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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2011

    NoWords, I added your stage 2 date above. 

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited September 2011

    Got a sweet message from a dozey, groggy Amy. All is well.

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited September 2011

    Glad you hear that all went well this week Ladies. Keeping you guys in my prayers.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2011

    Glad all went well Amy!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2011

    Kathryn, I'm glad that you aren't dealing with any cancer, but am sorry about the auto-immune diagnosis.   I didn't get to read every post---is there anything that can be done for it?

    Nordy, I'm not going to be in NOLA for a while other than on Oct 17th, just to spend the day with Alaina on my way home from Orlando.  We have been traveling so much since the beginning of summer that my husband is taking a break for a while.  I'm heading to Chicago without him next week, and then meeting up with Liz Anderson in Orlando next month for a huge women's show.  After that, I hope to stay home the rest of the year.

    Glad to hear that Amy is recovering!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2011

    TooMuch, I added your date! Sorry for missing!

    All, if I miss your date request, please send me a PM like TooMuch did. I do my best to catch them all, but sometimes, I miss one... 

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited September 2011

    Spring - It is such an amazing thing that you do for each of this maintaining the NOLA list. Thank you so much for adding my date.

    JustLaura - I'll be at SCSH on 10/19 for my preop. Perhaps you will have a post op appointment that day or one of the days when I'm in the hospital. I'd love to meet up!

    No one has mentioned this to me but can we fly home alone after Stage 2?

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2011

    Sandy - going to see my internest on Tuesday (after my follow up at the dermatologist.) Still not clear what this is and I think I need another pair of eyes on it. As we all know, the doctors are informed by their own particular bent and philosophy - so we'll see what someone else says and what can be done about it. Hopefully it's nothing more than what it seems to be right now.  Also, when are you going to be in Orlando? I arrive on Oct 16th for a big fertility/reproductive medicine conference.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Toomuch (Amy)... I am glad to see someone else putting less than 3 months between stage I and II...but it is 12 weeks, which is my gap time...

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2011

    I was wondering if anyone who has Cigna can tell me what their experience was with billing at St Charles. I was told that St Charles Hospital wont charge me anything. They will take whatever payment my insurance will pay with my out of network benefits but wont bill me for any of it.  Is this true? I am a little wary of just taking Pam Freeman's word for it at St Charles hospital. I would feel much better having it in writing.  I would like to know your experiences.

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2011

    Springtime I am stage one on Oct 5th with Sullivan and Dellacroce

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2011

    Healing vibes to all those recovering!

    I was approved for out of network by insurance, so yay.  May still work on getting an in network exception.  Has anyone went through that with getting letters from local surgeon saying not done here or whatever?  Can't wait to get these TEs out.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Semper... when you check in you will sign an agreement... If they say your part is zero, then you will have an agreement that says that.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2011
    I want zero too!  Tongue out
  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2011

    I just got off the phone with Celeste. Sent pictures of my bulging tummy and seems like I developed something very rare (figures!) post tummy tuck -  seroma cavity. It prevents the tummy from connecting to the tissue underneath and therefore I look about 5 months pregnant. Seems I'll be coming back down to NOLA this year.

    Feel a mix of emotions -  relieved to know that this isn't right and I felt it was problematic for a long time, glad it will be fixed, scared because this will be my 4th surgery in under a year and it's taking its toll, and happy to go and see all my favorite people in New Orleans and have some more biegnets :)  Will update with dates when I have them.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Oh Kathryn... I feel your pain... Since diagnosis in November, I have had 6 surgeries so far and at least one more in November (stage II).. not fun at all, but yes, it can and will be fixed!!! Focus on the end game...  You have for sure had bumps...

    So, when they did the CT scan in July to get my vessel road map, apparently they found an abnormailty in my uterus or something... like a collection of blood?? Anyway, on top of everything I have been through this summer, I now have to get a D&C on Saturday morning... I have had that before, and it is super uncomfortable... not happy.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2011

    Betsy and Kathryn-- I was just sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I still have a drain (4 weeks out) and have to get a small wound debrided tomorrow, and had to see someone about my antibiotic stomach issues yesterday.  But yeesh... I'm sorry you guys have to have more procedures. That sucks.  I'm trying to remind myself to keep my eye on the prize, and remember that healing from my other 4 surgeries had similar bumps in the road.  I think if I can get past week 5 it'll be smooth sailing from there.  

    Best of luck with getting through your bumps.


  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    Heard from Sonya's (running) husband...all is well!  She's in recovery and doing ok!  Yay!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2011

    Kathryn and Betsy - also so sorry for all the medical issues you guys have had. Geez!

    Glad to hear Sonya is doing well! Thanks, Denouement!

    After Betsy's all done with her D&C on Saturday, we can all relax for 2 weeks.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2011

    Thanks Deno! Glad to hear that Sonya (running) is well.

    No word from Surfa? Let's just hope/pray that all is well with her and she just doesn't have a computer with her!

    Amy???? Thinking of you!! Hope you are okay. Hang in there, it get's better! The first 3-5 days after lipo were the worst for me.  

