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NOLA in September?



  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011

    Betsy -- glad to hear you are feeling better. That first 24-hours is always a doozie!

    I had purchased 2 mastectomy camisoles that came with small pouches with velcro on the top for drains. They hang just under the bust and I found using them for State 1 was easier than the kangaroo bag they gave me. The velcro stuck just fine to the top of the DOM if I wore them low and looked a whole lot better than the "bulge" at the waist when I wore them low. For tops that didn't have the velcro, a simple safety pin worked clipping it to the surgical bra. The camis are VERY soft, so it was a welcome change. One pulled up over the hips -- the other zipped up the front and had lace on it, so I could wear it like a tank top.

    When the ends of the straps the Center gave me started to ravel for showers, I just used what I had dreamed up when my daughter had her breast surgery -- an old pair of pantyhose tied at the waist. I found it keeps the drain from swinging around (like it does at your neck) and was more comfy. And, dried in a trice and was very "green"! LOL!

    Must thank you all for putting me onto the Marena compression garments. They are a whole WORLD more comfy than the DOM, even after the aerobic workout to get into them!! Wow, what a difference! And the 20% coupon didn't hurt either!

    I had a hip flap, but can empathize with the DIEP gang as I had had a tummy tuck earlier in my life. Dr. D. will be correcting some little things with that in Stage 2, I am sure. Not sure all what he will do, but would dearly love to have him give me knees and legs that don't look like they were designed to hold up a grand piano, especially between the knees and hips! LOL!

    Stage 2 will be here before I know it and like many, I am feeling the pressure on the holidays (along with the contractors crawling all over the house in the B&B conversion!). Trying to dope out what will be the simplest given my very large family!  Wish I could gift everyone here who has been so supportive, constant, consistent and helpful. That is a blessing I am thankful for daily!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    About the knot.. Dr D told me it was from the old belly button, and during the revision, I asked for it to be removed.. I am still quite swollen, so I can't say with 100% certainty, but I think it is indeed gone.

    I also have found for Stage II, and all the lipo and veronique compression garment, reaching my feet is a challenge.. so slip on shoes are most important at stage II, at least for me. Of course I have my sneakers here.. oh well. I guess my mom will have to revert to when I was little and put my socks and shoes on.. the airport should be interesting.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011

    Which Veronique garment did they put you in, Betsy? I am very curious as there seems to be such a variety, depending on where you have lipo and most work done.

    Good luck at the airport. I found a great Skycap who took me through security, to the gate, made sure I had food and water, out onto the jetway and carried my bags (laptop was WAY more than 10 lbs!) and stowed them and was just a mensch! Actually singing while he worked -- and the man could sing! Loves his job and it really showed! REALLY earned his tip!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    My Veronique is from just below the breasts to below the knees... The first one I had went to above the knees, but they lipo'd my knees so I requested a longer one... so I now have two of those...also the first one they gave me was too big, so I thought my compression wasn't adequate.

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    Betsy I hope you are feeling good today. I have my post-op with Dr. D and we are hope, hope, hoping we can catch a late flight home--boy do I miss my kids! I have a question for all of you--my boobs are HUGE! So how much is swelling and how much is boob that is going to stay? Like how many days did it take for your swelling to go down? And how much did it go down? 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Nordy - I love when your'e cranky and when you're not!  You rock!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Okay, I have to admit I know NOTHING about scar release and myofascial release.    I feel like I'm missing out on something that may be good for me. How do I know if I even need it? Please let me know what I should be asking and looking for!

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited November 2011

    Hi Victoria,

    I would say mine took a few weeks to seem less swollen.  But Dr D also put extra tissue in my right bc side as I needed chemo & rads after my MX (so it is still swollen from that) I think after 2 months they didn't feel like you were wearing a life vest covered by a sweater (that's what some of us felt like..even naked in the shower) very strange..not sure if you had one or both done, but def not ever going to feel like your old breasts as far as sensation, but somethings are more important than living and enjoying our kids!!!  I'm doing my rads now and hoping to get back to Dr D in a few months for stage 2...hope your feeling well and have safe trip home!!!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Victoria - mine were huge too! (Hubby loved them that way...not so much for me). But I'd say that it was a slow process of the swelling going down but by 3 months out they pretty much stopped shrinking!  I think they ended up being very proportional.

