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NOLA in September?



  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2011

    ok, so I am having consultation next monday, 27th, flying from NYC on the sunday...anybody going to be around and want me to bring them anything, or a visitor or just to hang out ??? Rosemary

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2011

    Posting on the board with you IV in?!?  Dragonfly you rock!  Just checking in gals, I'm coming up on 7 weeks post DIEP and yesterday I had the most amazing day.  My in laws were visiting us in for the first time since we moved to Cali 7 months ago--we took them to one of the redwood forests and then out to the coast.  I must have hiked about 3 miles in the forest and on the rocky coast and hours into it I realized it was the first day in a LONG time that I didn't think about dying from cancer or about the surgery--it was almost like it never happened, no pain, no discomfort--no need to stop and rest!  I was exhausted when we got home but so was everyone.  I was AMAZED at how much I could do just 7 weeks's hoping all the ladies with recent surgeries are recovering well and best of luck to Dragonfly!  I want to hear all about your stage 2--mine is under 2 months away!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited June 2011

    I am at the New Orleans airport getting ready to fly home. It is hard to believe that a week ago today, a week ago right this minute I was having my surgery. So much has happened in a week and I'm so excited to be going home. Recuperating at the Homewood Suites was a good choice for us. It would have been perfect if there was a recliner but it worked out well. I am having a hard time sleeping in a bed so i'm really looking forward to that recliner we bought before we left for NOLA. kathrynLA was also recuperating there and we got to have lunch and dinner together. It was nice to have something to look forward to. We laughed as we shuffled (slowly) down the street to dinner how funny we must look to others as we were hunched over and holding tightly to our husbands.

    My post-op went well yesterday. So well in fact that I got all three of my remaining drains out!!! I did not cry once this week and that brought me instantly to tears. Those things are miserable. I am a different person without them and felt better instantly.

    We are sitting in a secluded area at the airport killing time before our flight leaves in a few hours. (Homewood would not give us a check out after 1:30 and our plane doesn't leave until 6). We figured that this would be a good spot to put on those TEDs and have my husband wrap my arm as a precaution for lymphadema. I'm going to look pretty funny once I'm ready to get on the plane but I don't care since I get to go home!!!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited June 2011

    Thinking of you dragonfly- you should be out of surgery now and have a brand new pair of nipples!!! I hope that all goes well!

  • SAMayoFL
    SAMayoFL Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2011

    Denouement, my grandmother lived in Exeter and I got to visit the Sequoia National Park once.  The redwoods are truly an amazing sight.  You are doing great for only being 7 weeks out.  I hope I do as well!


  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited June 2011 happy for you!! Those damn drains were the worst part, especially in the airport.  I remember sitting there and my husband wrapping my arm and putting on my hose!! So grateful we have wonderful men to depend on.  I hated the wrap and couldn't wait to get it off (your supposed to keep it on for 3 hours after..think I made it to 1 1/2) well hope you have a safe flight home and enjoy your new recliner!!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2011

    Rosemary, I added your consult to the list! 

    Hope all is well, Dragon!!! 

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited June 2011

    ****question---- how long before the swelling in the ab goes down. It looks like the pooch has moved from the bottom to the top.??

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited June 2011

    Me too Rogam. I am nearly at 6 weeks from my DIEP and I am still wearing compression 24/7. Moved from the Dom to spanx-ish stuff, but I was not expecting this and am pretty tired of it. All of my clothes fit just like they did before my surgery. Waaah. I feel like I've exchanged fat for fluid.

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited June 2011

    Jerusha I thought it was just me. I have camped out on dresses because my pants are snug around the belly area :((

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited June 2011

    Rogam and Jerusha, the swelling can last many months, so hang in there.  Warmer weather seemed to make it worse, but I found that avoiding salty foods helped a lot.  Spanx-type garments help and Bromelain tablets (an extract of pineapple) helped when I felt really tight.  Gradually with time, it tapers off. 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    Ro, I have that swelling, too.  Looks weird, but part of the journey.  At first i thought it was all fat!  But glad it's got some fluid.  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited June 2011

    Springtime -

    Put me down for Oct. 31 - Minnesota - Stage 2C, Dr. D., NOLA; Nov.1 - tats with Donn


  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    good morning ladies, all is well from the surgery. Pretty sore in my legs/hips and thighs etc... But that's about it!! :) Haven't got to check out the nipples or anything yet though.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited June 2011

    Dsnydawn - you lasted longer then I did with that arm wrap. I took it off about 15 mins after we landed. I could not make the two hours post flight. We thought we had done a good job wrapping my arm but the wraps on my fingers fell off one by one during the flight. I had to do two walks down the aisle during our flight (in my clown suit as I called it) with bandages coming off my fingers (I tried to put them back on but that almost looked worse). I think I'm going to look into purchasing a sleeve if I'm serious about wrapping my arm each time I fly. When Kristin mentioned you could purchase a sleeve and glove for about $200 my husband and were both 'oh bandaging is fine -no need to spend that much on this.' After one flight we are ready to invest in them!

