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NOLA in September?



  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    Wow, I am really having a hard time snapping back. Nurse last night said I might have to stay a third night. Nurse today said I am probably getting out. Dr. Massey came by and said it is totally up to me. Pain meds bring pain from a 9-10 to a 6-7. So a lot more pain than I was expecting

    She reminded me that I had two procedures done so twice the recovery. Skipping a third surgery seemed like a good idea at the time. But maybe it is making stage 2 harder for me. I did also have a lot of lipo done.

    And its my birthday!!!

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2011

    Happy Birthday - here is to many, many more!

  • nowords
    nowords Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2011

    Cherrie -

    I learned about Dr. Massey from Anne W. My surgery was reschedule to a less convenient date also, so I feel your pain. I had the Stage 1 stacked unilateral DIEP a week before my sons HS Graduation...and 5 weeks before one of my Best Friends daughters Wedding a 7 hour drive from me. I made it to the Graduation with drains...and drove down for the wedding with my daughter...a bit tired but it was Kansas in July and the heat and compression garments were tough...

    Fairway is an excellent surgical center. When I researched them, they had a zero infection rate. Most of the surgery is outpatient, so you are often the only one there over the week-end for stage 1 and 2. You get great care from the nurses. It is a nice facility...not the swank place that the New Orleans one is...but fine...some of the nurses who took care of me worked at the New Orleans facility but switched because of the drive. Dr. Sullivan usually rounds on the women who are operated on, on Friday...because he lives on that side of the causeway. Dr. Massey calls and checks in as well and everyone is on top of everything. In May when I had my first stage...the food was not great...but at my stage 2b they hired anew chef and it was better...the nursing staff will get you what ever they can to accommodate you if you have a taste for something...

    Hope Lodge is not near Fairway. We stayed at the Courtyard Marriot in to New Orleans and eat and do the pre-ops etc. My husband and my friend who went with me for surgeries did not want to stay at the Lodge .... You can stay at Hope Lodge...the drive is not that bad...about 45 minutes...try to avoid rush hour...get a car with a garmin...I did three surgeries at Fairway and found that I like going into New Orleans to eat and shop when I was up to it...Remember, that though you feel inconvenienced by the hospital change and disappointed by the date moving...what you want most are the skills of the Drs., no matter where they operate...the results are amazing and the care that they give you and the compassion that they show you, is worth anything that you need to do to make it the big scheme of things...this will be a blip...when you have your new body, and you see the changes in the mirror and in your eyes when you see your new is worth least for me...

    PM me if you want and I will give you my phone number if you want to talk...Dr. Massey and Sullivan did my stage 1 stacked DIEP in 4 hours...Pain was no where near what I anticipated, the pain balls and iv pain meds keep you comfy...

  • nowords
    nowords Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2011

    Michelle, I am so sorry that you returned to all of the bad news! Sucks that we can't just put any other crisis on hold until we are up to it...

    Do rest, even if it is is worth it for the recovery...vitamin c and protein, fluids and made my recoveries smooth everytime...

    take all of the help you can get...get a stack of books and the remote...some movies or pay per view...and veg out!

  • nowords
    nowords Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2011

    Happy Birthday K-Bodie...

    Sorry you are having such a rough go of things. I think I was more uncomfortable initially, and felt more pain from stage 2 than stage 1...I did not have the q pain ball at stage 2...and I also had a lot of Lipo...made me more tender than I thought...try and relax and stay ahead of the pain....if it is any comfort...I felt better every day...the soreness lingers but nothing I even had to take tylenol for after Ileft the hospital...

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    Thank you for that reassurance no words. I did meet Besa and her husband. They were so nice and she looks great! She moves around well too. She is discharging today. I am still not sure what I will do. Going to call for more pain meds right now.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2011

    For anyone that wants to visit her - my friend Maggie is in room 206 - she said it's near the end of the hall and the elevators.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited December 2011
    KBodie - Happy birthday! You will feel like celebrating soon - and then you can have a huge celebration!! Birthday and surgery over. I too was in a lot of pain after Stage 2 but each day is better, same as Stage1, but at a much faster rate!
  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

    Just visited Maggy!  Thanks for the room number.  I will be leaving SCSH today - back to Homewood Suites.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

    Just visited Maggie!  She is easy to talk to and so nice.  Thanks for posting her room number.  I will be leaving SCSH and moving back to Homewood Suites in about an hour. 

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2011

    Hi all, just wanted to stop in and say everything went perfectly for my surgeries.  I  did get to meet a few people from this board which was very nice.  I will be leaving for home tomorrow. I hope everyone with upcoming surgeries have no issues and that everything goes well.

