member Posts: 98
    edited January 2011

    OOPS  I just wrote this really long post and hit the wrong button and deleted it.  Rats. 

    Ann,  Thank you for putting into words how it feels to be connected to each of you on this board.

    Jersuha,  I suffered implants for 2 years and thought I would just have them removed but then I found the great Dr.'s at the Center.  I am so happy that I made the decision to go there.  It is not an easy surgery Stage 1 but it is worth it in the end. 

    Minn,  Thanks for letting me know Dr. D does not like butt implants.  I think I will go look at a Booty Pop someone told me about.  It really does not look too bad but I just think bathing suits will be really strange.  I am going to shop for jeans with rear pockets.

    As for undies.  I ordered myself a bunch from Soma before Stage 2 and I love them.  They are so soft. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Ann, ditto! 

    Melinda, that's right, BOOTY POP!! Underwear with a butt in them. If you try it out, let me know how it goes.

    Jershua, true, what Amy said, Lipo is optional. I've seen on the "Ask the Doctor site" (that Dr. D monitors) he says you don't have to do it, when someone said they really didn't want the lipo. And all in all, it is nothing like living with implants your body doesn't like. It all heals. The implants just don't get better. I remember. ugh. But darling, you need to decide for yourself of course!! But if you are here we are going to try and encourage you! When you went for your consult, would you get DIEP or GAP or the combo (like Melinda and I had?) OH, and did you realize your boobies would be all jiggly again? soft? :)

    Someone asked about Bras. I have a friend who did GAP and she does not wear a bra, feels she doesn't need one! I wear a very light one (almost like a "training bra") - It is a barely there that is just stretchy, no wires, skinny skinny strap, etc. 

    Susan, this too shall pass!!! You will not be bald forever and you can get your 2 boobs back. You will be restored. Imagine 12 months from now, 18. You will get there!

    Ann, I am SO DELIGHTED you think your nipples are cute!!! How wonderful.!!

    I have my tattos and am done. Matching matching matching. My girlfriends asked me at lunch today how did I feel now that I was done, and I was beaming according to them. It was all I could do not to whip my shirt up and show them at lunch! LOL!! (We were in public!!) LOL.


  • mamaluch
    mamaluch Member Posts: 82
    edited January 2011

    Ann- Thanks so much for finding the words that I couldn't. I do feel like part of an amazing family, and do appreciate the support, love and laughter you ladies always provide.So happy you are feeling and looking fabulous!

    Hi Bettye-Glad you are pain free. Thinking and praying for you.

    Nordy- I hope you are hearing some good news!

    Springtime-Happy, happy, happy, for matching, matching, matching !

    I had to get an injection in my knee for arthritis today and had Dr. tell me that I can't teach classes or walk for exercise for 8 weeks. I got in car, called my husband and started blubbering. But now that I've had time to chill a little, I am going to figure out at least a way to teach my classes. I think I am just emotionally drained from this past year- Just trying to get back into my own life. Unfortunately, the knee surgery was unavoidable since I tore the meniscus in the spring but decided to focus on dealing with the cancer first.

    Anyways, just ranting a little because I know you girls understand! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011
    mama - thank you... no news yet. I am expecting nothing good, so will be super surprised if they decide to approve... Undecided
  • mamaluch
    mamaluch Member Posts: 82
    edited January 2011

    Nordy-Did they give you a date they would notify you by? Why are they declining revisions-I thought they were covered by law? I'm here for you though and I am sorry they are tormenting you like this!

    When I was fighting my insurance company for the first stage of reconstruction, I had to go to my Drs. office and have his nurse call the insurance company directly to say it was medically necessary and then the rep at the insurance company says"well, it isn't life threatening"- so my nurse chews her out and tells her," if this was your mother or sister calling, are you going to tell them that cancer isn't life threatening. Really?????  Since when?! We did start to turn a corner that day but it is sooooooo draining to fight that everyday. That's why I am so grateful for everything NOLA did to help me.

    Thinking positive for you Nordy, maybe someone with some sense will review your case. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Mama, sorry about the knee. Maybe you can think of it as 8 weeks to journey through. Maybe there is a good part to it? 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011

    Oh, Mama... My insurance company is so backward in their thinking. I had to fight like h*ll to get stage 1 covered. They didn't have any issues with stage 2 or tattooing but are saying a stage 2b is cosmetic. I guess if you look at reconstruction as a non-life threatening thing, then it isn't "medically necessary" at all. BUT for me and for many women, feeling whole again and trying to live a life moving on from cancer IS necessary. Anyway, I thought I at least got them more forward in their thinking but when my friend tried to have reconstruction at NOLA, they told her it wasn't medically necessary. According to my friend this is after Dr. Sullivan came out of surgery and spoke directly on the phone to them for a half hour. I wish she would have followed through and taken it to the Dept. of Labor. It is one thing to deny revisions - my breasts look pretty good and it is only minor tweaking that I am looking for, but it is completely another story to deny reconstruction altogether. I wish my friend would have walked into their office and taken off her shirt... or called our local news station, especially because they denied her in the fall, right around BC awareness month. That would have been quite the story. But, alas, she did not and she is in a tough spot because in this economy it is risky to do something that could jeapordize your job. (The place where she and my hubby work is self insured, so it doesn't reflect as much on the insurance company as it would on the place of employment). (sighing... ) Yes, it sucks, but this is the way it is. Thank you for the support. How did you tear your meniscus?