    Semper, girl. Believe it! I have Cigna, paid zero, zero, zero!! When you go to fill out the hospital paperwork, they will give you a sheet and it will tell you what you are expected to pay. Mine always says ). $0.00.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Thanks guys... I just keep waiting for the "what next"... although may have arrived... my husband's dad died this morning, so now we have that...I thought bad things came in threes, not tens.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2011

    Betsy, I just read about the D&C. I am so sorry. good grief. I am sure there must be good, medical-free days ahead!! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Yes... I sure hope that all days post 2011 will be near medically free.... My gyn did offer an ultrasound instead, but said it was not as good a test for the problem... so Saturday morning I will take my 800mg of Ibuprofen and head out for the uteran (sp) scraping... oh joy!!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2011

    Oh Betsy, we are quite a pair! I too am delegating 2011 the year of surgery and 2012 - none!

    Also, so sorry to her about your FIL - sending my condolences.  How is your family doing?  Was it unexpected? Will you still do the D&C on Sat?  I remember it was a 1 day affair for me. Much easier than flap surgery! 

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2011

    Just checking in.  I am still at SCSH this evening, after surgery yesterday afternoon.  They wanted to keep me here one more night, maybe because it was around 7pm before I was in my room.  Surgery went smoothly, but I feel like I have been hit by a truck, or as Dr D said, "like I have been taken out to the alley and beaten!"  Pain meds have helped, and for the most part, it is a different kind of pain.  My incisions are quite sore.  He revised my abdominal scar - it had gotten kind of lumpy in the center, and he took car of the dog ears that had been left on both hips.  Also did some adjusting of the breasts, made the nipples, and did a lot (I think) of lipo.  I am wearing the crotchless,sexy black number that goes all the way to mid-calf.  So with that, and the black bra with holes cut into it to accommodate the nipple protectors, I look pretty amazing! haha  

    I have done a few laps around the floor, and had a shower this evening.  Scheduled to have my post op check tomorrow morning and fly out tomorrow afternoon!  Zippity quick.  At 4:00 today I wouldn't have thought I could travel tomorrow, but now I think I will be ok, if not a bit uncomfortable.  I had a pain pump, but they removed it this afternoon and I am just as glad, since it was making me so very groggy.  I am now just using Lortab every few hours.  And the pain is not horrible.  Dr D said I would be "underwhelmed" about the pain, and I think he was right.  Still too early to say what I think of the nipples, as they protrude a bit more than I expected, but Dr D and Stacy (nurse) both said they will shrink up quite a bit.  Lets hope so.  

    Once again the treatment here is amazing, from Drs and nurses and nursing assistants to the food staff and the housekeeper.  I could never imagine going elsewhere after the beautiful facility and staff here.  I am still in a bit of shock that I am almost done!  I have an appt for Vinnie to do my tattoos in NOLA mid December and that should be the end of it!

    I saw Sonya briefly yesterday before I went in for surgery.  And my husband saw Surfagirl and her husband in the hall, so I guess that is good news that she is up and walking.  I am runnng out of steam about now, so I will probably be back in my bed soon.  Thanks again for all the support!   

    Betsy and Kathryn, you have both been through so much.  I hate that for you.  And Betsy, I am sorry to hear about your father-in-law.   

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    My family is ok... My FIL had lung cancer 15 or so years ago, has been living with one lung all this time... He has been on an oxygen machine for quite a while now... He was 75, and his wife is 51 and she adored him... we could never figure it out (third wife)... but we are fine... Thanks. And yes, I plan to have the procedure on Saturday morning... in the doctor's office with some 800mg of Ibuprofen... I had this a year and half ago, and no one mentioned pain meds, so I had it unmedicated. That was not comfortable.

    Amy... you seem quite good... Yay that you're done!!! Safe travels when you head home... 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2011

    Betsy, sorry to hear about the D&C and your FIL passing.  

    Amy, when in Dec will you be back to NOLA?  My Stage 2 is Dec 15.  Maybe we can meet this time???  My surgery is on a Thurs and I'm staying in town for a post op on Monday.  I'm also driving--not flying!!  (with my sister)  Maybe I can also meet Vinnie while I'm there!  You sound good.  I'm hoping I get the early surgery (sorry KBodie!).   Is it wrong I'm hoping for a pain pump again??  I just wouldn't let go of that thing and Dr S let me keep it longer than my nurse wanted me to have it!  lol 

    So question about Stage 2:  I'll be staying in NOLA a few extra days so I can have the post op.  Will I be able to do some sight seeing?  I did some after Stage 1, so I'm expecting I can after Stage 2.  I'm looking forward to the Christmas lights in City Park!  

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2011

    Kaitsmom - does it feel like a baby truck?  i am sure it isn't as intense as stage 1.  at least i hope it is not.  I feel good and my body doesnt really want to feel pain again.  ugh.  i havent even thought about stage 3.  i have a fear of needles and the whole tattoo thing scares me. 

     betsy - deepest sympathy to you and your family. 

     betsy & kathryn - i hope 2011 will be the last of surgeries for you and me!  you two are strong women to have endured so much this year!

    to all healing in new orleans from stage 1 - speedy recovery and it will get better!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Theresa... I normally wouldn't want tattoos due to fear of ALL the needle pokes, but it is a numb area, so should be totally painless, right?