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NOLA in September?



  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2011

    Spring, I think it's funny you remember your room numbers!  I don't remember mine.  I was in 2 rooms for Stage 1.  Why, do you ask?  Oh, I don't think I told everyone about the TERMITE SWARM in my room the second night.  I had a hard time waking from anesthesia.  The first time I was coherent was about 6pm in my room and my surgery was 7am and I never got a clear answer on how long surgery was (hubs said almost 6, Dr S said 4).  I was in a big room to the left near the stairs when facing the nurses station.  During the evening of the second day, bugs started appearing in the room.  I've had termites in 2 of my homes and had the luxury of witnessing a termite swarm from my landscaping mulch one early morning feeding my baby.  Horrible to see!  Here in StL, if you haven't had termites yet, you soon will.  Well, this was not as extreme.  I was still punching my morphine (Dr S let keep it longer, the nurses were able to convince me to give it up before bedtime; I think usually morphine is gone by morning day 2), so I wasn't to aware of what was going on.  My husband was going about his investigation quietly so as to no alarm me.  Plus he's a calm and laid back person.  I think he was very happy for the distracting project by that time!  He figured out they were coming in just above the sink.  He alerted the nurse, a maint guy came later.  Hubs filled the sink with water to drown the most of the termites that were failling in.  We all decided to move me to another room.  I moved to the hall on the right of nurses station, past almost to the end.  A smaller room, but I didn't mind.  The nurses were all telling me those termites were not the eating/destructive kind.  I was thinking the docs were going to be pissed out having termites in their beautiful facility.  The morning of day 3 my husband was hanging out in the main lobby when Dr S walked through.  He sat down to talk to hubs and hubs told him about the termites and room change.  Dr S said yeaaaah we got them, too.  That's how it is in NOLA.  They both kind of yeeeepped about the termites then Dr S said well, I should get on into surgery.  I think they're waiting for me!  So funny, and actually reassuring to me.  Termites are a fact of living in NOLA.  One of my termite guys sent samples of all his termites to Tulane for some sort of long term termite research.  Why I was reassured by Dr S's reaction was that he didn't get upset by the small stuff (knows who needs to take care of anything will take care of it), he remembered my husband and took the time to sit down and chat instead of rushing on by to get into surgery.  Hubs and I really both love Dr S and took to his bedside manner right away.  I suspect his patience is vast.

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited August 2011

    Hello much going on. Dana thanks for the update..did your calves go down yet? Bdavis glad you are headed to Nola to get things repaired.this will all be behind you soon. Kaitsmom enjoy your time away. Can't believe it is stage 2 time--yay for you. I may try to see Dr. D for a stage 2 consult during the time you are NO and swing in for a visit. Hello you board godmothers--Springtime and Nordy! I love all of you guys. 

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Hmm, Dana, you have no phone and my ipad just decided to die this going to have to find a mac store in new orleans now...remind me again when you going to be at center????

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited August 2011

    Hello everyone...Sorry I haven't been around much, but have been trying to peek in ever so often..Just finished my 5th Chemo yesterday 3 more to go...but found out I will be needing won't be able to squeeze in Stage 2 this year Frown  Looks like earlist will be May (does anyone know how far out they make appts?, as I haven't called yet)

    Just wanted to say hi to all my Stage 1 friends , kind of bummed that we won't be together again, that is why this board is so great (let's not forget it is also the reason I found NOLA ..very important haha)

     Betsy...hope all is well, I have been catching up on posts and can't believe all the crap you've been going through..but your a trooper and this to shall pass...

