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NOLA in September?



  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited November 2011

    BDavis:  you don't sound drunk or medicated.  In fact, I can't believe you're on the discussion board right after stage 2 with a catheter and pain pump.  You are a brave woman.  Thank you for explaining how he lipos because I was getting worried about lipoing too much because I read that fat does appear in other areas if you gain; now I won't be so worried.  I gain and lose all the time! Nice to know that the hard knot is my old belly button and not something gone bad.

    Victoria:  I'm not sure what hotel you are at but I stayed at Homewood Suites.  I actually slept on the chair with the foot rest.  Piled the pillows under my arms, under knees, and one under neck.  I slept on a recliner at my home for the next 6 weeks.  I could have slept in my bed but my dog sleeps with me and I didn't want fur in my incisions but I think this caused me to stay hunched for a longer time. I am back in my bed now and was uncomfortable at first but am getting used to it.  For some reason, my lower back gets a little sore now.  Never had the problem before and loved my temperpedic bed.  I'm sure my body will get acclimated to my bed in time.

    Stage 2 ladies:  Do you have to have someone take out your stitches?  I'll need to set something up with a doctor at home if this needs to be done.  I can only think of my masectomy surgeon or finding another PS? 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    Surfa - the stitches from stage 2 should dissolve, like the ones from stage 1. I never needed stitches removed at all - just after a couple weeks you can pull up the ends with the knots and clip them. The nurses at the Center can tell you for sure when, but I believe it was after 2 weeks. Double check with them regarding the type of sutures you will have - but I think they usually use the dissolving kind!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    After Stage one, I clipped and pulled my own stitches.. at abdomen and both hips.. The "thread" seemed like plastic, but was probably the kind that dissolves or they would have told me they needed to be removed. I think it is at two weeks... but I forgot and did it at three when I was re-reading my discharge papers.

    Still have catheter and pain ball, but will lose both soon.. as for drains, I have 5... Oh joy!

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2011

    HI Betsy,

    SO GLAD you are out--good for you!

    I was tested for BRCA--the genetic counselor said there are two parts to the test. They always start with the main three genes, and if that proves negative, they then do the more comprehensive test. 

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2011

    Jerusha - Yes it was me and my sister with the BART test. We both were tested for BRCA in the same week (but me in CO and my sister in NYC). She was also tested for BART but I was not. We don't know if she 'qualified' or if her doctor requested the additional test. She was 43 at diagnosis (7 years ago  now) and I was 47 - so maybe an age thing?

    Betsy - so glad to hear how well things went and how well you are doing!! Now you can go about the business of total recovery (no surgery looming on the horizon) and get better and start to put 2011 behind you!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Yes Laura.. I will rest and move ahead.. nice that it is behind me now!!

    As for BRCA, I had the comprehensive test from the get go... My friend who tested positive told me you have to ask for it specifically, so that is what I did.. For qualification, my answers were "could have" been in my family... My mother and sister are fine, never had any cancer, but my grandmother who had colon cancer also had something else (she didn't talk about these things, and my other grandmother had a hysterectomy at a young age... plus my family is from eastern Eurpoe, and even though  I am not Jewish, there is no saying my ancesters weren't... so I had the comprehensive test.

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited November 2011

    Betsy--so glad you are on the other side! Yes we were at the center at the same time yesterday as I got there around 10 and we sat and moved several times. I had the big tall black guy with me no way you could have missed him. I thought about you as I knew you were scheduled for 11. 5 drains?

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited November 2011

    Aw Betsy, congratulations!  I can't wait to join the ladies that are on the "other side".  (c:

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2011

    hey ladies.... been a while since I've been on this thread :) Betsy, 5 drains after stage 2? Wow!!! That's crazy. I bet you're so glad to be done with it! Hope you have a speedy recovery :)

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited November 2011

    geez Betsy, no sooner out of surgery but you are on the board and helping others. we can talk on phone anytime, think maybe best to conserve that energy for all to see in one hit....just call me when you get to the feeling a bit bored part! you sounding very good, sounds like you covered your list with dr d, and hope those drains go today in one hit! and Laura, that was such a nice thought of how you can really put it all behind you, bring on 2012, and to have no more surgery looming...i mean i guess obvious, but for some reason it hit home reading it that time, rosemary

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited November 2011

    Dragonfly1976--yep long time no see--I hope all is well with you!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    My breast surgeon requested the BART test which gave me the option, but I opted not to because I'd already decided on bilateral mastectomy and it would cost me $700.  My grandfather had colon cancer (and 4/6 uncles had other cancers), so maybe that qualified me to get BART.  I figure if I ever want to know, I can always test later.  

    Betsy, you'll have to go back and read your right-out-of-surgery post once you are down on meds.  :)   And you GO, girl!  It had to be about 6 hours before I 'woke up' from stage 1.  It's one of my questions about why it was so long when I go back.  I will try to entertain everyone after my surgery----one month from today!  How many nights are you staying in the hospital?

