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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    I think the first time the abs are cut is the most painful and hardest to bounce back from... For stage II, the abs are sore for sure, but not as bad as the first time... The difference with stage II is that not only is the abdomen sore, but also the butt (if you had hip flaps) and the butt lift and then of course all of the lipo... I am taking the Arnica, and am still quite bruised and swollen... but in general feel better than stage I with DIEP... stage I with hip flaps was very painless for me.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2011

    My first surgery in NOLA was my stage II, and Dr. D had to open up about 14" of my ab incision to clean out the mess my first surgeon refused to.  Then last year, he re-did the entire thing and extended the incision around my hips a bit because I'd lost some weight and felt that the skin around the incision was too loose.  I have had that sensation of having a rope tied around my hips for four years.  My chiropractor is more of a functional movement specialist and he is doing myofascial release for me, but I think it's going to be more of a process for me.  I've had ab lipo more than once, and I have quite a bit of scar tissue along the left side of my linea alba--all the way up to my ribs.  It's softening up (I've had three sessions), but I think it will take some time, especially since I'm starting almost a year after the last surgery.   I work on my scars at least once a day too---I rub the incision in circles around on my hip bones until I feel a burn, so I know the scar tissue is tearing a bit.  It's harder for me to work on the scar higher up, but he is finding ways, like pushing a ball into my abdomen while I'm on my back and I slowly breathe out as he pushes further inward.  When I get into bed at night, I stretch out as hard as I can in all directions, which feels really good.

    Betsy, I agree with you.  Healing from the abdominal incision the second two times was nothing like the first time.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    And I also agree. I have not had tummy tuck, but I had 2 c-sections. Healing from the second one was such a walk in the park compared to the first time around. I do also think that it helped that I hadn't been laboring for 15 hours like I had the first time!

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited November 2011

    I'm sitting in the lounge at the center wearing comfy, flannel, footy pyjamas and I feel GREAT! I had my second stage DIEP surgery yesterday. All I've seen so far is one breast and it looks so wonderful that it makes me cry. What a wonderful place this is. I feel like Christmas has come early for me. I can't wait to take off my girdle and have a peak at my new body!


    If anyone else is here from the community pm me and we can meet in the lounge for some coffee and a chat!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Brandy, good to hear from you!  I'm so glad it's gone well for you.  Keep soaking in all that good healing.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2011

    Merry Christmas, Brandy!  🎅   Glad to hear you're up and feeling so wonderful after yesterday's surgery.  The Center is amazing, isn't it?  Enjoy your stay and continue to heal.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011

    Good to hear from you Brandy! You sound Great! Healing thoughts coming your way ...

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited November 2011

    I just showered and saw my body for the first time and it looks really good. VERY minimal bruising and some swolleness, but besides that I am very pleased ( I had lipo on inner outer and back thighs, my stomach and love handles. Look out bikini, here I come!)

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Congratulations Brandy. Happy Holidays!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2011

    Way to go Brandy! That is awesome!

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2011

    Ok, ladies, thanks for all the info and input on swelling and size. I realize I am a work in progress and Dr. D said don't look in the mirror until after Stage II. Now another question: I am home, 10 days post op, sleeping sitting up, etc. and suddenly my left breast is less swollen but my right is still HUGE. The right looks 2x bigger than the left one! Is this normal, for swelling to go down in one first, and then later for the other one? Thanks and TGIF! 

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited November 2011

    I am also huge post stage 1 and will likely get a reduction next month. There is not a size difference of double but my right breast has always been larger than the left. Harder, more swollen, bigger. The nipple is a little different too. I wanted to ask which surgeon did which side but thought that might be rude! If it worries you though, call, especially since the weekend is approaching.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    KBodie - you can ask for your surgical report and it will tell you which Dr did which breast. It's not rude to know. Also, I don't think you can really make a determination about your breasts until after stage 2. Things will change a lot looks-wise between now and then - they can fix nipples, size, etc.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Brandy... I did come by yesterday after my appt, and they called up to your room to see if you were out of surgery and/if you wanted visitors, but no answer... so I tried, but you may have still been in surgery (it was around 2:30)... Glad to know you are feeling well.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Merry Christmas, Brandy!! :) Glad you are okay and your attitude is so sunny! Helps with healing I bet!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited November 2011

    BradyB--  Good for you - glad you are done and healing!

