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NOLA in September?



  • Angio31
    Angio31 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2011

    Wondering if anyone is scheduled for January? I'm January 6 for sgap with dr. DellaCrocce

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

    Dr. D. was happy with the repair of the DIEP side. He worked on the reconstructed nipple on that side I have to say it now looks beautiful. Before the only way I can describe it would be "strange looking." I will have to wait to see if the transferred  lipoed fat  takes. This is important. If not, Dr. D. told me that plan B would be going to the other hip and taking a flap and transferring it to increase the volume on the DIEP side.  I really hope that turns out not to be necessary - I am all surgeried out.  There is a  difference in the location of the inframammary fold (spelling??) between both breasts.  Dr. D.  did the best he could with this but said that they couldn't be made completely even.  He thinks it won't be very noticible once things settle out.  I hope he is right.  I also find myself feeling grumpy - I think we have all been through a lot.  In terms of breast cancer and reconstruction this is  hospital surgery number 9 for me and of course that doesn't even count the office "procedures." 

     I was told that the nerves can continue to grow and regenerate for up to 18 months.

    Kbodie,  You are WAY braver than me.  I am not willing to even approach a scale right now.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Michelle... I did not have those shooting pains until after stage II... but I do get them. I tell myself I am getting more feeling back with every shot. I also feel that after surgery, I had a lot of numbness, but with every day, I get more and more back.

    As for in-laws, and the people who have everything, I also give consumables. Last year, I gave my parents a personalized tote bag filled with gourmet pasta, sauce, fresh bread, fresh parm, red wine and cheese and crackers, and a wine bottle stopper... ONE great dinner. I am still in search of my new consumable for this year. They are 80, but I am sure they'd remember if I did a repeat performance.

    ANGIO31... welcome..  Here is the Jan schedule:

    Jan 4 - DJWeinstein - Stage 1 (Mx w Dr. Stolier). Hip Flaps with Dr. D and Dr. S. NOLA 

    Jan 5 - SurfaGirl - Stage 2, Dr. S., NOLA

    Jan 9 - Nordy - Consult with Dr. S., NOLA  

    Jan 11 - SandyInParadise - Tattoo redo with Vinnie 

    Jan 19 - Need2New - Stage 1 - NSSBMX w/ GAP flaps.

    So looks like you'll have company!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited December 2011

    I have the bad taste too.  It and the anticoagulant shots put me into chemo nostalgia..... didn't like it!  I am eating salt, fat, spice to battle it but am not even thinking about weight right now.  Sorry to all those battling colds.  What a pain in the ass when trying to heal!

    Michelle- You can call anytime. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    ANGIO31 - Look at the listing at the very top of this page. You will see January near the bottom of the list. I am going to make an archive of 2011 very soon!! I'll put a link to it up there, but we'll start focusing on 2012, so January will pop up to the top of the list, though I may keep December 2011 up there as well as a "roll-over".

    Thanks Betsy for posting the list for ANGIO31!! 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2011

    I'm baaack! Woke up a short hile ago. BIG pain  in recovey -- brought me to tears, but under comtrol niw. Thanks for well wishes! More tomorrow. After supper will prowl the halls to chrck for forum ladies. Yww-Haw!! One step closer! Happy Holidays all!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

    Celtic_antique-   Glad you are on the other side!  I a sorry you had so much pain.  Rest up and heal!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited December 2011
    So glad to hear the good news Celtic_antique!! Yeah for one step closer! I hope that pain gets better!
  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2011

    Celtic: Good news -- glad you recovered fast from your pain.  Sounds like you're raring to go now!!  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    Celtic - Yay!!! Hugs and kisses to you and anyone else you find while lapping the halls!! xoxoxox

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Yay Maggie! Keep up with the drugs.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2011

    Celtic - glad you are done and feeling more comfortable. I am amazed at all of you ladies that have these surgeries and are up cruising the next day. Is the pain really that tolerable by day 2? 

    Are most folks getting a little "bonus" lipo when you get your stage 2? I assumed the lipo was to smooth the donor site out. Am confused with knees and arms ;)

    Lipo awake would be very scary unless it was a tiny spot. It would be impossible to numb a large area safely (dose wise). Who knows maybe someday.


  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2011

    Wow!  I had so much to read and I forgot the previous posts and what I wanted to say.

    Congratulations to the December ladies who are now on the recovery side.  Each day brings healing to the body.   

    I'm up in 2.5 weeks.  Your posts are preparing me for Stage II. So many things to think about before I go up as to what I want done.  I don't think I'll be able to go on the Swamp Tour. 

