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NOLA in September?



  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2011

    I had my stage 2 surgery Wednesday, and flew home on Friday after my post-op, which I requested.  In retrospect, I think it was a bit soon, especially since my surgery didn't even start til after 1pm on Wednesday, and finished maybe around 5 (?). I really could have used at least another day of rest before I flew.  I think some of the nurses were pretty surprised that we were flying so soon.  I guess I sort of goofed when I had to make a bunch of changes due to the tropical storm forcing us to reschedule from the week before.  I really don't know what I was thinking . . .

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited September 2011

    Hi ladies...I'm from the Charleston thread and read here frequently.

    RE: Travel Insurance for Airlines....When I was traveling to Charleston for surgery, I inquired about this with the Ins. Co for the airlines, they told me not to bother. Because I was traveling for surgery for a medical condition I ALREADY had, the insurance wouldn't cover my flight due to surgery complications, hospital discharge changes, etc. The only medical condition it would consider would be some new condition that happened, that wasn't related to my "pre-existing" reason for surgery. They told me if something happened after my surgery that affected me being able to make my flight, I could appeal to the airlines after the fact, but would still be charged the $150 change fee.  Just wanted you all to check before you purchase this. I was thankful the ins. co. was honest and told me not to get it. Fortunately, I left when scheduled and didn't need it.


  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    Hey Ladies - I heard from Sonya (Running) today - she said she got anemic and had low blood pressure so they had to give her some blood. She also had some minor issues related to her heart. Not sure of all the details, but hopefully she will feel well enough to post here soon.  The good news is that she says all of her issues appear to be resolving.  She estimates she is just one day behind in the normal recovery schedule.  All in all good news! 

    Another pointer - I just had more 4 week anniversary from my stage 2 which means I was cleared to use the brown tape on my scars.  Not sure if anyone else was given this or if I mentioned it before,  but Dr. D and Laura gave me two rolls at my pre-op and said to start putting the tape on my scars 4 weeks out.- Laura even said they weren't sure why it worked with help with the appearance of scars but that some people have great results with it.  So I started a couple of days ago and already I see a HUGE difference - the scars are less puffy and red already - will keep up with the tape and let you all know how it goes. 

    My stage 2 was on Tuesday, I had my post op (not required but I asked for it) on Thursday and I flew home Friday.  It was fine, not fun, but fine.  I also had a hysterectomy and I was able to fly that soon after surgery no issue.  I did have A LOT of swelling in my feet and ankles even with the TED hose but it resolved itself in a week or so. 

    Hope everyone is recovering okay!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2011

    Dana, so glad that you mentioned the swelling in the hands and feet.  I have a lot.  Really a lot!  And of course I did wear the TED hose.  I wasn't sure how much of the swelling was normal, but since you had it as well, I am pretty sure that mine is similar.  My hands were so swollen when Dr.D looked at me yesterday, he said. "Oh, look, your fingers look like little sausages!  Little sausage fingers!".  Ya, thanks, Doc.  But he was quite pleased with his work overall, and I am excited to see some results, though I know it will take a few weeks.  Anyway, the swelling in the feet is especially bad today, so I try to walk around the house a bit, elevate them, and drink lots of water.  

    I am glad Sonya's issues are resolving and she is not too behind in her recovery.  What is the brown tape you are referring too?  They gave me some brown tape to hold my nipple shields on after the first set comes off, since I am allergic to so many other tapes and adhesives.  I wonder if it is the same stuff?  

    Regarding making changes to flights, Soutwest never charges a change fee, so there would only be the difference in fare if a change had to be made.  Not sure if they would be willing to waive that for a medical issue, but it certainly is better than spending money just to change the flight, plus paying the additional fare.  They were super-nice getting me through the airports yesterday and I had no problems at security.  I fly them whenever I can.   

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    My stage II is on a Monday at noon (I know, odd, since that clinic day) and post op will be with Laura on Thursday and flying home Friday. I want some brown tape!! And do they always revise the belly incision? Mine is healing well... not lumpy at all.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    here is a link to the tape, although the center gave me two rolls of it in the tan color.  Not sure which model it was, it doesn't say on the roll.  It's very thin and not super sticky but it adheres well and doesn't move unless you take it residue...

    I had NSM so I'm not sure if it's the same tape you were given for your nipple shields...does it look like it?  Man, it would suck to be allergic to this appears to be pretty hypoallergenic...not sure.

    Dr. D only revised the dog ears on my DIEP scar but they also cut a ~1in section at the very center of my incision for my hysterectomy as well.  

