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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011

    Mama - they said it is not medically necessary. (rolling my eyes) The federal Govt. seems to think otherwise and I have told them so. We shall see.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    Is there a forum here where before & after reconstruction (lipo and contouring included) are shown?

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited January 2011

    Hi there dbdaze. I am going to pipe in here after following this site daily (hourly) for weeks, now. Previously I've been a follower (and poster!) on Exchange City, Breast Implant 101, Bras 101, Foobville and some others, but I'm coming over to "the other side" -- or at least seriously thinking about it. There is a picture forum run by a woman named Tim Tam -- not officially part of bco. Mainly implant women post there, but it would be so very helpful to see more autologous reconstruction including all of the lipo and touch up stages. I have implants but have been having a miserable time with them and considering microsurgical reconstruction - probably a diep, not hip flap. I had a consultation at NOLA a few months ago and was very impressed all around. I am wavering though, trying to figure out when I can fit in a 4-8 week recovery, and also whether I can deal with all of what you ladies seem to be going through. I hear how happy you are, how well-cared for you were , how restored you feel....but all those infections and seromas and multiple surgeries and  all that post-lipo swelling and the months of compression, and the tummy's that are forever tight, and the flat butts and squooshed nipples.....YIKES. It is frankly, terrifying. I worry that, as uncomfortable as I am with my implants, that I will have even bigger problems after more surgery. Whew. Well, thanks for listening. Happy to "meet" you all. I feel like I know you already!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited January 2011

    First of all, thank you to all of you for your words of encouragement and support. It means a great deal to me and even though there is a sense of calm (hopefully not before the storm!) I still feel nervous. Not about my choice but just about the unknown.  Again, hearing all of your positive words is making it easier for me.

    Linda - I love puns. Thanks for making me laugh. Today I told my GYN I was going to NOLA because they did cutting edge surgery. He laughed!

    Laughlines - thanks for the hotel suggestions...and you're right, it's probably better to get this thing over and not dwell on it any longer than I have to.

    Minnesota - thanks for the hotel recommendation.  I really do feel good about my choice. Even the plastic surgeon I was going to use here in LA (when I thought my only choice was implants) said that if they thought they could get enough tissue to make the breasts the right size for me - then I was making the preferable choice!

    Springtime - yes it does help! thank you.  And I spoke to Sandy before I made my choice. She was so insightful and thankful. I didn't realize there's a NOLA group in LA. Would love to find it.  Had the limo experience on Sunday and Monday when I went to NOLA to meet them and see if it felt right. The driver we had for most of the day (I think Glen) was such a great spokesperson for both NOLA and New Orleans.  And all of the people and the center were beyond amazing.

    Holtbolt - thanks for the words of encouragement about Dr S. It seems to me that no matter which doctor you end up with, you adore him!  I guess the bottom line is that they are both your doctors and you get the benefit of both of their expertise.

    Mamaluch - thanks for the warm welcome

    dbdaze - we visited Hope Lodge on Monday while we were there. I worried that it was too far from everything and that my sister (who will be staying with me once I'm released from the hospital) would feel isolated so far out.  Also, I thought having some fun place to walk might inspire me to get moving once I'm released from the hospital (but maybe that's not realistic)

    Nordy - I thought he was terrific (of course I never met Dr D so I can't compare) -- but I felt great with him and I'm excited he's my chief doctor. Thanks again for everything!!!  I hope you get things settled with your insurance soon! What a headache and not what any of us deserve!

    Thanks again to all for all of the +++ thoughts!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Jershua, good luck. You seem to be educating yourself deeply. Only you can decide. :) 

    Have you all (Daze and Jershua) looked at the before and after pictures on the Center's site? I assume you must have? That will give you some idea of what the lipo does.

    Good LUCK tomorrow Sandy! Report back! 

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    Kathryn: So glad you took the opportunity to check out NOLA. BTW, Glenn is my FAV driver!  After your surgery, you really NEED to walk and I found being in the French Quarter with all the distractions, made it so easy.  Relax, you're in great hands!

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2011

    Kathryn. thanks for making me smile and laugh tonight!  Loved your "cutting edge" pun.  Hope you don't mind if I use that sometime!!! It sounds like all this advise has been somewhat helpful Hey- it aint no a cakewalk, but you won't be sorry down the road.!  You came to the right placer come for insightful information.  There is no better place than where each woman has experienced it herself. Best wishes,  Linda

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2011

    Mamaluch,  RE: your question from pg.291  Here's my 2¢.  It is suggested I think, that you wait at least 3 months.  It all depends on how you feel.  Discuss it with the center too.  I waited longer than 3 months because I really wanted to make sure things settled in and I was fully healed.  As far as insurance for Stage II......It is still part of the reconstruction (revisions) and it shouldn't be a problem. The center can clarify that for you too.  Good luck.  Linda 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2011

    Wow! Lots of great questions and advice!