    It was wonderful to sleep in my nest in my recliner last night. I still woke up several times but could go immediately back to sleep. A nice change from NOLA. I guess I'll get used to the waking up part soon.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited June 2011

    Laura, Nice to be in your own nest! Just wanted to say that if you have a script -- and they'll probably send you one from NOLA if you ask them -- there is a good chance your insurance will cover at least part of the compression stuff. I have several different sleeves, gloves, gauntlets, night garments, and my insurance has paid in full for all. Look around on the LE threads to get info on finding a competent fitter -- it's harder than you might guess. And there are any different brands, etc. A member named Binney is the LE expert and is very generous in answering questions. She knows more about LE, garments, etc than anyone you are likely to find anywhere!

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2011

    thanks can add my surgery date with DR D and Dr Stolier of August 9th too...just not sure what surgery as yet until after consult! Rosemary

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2011

    may ladies - how are things going?  i go back to work on monday.  i started physical therapy two weeks ago and every session my therapist adds some exercises and things are moving along.  immediately after surgery i didnt imagine i would feel this good 6 weeks after.

     june ladies - i hope all is going well in nola

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2011

    I was swollen for over 5 months, Ro and Jerusha. Hang in there. (I also had plication, so it was not a fun time!)  It does get very tiresome, but I can tell you from personal experience, a day will come when it is NOT swollen. as a matter of fact, just today I was admiring my nice flat tummy -- pretty awesome for a woman who had 2 babies well over 8 pounds!

    Adding the surgeries noted above, right now... 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    rosemary... yay! a date...

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    Funny thing, the size of DOM is 1 size larger than when I had my first stage 2?? Must

    be pretty swollen!

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2011

    can i get some advice please...i have to sort out and give my daughter and boyfriend some idea of dates in order for them to plan coming down for my, my almost 21 year old daughter could do it all, but my boyfriend wants to be involved too...but he can only take so much time off work or be away from his young boys who he shares joint custody... he s thinking he wants to be there for the surgery and bring me i going to regret that??? or is that better way to go?? and generally speaking how many days do you need to be down there pre-op and post op??

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2011

    i know, i know betsy..all happening fast now...btw are you having nipple sparing?

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    One could go at the beginning of the trip, then one could come for the other part of the surgery. Maybe have them overlap on surgery day? I think I was there 10 or 11 days all together?

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited June 2011

    I would say who ever you feel more comfortable with being your after surgery you take a shower and nothing is left to the imagination, my husband has seen me after 3 c sections but you really look like a truck hit you and drains hanging etc (very humbling) after hospital when you have to hang out for a few days, your "nurse" will have to do everything for you, no really everything, pick up everythign you drop haha ,drain your drains and record, get you food & drinks(from the outside world) make sure you have pain meds, help you shower and get depending how you want to have either one deal with is up to you...not sure how long you have been with your boyfriend...but he'll either run for the hills (joking) or step up to the plate ,and from my experience with all the girls on here..the men are so eager to help because through out this whole crappy ordeal they haven't been able to protect us from it and this part they can control (if that makes any sense) oh and your daugter..well at 21 I would have been capable and the mother daugther bond is unbreakable..and you know what it will also be in her mind to make her health a proiority....and if boyfriend comes first you can enjoy some of the sites b4..we had 2 days b4 (totoal of 10)...good luck and can't go wrong with either!!!!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Hi all. I don't mean to be a downer but I had a heck of a week - Stage 2 was not at all what I was expecting.  I guess I thought it was going to be a piece of cake and like a minivacation - not so! (at least for me) I'm in awe of all you DIEP ladies - the tummy tuck is a while different ballgame than hip flaps. You don't really use the hips for much of anything - but the stomach is constant!

    Surgery went well and visited LeslieT a few times while in the hospital. (How are you doing, Leslie?)  I was told that this was the fullest that SCSH has ever been (the word is spreading!) It was fully to capacity. The nurses were awesome as usual. Stayed an extra night since it just seemed too soon to go to the hospital after one night and ended up vomiting twice (So it was a good idea!).

