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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Dr D just came in to see me, and says my left breast is firm but fine.. That posterior fat is more dense and will take longer to soften, but is fine... So phew!

    He has such a calming way about him... I feel much better now.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited August 2011

    Betsy- you deserve to feel better and thank goodness you do.

    Michelle-  what a whirl wind!

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2011

    Betsy...AWESOME.  Maybe we will cross paths.  Good luck to you!!! 

  • SAMayoFL
    SAMayoFL Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2011

    Laura, I am so glad you said that about losing weight but not fitting into any clothes.  Before surgery, I carried my weight from front to back.  It seems like my tummy fat was moved to my hips so now my hips are wider and rounder.  My DD even said that I used to look rounder but now I look wider.  i wore a pair of shorts to SC.  10 pounds later and they are at least 1 1/2 inches from buttoning.  Are you experiencing that too?


  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    I am Susan and it just doesn't make sense!!

  • lesliet
    lesliet Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Kathry-Ok little energizer bunny that goes and goes no matter what she has gone through. Check page 396. Im doing ok a lot of nerves about stage 2 because I'll be ther alone . My daughter move into her dorm and had her first day of classes and I have 14 6yr olds in my class this year and I'll be headed to Nola on the 30th and off till Sept 6th not much time , but we do what we have to do!

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited August 2011

    To everyone with pants problems...I had DIEP in Feb of 2010 and stage 2 in Dec. My pants are tighter, but I have this funny excess fabric in the front crotch area. Yes, my hips and legs are wider but I don't have anything in the front for my pants to hang on. So they just fall in the front.

    When I feel able, I plan to go back for some fat transfer. I have a hole under my arm where the nodes were taken. And I have a place almost between my breast that my rib is just covered with skin. I need some fat to pad these areas and I need the fat off the rear end!


  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2011

    Betsy - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope that the DIEP solves all of your problems! Good news on the left breast today. I hope the good news keeps coming!

    Celtic and Josta - I hope that you have uneventful surgeries this week and easy recoveries!

    I didn't have a DIEP but I feel for each of you who is having issues fitting in their clothes. Losing weight, moving fat and not being able to close your pants just doesn't seem fair.

    I'm 3 1/2 weeks post hip flaps and my clothes seem to fit pretty close to as before. My butt is a little flat but it could definitely afford to be flatter then it was before! My breasts are slowly softening but I'm also having more pain in them. You know that sharp, tingling pain that I think is from nerve regeneration. It comes out of no where and then quickly goes away. Can any of you remember how long that kind of pain lasts?

    I'm still frustrated with my trunk LE. I'm looking forward to being able to wear compression tops at 6 weeks. I tried to cut out the breasts in a cami but it seemed to lose it's compression effect. Oh well. I'm going to hang in for another few weeks and then hit it hard with MLD by me and my therapist. I just have to figure out how to move it around my scars.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited August 2011

    KATHRYN and LAURA, I've got that tummy swelling, too, at nearly 4 months post DIEP. I think it is slowly going down, very, very slowly-- kind of receding from the sides so that the bulge is more central, less diffuse. If that makes any sense! But I pretty much look the same as I did when there was enough tummy fat to make two D size breasts! That's a lot of tummy fat! Quite discouraging. I have lost almost ten pounds since my surgery, but also wear the same clothes as before. Could not even imagine zipping a pair of jeans. My tummy is still tender and often the muscles cramp up. When I sit for a long time at work, my incision still gets tight. So lots of tummy complaints. I kind of wish I'd had hip flaps. I had an "extended DIEP" which means they went further out to the sides -- taking the fat from my anterior hip along with the tummy fat. I miss my old flabby, but comfortable tummy. My kids used to refer to it, sweetly, as my "fluffy" tummy.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Jerusha... As i am about to go into my diep, that is hard to hear... But i do think it all takes a long long time for the body to become itself again... When is your stage 2? Dr D was just telling me yesterday that it can take 18 months for everything to settle ... And perhaps because they took 2 DD cup breasts from your abs, your abs have been shocked... I am curious to see what happens with me.. They only need to take half a breast from my abs, so i am hoping it recovers quicker... Between my breast scars and butt scars, and now ab scars, i feel a bit like a jigsaw puzzle... But my butt healed really well... No pain, and scars are barely there, but i still have the two i am hoping my abdominal incision behaves itself and heals fast, and "painlessly"... Lol... I am allowed to be delusional.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited August 2011

    My pants issue with the DIEP was fixed at stage 2.  For me, it was because of the large dog ears I had from stage 1.  I wore the same size pant after stage 1, but went down from a 14/16 to a 12 after stage 2 and then down another size after I lost another 25 lbs.

