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NOLA in September?



  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2011

    Marcia-that's horrifying. I never thought of cancer patients during Katrina. I grew up in new Orleans and my family is still there, so I was very upset, but cancer never even entered my mind.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    The problem is the airport in NJ is already closed... So no one can fly down until Monday night arriving at 10pm... And my Tues flight is at 7am... So no one wants to do that, and it would be hard for my husband also since he has my son, and boarding the dog etc... So i am begging them to let me fly alone and put me in first class where i will get special attention... They were spending $1000 to fly my friend in so if they don't spend that, they could upgrade my seat...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Oh Betsy. Hmmm. Seems like you can't get a break!!! I hope something works out. Maybe she will be able to fly out on Monday or Tuesday and perhaps you can rearrange your flight to match. The hurricane and your surgery are causing special circumstances!!

    I like running for sanity's idea of this huge pile of good stuff!!! :) 

    Is Josta okay? Is she there with you Betsy?

    Here are the surgeries upcoming:

    Aug 29 - Momma2four - skin graft to cover open would, Dr. M., Fiarway, NOLASept 1 - LeslieT - Stage 2, Dr. S., NOLA. 

    Sept 2 - NoWords - Stage 2, Dr. Massey, Fairway Hospital, NOLA.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Yes, joanne is here...and my friend (or anyone) does not want to fly in and be here for 5 hours and then fly back... Thats a lot to ask of someone... All flights out of Newark are cancelled thru 2pm Monday, and the only direct flight is at 7:30pm... My friend was taking vacation days fro work to help me, butthe silver lining for her was being in nola for 2 days... She said she'd do it if there was no other option, but i know she doesn't want to... And i won't insist.. Its a terrible scenario, and likely the flight out of newark would be a mess after the weekend.

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2011

    Hey, thanks for the reply.  I think I will have to have stacked flap unfortunately in order to get to my same size. I really am afraid of the scarring.  So what happens during revisions? I just cant get myself to cut my chest muscle for implants so I am thinking this is a better option for me because I want full muscle functionality.  Is there a particular doctor at the nola docs that is better?  I have been talking to dr trahan since the force conference. Do they all work on you together or does one take the lead?  Any advice about planning for the surgery would be great. I now have 2 weeks to plan in order to get both surgeries done before the end of the year, I have to have the first surgery on september 20th.  I also have 2 little kids, 3 and 5.  Is the surgery better than you expected? I dont know if I should do just hip and be smaller or if I should get stacked and be the same size.  Did anyone have liposuction too? Instead of doing diep they could possibly do liposuction on my tummy and increase my breasts by a 1/2 cup size but I dont know anything about liposuction.  Phew! sorry I am panicking a little. Im trying to get in an emotionally ok place..calm.

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited August 2011


    I was at the Nola Docs table at the breakfast roundtable at the FORCE conference and at the "Show and Tell " event.. Did we meet? Ill change my photo here so you can see what I look like!

    Brandy, I was living in Ocean Springs at the time of Katrina. It was a nightmare in oh so many ways... My mom passed from metastatic BC 4 weeks to the day before Katrina... Horrible times.

    There are thousands of folks on the East Coast currently in treatment and possibly facing the same scenario as I did.. Hopefully word will get out about the NCI info!?I contacted ASCO and many other orgs. Today to have them post this info.

    Betsy, I know you want to go home but maybe staying put for a couple more days would be got the best?!



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    I hear you... But don't have any volunteers for later in the week either... Until the weekend... Too many people with work problems or kids going back to school etc...