    I had been able to do a lot of walking after Stage 1, but this time I was exhausted just standing in the room. Went out with JustLaura and her husband for lunch and dinner and I had to stop after a block and half to catch my breath.  Then I couldn't follow the conversations or hear very well. My head was often pounding like I could hear my pulse  I attributed it to normal recuperation from a surgery, but I told Dr S my symptoms at my post-op on Monday and he immediately checked my blood levels and it turned out they were very low. I was immediately readmitted for two nights and tranfused with two units.  I had to postpone my trip home by a day but I am here and happy of it

    Unfortunately have had a few more issues - 1 drain lost it's suction so it's out, and the other two are dark and low producers.  Super constipated from too many meds (although I've only been on tylenol since day 2), and still feeling bleery and wobbly.  I don't mean to complain but I think the worst part is I just didn't see this coming. I'm wondering if part of the problem is that I had my oophorectomy a month ago - although no one else has mentioned that.

    Okay, now questions - I can't stand up straight to save my long does that last for? Am I destined to walk like a little old lady with an awesome flat tummy? Any tips to help it along? Also, I am super swollen in my belly and hips - does that really last 6 months?

    The upside is this is hopefully my last surgery for a long time!

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2011

    Have no fear you will stand straight again and not forever be bent over like an old lady.   I am straight again and at one point I didn't think I would be!

    I can't comment on the swollen part.  I didn't experience that but I am sure that too will pass.

    Hang it there.  It does get better.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    Anyone feel sick to their stomach after surgery? Mine was Tuesday and every once in a while I get this feeling of being sick to my stomach :( I don't know if it's just the surgery, or if it's the meds...?

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2011

    I am guessing it is the meds, Dragon . . .  Are you taking any Zofran?  I used it even at 2 weeks out since the combination of the Lortab and the antibiotics was more than my tummy could take.  Ask for some if you aren't taking it already.  How are you feeling other than that?

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    Tigsun, physical therapy has been wonderful. Besides working on the abdominal scar (releasing it) and mastectomy pain (shoulder, pecs and rib muscles), she's been working on some 'old' stuff due to my super mobile shoulders and back.  So, 6 weeks out.  No way am I sleeping on my belly.  I sleep on my side, sometimes with a little pillow propping my back and hugging a pillow on my chest.  I had my second round of chemo yesterday and my hair clipped short because it's falling out.  My port went in Monday; I'll be glad to have Dr S take it out so I have a barely there scar.  I should be able to squeeze my Stage 2 in by mid Dec.  My cancer side arm has all those tingly full pre-signs of lymphedema.  Pisses me off still.  I work on self massage as taught by my LE PT.  I need to get back to her to check on things and make sure my sleeve fits and find out a little more about bras.  I have cording in my right arm (cancer side) armpit to wrist.  My regular PT is trying to communicate with LE PT, so at this point it's not been worked on and I'd REALLY not have to jump between the two.  

    Kathryn, definitely look into physical therapy with someone who has experience with breast cancer patients.  They can help with everything.  I started at 5 weeks but you can start sooner.  My PT works on my pecs, ribs, neck, belly, belly scar, arms and for my next appt I'll be past 6 weeks so she will work on my back (so I can be on my belly).  So sorry you've had a doozy of a time.  Just take care of yourself and let yourself rest and heal.  Be sure to keep the Center updated on your progress.  I understand feeling bamboozled by the unexpected.  I'm still can't believe a third cancer was found during my mastectomy (missed on all the screenings), which is requiring chemo.  We just want to feel prepared for what is out of our control!  Know that Dr S took good care of you and will take good care of you from home.  Our bodies are amazing but need time to do that amazing work!  I sort of dread Stage 2 since I feel so weak and tired now from chemo, but I also can't wait to keep things moving along so it will be DONE.

    Dragonfly, I vomited in recovery (that's all I remember from recovery) but I never felt nauseous again.  I'd think it would be from the meds by this time.  Do you have a post op scheduled? Are you staying cool and hydrated?  Maybe get some SmartWater with electrolytes.  

    Louis13, I had my husband for the first part so he could be with me to meet Dr S and hear everything at the consult and pre-op.  And then to be there for the surgery and while in the hospital.  He then went home and my mom came up.  I spent most of that day without a caretaker, but it was not a big deal.  I also ended up staying an extra night because mom arrived in the evening and it would have been too chaotic to be discharged at night.  I was also overwhelmed and not ready to leave.  It was no big deal.  For stage 2 I'm bringing my sister!  Hubs and I talked about bringing our daughters down for the next surgery, but no way the more I read.  Our girls are 7 and 9.  Maybe if there is 2B or if I get tattoos down there.

    Keep on healing, NOLA sisters!