    You have to remember to be patient with your body.  TOT--tincture of time---a wise NOLA grad told me that over and over.  Also, the more active you are, the better you will feel.  I wasn't as active after stage 1 as I should have been.  But I was after stage 2 and it has made a HUGE difference in my mobility and tightness, as well as more core strength.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Dr. D says 18 months, I would agree or maybe even 2 years. What Trisha says. Patience. It's hard.

    Some things will be fixed at stage 2. I had Stage 2B also and I still can't keep my pants from falling off. I wear belts or walk around with a hand in pocket top keep up. A lot of "hitching up" of pants as I move around, that's for sure! I had 4 flaps so there has been a lot of moving around of body parts on me...

    Betsy, I had heard that butt fat was tougher and took longer to soften. Soon you'll be able to compare one side to the other! Good luck coming out of your surgery! I assume you must about be going in now... 

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited August 2011

    Oh Betsy, Sorry. Worrying about your tummy is the last thing you need...It really seems like this persistent poofiness is something that happens to the minority of us, and you've had enough bad luck, so hopefully the odds are now in your favor for everything going right :). It's a curious thing, and I wonder what it is that makes the difference. Same type thing as the varying lengths of time we each need drains, I suspect. Lets hope the tummy goddess is smiling down on you.

    BTW, lest you imagine someone way more's not DDs, but rather two smallish Ds. Just setting the record straight. Haha.

    It must be hard , lying around, waiting, waiting. Do you have some good stuff to read? (I just finished a few really great, engaging books...will pass along titles if you like.)

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Hey ladies, just checking in again a full week after my stage 2/hysterectomy at NOLA.  Today is the first day I feel like a human being; I've been so nauseous and dizzy since Thursday.  I went
    completely off the Percocet 2 days ago and I finally feel like it's completely out of my system-yay!  Not sure why I had an issue with it this time, I took it for stage 1 for a full two weeks with no
    nausea.  Regardless I'm happy to be pain med free, it doesn't really feel necessary anymore.  Just taking a couple of motrin as needed for pain but that is it.  Can't wait to finish these antibiotics...they smell like rotten cheese!

    Regarding being disappointed with the post-DIEP body, I was definitely there after my stage 1.  I was looking like a tree trunk and having lots of abdominal scar tightening/pain, especially towards the end of the day.  Right now I don't feel it but there is so much more stuff going on.  I talked to
    Dr. D about this and he said you have to give at least 6 months for the major pain to subside and the swelling to go down, sometimes more like a whole year.  I can already see some positive changes post stage 2 and I'm hoping they continue this way.  It's a marathon, not a sprint, just having to keep reminding ourselves that.  Hopefully this waiting time is nothing compared to all the time we get back not having to deal with any/more cancer later in life.  We can hope!

    Last night I had what I think was my first hot flash--not something I was expecting to have to deal with yet at 35 but there it is.  Can't say it was fun but luckily I was at home alone watching TV so it was easy to strip off my clothes and cool off quickly.  That would not be fun to have happen while working and/or driving though.  Seeing my hormone specialist next week to work something out to keep me sane and deal with all my endometriosis.  Hoping she has a miracle fix!

    Sending good vibes to NOLA for Betsy and Celtic--hopefully you are both done now and resting comfortably...check in when you feel up to it!  And best of luck tomorrow Josta-we are all here thinking good thoughts for you!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited August 2011

    What denouement said!  Warm healing thoughts to celtic and bdavis.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2011

    Hi everyone-

    Sorry for being incommunicado. I've been riding the nausea/pain rollercoaster all week. We've been back at our rental apartment for a day now and things are evening out for me. I guess it's better when I can have more control over the timing of meds and food.