    Kathryn - I agree that being in the Quarter is a great place to recuperate. It's also a good place to have fun before surgery and help keep you from worrying so much... I also liked the Monteleone and the Clarion, in addition to Place d'Armes. The latter hotel is smaller, tho, than the Monteleone, and I feel way more like I'm in the Quarter (which I LOVE) when I stay there. Also, it is only a block from Jackson Square, so an easy walk post-surgery to shops and the park and Cafe du Monde! And you hear the chimes of St. Louis Cathedral and the clip-clopping hooves of the carriages and I really felt like I was on a vacation that just happened to include a surgery. And they have free breakfast and beautiful courtyards to sit in.

    Jershua - welcome! sorry if we make this all sound so difficult. it isn't an easy surgery or process. Like Spring said, everyone just has to weigh the pros and cons and come up with their own decision. i really had a relatively easy time of it, as far as complications go. really none, other than having to be taken back into surgery for a short time for some bleeding. the main thing for me was the fatigue. but an advantage of all this is that once it's done, it's done. you never have to worry about problems down the road. and the results are amazing. Good luck as you make your choice!

    dbdaze - Yes, what Spring said. The Center website. I'm even in the before/after! Nude photos of me on the Internet! Woohoo!

    Melinda - I asked Dr. D about butt implants! It was on his Ask the Doctor website. He doesn't like them for various reasons. I asked about it before my SGAP surgery - worried about a flat derriere (mine was flat to begin with, too). I have to say, tho, that he did a great job. I had a stage 2B, mainly for nipple stuff, but then he did more lipo of my back upper thighs and lower back and waist, to further define my rear. Remember that there may still be swelling at this point, so you won't know for sure the final profile for a while. But if you're not happy, I'm sure he could do more for you.

    Mamaluch - If you aren't happy with your nipple - go see him again. I think you should. You aren't selfish!

    Nordy -  I won't leg wrestle with you, because I'm sure your runner's legs are stronger than mine. But I'll think of something, if you keep trying to stir up trouble! 

    Sandy - Good luck on the morrow!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011
    Eve... LOLOLOLOL  Innocent
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    I have disk sitting right here on my desk with my before and after photos. I have not been able to bring myself to look. Is that odd? I mean, I KNOW I look so much improved, my body is amazing. So Why would I not want to see this? maybe in time!!

    Eve, good call. I don't think you want to leg wrestle Nordy or Trisha. (Trisha is now a fitness instructor!) Are any of you Dr. D ladies body builders or anything? :))))

    Thinking of you, Sandy! (And Richard said he is thinking of Brian! I hope that is allowed here!!) 

    I must have walked by Place d'Armes a million times, but I don't know where it is. I'm going to look it up! I was even keeping my eye out last time we were there... Sounds like "THE" location. 

  • journey
    journey Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2011

    I am so far behind it's just not funny!!! Santa gave me an IPad for Christmas and it's wonderful for lots of things, but if I want to post I have to get to a "real" computer.  Thus my lack of communication.  I am 10 weeks out from my bilat Sgap!  Everything is healing very well.  Even my hard spots are starting to disolve (well, except for one big daddy).  Back to working out - freaks me out but I am taking things very slowly.  Loved the discussion about jeans several pages back, but I have a more basic question.  Underwear?  My favorite panties hit me right at the hip bone where my incisions start. ouch.  Never really been a fan of boy shorts but right now they seem to be my best option.  Any hip/sgappers out there have any other suggestions???

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Journey, I went through an underwear crisis myself! Then I discovered Jockey Naturals. They have all different configurations. Very soft, and give good coverage to the ouchy spots. I started with Bikini, but after my Oct lipo, I got a few hipsters because I found I wanted more coverage in those areas. Makes a world of difference! Just my findings! Report back!

  • journey
    journey Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Springtime I'll take a look at those.  It's those pesky seams and leg openings that can make all the difference in a comfortable or miserable day.  I have also discovered that my incisions are just about counter high. (I have long legs) So that's a new kind of fun.

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2011

    Hello to everyone!