    Kbodie - I always request all my hospital records (surgical report, path reports, anesthesia, everything in the records).  At SCSH  you just contact medical records and they will send you a release to sign ( you are releasing the information to yourself) and then they mail you all the records.  For me it has been very helpful to have a copy of all my medical records.  It helps me understand what has gone on.  I can also make sure the records are accurate and if they are not accurate I can have the errors corrected.  The most important thing for me is that if  a new physician requests information or reports I just pull the information from my files.  It makes things easy.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited November 2011

    I did leave town with all my records. I had to bug them a lot to get the pathology report. It was delayed at the lab. But I left with copies in my hand and looked first thing to see who did what because my right nipple looked so much different. Oddly, it did not say who did what and it also did not say that they harvested SIEA vessels and not DIEP. I found that out from Celeste at my post op. I may call records anyway but I did leave with all the reports from all the separate practitioners so I am not sure how to find out that info without directly asking. I am sure there is video somewhere.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited November 2011

    Kbodie - I didn't think about asking for my records until after I returned home.  You are way more organized than I am.  (If the information is not in the operative report I am not sure you will find it any place else in the records.)

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited November 2011

    Betsy-thanks for trying! How's your second stage going?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Brandy... It going well.... I am super bruised even though I have been taking the Arnica.. I didn't shower yesterday as I was flying out early, so today it was exhausting, gathering all my pads, swabs etc... showering, cleaning compression  garments blah blah... and I still have 3 drains. But I hope to lose those tomorrow or Monday. They are outputting next to nothing.

    How are you?

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2011

     For those of you headed to NOLA, here's a great savings, especially if you're staying in or near the French Quarter.

    $25 gets you $50 of scrumptous food at Star Steak and Lobster in French Quarter:  

    Betsy:  Some folks have such great results with Arnica and others, even when used well in advance, just don't seem to get the benefits.  I was hoping for better results after my Stage 2 but I was pretty bruised up too.  I always wondered, could it have been even worse if I hadn't taken it? Hope you lose the drains soon -- that's one thing I never had to deal with -- drains removed before I left NOLA after Stage 1 and I didn't even have drains with Stage 2.  I did have them after my first mastectomy (locally) though -- so I can relate to how complicated it was to shower and prepare myself for the day.  Like I said, hope yours are gone in a blink of an eye. 

    Rest up girls (Betsy and Brandi).  Hope you heal quickly and enjoy the results of the Stage 2 magic! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Its true, the bruising could be worse without the Arnica... hard to say...

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited November 2011

    Good weekend of rest wishes to Betsy and brandy! And everyone out there in one stage or another of recovery!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Rosemary, Michelle and Joasta are up next!!! Nothing between now and Thanksgiving?? I know the docs are working... they offered me a date this coming week initially.

  • joasta7
    joasta7 Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2011

    Hi Betsy and everyone else!  Wishing you, Brandy and everyone else a speedy recovery so that you can enjoy the holidays!  Someone said on this board a while back in August that these surgeries are not for the weak of heart - and everyone on here is so strong and inspirational that I look here several times a day to continue to get excited for myself and others (although I usually don't post.)   I have cried, laughed, cheered on, learned lots of new info, (even though done quietly) with all of you and know that God has shown His love for me by blessing my life with all of you!  Thanks for your words of knowledge, inspiration, kindness, experience that have helped me know what to expect - invaluable to those of us who read more than post often.  I cannot thank all of you enough for your help.  I feel normal when I am on this board and that means a lot to me.  I am no longer alone on this journey and there are no words to describe my gratitude!  Wishing all of you wonderful holidays with loved ones!  

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    Joasta - Smile  Whenever you have your surgery - you will be great!

    Betsy and Brandy - have a restful and healing rest of your weekend!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2011

    joasta7 - I had a friend who was sort of not too excited, shall we say, about me having the surgery. Truthfully, in addition to being worried, I think she was a bit envious of the flat tummy I also got as a side effect/benefit, haha.  As well as my new, improved figure in general. She exercises and is trying to lose weight, so I can sort of understand it might be hard for her to see my belly gone so "easily".  I finally got a bit frustrated though, and said "Anyone can work out and eat right, but surgery is not for wimps."

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Amy... I was getting ready for bed last night and taking a very close look at my right breast (the one that had ab skin) and this is going to sound crazy, but I think there is about an inch and a half of ab skin still there, but the scar is so invisble, that even I couldn't see it. And I can't say with 100% surety what I am looking at. It looks gone, but the nurse and doctor both said that some ab skin was still there.. I thought they meant like 1/8 inch, but no... That is how good Dr D is... skin color is the same, scar is invisable... amazing. I was wondering how he had removed 2.5 inches of skin, and now I realize he didn't... I wanted to clairfy to you since you had specifically asked.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011


  • joasta7
    joasta7 Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2011

    Thanks Nordy & Kaitsmom - My Stage 2 will be on Dec. 2nd.  I am already happier with my Stage 1 breasts than with the concaved calcifying expander implants that I had prior to surgery.  I have faith in the Doctors that they will work their magic to make me look as normal as possible even though I have the tightest hardest five-month pregnant looking stomach I have ever seen.  I have also done exercise with no results but these surgeries are harder to go through than any exercise I have done.  So you are right Kaitsmom!  These surgeries are not for wimps - which none of us are!  Have a great holiday!