    Sausage fingers!  So funny!  My husband and I developed a "Sausage Index" so he could assign a number to my level of swollen-ness after surgery.  I'm down to a 2 now!  But after that stage 2 and that plane ride I was at a 10 on the sausage index for sure. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Dana... I was at my gynocologist this morning and we were talking oofrectomy and hysterectomy... Would love to hear more about your NOLA experience with this... This was laproscopic, yes? My gyno recommends oofrectomy only... I'd like input on the surgery AND the side effects while also doing stage II.

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited September 2011

    Hi everyone

    Surfagrl has returned. Thank u so much for thinking about me. Surgery went well but I had allergic reactions of itching that went away after I had my first bath. I later could not keep my food down and pain meds. They went back to use my iv for pain meds and I really didn't like the feeling. Thought I was on heroin! I am finally at homewood suites and I had a good day tolerating pain meds and smiling.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited September 2011

    All this sausage talk is getting me really worried about how my lymphedema will be affected by Stage2 ( in 2 weeks). The only measurable swelling I have is in one hand -- mainly my thumb. I know it's different fluid, not from the lymphatics, but I'm worried that any fluid in my hand will be a problem. Prior to my DIEP I wrapped and did all that LE care, 24/7 for 6 months, and, believe me, it is no fun to have your arms and hands in bandages 100% of the time. I feel so incredibly lucky that now I do not need to do anything. To me, lipo is definitely not worth going back there. If anyone has any experience with this, please tell me about it. Thanks so much.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited September 2011

    Jerusha - I was thinking the same thing reading those posts. I'm 7 weeks out from my hip flaps and I have pitting edema on my BC side. I had chest and breast LE from my lumpectomy/AND but it's much worse now. Also my arm was up 1 cm when I went to therapy this week. I've been wrapping every night since surgery and wearing a sleeve all day.

    I know this is an opportunity to have work done and I could use lipo on my inner and outer thighs but tonight I'm thinking that I'm going to have as little done as possible. I don't want a long recovery after stage 2 and I don't want my swelling to get worse either! I'm hoping that at some point this breast LE will improve. Did you experience it after surgery?

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited September 2011

    Jerusha did you read my mind or what? Do the plump you with fluid like stage 1? If that's the case I am cool. If that's not what it is please explain? 

    Also I am really thinking about skipping the nipple recon--has anyone opted for the nipple tat's instead with Vinny?  

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2011

    Thanks jacee for the info.

    Figures the one time I buy travel insurance it is the wrong time. Oh well I should have read the fine print.

    After spending so much money on medical care the 18 dollars for the travel insurance doesn't even matter.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    I am still ok with travel insurance..., my mom is coming with me and is 80 years old... Things happen and for $18, better to be protected...

    I have not had swelling problems outside of my surgical sites, have not had LE, have never wrapped my arm, so I assume this comes down to LE risk and the number of nodes taken... But i would also then assume that your legs are safe territory, and even love handles, but maybe avoid the areas right by armpits?

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    Yeah, although I have not had LE either all my swelling was at the surgical sites, mostly abdominal, and in my ankles and feet after the plane ride.  It did resolve itself pretty quickly but maybe Jerusha and toomuch should chat with the LE specialists at the center to see if they have any specific stage 2 recommendations. 

    Surfa - glad to hear things are going better! 

    Betsy, I had a hysterectomy due to existing issues I had with fibroids - turns out to be a good thing as they found endometriosis while they were in there.  But it's my understanding that a BSO is sufficient if there are no other reasons to take the uterus.  Dr. Von Almen has surgical rights at SCSH and although he is not an ONC, he's worked on many high risk/BRCA+ women so he knows the protocol for the surgery and the serial sectioning. 

    The center coordinated all my appts with him and the surgery scheduling with him and Dr. D so that was no issue at all.  I had a lot of nausua for the first week after my stage 2 so that was no fun but other than that doing stage 2 and the GYN stuff at the same time seemed totally doable.  Glad to not have another surgery.  Dr. V is also super communicative via email so I've been able to get all my questions answered in a timely fashion.  Let me know if you have any additional questions about the GYN part of it...things went okay for me!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Thanks Dana... I may be back to you

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2011

    I am new to these boards.  I am scheduled for surgery at NOLA this Wednesday (September 21). I am having a unilateral prophylactic hip flap (had a previous unilateral DIEP a few years ago following a bc diagnosis.) I am packing for the trip and have a question.   Were you able to wear non-button-down shirts in the days right after you leave the hospital? 

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    Hi Besa nice to see you here!

    Who is doing your surgery on 9/21?