    I have been lurking on my IPad.  I can't post on it and that is very inconvenient.  I am doing great from my surgery stage 2 on Dec2.  I think I will problably have a 2 b ,but later.  I can't tell any difference in the lipo places in size yet.  I am still bruised and sore so I am looking for changes any day now.

    I was taken off Xeloda yesterday.  My body will not tolerate it.  I will be going back to MDA for re staging and new treatment.  I am very disappointed and a little anxious about not treatment.  I will just have to rely on how I feel for a while.  I feel fine.  I have no pain and I am very healthily other that I have Stage iv cancer!  I just pray we find something to keep me in check..

    Thanks to everyone who has ask about me.


  • SAMayoFL
    SAMayoFL Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2011

    Hello everyone, I have 1o weeks of chemo left and then radiation so I am a long way from being able to sign up for DIEP but I hope to do around November or December of this year.  I have two questions after reading through many, many pages of this post.  First, about how far in advance should I contact NOLA if I am interested in having surgery around the end of the year and second, about how much of this procedure has been covered by insurance?  I am fortunate in that I have excellent insurance but I am worried about lipo, etc. being considered an elective surgery rather than something reconstructive for BC.

    A short history of my story is that I had a right mastectomy before finding out that I am BRCA+ and the surgeon said that he will be aggressive in removing my left breast when my treatment ends.  My plan is hopefully to have my left mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and for them to reconstruct on my right side at the same time.  Any input on this would be appreciated!


  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2011

    SAMayoFL, it seems like the insurance people at NOLA are experts at using various diagnositc codes to get reimbursed as much as they can. But the way they work it there is they get your insurance info, contact your insurance co to try figure out how much they will get reinbursed and go from there. They are are out of network for just about everyone, but they are surprisingly (to me) willing to be flexible about how much they ask you to pay if the difference between what they charge and what your insurance will pay is more than you can afford. Then regardless of how much they actually collect from your insurance co, they take the agreed upon amount and don't ask for more.

    Timing wise, I think a few months is enough lead time, but you can ask them that!


  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2011

    I have pictures of me on this thread somewhere. Mine are also on Tim Tam's site and I'll email them to whomever wants to see them.  Just PM me your email address.  Lipo results vary person to person, depending on your shape, how much, where it's done.  I noticed the upper stomach lipo immediately because I was a little disproportionate from the fat removal of the lower stomach at stage 1.  The legs and back I noticed later.  I lost 7 lbs from the lipo and the excision of the dog ears and under arm fat.   The rest came from lots of excercise and changing my eating habits.

    Jerusha~for me, the DIEP surgeries were EASIER and LESS PAINFUL than the entire implant process.  Seriously.  The only complication I had were a couple of seromas that had to be apsirated...which didn't hurt and was pretty quick.  Oh, and I had a nipple that acted up and is a little flatter than the other one.  But it isn't a big deal to me at all.  No 2 real boobs are exactly the same, so I never expected my reconstructed boobs to be either.  The difference is miniscule.  The only person who notices is me. Stage 1 is a big surgery and I was tired and had limited mobility for the first 4 weeks for sure.  But I was back to work at 4 weeks part-time and back to doing parties.  

    Stage 2 was almost too easy for me, I swear.  The lipo hurt, but it went away quickly.  I had extra surgery on stage 2 as I chose to have my dog ears and underarm fat excised instead of lipo'd, because there was a LOT to remove.  I had a bunch of lipo.   I joined a Biggest Loser contest 3 weeks after stage 2, and was doing hard core cardio the first week, and added weights, push ups, ect at 4 weeks. 

    This surgery has been the BEST thing that has happened to me.  When I had my implants removed and me breasts TRULY reconstructed, not only did it give me breasts again, it gave me ME back again. 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2011

    Betty - so great to hear from you! I'm glad you're feeling good!

    Journey, Trishia - HI!

    Samayofl - Why not contact them now? It will give you something positive to look forward to. If it's too early, they'll just tell you to call back later. Re: lipo coverage. The lipo is covered as part of the overall body sculpting that the docs do. I have heard of other surgeons not doing it and calling it elective. But as far as I've heard, it's part of the deal at NOLA and is covered. I think your plans sound good and they should easily be able to accomodate you whenever the time is right.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2011


    (She asked me to post for her, since she can't post from her ipod)

    Hi ladies!   Just returned to our hotel from the Center--between Brian's pre-op stuff and my revision and tattoos, we were there for about five hours.  Dr D did do revision of my old umbilicus scar right there in the clinic, as planned.  I've heard so many women say that while they had discussed doing this with him, the OR always won out.  It was pretty wild knowing when he was excising the old scar  and passing off the tissue to Jeanine.  Then he sutured and I have just a little steri-strip over some Dermabond.  We started a bit later than planned and another patient I know was booked right after me for her tattoos, so I i told them to let her see Donn first so she would not be kept waiting.  I had a photo with me of the color I wanted for my tattoos and explained to Donn that my skin tone is very pink---not peach or red, and I wanted them to match me. They were really peachy before.  I think I am going to be very, very happy with the color--YAY!!!!