    The most nerve racking thing I'm thinking about is do I add fat to my natural breast (already had a lift) or take fat away from reconstructed breast.  Anyone had a unilateral and added fat?  Did you have complications or loose nipple sensation?  Don't really want to cut around areola again. Kathryn thank u for sharing your experience with me. 

    Nordy:  I tried searching for Tim Tam in the member list and search list up above to PM her but I'm probably doing something wrong? 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    I had a long drive home today (11-ish hrs?).  My sister rocked with all the driving and I snoozed a lot.  I came home to a grumpy husband (who can't bear to look at my incisions) and kids that needed showers.  Welcome hoooooome!  Yeah, back to reality.  I'm glad I stayed a couple extra days in NOLA, for the rest and the post op appt.  I am fired up to get things done, though.  

    I brought home one of those metallic looking caps they put on you for the operating room.  I now remember vaguely being super cold waking in recovery.  They left the hat on me and bundled a blanket around my head.  I can't wait to see what my kids think of the hat!

    I have to say I'm feeling pretty good.  I suppose I am swollen, but not overly so.  I still have ankles.  I didn't even THINK of getting on the scale!!  I did change into a smaller girdle after the car ride.  The constipation thing is ongoing.  I'm glad to be back home to get back to my regular foods and routine to keep me regular.  I'm stopping with the pain meds, so hopefully that helps.

    Need2New, our docs give us lots of bonus lipo.  They consider it a gift to us.  They do as much or as little as we want, and what they need to do.   I didn't think they did arms, but maybe they do if no nodes have been taken.  Generally they don't go above the clavicle or below the knee.

    Yay, Maggie! 

  • nowords
    nowords Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2011

    For those consumable gifts...a company in Cincinatti Ohio mail orders pints of the best ice cream...5 pints mailed is 100.00 but it is a great gift and every one I send it to loves it. Graeters...COSTCO, by mail order only sells Lobster Mac and Cheese with an enormous amount of Lobster in is 100 for 2 cartons that serve 16 dinner party scoops, or 8 meal size was on sale recently for 25.00 off and free shipping. A nice Tin or bowl filled with Popcorn, candy iced teas or fancy soda bottles and a movie or in laws have passed but they loved that one...Blueberry pancake mix, good bacon, syrup, coffee or tea, flavored a basket lined with a tea towel....for charity auctions I have put together sports themed ones, with tickets to an event, visa card for parking, t-shirts or hats of the team etc....

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2011

    Bernice, sounds like we've had a lot of similarity in our paths to NOLA, right down to the year we began.  Apparently, my right inframmary fold was destroyed in my stage I....I didn't even know that until last year.  It explains why Dr. D kept revising the underside of that breast---he was trying to lift it.  I thought there was something he didn't like about the shape!   I really don't see it in the mirror, but when I take photos it is very obvious.  However, I don't really care anymore.  Other than the hot pink tattoo that I'm hoping Vinnie can work his magic on, I'm very happy and I'm not sweating the imperfections that I know I wouldn't have had I just gone to NOLA to begin with.  

    Surfgrl, I think you need to send a PM to "timtam"--no space in her screenname.  

    I can't believe it's almost Christmas!  We are taking our business in a new direction, so I am heading to Atlanta for a big trade show the day after I see Vinnie.   My crew and I have all been working night and day for the past two months and in three weeks we will know if it's going to pay off.   I have not been online much, so my apologies for taking so long to answer PMs.     Merry Christmas to all of you, and I hope everyone heals quickly!!

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    Surfagirl, i am a uni too!  I have NO clue what Dr. M is going to do to that side.  I still have a very small implant in it from when i had my first recon to even out.  I think i want it more implants!!!  I never was an implant lover before stupid cancer.  Anyway, can they put fat into your natural breast?  I am not sure what size i want to end up...right now i am still swollen but not sure if i like this very large breast...i am sure my hubby would disagree!


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    So... I am not sure what is wrong wth me, maybe Tamoxifen... but I fell asleep last night on teh sofa at 8pm... and then got up this morning (in bed) at 9:30.. Thats a lot of sleep. I hope it is just a phase.

    So, after 5 weeks post op from Stage II, I am off to the gym, compression garment free. We'll see how that goes. I will come home and put compression back on, but can't imagine working out compressed.

    Anyone hear from Rosemary?

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

    Need2new- I have acutally had lipo done with out general anesthesia (part of my experience with the DIEP I had done locally in Maryland.)  There were a lot of bad things that happened with that reconstruction but the lipo without general was not one of them.  The solution that was injected for the lipo contained lidocaine (which numbs you) and epinephrine.  They injected the solution, let it do its thing and then aspirate it out along with the fat cells.  This may be TMI but that was my experience. 