  • mamaluch
    mamaluch Member Posts: 82
    edited January 2011

    We raise seeing eye dogs and use gates to limit certain areas. I went to step over gate and caught toe of my sneaker in it and went flying over. Probably trying to multi-task and not thinking about what I was doing at the moment. Not very graceful for a fitness trainer,huh?!

    Yes, Springtime, I am trying to uncover why I keep getting pulled off my feet. There must be a message here. 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited January 2011

    Less than a week to go...but tonight was one of those nights I was dreading -- telling my 7 year old twins. My husband and I talked to various professionals beforehand, practiced what we might say, envisioned a serious discussion with maybe some tears (probably mine)...and none of it went the way we planned.  One woman at a cancer center that deals with children said we should start by explaining cells and say that I had some "stupid cells" in my breast. This seemed very non-threatening so we went that way...well, this elicited lots of laughter from the boys and after that they couldn't keep a straight face no matter what we said. They did want a peak at my current breasts to see that they were still the same pre-surgery and if to see if they could see the "stupid" cells. I do think they understand (a bit) what is going to be happening but it was light and laughter-filled and they went to bed tonight with a few questions of how fragile I was going to be after surgery (can I lay down on your stomach? Will it hurt if I do this (small tap on my breast)?  I guess it was a success and I guess that there will be many more questions to come. I was surprised that they didn't ask if I was going to die, but they did want to know if my breasts would be okay when I was 98.

    On a slightly different note -- are there things I should be bringing that NOLA hasn't mentioned? Someone said stool softener or tea of that ilk. What do people think of a sleeping aid (or Melatonin) the night before (even though I have to be at NOLA at 6AM.) Anything else?

    Also, decided on two nights at the Ritz Carlton pre-surgery and then a friend's mother lives in New Orleans and has offered to have me stay at her home. Super generous and am thinking of taking her up on it. She's also having minor surgery when I am and is going to be recouperating. My sister will be staying with me. That said, I am having a hip flap surgery -- how many pillows will I need once I leave the hospital?

    Okay, enough obsessing for one night.


  • journey
    journey Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2011

    Kathryn, it is so hard to know how kids react no matter how much you plan. My hat is off to you for being so careful. I vividly remember my parents telling me my mom had cancer when i was at age 15 and it did not go very well. Took me a few days to absorb and by then she was in the hospital and i couldn't talk to her or my dad about it.

    As for pillows... I needed a nest to keep myself from rolling on my sides. Keeping a pillow under or next to each arm and a pillow under my knees helped. For about 3 weeks i also kept a pillow under my feet to help with some ankle swelling I was dealing with post surgery. For sleep aid I am sure if you ask Dr S he will give you something to take the night before.

    I am so very sorry you are on this journey but you have made the best decision going to Nola. My doctor (dr massey) thinks very highly of Dr S.

    (sorry if my post looks weird as it is my first attempt using an ipad with a new browser)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011


    Well, I can't imagine that talk with your twins going any better! And the question, "will your boobs still be alright when you're 98?". Well, as a matter of fact, yes they will! How absolutely precious.  Congratulations on getting through that so smoothly!

    You are allowed a sleeping pill the night before. I always brought my own Miralax! (constipation issues). They will take very good care of you, and you get a robe (if you are at SCSH) and that's pretty much what you wear while there. 

    Journey, is the iPad now working on I remember Sandy saying it was not working for her. Glad if they have that resolved...

    Hang in there Mama!!! good work you are doing there with the doggies!

    Nordy. Well, I am just waiting to hear what they'll (your ins co) say this time, and what your next step will be!! Every time you write about them, I want to scream and shake somebody. UGH!!  