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Checking in... Back from Nola late Monday night, few days later and am dealing with being in mandatory evacuation zone A.. Been exhausting self getting prepared tobstay with provisions and lunchtime today told we have to go. I am in the "penthouse" of building right on bend of east river and our apt is like a box on top of building with360 degree views- but also means we are extremely exposed to wind even on a good stella and Icompletely dismantled 1500 sq ft of roof terrace garden, gaffer taping windows. Putting precious things under beds etc and tomorrow have to pack and take geriatric incontinent dog and cat and go stay with friend in apt on upper east side. Oh joy.m exhausted been at it all day and drain sites opening up from too much bending and lifting!! Just like who has a choice and great way to spend your recovery

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Just stop that rosemary... Find a friend to help you... I have to say that its better that i am not at home, as i'd be inclined to secure the house as well.... So i got my son to do it with instructions over the phone... So rest up now ... Trust me, you don't want a setback.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    Morning, Betsy. Slept like a log after hubby and I did a tag team WWF-style wrestling match with girdle. It is on, but not sure who won?! If Katie can change Jeff's flight NOLA thru Newark then Bflo, he is still ready to escort. My flights are thru Newark. He is on United (which is Continental and something else now), so see what she can do. He could take you to BFLO via Chicago and put you on the short hop down to Newark. Ya know, Bflo is only 3 hrs from Oberlin with Cleveland in the middle ... I know you just want to get home. Let us know what we can do ... among us, we have at least a half watt of functioning brain! LOL!

    @Joasta -- How're you doing? When I left yesterday, you were DND and rest is too important at this phase to interrupt! Healing thoughts are with you ...

    Hellos to Jamie and Alice and Nicole and Glennis and Kristen and all of the great staff at SCSH! I was SO spoiled!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    @bdavis -- Just love the "stop that, Rosemary!" Isn;t ther a story about the pot and kettle?! LOL! ;-)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Oh, but i have been the model patient.... No cleaning up roof top patios here... And thank you maggie for jeff's help, but a direct flight to newark is best for me... And newark has no flights on monday at all... So they are just keeping me here until someone can fly out... The earliest flight out of newark is 7:30pm monday... And none going to newark, so i will most likely be here til thursday or saturday, depending on who/when they can fly...there are worse places to be held captive.

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2011

    Hi Soccermom4forceI did have breakfast with them too.  I may have met you. I was sitting to the right of doctor trahan.  

    Someone commented to me that liposuction does not take place of diep. I do realize that liposuction doesnt replace diep.  I was just thinking instead of having two incision sites, if I am concerned with breast size and have a tiny tiny pooch, maybe they can tighten up my stomach and increase my breast size by at most 1/2 a cup. I am currently a 34 c and would have to be a b cup if I were just to do hips.  I am concerned that liposuction will leave a bunch of post pregnancy skin.  But the recovery for stacked sounds more difficult than just hip. I was also a bit confused ith the scarring because some pictures had it all along the back and some were just an arc into the buttocks. Does it depend on where the fat is on your body?

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2011

    Does any one have advice on how to prepare for surgery? And what I might need after to make things go smoothly?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Semper... I am one of the unfortunate ones to have both hips and diep flaps... My hip scars are actually on my butt, but at stage 2 they will go back in and through the same incision they will lift my lower butt up to fill in the indentation that i currently have in my butt... So the scar may migrate up... As for the ab scar, it is well below my belly button... My incisions are very fresh, so with swelling it is hard to tell where i will end up with scars, but all under a small bikini, if that helps. I am now at day 4 post op from the diep portion and one month post op from hip flaps and feeling much better... I can get in and out of bed, walk laps in the hall, use the bathroom all by myself... Hip flaps are much much easier, but even with both surgeries, i have been uncomfortable, but not in unbearable pain... They have very good drugs.

    The best way to prepare is to have your house clean and in order, with things that you will need, like bath towels, in a reachable area... I would also pre-arrange meals so you can rest and not be making dinner... I found that to be very helpful... You also should purchase larger under garments, i bought larger sized under pants so they can comfortably fit over my girdle. I also bought very soft long (to knee) yoga pants and loose tops. I also don't really care for the drain pouch, so i prefer a fanny pack or over the shoulder bag... And when you get home, you will need to dress your drain sites, so making room in the bathroom for supplies would be helpful too...