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95
    edited December 2011

    I had my phone consult with Dr.Massey this afternoon.I was expecting her to be nice from what I have read here,but words cannot describe her compassion.She was so easy to talk to.I expressed my financial concerns to her,told her I did not want to get my hopes up and then find I could not afford it and she said"no one is turned away because of lack of money".I almost started crying when I heard that.So Monday I will talk to Ashley and get things rolling.I really cannot believe that this is becoming a reality,it will be the best Christmas present ever....well, the best ever was a puppy,but this will run a close second!I am so grateful to everyone here who has shared their stories,you all gave me the courage to pursue this.Please wish on a star for all of us that want to follow in your footsteps of being NOLA success stories!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2011

    I am pages behind in my reading, so plesae forgive me if I am resurrecting old news.

    Kbodie - I had NSM and yes, one of my nipples has barely any pigmentation in it. I think I'll probably wait 6 months to a year before making a decision as I am guessing there still might be some changes.

    Just Laura - I am over 7 weeks post Stage 2 B and don't know when I'll ever get out of these compression garments. Just last night I thought - tonight's the night, I'll take the leap and not sleep with the end I couldn't do it.  Do you see an end in sight for you?

    Victoria B - I think different doctors have different preference. Dr S gave me -  Kelo-Cote and I used it after what I thought was going to be my last surgery.  I guess I can start again now that I am certain I had my last surgery - Darnit!
  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2011

    Surfa - I had a bilat, but after stage 1 wanted more volume.  After stage 2A Dr S added fat, but some of it reabsorbed. In stage 2B Dr S went to town and I definitely went up at least half a size and it seems to be sticking.

    The thing is that for the first time in my life when I gain and lose weight I think it starts in my breasts. It's interesting because it gives me less incentive to lose weight - since the breast start to shrink before anything else. Does anyone else have that too?
  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited December 2011

    Happy birthday kbodie! I know that feeling, I heard stage 2 was a breeze but forgot that adding the hyst would make it harder. I wasn't in too much pain but I had bad nausea for about 6 days post-op. The good news is that it was easier to bounce back from than stage 1 - give yourself a couple of weeks and you will barely even remember!  Yes, I too have nipple sparing and along with the hyst my pigment is much lighter (they say it has to do with less estrogen too) so I will doing tattos at some point.  it's not entirely necessary but I want them!

    Yay semper and besa! Glad things went well and you got to meet others down there...this board is really amazing at bringing us all thankful for it...

    Hope you got home okay kaitsmom - thanks for the info on the how the tattoos went - curious to see how you feel with a little more healing time

    Cider - congrats about the flat tummy!  Did you get a better look at the girls yet?  How are things settling?  Good luck with your post op on Monday and let us know it goes...did you reach your goal with the smooth move tea? 

    Michelle - so sorry to hear about your loss!  Hope you are settling in at home and feeling okay...

    Cherrie so sorry to hear about your push back - did you ask about Dr. D at Fairway?  I don't think Dr. Stolier has surgical rights there but I know Dr. Lagarde does.  Sorry things keep changing on you but I hear good things about Fairway too...June will be here before we all know it...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    Happy Birthday Kbodie!

    Everybody who just had surgery, take it EASY and be KIND to yourself! That's an order! :)  Your body is busy healing, and it makes you tired. It takes time!  

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2011

    DJ - For me I lost and then went up (of course it's the holidays). I am denying myself nothing right now but plan to start anew after the 1st. I actually have an appt next week with a doctor at UCLA who also does complimentary medicine regarding nutrition, vitamins and herbs. She specializes in post-cancer patients. It should be interesting and maybe I'll have some info to shar.  Also, Dr S did not do a plication on me after stage 2, but I had complications - which is why I had a 2B.  Dr. S fixed my tummy tuck and decided that he'd so a miniplication. Not sure what changed his mind but I'm happy with the results. You have not carried children yet so I am guessing you won't get one either. Call me or email me if you want to talk. I'm around over the holidays.

    Paula  - I know you said one breast is bigger than the other but things can really change in a few weeks. With my tummy tuck my belly button was tilted off to the side because of swelling. By weeks six it was straight up and down.  It maybe the same with your breasts. Don't worry until your body has had some time to settle.  

    Bernice - I can't believe how lucid you were post-surgery.

    Besa - thanks so much for visting Maggie - I'm sure she loved having the company. Not sure what time Maggi'es flight is on Monday. I'll find out.

    KBodie - Happy Birthday!  Hope they get the pain meds right soon.

    Semper - Safe travels tomorrow!

    Michelle - that's a lot to come home to. I'm sure your daughter will do so much better now that you're back home safe and sound. So sorry for your loss on top of all of this.