  • mamaluch
    mamaluch Member Posts: 82
    edited January 2011

    Hi Kathryn- Best of luck to you! I know I had some anxiety too, they prescribed something for that so I could sleep the night before. Just write it down so you don't forget to ask at your consult-between all your questions and your anxiety, you don't want to forget! They are wonderful in every way, so take a deep breath. I also brought my ipod into hospital with me and asked the nurse to drop it in my room once I was under and they did! I listened to meditation/yoga type music before to sooth my nerves. So, between that and the RX, I was nice and calm! We will all be thinking and praying for you! ((((Hugs))))) My kids are a bit older (teen and college) but I still was nervous to tell them, actually all my family. I just tried to stay low key and stay upbeat around them so they wouldn't worry!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2011

    Kathryn~ I am glad that you boys handled things well.  I had hip flap with Dr. S  on 1/26/2010 and I must say I was shocked at yes I was sore but all in all it wasn't too bad.  The drains are the biggest pain but just keep reminding yourself that they will eventually will go away. 

  • journey
    journey Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2011

    The app to download to post using an IPad is called Opera Mini. I read about it on the Ipad and BCO thread. KirisMum posted about using it there. It is not easy and the typing is on a very small screen but it will do in a pinch!

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    Journey:  Thanks for sharing the iPad application -- I use my iPad for traveling and this would definitely come in handy!  Thanks!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2011
    HI ladies I admit to being Soooooo behind on the posts but do wish all the upcoming  surgeries AND recent/ between surgery girls the very BEST!  Love and good thoughts, prayers, vibes to all of you!  And forgive me for continuing to keep using this as my update board!  BUT I had stage 1 sept 2009  w/ DellaCroce and stage 2 Dec 2009 and I guess what I want to share now is life AFTER! ....and how awesome it is! bear w/ me, read along, etc etc.........Today....actually heck yesterday Saturday...............was SO SMASHING!  I hosted a bridal shower(British inspired Tea party...My niece and I are self proclaimed anglophiles!) for one of my nieces and there were 40 people there...women! Then her fiancee and others husbands/Dads, bros came to join us Lotsa people! So I spent weeks if not mos preparing myself, my home for this occasion.......Currently a bit of insomnia...BUT!  This is one of those....'wow I'm back and even BETTER ' ,moments!  Got many a project done and currently LOVE that 2 of my adult nieces and their daughters(8 yrs and 4 mos) are asleep in my spare bedrooms....Tommorrow they'll head back to Houston.  One of my nieces, now 33 and w/ the 4 month old , I learned before shower is in the La Leche League..................I had been agonizing for weeks...............worrying about Boobs popping out at the tea party etc......constructing how I would handle it, what I would say...Silly......I know but ya know.....when it came down to it.......I didn't care......Yes, she was pretty open/ maybe a bit too insistent on breast feeding publicly BUT....It was almost like once once she figured out no one cared/ made a big deal....she took it into the spare bedrooms......Funny! another 33 yr old niece is suffering from breast reduction suture issues...meanwhile.....several people wanted to see my breasts so of course I took them into breast feeding mum's spare bedroom and they couldn't believe!  "You mean you don't have implants!".......There were numerous other thoughts/comments about do you wear prostheses......The general public.....(and MANY of my nieces are Masters prepped!)...Is still quite ignorant...YET...they ALL applauded me on doing my homework and now KNOW that I know Waaaaay too much about all this stuff!...MUCH thanks to all of you my Breast friends! At any rate......Guess I'm sort of breaking that NY resolution...LOL!  Nonetheless.....I guess taking the fear out of 'masteceomy' is still big to me...the whole word is so scary and was too me for Soooo long! (probably due ro ignorance).... So there I was w/ the militant breast feeder and the whole idea was aok(not that I would have changed my mind!).....But....Ya know as I say frequently.....Ducts and Lobules have a purpose ....BUT...In my life, they were over-rated!......My 'trade up' was one of the BEST things I ever could have done for me!  Cheers ladies and DO Keep Calm and Carry on!  Love you all.....xoxo,jjd
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Hi PJ!!!  Glad life is so grand! Congrats to you on a fantastic party! You are totally back!!! :)

    To all you other gorgeous ladies!!! -> Just wanted to say we have a surgery coming up this week!!! Good luck Kathryn! Let us know how you are when you can!

    Jan 20 - KathrynLA - Stage 1, Bilateral Hip flaps, Dr. S., NOLA.  

  • melindastn
    melindastn Member Posts: 98
    edited January 2011

    Kathryn,  Best of luck to you with your upcoming surgery.  As everyone has stated you are in the best of hands.  The hip part of my surgery really was the least painful.  The drains did last longer in that area but it really did not hurt too much after surgery.  I was able to take Ambien the night before surgery.  It has been my friend now for a couple of years.    Pillow wedge for your knees will be helpful if you can get one.  I had two huge pillows shipped to my hotel and then had to ship them home again.  I think just asking for extra at the hotels would be smarter.  I stayed at the Ritz for my consultation and it was just wonderful.  Aren't children just remarkable.  I think it is great the way you explained it to yours.  Children really just feed off how we as adults handle these types of issues. 