    Dana.. thanks for all your helps to take some of the anxiety out for girls that haven't been there yet and for those that have they can share notes 

     Love to All ,


  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2011

    Hi all!  Very limited internet where I am staying, but did want to check the board to see how Betsy did and I find 2 pages worth since I was on 2 days ago!  This must be one of the most prolific boards!  Anyway, I'll make it quick . . .before I lose my signal  . . .  Hi Dawn!  Sorry to hear you need Radiation.  Boo . . .   but, whatever it takes, girl!  Dana, glad it went well.  Hi Ro!  Celtic - I am confused - how long are you in and around NOLA?  I arrive Sept 4, surgery Sept 9, back to Raleigh Sept 13.  Any chance you are still there and can meet up with a fellow Western New Yorker?  I would love to meet you in person - love your updates/posts.  Hi Spring!  I am at Kaitlyn's - it is a balmy (not) 63 degrees here!  I am LOVING it after the hot summer we have had.  Hi Jerusha!  Catch up soon!   Hi all the others I have missed . . .  thinking of all of you and pray for all our sisters daily.  xoxo 

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Ok Dana , Amy , Betsy I am at center now and unfortunately done!! First timrE they are running on time. Tried to ket driver go but Katie says they are booked for three hours... So hoping this works out. Heading up to Betsy now...

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2011

    Cider8 - just wanted to say how much I was cracking up at your termite story, with the guys standing around and doing their manly "yeeeeppping" about the bugs. Ha!

    Am also sending extra good thoughts to Betsy for smooth healing starting today. I hope things start going your direction. You are in the best hands.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    Good luck today Betsy - I hope this surgery is short and sweet and that you are in recovery soon!  NOW you can start to heal and get better and put all of this behind you!

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Betsy still in surgery. They tell me I can wait in room but don't feel good about that... Hanging out in family room in scan , well see

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Just FYI- had talked to Betsy about seeing her post-op, this should be very quick surgery but nurses saying she may not have been taken in straight away.... Hanging around s bit more

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary, my post op isnt until 3 and I need to hang around the hotel to get my new phone...also, still exhausted so going to take another nap before heading over--stage 2 really wiped me out!  Hope to see you and Betsy there!  Any word from jeskachi?

  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2011

    Dana and Running: Huggs my fellow pbmx'ers. I am reading and keeping track of you guys...just havent been posting. 

     Running, girl, I teared up for you~ both times; when I read there could be an issue and then when I read you got the all clear.  

    Dana: Thanks for the lovely surgery tips you sent. A million thanks. I am sooo glad you are done with stage 2 and can get on with it` so to speak.

    I am so glad Betsy is back in NOLAs caring arms.  Exactly where she needs to be ...cant wait for her to start healing and feeling better. ...shessh, can a girl get a break already?!!!!!! 

    Dawn, stay strong my cyber sister. Soon it will be ALLLLLL good.

    I dont post often, but read everyday...and think good healing thoughts for EVERYONE. 


  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Dana am just back from my appt. Waited for Betsy but eventually they called down and yes her surgery delayed...thinking I may Go back over this arvo and catch you all hopefully. What time suits you do think? And jeskacki??? Didnt realize would be around ??? Am one week on pain Meds here and it shows..

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Hi ladies... Surgery was delayed so i didn't go in until close to 10... In room now.

    Surgery went well... They removed all the bad dead stuff, including some tissue (fat), and put a vacuum wound thing on my wound... Dr d is inclined to keep me and do a diep on tuesday to replace the fat and send me home around the 29th... Soooo... Looks like i am here for a bit. Good thing i have a book and ipad and will meet many women coming thru here...

    Of course now my daughter is comcerned about getting to college on the 31st, but the nurse thought i still may be able to go with her... Just not drive... So we'll see... Its never easy.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Jeskachi... What room are you? I am 216.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2011

    Betsy - Glad to hear you are doing okay. And I am sorry that you have to leave kids at home to go back to NOLA - but as you know, you are in the best of hands.