    I'm doing well.  Still having a ton of tightness and ab pain.  Also some lower back & butt pain, partially from being hunched, but I think the tightness in front is pulling on the back somehow.  The majority of my ab pain is on the left side, which is also the side that had the largest perforator and makes up most of the flap, so I guess that makes sense.

    The new boob is beautiful.  She ended up getting 900 grams (?!?) from more than 1/2 of my ab tissue so there wasn't a need to stack flaps.  She said "I hide my fat well".  Heh.  So the new side fits perfectly, it's a good match to the right side, and it's had a strong flow from the beginning. The incisions are really clean too, it should heal well.  Things didn't heal that well after the last revision, so I'm glad she was able to correct that. She'll correct the right side scarring in the next (and final) stage 2.  November in Chicago (yay!)  She spent some extra time on donor scar this time so it looks good, I might need no corrections there. No dog ears to speak of that I can see.

    I have 2 drains still, left and right ab.  I'll probably have them for a couple of weeks.  The right one might go next week. She pulled the breast drain yesterday and cut the dopplers. She'll pull the dopplers tomorrow afternoon.

    It's so hot here!  I haven't had any desire to go out but the bf has been a trooper with grocery shopping.  We've got satellite TV, wifi and Netflix streaming so we'll be okay for a few more days.  Heading back to Chicago Friday morning.

    So, I'm glad this part is over and went well. Not looking forward to the long recovery AGAIN, but gotta get through it. It will be worth it.  I have no idea what my shape is going to be after all of this, my thighs are still definitely in the chubby category so I may look like someone stuck baby legs on a barbie doll.  But according to one of the nurses I'm ready for bikini season, so there ya go.  I view it as more of a curiosity than a concern. I'm sure things will settle into a normal shape eventually.  My butt looks fairly normal after SGAP, considering.

    I hope Betsy is doing well. I feel her pain, with the unexpected DIEP and going through the hard part again.  But she's in good hands and these docs will move mountains to fix girls like us, so I'm sure she'll be happy when all is done.

    You all know the drill for the next few weeks.  My goal now is to not have any weird incision issues or skin infections.  Fingers crossed. I'll keep checking in.  Thanks for all the support this week, it went to good use!


  • SAMayoFL
    SAMayoFL Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2011

    Brenda, I am so happy to hear your flap it doing well!!!  Hooray for that.  I am almost 3 weeks out and I am so surprised at how small my incision lines are.  I anticipate that they will look really good when they are healed.  I wish you all the best and hope your healing is fast and uneventful!


  • SAMayoFL
    SAMayoFL Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, I am thinking about you this evening.  I hope your surgery went well.  Just remember that the first few days are tough but it gets better fast! 


  • joasta7
    joasta7 Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2011

    Thanks Denouement!  Wishing Betsy and Celtic a speedy recovery also!  I will be having surgery at 7 am if all stays on schedule.  Thanks for all yur well wishes -will try to keep you informed of status.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Brenda!  So happy to hear from you and so sorry you were feeling the nausea too--I can totally relate, it really horrible.  Hopefully the worst has subsiding for you and it's all better from here on out.  That back pain you feel is definitely something I dealt with at stage 1 as well.  We all naturally pull down to protect our chests and it wrecks havoc on backs/necks/posture/etc.  It does get better, but just like everything else it takes time.  I swear the ladies on this board have to have the most patience of anyone I have ever met.  It's inspiring to be a part of this group, so much encouragement, support and genuine affection--yay us! Smile 

    I'll second what Susan said:  Betsy and Celtic, we are all thinking about your today and sending you good vibes through the ether.  And best of luck again Joasta--hope you have a nice (light) dinner and night out before your surgery.  Almost there!  ~dana

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Hi ladies... Out

    Of surgery and back in my room.... I went in at aboutb12:30, and it was 9pm when i awoke in recovery.. Longer than they thought i guess... And i woke up in my girdle, because ofl my hipnflaps still needimg compressiom...

    I can definitely feel the ab incision more than the hips... But i'm ok... I may actually use the pain meds this go around... I never pushed the pain button for my butt, but just now pushed it for the abs... Tomorrow is another day!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited August 2011

    Hi Betsy,

    I'd like you to try some guided imagery.. Focus on the image of what you want to look like down the road.. It's there.. It's just "down the road" a bit... Go to sleep thinking about the being gentle with yourself and let time and nature heal and restore your body ,mind and Spirit..force yourself to think positive thoughts .. A warm healing cocoon of healing and good health wrapping itself around you...