    I'm all set for Hope Lodge before surgery.  I know it's not the most fun, but it's free, I will have my car and won't spend much time there.  After surgery I'm going to the same house I stayed in after Stage 1.  It's a double shotgun house in an old area.  The landlord lives next door and caters.  I'm going to have him cook a few meals for us!  I hope I find time to go on a swamp tour, go see Celebration in the Oaks, and maybe even the Christmas caroling on the French Quarter.  My sister wants to see a plantation that has amazing rows of trees along the road.  I found it, but I can't recall it right now.  I'll have to prioritize and have contingency plans based on how I feel after.  I'm getting excited!

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited November 2011

    Betsy!  Glad to hear all seems to be going well post stage 2 - 5 drains?  Wow that's a lot, I only had 2 and they were out 2 days after surgery at my post op - Did they give you any indication as to how long you would have them?  My output after stage 2 in the drains was next to nothing - yours?

    That hard spot at the center of my DIEP incision is my old belly button?!?  what's it doing all the way down there!?!  i know, i know, for some reason this really freaks me out :-)  I'm just confused as I mentioned the hard spot to Dr. D at my stage 2 consult and he said he would take care of it but it's still there.  That area was opened up again for my hyst so I was hoping it was just scar tissue from that so it could be broken up - crazy about the belly button thing - I don't, after all they did to us you would think I wouldn't find that so freaky but I do...

    I started with myofascial release massage as well as lymphatic drainage massage on Sunday - found a local woman who specializes in both - evidently there are not too many of them around, she was hard to find and confirmed that she's quite the scar specialist.  Had my first session Monday and she was able to drastically reduce the hardness of that former belly button spot - signed up for 4 more sessions so we'll see how it goes.

    Rosemary!  So good to hear from you and that you are doing well.  I'll be coming back to Brooklyn this winter and spring a couple of times - would love to see you!  Dragon - how are you doing with your recovery?

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited November 2011

    Oh and regarding the BRCA testing - I came from it a different way than most of you did as my aunt had the full panel and once they identified she had a founder mutuation my father just had the 3 site panel - he was positive as well and thus I took just his test result to my GC when I was tested and also just got the 3 site panel - we all carry 187delAG.  Actually, my GC called me yesterday to check in so I was chatting with her and asked her about this and she confirmed what I thought which was they should recommend that the oldest person in the family and/or the one with early onset cancer should be tested with the comprehensive test and if nothing positive was found than the BART should also be offered.  Then if a deleterious mutuation is found siblings/children/etc. can maybe only have to pay for the panel with the known family mutuation.  But yes it's staggering that some doctors and GC's might not be offering the BART test, yet another way we need to be informed and be our own's turning into a full time job! :-)

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2011

    Rohan, I'm doing good!! Busy as usual.

    Was considering going back to NOLA for revision of the nipples but really leaning towards not messing with it. I wish I hadnt got them done at all, other than that super happy with the results of Dr. S's handy work :)

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited November 2011

    Yay Betsy!

    Can't believe it is a month from today! I really feel the countdown now.

    I tested twice for BRCA because I am just paranoid. The first time it was a single- site analysis, what everyone in the family had tested positive for. The second time, it was the full spectrum test of the BRCA 2 gene to see if they would find the same mutation without looking at just the one spot. They did. Positive both times. I wanted to be sure if I was going to take all these drastic prophylactic steps. Of course, the cousin who was diagnosed with BC at 29 was the first tested and they did the full spectrum test of 1 and 2. The genetic counselor I worked with was very open to doing whatever testing I wanted. I accepted that the second one may not be covered but so far, I think it was.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011

    5 drains, Betsy!! You must feel like a Christmas tree with all those "grenades" hanging off you! Hope they are out early -- I think you and I hold the record for Stage 1 drains in!!

    So glad to hear you cider! I am to be in NOLA on the 19th for pre-op, but I'll bet our time won't overlap. :-(

    I find it hard to believe that more than three months have gone by since Stage 1 and I am readying my heart, mind and body for Stage 2 in December. I love the idea of heading into 2012 without looking back!! Will still have nips (maybe) and perhaps a 2a or 2b, but since mine was a simple unilateral MX, perhaps we can get just about all of it done in one fell swoop -- go, Dr. D! Quite a Christmas gift to give myself, thank you Lord!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Do most of you DIEPers have the tiny vertical incision coming out of the top of your DIEP incision?  I knew this was my old belly button. I remember talking about it here and that Laura has the same.  On a lot of the various DIEP photos/drawings/animation from other sites show the DIEP incision going above the original belly button, but mine was below.  Hence the little vertical scar.  Just curious.  I have a longish torso.  I wonder if that comes into play or our docs found a better reason to cut just below.  I don't have the hardness there, but I did have a lot of PT work done on my scar soon after surgery.  It's well worth a good search to find a PT who is good at scar work.

