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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    I too have the daughter going back to college thing... In my absence in july, i came home to house mess... General mess... The house needed major cleaning so i hired a cleaning lady for that... Made me feel sooo much better, but the kid's room mess drives me crazy. My daughter is in portland oregon right now... Back wed and then she leaves for college one week later. I think i will suggest she start loading the car as she gathers her boxes to get them out of the house... So when i come home aug 30 th i won't be shocked by disarray... I think once she goes, her room will be cleaner.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Amy... No problem... It was great meeting you... Good luck at home!

    Celtic... Look forward to meeting you!

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Hello ladies, checking in 5 days post op stage 2/hysterectomy.  I've wanted to check in more but I've been having a really rough time with nausea/headaches.  Haven't been able to do much for days except lay around and sleep/suffer-no fun!  It's strange because I had all the same anesthesia and drugs/antibiotics as stage 1 but I am so much worse off this time.  It has to be from the hyst as I had ovarian cysts removed in 2008 and had similar issues then.  I've decided to go off to the Percocet and just switch to motrin and already my head feels a bit better.  Hoping this is the solution or that I've just gotten past the worst of it. 

    The good news is that everything related to stage 2 seems like a piece of cake.  I'm sore where the lipo was done and pretty bruised but I'm able to get in and out of the compression garments for showering with no issues - I'm going to call tomorrow to have them send me a smaller size.  My breasts incisions moved from heading out laterally to being more straight up and down so it seems like Dr. D rotated everything inward to get perky, higher boobs.  He also cut around my nipples to make them smaller/the same size and to move them up-they are seriously at attention now!  They aren't even very bruised right now, they look pretty good already considering and are super easy to take care of with no drains.  Just betadine painting twice per day and pads-I need to wear the bras and the compression for 2 weeks but that is it.  I can already sleep on my side and my lifting restriction for stage 2 was only 1.5 weeks (although it's 4 with the hyst)   If anyone is doing just stage 2 seems like it would be pretty easy on its own. 

    Best news of all is I heard from Dr. Von Almen yesterday and my path report from the hyst came back totally clean!  He even sent me 7 pictures from before/during after surgery.  I emailed him back asking questions about the pics and he sent me back a PowerPoint presentation with all the pics with labels and explanations.  Needless to say the geek in me was thrilled and I'm loving Dr. V right now.  Hoping for smooth sailing from here on out. 

    Betsy/Rosemary it was so great to meet you, but I was SO out of it!  Hoping you are both healing well and Betsy you are in my thoughts for your next surgery as well.  Jeskachi, good to hear you are doing well and getting better-looking forward to more frequent updates as things improve.  Celtic and Josta - best of luck!  Looking forward to hearing from everybody...


  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2011

    Hi everyone. I can't believe I've been gone from the board for over a month (traveling for work and fun).  I missed you all! I just played a quick catchup and can't believe how much has happened and how many new faces/names ther are.

    Betsy - so sorry you had to go back but so glad you are getting great care. Sending prayers for a seemless stage 1b.

    Dana - you too, sorry the hysterectomy isn't as easy as stage 2 but given your track record of awesome healing I'll bet you'll be feeling good in no time. I know it's a very individual thing but I have had practically no issues with my oophorectomy. Two months of not so great sleeping and now I have been sleeping really well (and of course I had stage 2 during that period.) No hot flashes, a few warm moments, but that's it. I hope you get your strength back and all is well. Also, was up in your neck of the woods last weekend - wish I could get my husband to move there. Love it!

    Jerusha - good luck with getting the girls off to college. That goes for all of you college-bound moms. My stepson graduated from college this past May but I remember  how mixed I felt sending him off 4 years ago.

    Brandy - my mother also lives in PBG.  

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2011

    As for my recovery - I hate to say this and I feel like a bit of a traitor but my stage 2 was and is in some ways harder than Stage 1. I had immediate BMX and hip flaps, but I think I had a relatively easy recovery.  Of course I was tired and there was a big emotional component to deal with but it seemed to go according to plan and that eased my mind.