    Thinking good thoughts for you.,



    Looking forward to hearing that you are on the other side is surgery and resting comfortably in your room! Saying prayers for a smooth surgery and recovery,


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited August 2011

    Betsy~ I had plication and was in bed for a LOT longer than stage 1.  Stage 1 I was up and out of bed ASAP.  After the plication I was not such a happy person for a bit. 

    I would have to agree that it takes a while to get things better after the stomach work.  After stage 1 I had a huge butt which looked nice BUT my backside was a 14/16 and my waist was a 10.  I just let Dr. S know that it was really bothering me and he fixed it.  It did look nice but finding clothing was getting to be very hard. 

    As for me before I went to NOLA I needed to gain weight so I was on an eating binge which just last month ended because I was fat.  No other word for my body type I was fat.  So I started watching what I was eating and now I am happy to report I am down almost 10lbs.  So I still would like to lose 5-10lbs but I am no longer feeling upset about when I move I don't feel the weight any longer. 

    Now I am thinking of getting my tat's darkened just a touch. :)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    I have no idea what they did with my stomach... Traditional diep i think... So this was also stage I... Having two stage ones a month apart is tough on the body... They gave me a unit of blood too, cause i think due to my anemia? My counts were low from first surgery

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Yay Betsy--glad to see you are feeling well enough for a short post...take the pain meds, there is no shame in it :-)

    Rest up and keep healing--so happy to hear thing are progressing!

    Hi Marcia!  Thanks again for all your help during my stage one--you're the best!

    Jaimeh - rock on with your weight loss!  That is next on my agenda after stage 2 recovery...hoping this last surgery gets me a bit closer to that goal...

    Today I was able to have house guest for several hour and rangle a 3 year old boy for several hours without passing out or throwing up--8 days since surgery...progress!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited August 2011

    Joasta-  Thinking of you and wishing you well today.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2011

    Hi girls...trying to get some details organized for my trip.  

    RESTAURTANTS???  Anything good around the Hope Lodge area that won't kill my life savings???  I hate trying to find good eats while on a trip.  We are renting a car so can also drive a short distance.

     good vibes to all you recuperating!


  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    @momma2four -- no END to the great food in NOLA!! Really can't go wrong!

     @betsy... if they let me walk today, I'll shuffle to see you. Am in rm 201.

    @Joasta7 -- not to worry. I have never felt so genuinely cared 4!

     @ all -- thx for healing thoughts and prayers ...doing really well.  Love, love, LOVE this place. Need to tell it to ALL women needing recon! More later when my eyes focus better!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Michelle... Nothing is walkable... But on carrollton go to camillia grill for breakfast or lunch... It is an old NOLA restaurant... Its a must! And travel down the river road, and you find some restaurants on dante, like dante cafe... I haven't eaten there in years, but it used to be good... If you want seafood, try pascal manale's on napolean... Also superior grill on st charles is fine... For a po-boy there is a great dive called domileses... Can't remember the road...maybe anunciation? These are all out of the quarter... A very reasonable meal in the quarter is napolean house on royal.

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2011

    Hi Betsy - I am so glad to see you posting and glad also that you came through the surgery so well.  I hope you use those pain meds as much as you need - as you say, two stage 1s in a month is a huge stress on your body.

    Celtic - also so glad to see how upbeat you are feeling.  That is very encouraging for me at my date gets ever closer . . .  Scrambling to get lots of stuff done.  My daughter just got a part in her first big play with a local youth theatre company and now has rehearsal 20 hours a week.  Yeow.  But she is beyond excited so with a lot of help from her grandparents, we will make it happen.  I will still be in NOLA when the play opens but am hoping to see the last performance two days after I get home.

    My MRI biopsy incisions finally stopped bleeding so I was able to run yesterday, slowly but it felt great.  I now have an incredible selection of colors on my biopsy boob, so can only imagine how colorful my bruising will be after my surgery in NOLA.  Woowee!