    Like I think I said in my email to you, I was able to wear clothes 1 day after my surgery and able to get shirts on and off easily - I had a bunch of cheap tank tops one size too big so I could step into them if required but after 24 hours I was able to get them on and off over my head no issue.  I have tons of button down stuff I bought that I never used.  Curious to see what the other ladies have to say...welcome to our group!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited September 2011

    Besa - I totally wore regular t-shirts (and form fitting!) in the days after surgery. So, I had a couple little "bumps" under my shirt where the drains were - I didn't care! It really was no problem. They did put me in a black bra - so this may be something to consider when packing - you may not (or maybe you would) want a white shirt over the black bra! Good luck to you - you will be great!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Besa... I also wore regualr shirts... In the first few days I didn't want clingy shirts, but no need for button downs... I also have been using the pain ball bag to carry my drains around, so its like having a purse all the time rather than the bulky drain pouch.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited September 2011

    Wow, I, too, just bought a bunch of button-up, non-fitted shirts. It's the one thing everyone writes about and being someone who has none of those in my wardrobe, I went and got some. I have heard from a couple people to worry more about the bottoms, though, as there is swelling and lots of tenderness, so big and loose pants with no buttons and zips are important. Do you experienced ones agree that is the case?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    I bought 3 yoga style shorts (had surgery in the summer), with a soft wide waistband, and that was key... tops were much less important... Know that your armpits will be swollen, so don't wear anything that is normally a perfect fit, but we all have shirts that are a little roomier... I have liked wearing my shirts that are like peasant style, with a little elastic on the bottom... helps hide the drain hoses.... My nightgowns, which I actually wore in the hospital, are over the head nighties.

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2011

    I wore button down shirts and yoga pants after stage one. I was mostly in house coats that snapped down the front. My favorite item was a zip up hoodie sweatshirt with inside pockets. Put my drains in there. I didn't look fashionable but since I was only laying around the hotel room I was fine. I didn't do any sightseeing after stage 1. I had a lot of back pain in compensation of my hip to hip incision. I could barely walk around. I went out to eat but my friend pushed me in a wheelchair.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2011

    I had no problems with most if my regular shirts after my stage 1, and never did wear the couple of button downs that I bought.  I followed the suggestions to get yoga-style pants, and those were the most comfortable for me in the first few weeks.  I am back in them again since my stage 2 a few days ago.  Shirts are an issue now, though, due to the nipple protectors.  Its not just that they show through, I can live with that, but the bacitracin in them has stained 2 shirts so far.  I think I will just wash and wear these same shirts for the next week, as I can ditch the bacitracin after day 10.  Any suggestions on how to remove the stains though?  They are not my fav shirts, but one of them I would be happy to keep around a while longer.

    Dana, I too have a lot of nausea this time around, and had very little with stage 1.  I haven't taken a pain med since 6 am so that I could see if that was the cause, but I am still nauseous.  I guess it could be the antibiotic, or the arnica, but I also wonder if the compression is part of the cause. How do I know if the compression is too tight?  I assume they measured me while I was on the table. . . .

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    I was a bit nauseous after my DIEP but fine after my hip flaps... I was thinking it was the loritab, so I stopped the pain meds, and felt much better...

    Amy... I got some A&D on a couple of shirts, and the one, just multiple wahses got it out... I also got it on a tank top, which is ribbed, and cost me like $5, and its is still there.. I have been told soaking stains is cascade crystal works miracles... haven't tried it on my tank tho.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2011

    Thank you everyone for the very helpful and quick replies.  My doctors are Dellacroce and Stolier. ( I don't know who is assisting.)  Also one more question.  Did you use a wheel chair in the NOLA airport when you flew home after surgery  or was it not necessary?  I was wondering about how I would feel waiting in the security lines....


  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2011

    I rolled all the way to the plane. I had issues walking so I was loving the wheelchair.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    wheelchair was key definitely, both in NOLA and on the other end.  I did that twice with both stage 1 and stage 2 and I was super happy to not be standing, walking or waiting online.  It made the airport security experience more tolerable too. 

    My nausea with stage 2 appeared to be related to my pain meds as I felt a lot better about 24 hours after i stopped taking them.  Although, since I had my ovaries out too, there is a possibility it was the surgical menopause in part making me nauseous at first.  Not sure, just happy it's over!  The center gave me some anti-nausea pills which helped a lot but the best thing was just getting off the percocets.  Odd though as I was on them for weeks after stage 1 with no issues.  Oh well...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Besa... Dr Stolier is the breast surgeon, Dr DellaCroce is the plastic surgeon... and I did not use the wheelchair on the NOLA end... its a very small airport and for me, I didn't think it was necessary.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2011

    Using a wheelchair in the NOLA airport got me the VIP treatment through security. So glad I did it that way.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2011

    Again, thank your for all the information.  This is very helpful!