    Stage 2 was postponed 1 month after I needed an emergency oophorectomy in May.  In June I had stage 2 which was lipo, fat injections and a tummy tuck. I had to spend an extra night at the hospital due to vomiting and then at my post op we found out I had lost quite a bit of blood and I was transfused and readmitted for 2 nights. At home I noticed a huge amount of swelling in my right lower abdomen. It turned out it was a hematoma. I had it drained a total of 4 times over a month. I am still very swollen and don't know if will go down or not. I was told it could take months (!)  I don't fit into any of my old clothes (except sundresses and sweats) - they are all too tight in the tummy.  Here's the thing - 2 of the 3 radiologists that did the aspiration told me that  I might need it operated on to get rid of it.  So I decided to go to a local plastic surgeon to see what he thought. He told me he wouldn't wait much longer and he too would open it up to remove whatever scar tissue/organized hematoma, and whatever sooner rather than later.

    Now I have wsent photos and spoken to the NOLA nurse, the PA and also doctor Trehan since then and all have told me they have never had to do anything like that before at NOLA. But I have to give it time (how much?) to see what happens.  I do completely trust them (and my breasts look great) but I have a big bulgy tummy (think 5 months pg) and I was hoping I was done with surgeries -- but now I feel like I have another surgery lurking in my future.

    Any feedback or personal experience with this would be great.  Thanks!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Well... For the first time in this process i am a bit worried.. Laura agrees with me that my left breast is quite firm and wants Dr D to check it out tomorrow... That maybe part of that flap may have problems too... Necrosis, hematoma? But before they throw any extra ab fat away, i want Dr D to have a good handle on my left breast and make sure its all good. At one month out, it is still a bit swollen and very firm.... So hard left breast and half of a right breast. I am a mess.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Oh Betsy!!! :((( Don't despair yet. I am not sure that sounds that abnormal. Good idea to have him check everything out though, you always think ahead! You always do. Glad you are back in Room #208 which is officially "our room" now!  I added your stage 1B date above.

    I am on a week of vacation and was traveling here for the past 2 days. I don't think I skipped any requests, but let me know if I did.

    Good luck to the ladies having surgery next week!!  Prayers for no complications and speedy healing...

    Aug 23 - Celtic_Antique - Stage 1, Dr. D & Dr. S, NOLA. 

    Aug 23 - BDavis - Stage 1b twith Dr. D... Having a DIEP flap to supplement right side.

    Aug 24 - Josta 7 - Stage 1, remove implants, NOLA. 

  • joasta7
    joasta7 Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2011

    Thanks Springtime!  Looking forward to meeting all who will be there at the same time!  Good luck and God bless to all of you!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011
    Question: I tried on an old bra today and surprisingly it fit! So I guess I am the same size now as I was before my mastectomy and DIEP. All of my bras are underwires. Does anyone know what Dr D recommends for underwires? When/if they can be worn again. I am almost 10 weeks out now.
  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2011

    Betsy...even though it's stressful and you have had lots of ups and downs it is so good that you are right there and the doctor is there to look and feel and fix (if needed.) I hope you need whatever is least invasive.  Thinking of you!

    Laura - I know after stage two you can wear underwires after about a month.  But I tried one on this morning and I definitely don't fit into them. I'm pouring out of the sides (and my husband enjoyed seeing that!)  I am still wearing some soft ones I bought post-surgery but I guess I may have to go bra shopping.

  • lesliet
    lesliet Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Kathryn- Glad to see you back i hope you are doing well now . I think you pushed yourself  alot you were running the halls at Nola and then hit the road. I better not have problem with stage 2 because I'm allmost by myself there.

    Did anyone op out of tummy tuck in stage 2?

    Laura - the only bras that feel ok on me are the black ones they gave us and a sleep bra from the maternity store so Im jealous Im shaped very round and they almost touch each other I forgot what breast are to look like, so its a little odd.