    Okay, I am just going to put this out there. Betsy's example is WHY we all go to NOLA. Not because something went wrong - but because when it did (which is rare) they take care of it. And they take care of it in the best possible way. Dr. D is having her stay for another DIEP - taking care of the lost fat and volume right away. I can't tell you how many times I have been on the boards and hear from ladies that lose their flaps - we all know it can happen, it is a risk of surgery. But it is what the docs do when it does happen that makes all the difference to me. I know of one person on the east coast that lost her flap during her hospital stay. Nobody would listen to her when she said she was in extreme pain and that things did not "feel right". The nurse wouldn't call the doctor, the resident came in and said it was "fine" and she even called the doc at home - who sent the resident back in and never came to see her himself. She ended up losing the flap. You know what the doctor had the nerve to say to her? "If I had known about this earlier, I could have saved it." Unbelievable. And then, he has nothing to offer her to replace that flap except an implant. Really, truly tragic and really aggravates me to no end. So... sorry if there are some of us on here that seem like the NOLA fanatics - those of us that are more.... "enthusiastic" about NOLA have usually had complications or failed reconstruction elsewhere. We completely believe and trust in our docs in New Orleans and when people ask me why I went there, I simply say, "Why would I go anywhere else?" Okay, that is the end of my dissertation. My fingers are winded... LOL

    Kathryn - have not heard from you - are things getting better?! Hope all is well!

    Running - I don't know where in here I missed that you had to have an MRI guided biopsy. I am so, so happy that all is well! 

    2T - you still want to be my caretaker??? I may be having sx that week in October. Will let you know after I talk to my hubby some more. 

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    It's been quite a morning.  first I had a bad headache that turned into dizziness then I was light headed, so much so when my husband got in and out of bed it felt like I was on a boat!  Just a couple of minutes ago I threw up and now I actually feel a little better.  The man is out getting food which is probably what I need (been snacking with the pain meds but probably just need some more protein from an actual meal)  I checked my temp and it was fine (ladies awaiting stage 1 ALWAYS bring a thermometer with you to the hotel to know for sure if you have a fever.  It might be the antibiotics making me dizzy...will ask when I'm back at the center in an hour. 

    Betsy are you up for a visitor around 4:00 ish?  Rosemary if wanted to come back around that time that would be great--would love to come to you but I'm sure how much this light-headedness is going to impair me today...this too shall pass, I'm sure.  Would love to chat with you both and Jeskachi even if just got a bit...

    Here, here Nordy!  I couldn't have said it better...

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2011

    I'm saying prayers for you Betsy.  It sounds like Dr D has a good plan for you.  Will you be staying at CRBS the whole time?

    Dana, woooo!  You are having a rough time.  I want to hear what they say at the center.

    Go Nordy!  You are like our guard dog and protector!  I share my experience thus far with as many people who will listen to me. 

    Brenda, hoping your surgery went well and look forward to your update.

    Rosemary, those pain meds made a lot of my recovery and time at the Center a blur and in retrospect I had a LOT of euphoria.   

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2011

    Dana - It took awhile, but I finally figured out that the dilaudid was giving me headaches.  Almost as soon as I would take one, I'd be reaching for the migrane meds.  Be aware, it could be the painkillers

     Betsy - My heart goes out to you.  You are very brave and I'm praying for a swift recovery for you this time.

    Springtime - My Stage II is scheduled for November 17th, if you could add me to the list that would be great.

     I agree with everyone about the superior level of care that the NOLA doctors provide.  Just wanted to add that I feel the same about my team of doctors at MD Anderson in Houston, TX.  I traveled there from Florida for my diagnosis and chemo plan, had my 1st surgery there and moved there for radiation.  I was lulled into thinking that I could do my follow-up appointments here at home and found out in April that it was a huge mistake.  I had a PET scan and my local onc told me that I had metastatic disease in my spine, rib, and lymph node.  I was completely overcome with sadness.  I ended up having to wait 3 months and then scan again, this  time at MDA.  They scanned me and saw that the two bone mets were benign, and the lymph node was stable.  During the ultrasound the radiologist (who actually does the ultrasound HERSELF btw) wanted to biopsy the node for reassurance.  Well, she whipped out the consent form and some equimpment, did the biopsy, the pathologist came into the room, made the slide, and 15 minutes later I found out that it was benign.  15 MINUTES!!!!