    One other thing, which may just be me, but when i got home, i realized my bed was behaving like a 19 year old bed... Not very comfortable, so i bought a new bed and slept in a recliner until the new bed arrived... So make sure you have a comfy place to sleep. I find here at the hospital that i prefer the bed over the recliner, with a propped head and propped knees.

    Hope that helps

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2011

    Semper - I came to NOLA to remove a very uncomfortable implant reconstruction. We planned for a stacked procedure because I did not have enough abdomnal tissue and it was not clear that we would get enough from the hips either. Fortunately, during surgery, Dr. S was able to get enough from the hips. So, you can go in prepared to do stacked if necessary but tell them if they can get enough you would prefer to do hips alone. This has happened with several women. Sometimes you just can't tell until surgery. Scarring is an individual issue. I don't scar well as a rule but my hip scar is a thin line, red but thin. Mine goes all across my back. I think the decision to use two separate hip incisions or one the entire way depends on whether or not they need the additional fat in the center. You can ask what they will plan to do. I have not had my stage 2 yet but liposuction at NOLA is primarily used at that time to add some fat to any area of deficiency like the upper pole. I am scheduled for Sept 28 so we might have some overlap time in NOLA. Everybody's experience with healing is a bit different. Feel free to PM me with any questions.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Semper... I should add that i went into surgery in july expecting to have a stacked diep as well, but they just used the hips... And the diep came a month later due to a complication with my incision not healing

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    Betsy -- agree there are LOTS worse places than right where you are! I think I would rather there than the hotel, truth be known! Time for huffin' and puffin' then a hike around the floor, some lunch and naptime!

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Checking in with everyone about a week and a half after my stage 2.  Things are going well, I've had a dramatic decrease in swelling in the last 48 hours or so.  So much so that I had to call Laura and request a compression garment 2 sizes smaller!  It arrived today so I'm back to being compressed but starting to see some shape under there and it's looking good!  Most of my glue has flaked off and the stitches are starting to fall out.  I did bruise a lot from the lipo but it the bruises seem to be disappating already, which is nice.  So far so good, just working on balancing getting some stuff done with resting and taking things easy.  Thoughts going out to all the east coast sisters, hoping the storm turns out to be not to bad for you all.

    Man Betsy, it stinks the luck you are having!  I'm so sorry, you really deserve some smooth sailing and fast.  Hoping another couple of days in NOLA makes you stronger and has you feeling better for when you can finally get to Newark.

    Rosemary - been thinking about you, wasn't sure where exactly in Greenpoint you were but was afraid it would be in ZoneA.  Our old place in Williamburg was in Zone C.  We never really discussed the fact that we used to be neighbors!  So sorry I'm not there to help out, but please let me know if you need anything - help or a place to stay.  I still have a lot of friends and family in your area, so just say the world and I'll circle the wagons.  Hope everyone stays safe!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Semper, you will be in the best of hands. The main Docs in NOLA are Dr. Sullivan and Dr. DellaCroce. Dr. T is typically a second surgeon. If it was me, I'd insist on the lead being one of the two main guys.  

    The scarring for me a couple of years out is almost unnoticable. I think a lot depends on how you scar genetically. At first, as Betsy describes, they are angry red lines. over time it's amazing how much they fade and get thinnier and white. Anyway, that's my experience. 

    I also did not want any muscles comrpmised and have no regrets. It's a big deal surgery, but you get the best cosmetic result, better tummy/butt in the bargian, and no muscles sacrificed. Hope this helps.

    Betsy. I have a friend from PA who dropped her daughter off at Tulane and is now stuck in the Garden District at a B&B until Weds. That was the first flight she could get out. Hang in there. Someway, somehow you will get back home!!! 