    SandyinParadise- It is helpful to know that someone else has had a similar reconstructive experience. I wondered if I was one of the only women who has dealt with something like this.  It has been such a difficult path....


  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2011

    Michelle:  They can put fat into your natural breast because Dr. S told me I could either do that or take out from the reconstructed breast.  I will let you know when I finish surgery on Jan. 5.  I would prefer to add to natural as long as there are no complications.  When they add fat, it makes the breast more full, not so much protrusion.  Right now, the recon breast is full, wider and more fat on top of breast, gives you cleavage.  I wasn't very big, B cup.  

    BDavis and Cider so glad to hear you are on the other side of recovery.  Hurrah! 

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2011

    Besa - you are brave. I am actually an OR nurse who has done many lipo cases so that is my frame of reference. I have never done smaller than flanks, hips, thighs etc. Surgery is never TMI for me unless it is me! I have not looked at the DIEP or GAP videos. Am hoping for not too much lipo need as I am not sure I could handle knowing what they do. 

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    Anyone have drains way down low before? My DIEP ones were at the hips, at the end of the scar. These, which are for hip fat removed, are way down on the pubic bone but along the side, where bone meets the crease of the leg. They are making me so crazy. They hurt a lot and give me the creepy crawlys the rest of the time. I could get the other ones padded down and zipped up and forget about them but these I am constantly aware of and of course, they are pumping fluid like crazy so I can't just suck it up for a day of two. I need help! If anyone else has had them there and found some way to cope, please fill me in. I can't even walk and bending over or sitting are excruciating tasks because each movement runs the rube over some nerve right there in the crook of my leg. I could be more active if I could move without being brought to tears. Yes, the massive lipo bruises hurt but these tubes are definitely the worst part.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    My pelvic drains were higher than yours... mine were right below the DIEP incision, although the left side was lower than the right. When I woke up the tubes were running through the crotch hole, but as soon as I lost the catheter, I had them running up and over the top of the girdle.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    KBodie, I know exactly what you're talking about. My drains exited in that crease, not for stage 1, but for Stage 2 and 2b, and they drove me bats! Actually, one (or both, I can't remember) got infected a little (hurt like crazy, red, sore!!) and so they let me pull the drains early - no complications. 

    I am sorry. I even complained about this exit site so they would know it is totally obnoxious!! I am sorry for what you are going through. It will end as soon as you pull the drains, you'll feel better immediately. You just have to survive it until then... 

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2011


    I had drains in the same places. On both sides. It was miserable. I did turn the tube up and out the tip if the Dom. I had pockets from a mast garment. The had Velcro and the would stick to the Dom really well. I hope this helps. Good luck!


  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2011

    OK Getting scared for Stage 2.  Why are there drains in the area after stage 2?

    I thought it was just lipo and no drains?

    How long do you have to leave the drains in?  Is it for hip lipo?  What is it for? 

    Who will pull the drains if you are not in NOLA?  Please don't tell me you gals pulled it yourself because I really don't think I can do it. 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2011

    Surfa -- drains in very short time. Mine will be out before I leave hospital. Sore, yes, very, but it is almost over! Keep  your eye on the goal! Remember, NO FEAR! Technicolor for a bit, but whole!We are some of the strongest women I know! And in it together, getting through it with our new bodies!

    Met Michelle yesterday. We are both blowing this joint later! Wonder if Dr. D. will zip us to our hotels in his Maserati!! LOL!


  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    Luckily Dr M (being a woman) agrees that putting the drains low is a pain in the ass (seems to me it's also a higher infection risk), so she gave me hip drains for my DIEP along the scar line, almost the same place as the SGAP drains I had.  I'm not sure why the other docs put them so low... gravity?  cosmetics?  no idea.  But for those of you with upcoming DIEPs you might want to ask about it ahead of time.

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2011

    I had DIEP with Dr. S and my drains were on my hips at the end where my incision line ended.

     I had no drains at Stage 2.  I think it depends on what you get done.  I didn't get much done so no drains for me.  I also didn't wake up with a pain pump either.

     Have you tried the neosporin with pain relief at the exit sites?  I used that after stage 1 and it helped me.  of course there is nothing the feeling after the drain is pulled and you are drain free. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    My drains post stage II were on each hip, each breast and each side of the groin, but not low, more up just below the ab incision. There were all short lived... And yes, surfa, I pulled my own hip drains when I got home, (I had those for one week).. the others I lost while in NOLA.