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    Kathryn:  You ARE in the best of hands!  You will be well cared for during your stay.  Everything is for your comfort and healing.  We'll be waiting to hear from you!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2011

    Well, I am up way too late again, but wanted to catch up now that we are home from NOLA.  DH is doing well, but has a lot of pain when moving around.  Dr. Treen said the hernia was really huge and that he had to do a lot of suturing.  If DH hadn't waited so long for the repair, it would not have been so bad.  He was just too chicken to do something about it until it really interfered with life.  He's relieved it's over and so am I!   Everyone was wonderful as usual, and Dr. D's sister Julie is now working at St. Charles on a per diem basis, so you gals coming up will have to be on the lookout for her--you'll know her if she's there!  She encouraged us to stay at the hospital for a few hours rather than leaving straight from the recovery room, which was a relief to me because I didn't know how much help Brian was going to need and was a bit worried about taking care of him back at the hotel.  We did fine though.  It was very cold in NOLA last week, down to 29 degrees one morning when we woke up, but warmed up some over the weekend. Today in L.A. it was 80 degrees, so I'm glad to be home!

    I had my little umbilicus scar revision in the clinic with Dr. D on Thursday.  He injected a local, and we talked while I saw Jeanine pass him the scalpel and thought "now he's cutting!" and watched him pass the excised tissue off to her, then do the suturing, etc.  I got up and then had my tattoos done.  I am much happier with the color this time, which is pink rather than the peachy color that was done the first time.  My skin tone is pink, so I think when they fade, they'll look better on me.  They are already starting to peel a bit.

    Once the tattoos were done, I received my butterfly pin, which came with two cards.  Spring, I will write them out for you very soon, but I also posted a photo on my FB for you.  I'm so happy to see that Kathryn chose to go to NOLA, but sorry that I missed seeing her when she was there for her consult last week.  I was hoping to get to meet her at the FORCE meeting next week, but maybe next time.   Wishing you all the best, Kathryn!!!

    Journey, thanks for the iPad info.  It's frustrating to be unable to post so I will try that app if necessary the next time I travel.   Making the change to these forums is a really simple fix, so I don't understand why they haven't done it yet.

    PJ, good girl!!!   I think it's so important that we show off our reconstruction and educate other women, even those without a diagnosis or BRCA mutation, because they all have friends, mothers, aunts, etc. who may need to know where to go for the best!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Glad to hear from you Sandy! Happy you are home in 80 degrees!! Glad Brian is okay.

    So you got the butterfly pin! It must be the "after tattoo" thing? :) 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2011

    I never got a butterfly pin.  :(

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Trisha, maybe it is a more recently thing? But I thought your Tuesday answer on FB rocked! I bet you get the king cake this time!!! :)

  • tracee
    tracee Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2011

    Kathryn- I haven't had a chance to read the boards for a couple of weeks until today when I saw your post.  I would love to be your surgery buddy.  I'm afraid I may have missed you since your surgery is 2 days away now.  Not sure if you will have access to email.  I hope everything goes well for you and that I get a chance to see you.

    Xfitgirl- I also noticed your post.  I'm hoping that we will overlap as well, although I'm not familiar with the schedule with stage 2.  I appreciate all of the information that everyone has shared.  It really helps going into this.  I'm still a little confused about the compression garments.  Will they give me what I need at the hospital?   

  • just4ann
    just4ann Member Posts: 103
    edited January 2011

    Tracee, they will give you everything you need so no need to worry about that.  They provide exceptional care to all of their patients.  

    I have a nipple question.  I know the release paper says to wash the nipples daily with soap and water.  But to what extent?  I have just been squirting hibiclens on mine and then rinsing them and drying them.  But I still have quiet a bit of dried blood on them so I am thinking maybe I am not washing them sufficiently.  I don't want to be too rough with them but I think I have gone to the other extreme.  Can you tell me how you managed?  Do you try to clean all of that off?  What about the stitches?  Do they come out on their own or do they have to be removed?  Everything is looking good so far.  Just want to make sure I am taking good care of them and know how to follow up.   

    -- Ann 

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2011

    Hey girls, you can post from your IPad now! Go, go, go!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    BettyeE, woot! I am sure several will be glad to know is iPad compatible now! Hope you are well! Always nice when the "graduates" check in!! LOL.

    Ann, I think you could gently run your finger over the dried blood areas in the shower when everything gets nice and wet. do not scrub! just a little running over of the finger to try and gently remove.  My suggestion. The stitches that look like whiskers slowly dissolve away.  Hope this helps.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    Yea, for iPad compatible!!  It's such a compact easy device to use when traveling.  

    Sandy: really sounds like your tats are to your liking -- how great is that?  Happy for you.  Can't believe it was so cold in NOLA while you were there.   I hope the temps begin rising soon, I'm due for Stage 2 in mid Feb.