  • joasta7
    joasta7 Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2011

    Hi Celtic_Antique!  I am doing well!  Taking my meds every four hours to avoid the pain completely. Learning to breathe (which apparently does not come naturally to me) and just trying to relax through this entire process.  Sorry I missed you yesterday.  It was really nice to me you and Betsy. These boobs are getting in my way!  Can't see my belly when I look down! Not used to having all this in front of me but glad I took that step.  They treated us marvelously and am so glad I chose to go there. I am looking forward to Stage 2.  I hope all goes well during your recuperation!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    So...they are insisting i get an escort home, so will most likely be here until next saturday... I keep trying to lure my friends in with a free flight and hotel, but end of august is not the best when it comes to kids, school, work etc... And then throw a hurricane into the mix...ugh.

    Beverly... At least nola is having sunny skies... I know that i couldn't even fly into newark on monday as there are no flights... So i have a forced recovery here at scsh... Could be worse...

  • lesliet
    lesliet Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, i'll come and see you after my pre opon Wed.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    So, tonight did shower, girdle, drain meaures, betadine and Neosporin and pads on my own. I am now totally exhausted, needed 2 pain pills and am down for the count. Would love to have had Jamie or Nicole here!

    Hang in Betsy ... use some of that lemons/lemonade attitude you have!

    Great to hear you so positive and well, Joasta!!! WTG!! Like you, I will really look forward to Stage 2!

    Now, for some healing sleep!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Maggie.. I remember it taking me well over an hour to do that process... So i am thankful to still have the nurses help me... And hopefully by the time i leave here i will have less drains. This morning when i showered, i could barely see my drain holes as i had 5 drains tied to my neck... When i was at home, i definitley got into a pattern, butnit was like a circus act.

    Lesliet... Come by ... Room 208. Unless a miracle happens, i will be here.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    @bdavis -- circus act indeed! Husband stood by with his hands clenched but he knew he had to let me do it ... I'll be on my own for a week after he leaves tomorrow. Post-op at 9, then to airport to drop him off and on to Thibodaux for me! Did sleep well!!! :-)t

    @semper. The one thing most folks dont talk about in getting ready is YOU -- cardio, leg and arm strength. You will need that to get thru surgery and bounce back with fewer complications. All of the other advice re: putting stuff low, BIG clothes, housekeeping assistance, etc. al also excellent. Mind and body with the program ... my advice, FWIW!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, if the Center/you would be willing I'd be happy to escort you home. Just thought I'd put it out there.. PM if you are interested?!



  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, if the Center/ you would be willing to consider it I could fly to NOLA and escort you home. It would be my pleasure,and it's a quick trip from Tampa.

    Let me know what u think via PM?!



  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2011

    Thanks Celtic, I do the workout stuff normally so I dont think I will change anything with that. 

    Does anyone have pictures of scarring after a year? I want to know what to expect even though I know everyone is different. I have seen amazing scarring and scarring that is not so great.  

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2011

    Springtime, thanks I can deal with temporary angry read scars. But I dont think i could deal with that long term. If they fade to white, I am good.  I am in extremely good shape so I am hoping that will help me out.  I have problem areas like anyone else.  But I would never chose to do this electively if there wasnt the risk of cancer.  I didnt know I was ok with my body until I faced having to surgically alter it.  We have always been at odds with each other ;)

    I am also struggling with  who will come with me to surgery. I have a 3 and a 5 year old  and my mom is 75 and doesnt do well in new situations.  She says she can butI have heard that before with my oophorectomy.  I have arranged for a nanny  to stay but 10 days is a lot for the little ones to be away from both of us. So we were thinking we should split the trip up between two people but  I dunno who the second person could be especially with such short notice.

    One last question for today.  I didnt realize I would have to do this so quickly for it to be before the end of the year so I am checking in with myself emotionally. I didnt have a lot of breast cancer in my family so its harder for me.  Ovarian was easy because I had seen ovarian cancer at its worst.  But I am wondering, if I am scared of all the possible worst case scenarios with this surgery ie nipple necrosis, scarring, fat that a sign I am not ready? It seems like most people I talk to getting ready for surgery are in a zen place of confidence and calmness.  I am just not there yet.