    Betsy, I hope all is much better after Dr. D looks at you. Im thinking of you !

    Got my daughter moved in her dorm at Ga Southern. Full size bed, dresser,  desk, night stand and shares a bathroom with only one other girl ! What the life the good thing is I no longer have to buy her swim stuff and $400.00 comp suits to wear once. The school gets them all that stuff now!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited August 2011

    Dana~I couldn't take percocet.  It was HORRIBLE!  I switched to tylenol and advil 24 hours after my stage 2 and did the same thing for my hysterectomy last year.  And my gyn/onc made a DVD of the surgery for me because he knows I'm a science geek like that!! 

    Betsy, I hope they are just being ultraworried and nothing additional is wrong. 

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2011

    Hi Betsy- Just wanted to say that I am thinking about you and wishing so much for everything to be okay.  I hope you will get good news on your flap tomorrow. Sending lots of good California karma down to NOLA. 

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited August 2011


    Know that I am praying for you. Can't wait to hear you are healing well and up and about.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Thank you ladies... I have faith they will deal with my right breast.. It is me who is all worried about the left being so firm at one month out... and then Laura agreed it is firm, but didn't know whether it was an issue or not, but to wait for Dr D... I am sitting here day and and day out, with not much to think about but my breasts and abdomen and healing... so my mind is wandering.  Surgery is set for 11am Tuesday, after Celtic... of course I know that could mean 2pm...

    I look forward to meeting Celtic and Joasta... Between meeting Dawn, Teresa, Rhonda and Jerusha in May, Debbie in July and Amy, Rosemary, Brenda and Dana this past week, and Celtic and Joasta this coming week... I feel I will know everyone by the time I am done.

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Geez Betsy , now you got me wondering... My diep breast is very firm too and going kind of yellow brown now in it's bruising stage but I thought that was normal ??or within the realms of what happens. Hope to see you tomorrow if time permits am having last apt then flying out ...Dana sorry to hear you are feeling this more, hopefully short-lived- I got my path back too, and all is good. Sorry all but I hate writing on my iPad, so more later...Rosemary

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary... Remember my surgery was over a month ago... It will be firm for a bit, but mine for 4.5 weeks is particularly firm... And you will see the doc tomorrow... I think you'll be fine... I never had a bruising stage, so i can't comment on that... But the fatty skin under each armpit feels bruised... Anyone else have that?

    The hospital is soooo quiet... Brenda and i are the only patients here all weekend... They let me go outside today, just to breath the out-of-doors... I couldn't imagine being inside exclusively for almost two weeks.

    Dana...sorry for your ill-feeling... I was feeling nauseous yesterday from all the antibiotics and asked for a probiotic... I feel much much better.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2011

    For those of you who had a tummy tuck in stage 2 (or maybe even those of you with DIEP) how much swelling did you have, what was it like, and for how long?

    Also, what about the lipo - was there a lot of swelling with that? When did you see that start to go down?

    Lesliet - how are you doing?
  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    I would have skipped the tummy tuck at stage 2 ... But i am getting it anyway on tuesday... I sure hope i don't swell... I have been wearing compression garments nonstop for almost 5 weeks, and they tell its just more of the same.. Oh joy.

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Betsy apt us at 10 - will try to swing by after if time allows- am now getting panicked about hard breast - reading other board and realizing that tissue can be alive but stay hard...feeling guilty about caffeine intake since leaving hospital now,,,

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Why? Does caffeine contribute to that? I drink decaf, but hadn't heard that.

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Read somewhere on a board that some docs say restricts bloodvsupply so don't have coffee for few weeks.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2011

    If it is any consulation, my left breast had a very large area of hardness in the beginning. Two years later it is soft and jiggly. I don't remember when it really started to soften up... Probably several months after stage 1, but was soft by stage 2 which I had seven months later. Hang in there... and don't fret about the coffee. Caffeine is known to restrict bloodflow - and although I personally don't take in much, if any, caffeine - I think that you should not beat yourself up about it! Talk to the docs regarding use of caffeine and coffee and see what they have to say. I would think that if it was something they wanted you to avoid all together, they would have put it on your discarge instructions, right next to "no sleeping on your stomach for 6 weeks"... 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, thinking of you just sitting there thinking about your breasts! 