    Glenn's daughter got good news about her cancer being in remission but she's having trouble keeping food down while doing her radiation.  Please keep her in your prayers.

    Well, Brian's surgery is at 8 am, so we will have an early dinner and maybe I'll be able to get him to walk to Cafe du Monde for a Beignet  since I haven't had one in over a year.

    Kathryn, glad to hear that your trip was a success!

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2011

    Great to hear all went well Sandy!

    Bettye - Sorry Xeloda didn't work for you. I'm sure they have something else in their drug closet that will work much better. Glad you are feeling ok and healing well from stage 2.

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2011

    Sam - I did my last chemo 10/06/09, last radiation 12/24/09 and made my appt with NOLA in Jan '10. I had my consultation with Dr D at NOLA in April '10 and had SGAP on 10/21/10. I was told to wait a year after chemo and at least 9 months after radiation to allow my body to heal from all the "abuse". However, I do know that all Oncologists don't follow this timeline and that patients have done reconstruction sooner.

    Insurance varies tremendously depending on who you are with. Mine stinks and I have had to pay a very large amount of money out of pocket. NOLA has been good about arranging a payment plan for me though.

    Good luck! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2011

    Sam, if you have active cancer that you are treating , that is a very different situation than someone doing a delayed recon. They will work you in. I think I called a couple months ahead, and didn't really think they could fit me in, or that I would qualify, but Liz fit me in no problem and I found out my insurance (CIGNA south) was in network. There is a form on their Web site about getting started. Maybe you could start there. I agree with Minn, contact them now, you'll be able to get some peace of mind! 

    Journey, those Jockey Naturals have NO SEAMS!! Give them a go. You can also find them at Khols!

    Lipo is a normal part of breast recon. I even had a friend with implants, She had a dent. Her PS did lipo and injected fat to deal with the dent. I would not worry about the insurance stuff. As Amy said, they take care of everything.  

    BettyE - So glad to see you here! And glad your stage 2 went well... Delighted that you are doing so well. Happy Happy! 

    Jerusha, to follow up on something Trisha said. I started with implants with alloderm (1 step) and that was a very painful recovery compared to Stage 1 DIEP/GAP. I had muscle spasms and needed muscle relaxers, etc. The implants didn't work for me (I had RADs and I never got used to having the implants under my pec muscles). I was so relieved to have them out of me. I remember waking up from Stage 1 and moving around in the bed, like adjusting, and NOT feeling that implant under my pec muscle!! It was great! My body didn't do well with foreign objects, so for me it is much better to have "all me" recon and get the implants out.

    Daughter calling me to FB chat. gotta run!  

  • just4ann
    just4ann Member Posts: 103
    edited January 2011

    Hey Ladies. I find it absolutely impossible to keep up with this post.  I would have to sit on here all the time to comment on everything I wanted to comment on.  But I think it is just great.  Nothing is off limits here!  So even though I don't always take the time to go back and post comments to everyone, I want you all to know that I feel your pain and share your joy.  I rejoice with you in your good times and cry for you when things aren't so good.   I worry about you finding the right pants and if whether your insurance is doing you right and if you lose a good friend or a family pet.  Your lives touch my life.   I never would have thought I could feel such a real emotional attachment with people I will probably never meet.  But my feelings are real and true and honest.  Each and everyone one of you have found a place in my heart.  

    That said, I can't remember whose post it was that commented on how overwhelming we make these procedures seem with the forever tight tummy and swelling and I don't remember what all.  But I just wanted to offer an explanation.  We are whiners.  That's all.  We have found a comfortable platform where we are accepted and understood and receive sympathy and great support and advice and we just go with it.  But when all is said and done, I don't think any of us would want to discourage anyone from following in our footsteps.  The surgeries are not bad. We have been through much worse.  By comparison this is a walk in the park.  Sure, some of us walk really, really slowly and a little hunched over for a day or two.  And that is what we whine about.  But we don't always come back after that day or two is over and say, "Okay, I am all better now."  For me, I suppose the first week after my Stage 1 was pretty rough.  But after that every day gets better.  This is doable.  I would hate to think we scare anyone away from doing this surgery.  It is without a doubt life altering but in a very good way.   