    I also had the Veronique after stage 2 and having my knees lipo'd. It went from my shoulders (scoop neck) to mid-calf.  I still have it and wore it after my 2B, even though Dr S didn't work on my knees again.  I found it very comfortable and so much easier to get into since it zipped up the front.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011

    Kathryn -- I'm liking the sound of the zipper up the front! I hope to have knees (and maybe some calf, but mostly knees, thights and whatever he does to my backside!) done in this Stage 2. Have a feeling, given that it is cold winter coming in WNY, that I won't mind the longer compression garment in the least!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Victoria.. When I met with Dr D on Monday morning, he said I was still swollen after 4 months, so don't expect your finished product for quite a while... Not only that, but at stage II he will contour, and for me that meant it would be smaller.. better to have too much now than too little... He can always remove some, but adding it is more difficult.

    Just got to the hotel 2pm NOLA time... hoping to meet up with Liz... missed Ro.. and maybe will see Brandy?? 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011
    I do know (I am a unilateral MX), that the "new" breast (right) is significantly larger than the contralateral (left) one that underwent a mastoplexy in Stage 1. I am hoping that the left can be made more in size like the right as the left is more than a whole cup size different! It has amazed me how the foob has become soft and 'saggy' -- not the right word, but -- and really FEELS like the left one, even minus a nipple! Needs some shaping, but the size is great and it does not feel swollen at all!
  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Maggie.. I think it more likely they will reduce your new breast to match your natural one.. Mine were for sure reduced... He was able to get rid of all (or most) of my ab skin patch. I am still a good size, but was too big on left breast (hip) and both needed shaping.. He says they are now more proportional to the rest of my body. Guess I will see what he means when the swelling subsides.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011

    I am hoping we aren't going that route! My hips and butt are so big and my bust has always been proportionately small (can you say pear?) that smaller is NOT better in this instance, especially since I have lost some weight. The left is REALLY smaller -- swims in the cup size I need for the right! He already reduced the left with the mastoplexy! Everyone always said here you can be whatever size you want -- I guess only means if you are BMX. Not looking for huge, but proportionate for me is NOT the size of the left. Shoot, given my girth, I would be surprised if it were a full B!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011

    Whining ... time for me to have a snack and get the blood sugar back up. Sorry ...

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited November 2011

    Celtic - Don't dispair. Dr. D may well be able to put fat into your left breast. Especially if he took too much out in the first place! Let him know what you want. I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't be possible!

    Victoria - I felt huge too. In fact, when I saw Dr. S 3 weeks post op, I told him that he would have to reduce my boobs at stage 2! I ended up going back for Stage 2 - 11 1/2 weeks post stage 1. My non BC side had settled in perfectly and wasn't touched except for the nipple addition. My BC side needed shaping and had fat added to it. It's still significantly bigger then my other side and I'm waiting for the swelling to go down again. My non BC side has been a steady size since about 10 weeks out. We're all different and the swelling doesn't resolve a strict schedule!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    Surfa - will PM you my number. I am not having a procedure done while I am there - so getting out an about will be easy! Stage 2 though was easier for me to get moving afterward, I think this is generally true, but certainly not always as some ladies here have stated.

    Cider - Yes, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE beating up inanimate objects... LOL

    Kathryn! Thank you!!! You are the best!

    Victoria - I agree with everyone else... the swelling just takes time. And like with all things in our bodies - we all have different rates of swelling reduction. Hang in there - it will come. 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited November 2011

    Celtic - Dr D will told me that during stage two he plans to add fat (lipoed and transferred) to my previous DIEP reconstruction to try to make it similar in size to the larger hip flap that was just done.  I agree with toomuch, tell Dr. D what you want. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011


    I added you to the listing above for Jan 4th! Looks like there will be others there too! :) 

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited November 2011

    For those gathering up compression gear, think about getting full length even if you do not require compression all the way down. I found it much more comfortable to have the garments end at my ankles rather than mid calf or above the knee. Felt much less constrictive, and a more natural ending place. And my long black Marena bottoms double as leggings and work great under long-ish skirts with boots.

    I think someone was asking about what the hospital provides. For procedures requiring below knee they use the Veronique. For above the knee they use a brand called Flex-Support. There may be some exceptions for atypical sizes. I went home in the Flex-Support, but bought some Veronique to try. Even tho the center zipper is a little easier to manage, I found it to be much more uncomfortable because the fabric has less give. But, definately, once you pass the 2 week mark, the Marenas are comfiest.

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited November 2011

    Victoria:  When I first came out of surgery, I thought my reconstructed breast was huge!  I am 9 weeks post Stage 1 and the right reconstructed side matches the left which had a mastoplexy although the reconstructed side ihas considerably more volume.  I am amazed that they are both the same protrusion.