     3 MONTHS of agony believing that I had relapsed, for nothing!!!!!!! From now on I will travel to MDA for all of my follow-up appts and scans.  The difference in care is almost unbelievable.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    @kaitsmom -- I have surgery the 23rd, probable discharge on the 26th and we will stay in NOLA thru to Monday for post-op on 29th. Then I am heading  out to Thibodaux and will be in the area until I fly home on September 23rd. So, this WNYer will be in the area!! I am hoping that when the drains are ready to come out, that I can have them do it at the Center. Maybe not the hip drain, but surely the breast drain. REALLY didn't want to fly with drains!

    @Betsy -- so glad to hear all is going well. I may get to meet you after all! And bless Dr. D. ... now you will heal quickly and be there to schlepp along with your daughter to college!!! I'm confident!

    All -- the time is getting here WAY too quickly!! I haven't packed a thing for my long stay, have too much work to finish in the office, and am not sleeping. They said no Melatonin that I have been taking for years at night to help with sleeping, and I think that is the culprit. Oh, well, will be sleeping the next few weeks away, so it should balance!! :-)

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2011

    BrandyB - Your story is just shocking and sad. I am so glad that eventually you got good news but oh my God - I think I would have wanted to kill someone. I just had two days of waiting for biopsy results and that was hard enough. How sad that you had to go through that. I am glad that you are confident about the care you are getting now from MD Anderson.

    Betsy, I am so sorry about the complications. We are all thinking of you and pulling for you. I hope you will able to go to college with your daughter.

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited August 2011

    Nordy, I had exactly the same thought about the way the NOLA docs deal with complications. When I was deciding about having the surgery then waiting to have it, I found it very reassuring to read how these were handled. Because, (excuse my french) s&*$ happens!

    Thinking of everyone now recovering, especially Betsy. 

    And I forgot who said she had to go to Fairway, but I had stage one there and it was great.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Wow, I go to work for the day and this board explodes! :)  Lots going on here!

    Cider, the termite thing cracked me up!!! ha!

    Ro, I don't think Nordy and I were ever called "Board Godmothers" before, ha! Thanks for that!

    Nordy, in Godmother form, has stated a really good point above! No complications phase these docs - they've seen it all and just deal with it. Fly you back. put you up if need be, etc. 

    Hi Amy!!! Nice to "hear" from you!

    Brandy, I love your avatar pic and will post your phase 2 info. 

    Betsy, Well, it seems you are getting both the GAP and DIEP after all. You sound great in terms of your spirit, keep up the good spirit! And if ya crash, we're here.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Thank you everyone... It is so reassuring when the nurses come in, look at my vac and say.. Great! Nice to hear upbeat words...

    Beverly... I asked to be moved to 208, since its so much bigger and i am here for 2 weeks, and they said SURE! Yay!

    So yes, had hip flaps, and will now have diep... So my recovery clock starts all over again :(

    BUT... I want to do what is right... And Dr D will take care of me :)

    I can vouch that NOLA has been awesome on followup... When they felt my flap headed south, they leapt to attention and flew me right down here. They are very dedicated and attentive. In the end, they removed my scabbed skin, and any fat that didn't look healthy and applied the suction wound aparatus... So tuesday they will do the diep and supplement the right breast with tissue and maybe skin? I won't know exectly what i will get til i get it.

    Great to have met Dana, Rosemary and Amy (toomuch) today... I brought no one with me down here, but have been entertained by you ladies...

    Oh... Met a woman tonight who had her 9th surgery today... OMG...she had her stage one Nov 2009... Hope thats not me... Lucky for her, she is a local lady.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2011

    Guard dog... well that is about right... LOL! And Godmother... one part of me says that fairies are OLD, but since I am currently reading a book to my daughter about a beautiful (and youthful) fairy Godmother - I will take that too! Although, the guard dog probably describes me better! Faithful to the end and leary of those I don't know, trusting few - protecting the ones I love and care about. Yeah... guard dog hits it. Woof. 