    Now, that said, can I tell you how cute my nipples are??? Is that amazing or what.  I thought I knew how Dr S was going to create nipples but I had no idea they would look so fabulous.  I can't wait until I am not afraid to touch them.  I am so excited.  It has been 16 long months since I have had nipples. Sixteen months of looking in the mirror every day and being reminded once again what cancer took from me.  Wondering and worrying and doubting if there would ever come a point in time when I would recognize myself again.  Well the answer is yes.  I am beginning to see myself again.  I just didn't realize how much I missed me.    

    -- Ann 

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited January 2011

    Thanks so much Springtime and Tricia. It is reassuring to hear that, compared to implants, Stage 1 wasn't bad. I have gummy bear (cohesive form-stable) implants that are widely used in Canada and Europe, but still investigational in U.S. -- only available at hospitals or individual docs participating in the study. They are not particularly hard to the touch, but from the "inside" feel like rocks stuck onto my chest wall -- kind of like tissue expanders, but worse. I also have a mild LE that is only in one finger and acts like it has to do with some mechanical obstruction from the implant or scarring. It is not entirely clear if i have capsular contracture ( tho never had rads) and/or my muscle is just clamped down hard on these implants. In any case, I want them out so bad I could practically remove them myself!! (not really...). Frankly, it is the subsequent stages that really scare me. I assume that lipo is essential to make things look right after the initial surgery -- fix the muffin top upper ab, contour the waist, etc -- but it sounds like the troubles and discomfort and need for compression kind of go on and on. I have been so uncomfortable for so long-- BMX last March, implants last July-- and feel so unlucky (LE after prophylactic SNB, cc with no rads) that I am kind of spooked and worried that I'll end up with something that will make me wish I'd never tempted fate. -- like a permanently too-tight tummy, or numbess that drives me nuts, or something like that. OK, beyond that rant.. I do have a question.. Once you are all healed up and recuperated, are bras required or advised? On the implant forums we say "gravity does not distinguish between boob and foob". Same thing apply here? Oh, and another question.. If the donor site is all in the tummy, are there any changes in butt contour. (Not that my 58 year old one is anything to write home about Laughing), and is less lipo needed to fix things up than with an sgap?

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    Just4Ann:  I loved your post.  I think you spoke for us all.  I love this forum!  Where else can I get first hand info on jeans that fit comfortably and don't need an extra hand to keep them hitched up; or what panties to wear that won't rub on my incisions; or find someone who can truly appreciate what it means to have great looking nipples again!  Three cheers for "NOLA in September!"  Thanks ladies for support, resources, information, personal experiences and the best laughs I've had in a long time.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2011

    Sandy! I have been thinking about you all day! I am so glad things are going well. Wish Brian my best!

    Ann - you never know how many people you may end up meeting from here!!! It is amazing.

    Bettye - I am SO glad to hear from you and so sorry that Xeloda is not working. Keep us posted on what they put you on next and how you are feeling! 

    Yes, wehn I had expanders in (and they were in for a long, long time - just hanging out, not expanding anymore) I was in pain every single day. I no longer have pain every day. Once in a blue moon one of my kids... or my husband more likely, will swat my rear along my incision line... and it doesn't feel great. They all forget. But just as quickly the discomfort is gone! Very easy to live with and what reconstruction has done to make me feel like "me" again is amazing. I am grateful every single day to Dr. Sullivan and the wonderful team at the Center. 

  • treerock
    treerock Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2011

    Amen. To all-I agree-with all that has been said.

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited January 2011

    Jerusha,  It was my experience that all the stages were quite manageable, but in the middle of it all one starts to feel pretty darn good.....and then we overdo, or we may still have an annoying drain.  We get impatient.  My recuperation was pretty average and I felt it to be less difficult than a C section, since all the work was outside the body cavity.  Still, it was challenging, but all these things are relative.  You are uncomfortable in your implants.  And that it the biggest difference of all - my breasts do not hurt at all.  They are entirely comfortable, feel like my own, look like my own.  In the end, my body looks and feels very normal....and my scars are fading, which makes things look even more normal.  It's quite do-able.  Quite.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2011

    Me, too. What you wrote, Ann, was wonderful.