    I had areas of "grayness" after stage 1 and you know they keep asking you if things are "warm and pink" - and so I called and talked to Jeanine. She said if it was necrosis it would be extremely hard, like a rock, not just firm. I was okay. I think in the beginning your breasts go through some adjusting until they find the new normal.

    As Nordy says above, mine too are vey soft and jiggly now. All this ahead!

    KathrynLA, I had tummy tuck (including abdominal scar lowered, mind was WAY high initially) and plication ( tummy muscles stiched together.). I was bloated and for at least 5-6 months. It slowly started to get better. This October I will be 2 years out from that, and I think I am almost recovered now, very infrequently it will slightly pooch out. When I do a lot of core / abdominal work. Today we cycled for 2 hours and I was feeling a tightening in my tummy!

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Just quick note to say I am good, just edema... Panic over..saw Betsy briefly and she us looking great, am sure all will go well... packing and heading to airport now !

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2011

    Betsy--I hope you are doing better.  I cannot comment on the firm breast as i have no breast right now but hope it is nothing.  sounds like you have been through enough lately.  I have a appt with Dr. Massey Sunday at 4pm at the center...hopefully you will NOT still be there.  

    Fairway Surgical Alums?  Question...did you rent a car or take a cab from the airport?  I hate to have a car just sitting there while i am in the hospital.  wish is could have this part at the Center..:(

     PS...not liking the idea of not having caffine after hopefully that isn't a truly worrisome thing.  i got to have at least ONE cup a  day...sanity!  Oh and wine too  LOL

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2011

    Betsy--I hope you are doing better.  I cannot comment on the firm breast as i have no breast right now but hope it is nothing.  sounds like you have been through enough lately.  I have a appt with Dr. Massey Sunday at 4pm at the center...hopefully you will NOT still be there.  

    Fairway Surgical Alums?  Question...did you rent a car or take a cab from the airport?  I hate to have a car just sitting there while i am in the hospital.  wish is could have this part at the Center..:(

     PS...not liking the idea of not having caffine after hopefully that isn't a truly worrisome thing.  i got to have at least ONE cup a  day...sanity!  Oh and wine too  LOL

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    KathrynLA - I'm interested in seeing other responses to your swelling question also. I am still swollen and still can not zip my jeans (10 weeks out tomorrow). I weigh less than I did prior to my surgery (when I could zip my jeans). I'm very glad it is summer since I constantly wear skirts and sundresses - but it will be fall here soon I'll need to zip my pants! I'm starting to think that my butt has grown during this process (some how and kind of kidding). How does it happen that I have a tummy tuck, and weigh less and still can't zip? Seems like butt to me! or it could be the never ending swelling....

    Momma2Four -  I asked about caffiene when I was in NOLA for my Stage 1 in June. After the first 24 hours there was no restriction for caffiene. So don't worry!  And you can have wine once you are off the pain meds. 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2011

    Betsy & Louis13 - I have hip flaps and the fat is definitely firmer than the stomach - but for the first 5 - 6 months post surgery they were VERY firm and now I am starting to see some jiggle and  movement going on.  They definitely look and feel natural!  So you may have to give it some time :)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Michelle... I may actually be here... My caregiver is flying in sunday, arriving about 2:30 at the airport, so by the time she gets here, pack me up, i could still be here at 4pm... Then headed to homewood suites til tuesday.

    So when i say firm breast i mean unripened grapefruit, not walnut. I met maggie today (celtic) and her tissue expander is walnut hard... I was hoping for more water balloon or at least ripe fruit... Sorry about my analogies... Don't know how else to describe it.