    Celtic: Dr. S told me at my post op that I could either add fat to my lifted side or take some out from my reconsructed side.  I'm not very big and still debating what I want to do.  I am a "B' cup and wouldn't mind more volume, just thinking about function because I'm so active. 

    Nordy:  is PM a private message? How do I open a private message? 

    Cider 8: I did a little research on myofascial release and trying to look for a therapist in Hawaii.  Could not find one on Oahu but there were a few on the different islands.  I'll keep searching. Thank you for the info.  I think it would be helpful as I still have limitations on lifting my arm on reconstructed side.  Arm feels heavier with the foob now.  It's a predicament whether to reduce the reconstructed or add to other side.  Arrgghh. I could definitely use the enlargement.

    Anyone know if there are complications trying to add fat to mastoplexy side? Is there a chance the fat will get hard, lumpy, etc.?  Just tired of all this and looking to feel normal asap. 

    DJWeinstein:  I'm having my pre op on Jan. 4 in the afternoon.  Not sure what time your surgery is.  I can pop in and say hello if you're feeling up to it. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    So I am three days post stage II, and I have my follow up with Laura today,,, I am thinking Dr D removed a lot of volume during stage II, so I am curious why... He said something about making me proportional... but I wonder if it had anything to do with my hard tissue.. so will ask that today.

    I met Liz Anderson and Victoria this trip, but missed Ro and assume I will miss BrandyB. I think she is in surgery right now.

    So, stage II.. I am in a lot of pain.. between the butt lift, ab scar revision and lots of lipo, OUCH... I'm ok if I don't move.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Brandy - thinking of you. Good luck!

    Betsy - I think that the people that have hip flap and then have a tummy tuck, and also those with stacked flaps have a VERY different Stage 2 experience.  For me (not for stacked) stage 2 was almost harder than stage 1 in that I had surgery on a larger portion of my body. I can't recall the exact number, but I think they said 60% of my body.  The good news is that the recuperation from Stage 2 is MUCH faster than Stage 1.  I think most people can go back to work in 2 - 3 weeks. (Unless they work for themselves and then it's about 5 days off!)  Good luck to you in your recovery.  I know you've been through a lot but you'll do great!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    I know there's been a lot of talk aout size - too small, too big, uneven. I have to tell you that these doctors are pure artists.  At first, after Stage 1 I thought I was HUGE! By the time 3 months passed I thought I might be a little too small. Dr. S added volume after Stage 2a and again I thought I was too big...but 3 months passed and then I thought I might be slightly smaller than I wanted. So, 2B comes around and I've been pumped up again. I'm prepared for some loss of volume but I this time "I think he's got it!"  So, a little patience and a tweak or two and I'm sure you'll get the size you're looking for. (BTW, they can add up to half a cup size with fat.)  I don't know what size I am now - since I have yet to go shopping for a real bra, but I'm guessing a small C (and I started out as a medium sized B cup.)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    I for sure recognize that since I have had hip and ab flaps, all stacked plus lipo etc, my whole body is beaten up.

    Thinking of you Brandy

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    I had a lot of work done in stage 2, both front and back (4 flaps) and plication even! Tons of lipo, he said he had to "hit me hard" in certain areas to even me out.

    I still thought stage 2 was so much better than stage 1. I popped right out of bed and went to pee! Vs. stage 1 where you can't get up for a day or two even.

    Anyway! I have to say, the first 3-5 days after lipo are like being hit with a truck. I hade dinner plate sized bruises! Hang in there!!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    Surfa- I PM is a private message. You can access them when signed in. Look above the start of Spring's thread where the blue strip is just below the magenta(?) section that says Message Boards. The blue private message tab is the last of that strip on the right.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011

    Spring -- did you try the arnica therapy pre and post-surgically? I just got the kit in the mail yesterday and apparently should start taking the pills 5 days before surgery and the rest after. Did anyone else try this? I am a firm believer in arnica use (though it has always been a topical gel for me) for bruising. And I am sure Dr. D. will be "hitting me hard" too! Lots of lumps to smooth out, some correcting from a previous tummy tuck and like that. Gonna feel like a convoy went thru, I am sure!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Spring - maybe Stage 2 for hip flap with a tummy tuck is tougher. If you had 4 flaps done in stage 1, you may be reopening old areas, but with a new tummy tuck it's a whole new area that is being addressed.  It is interesting to compare and see how different it is for many of us.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Celtic, I never did Arnica, but I think many here have. It was posted here after I was done having surgeries I think. I'd certainly try it! I have never heard there is any harm...

    Kathryn, true, everybody has a different reaction to surgery anyway. I tended to be better in the hospital and would crash once I left to hotel, and then anaother crash at home.