    Dragonfly, why are you unhappy with getting nipples?  Are you/did you get tattoos?  I'm hoping my nipples have good results as I still have some areola to make them with. 

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited November 2011

    Dana, you are sounding great! would love to catch up with you when in brooklyn- we can compare notes again, few months down the track lol- will pm you cell and details soon, rosemary

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2011

    My nipples are almost non-existent sadly, they look like little skin tags or something. I even wore the guards for twice as long as I was told to. It to me seems worse than having none. I didn't do tattoos yet because I was debating on having Dr. S try to fix them again.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Paula... I think the incision is below the lump so as not to have the scar too high, and thus visable in a bikini...

    And yes, 5 drains, but very low output on all of them.

    I have opted for a 2nd night in the hospital.. why not?? they can care for me and I will feel that much better when I do leave. Having revisions on both front and back, and all that lipo.. my body is beaten up.. 

    Met VictoriaB today ... its always nice to catch up with another BC survivor.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2011

    Betsy, glad you opted for a second night!  I always think that is the best idea.  Are the drains because you originally had hip flaps?  That's alot of drains!  Gone by tomorrow, though, it sounds like!  When do you fly home?  You must feel so relieved!

     Paula!  Do not even say "one month"!!!  My 2b is on the 14th, so I have entered that magical window of time where I freak out!!  Even more so this time around because of all there is to do to get ready for the holidays before I travel!  We fly down on the morning of the 11th - when do you get in? 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Amy, I know the freak out month well - the good news is time passes quickly and you have Thanksgiving to break up the long eait.

    My old belly button is about halfway between the new one and the low tummy scar.  But I didn't have DIEP so they probably didn't take as much fat from me with the tummy tuck - hence the higher (but hard) old belly button scar.

    Betsy - sounds like your'e doing great! I had 5 drains after stage 1B. Two breast, two hip and one in the stomach. Came home with 3. Maybe with your low output they'll pull them before you leave! Hoping you love your results and don't have to come back for 2B!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Kathryn.. thats where my drains are.. and will probably have the hip drains for 1-2 weeks.. but will hopefully lose breast and tummy drain before I fly out on Friday... amy, the hip drains are definitely because I had hip flaps... and a lot of work was done to breasts, so they got drains and my ab scar was revised and knot removed, so there is the 5th drain.. will be glad to be rid of them.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited November 2011

    Hey Betsy, I hope you know I was just joking around ( poking fun at myself certainly) about the drugged posts. It is always such a welcome relief to read that first sweet post when someone completes their surgery, and we are all waiting to hear... The fuzziness that comes through is a reminder of having been in that place -- I remember ( kind of) what it feels like to be just waking up, one day out, two days out ...and can see it in the "rear view mirror", as you said the other day. Good to hear you sounding well. I'm definately in the extra-night camp. Rest up. Get rid of those drains.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Jerusha - I agree - the first post-op posts are classics! We've all been there. I remember my first post was about three sentences and took about 30 minutes to write!  In agreement about a second night too.  It was completely worth it!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    I love the first post op post, too!  I was too freaked out Stage 1 to do much of anything post-wise, or to do any visiting.  I'm hoping to post and visit this time around.  

    Amy, I'm driving in on Dec 13 (remember my TSA encounter? no flying for me for a while!).  It's around a 10hr drive.  When I get in depends on when we leave.  I'm hoping we leave somewhat early.  In my book, that's about 7am.  I could possibly get into town around 5pm.  I'm going to TX for Thanksgiving.  That should help time fly.  Right now I'm getting my house really clean so I can decorate after we get back home.  Yup, lots to prepare for, though I am keeping it low key.

    I did schedule a post op appt on Monday Dec 19.  We drive back on the 20th.  I know I could rush back but I want the quiet and care free for a few days post op.   

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2011

    Paula, I am having my tattoo on the 13th, if all goes as planned.  If you are up for a meet up when you get in, let me know . . .  Have pre-op and tattoo on the 13th, stage 2b on the 14th, planning to fly home on the 16th.  I didn't even think about a post-op visit!  Yikes!!  And we have a fairly early flight out on the 16th . . .  And now they are looking at possibly having to remove this mystery tissue from under my arm . . .   Guess I should re-think my flight home . . .

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Wait a minute---did I miss something about your mystery under arm tissue?  Explain!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011 worries.. I did go back and correct my misspellings (or omitted letters)..

    I am very happy for my decision to stay an extra night.. its all about the NOLA cocoon... Dr Frank came in earlier and was telling him how one reason I don't get anxious before surgery with him is because I trust him 100%... and I do, and know it will all be great in the end...Pain is improving (or the meds are working), but feel better than I did a few hours ago...