  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Hey ladies, checking in at the end of day 2 post stage 2 - the day started off shakey as I was feeling nauseous and soooo tired, but it got better when i got some good food into me and went to the center for my post op.  I think I mentioned I was wearing a compression garment that was 1 size too tight and they had one of my that didn't cover my knees so they swelled up like balloons!  I saw Laura and she got 2 larger garments for me and told me to keep the smaller one for a couple of days from now.  What a difference the right size made!  Still feeling like a sausage but a much less unhappy sausage.  A couple of hours later my knees were down to a more normal swelling size.  They also gave me some anti-nausea meds (sub-lingual) that worked in about 10 minutes.  They checked out my breasts and took out both drains - yay! and said all looked great and that I just needed to heal up at this point.  There was some confusion around my estrogen patch that I was supposed to wake up from surgery with but that wasn't on me.  They made some calls to Dr. V's office and were finally able to tell me that he did put it on but it must have been taken/fallen off at some point.  I put a new one on as I really don't want to add surgical menopause to my list of things to deal with right now.  I know I will need to go off of it in a couple of months to clear up the rest of my endometriosis but I want to be a little more healed before tackling that beast. 

    I was doing much better by the time i got to meet Betsy and Rosemary this afternoon - great to chat with you both and to do some surgical show and tell!  Sorry I couldn't stay longer, my energy has just been way down since this surgery.  I know that is to be expected but I was so up after stage 1 this fatigue is just very surprising to me.  Still waiting on my path report from my hyst and everything is crossed that it comes back okay--let's hope!  Tomorrow morning we are leaving super early (flight is at 6:30 am) so I'm hoping things go well with the TSA/flight/etc.  Long day of travelling ahead but I'm really looking forward to getting home and resting!  I told my husband I want to sleep all weekend---sounds like heaven right about now!

    jeskachi - i knocked on your door early but there was no answer and nurse said she had just been in there and you were fast asleep.  Hope everything is going well and you get to connect with Betsy and Rosemary.  Looking forward to hearing from you when you feel well enough to check in.  Best of luck to everyone healing and everyone about to go in for surgery. 

    Also, big shout-out to Running - I seriously wept when I got your "all clear" email.  Can't wait to send one in reply!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2011

    Dana - My hysterectomy was the hardest surgery that I have gone through. Not physically so much as emotionally. But then again, I had wanted more children... so it was hard to come to terms with. But about 2 weeks after my surgery I hit rock bottom, crying for no reason, yelling at my kids... being sort of crazy. I started using a phytoestrogen cream (albeit against my oncologist's wishes, but he is a boy, I am ER negative - and let's face it, I can't be going crazy all the time) and it made all the difference in the world. I hope that this doesn't happen to you! I know so many people who just breezed through their hyst without any issues, so I kind of felt wimpy! So, know that if you do start feeling a little down, you are not alone!!! Hang in there with everything and don't forget to drink lots of water. It will really help bring the swelling down by flushing everything through.

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited August 2011

    Surfagrl Stage I DIEP on Sept. 13 with Dr. S, NOLA. A bit nervous but going for it.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    So... I am officially in room 208... Yay, my old room...much more room.

    Jeskachi... I asked about you the other day, but no one knew that name... Whats your name? And what room are you in?

    And small things can make me happy... I get to shower today! Yay!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2011

    Yay, SurfaGrl!  You will rock.  Dr S is the best!

    Good to hear things are better Dana.  As I recall you did do very well w/Stage 1. From your comments you bounced back better than most.  Just be patient with yourself this go around.  I, too, have been stunned by fatigue.  Mine is mostly from chemo, though.  I'm sure only having 4 weeks to recover from surgery didn't help matters.  Fighting fatigue is a losing battle.  I know because I tried!  

    Betsy, I'm glad you are being entertained by us!  It sounds like your spirits are up in spite of the circumstances.  It should be interesting being a temporary resident of SCSH.  You'll have to share any interesting stories you find out about! 

    Brandy, stunning, awful experience.  I hear all kinds of stories about Drs being dismissive of women finding a lump and months or years later discovering yup it's cancer.  My experience couldn't have been handled better and I am grateful.  I'd never been screened at age 39.  I found a lump, my doc set me up w/diagnostic mammogram at the cancer center.  Got biopsy the same day, results (cancer) the next day.   I think good cancer centers will continue to slowly cover most areas.  Until then, we have to be our own best advocates!  

    I love you ladies!!