    Pandazankar - I'm so happy for you that Dr Massey is going to work things out for you financially. I think many of us here are so thankful and relieved that the doctors meet us halfway (or more) so we can 

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2011

    Pandazankar-I had my phone consult 2 wks. ago and the ball is rolling.  She said the same thing to me about the financial end.  However, Ashley just informed me on Friday that my surgery will need to be done at Fairway due to insurance issues.  I beleive they try hard to work things out for people.  Let me know when your surgery is.  I thought mine was April 10, but with the change of hospital they can't get me in before June 22.  I am so disappointed as my son is getting married in August and I wanted to feel great.  I am afraid I will still be in compression and it will be summer.  :(  I know it is the doctors and what they can do is most important, but my emotions are just taking baby steps right now.

    For all of you in NOLA right now.............You are all strong, couragous woman who have given me strength to do this and I don't even know you.  I am blessed to have all of you in my life right now.  Thank you so much.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Hey Ladies... As you may remember, I was supposed to have surgery yesterday and bumped it back to November mostly so I could attend a hockey tournament in Boston for my son... I am glad to say that I am thrilled with my decision (as much as I miss seeing all you ladies)... My son got the first goal of the first game, and his first goal this season on Varsity... so I wouldn't have wanted to miss that!!!

    Glad you all made it through ok this week.. Sorry kbodie for you pains...

    Still wondering about bloated bellies for those post stage II... I feel like I am more bloated post stage II than stage I. Does anyone else eel that way? I am still in compression at almost 5 weeks post op, but I have been taking it off to sleep for the last couple of weeks. It doesn't seem to matter??

    I am using kelokote and brown tap, but think I prefer the tape for scars. 

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    Ok so it just took me and my husband almost an hour to clean sites, empty drains, re-pad and zip back up. I wonder what I have gotten into? Dr. took a lot off my hips, making essentially a hip flap on both sides. Those two are draining like crazy and I remember some of you telling me about how long you had hip drains. The top I wear is called a bolero. And I hate it already. It is hot and tight. He cut around my nipples, I guess to allow for more lift? But I am worried because I liked my nipples after stage 1 and I could feel them and they were responsive. So I think this is turning out to be just as big if not more of surgery than first one. And I didnt plan for that. I figured it could only be easir after that!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    So why do you have an armed garment? Did you have lipo on your arms?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2011

    Wow, KBodie - it sounds like you have gone through quite a bit this time around. I certainly  hope you get feeling well soon!

    To all you ladies recovering - I am seconding what Spring said, "Take it easy." 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

     Right now I also feel that stage2 is a more difficult recovery than stage 1.  I didn't need any pain meds (other than what automatically pumped in with the PCA pump) with stage 1.  This time I was pressing the PCA pump when I was in the hospital and now that I am back at the hotel  I took a hydromorphone last night.  There are  just more body sites that have been worked on.  I don't feel like walking around the French Quarter after this surgery .  Dr. D said I most likely could go back to work in two weeks so I am hoping that the healing will be faster this time and what I am feeling right now is very temporary. I am also running a low fever again - it happened during stage one when  I was in the hospital - I was told because of the anaesthesia  and then being in a compression garment. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Besa.. I had a low grade fever after stage I and it was lung function... Use your incentive spirameter.

    And the pain does subside faster... I agree, the pain is all over and so the feeling of getting zapped with overall pain seems like you need meds more than DIEP ... but it passes... just don't move.

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2011

    betsy i had to laugh at your just don't move.  hahahaha  that was my answer when any one asked me if i was in pain and/or discomfort......i said no if i don't move.  lol

     did anyone else get the mailer from the center?  I love it.  I will put it up in my office.  They are so wonderful.   when i was having my surgery on thursday even though everything went fine i kept telling my isn't like nola!

     i absolutely love nola.  I made a photo album with pictures of my hospital stay.  yes i took pictures of the food!  yum.

     i am almost sad (almost) that my two visits/surgeries are done.  i can look back fondly now that i am done.  just tattoos to go.  can't wait for that party!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    What mailer?? Do you mean the card they send after surgery that all the nurses sign??

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2011

    it is a like an oversized postcard - on the front - a gold present that says "happy present and future"  on the back  - "we wish you happy everything every day of the new year"  it is lovely and i will save it forever. 

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    Yes, I had lipo on my arms and some on the knees, which is why I am covered top to bottom. He fixed my belly button hernia, opened up the whole DIEP scar to do plication, extended the DIEP scar back around the hips, fixed a scar on my chest, then best I can tell, lipo arms, elbows, under arms, upper ab, hips, lower back,upper back, inner thights, outer thighs. Then the hysterectomy as well.

    After stage 1, I also quit pain meds almost completely when leaving the hospital and now I am taking them constanty, overlapping so I have at least two kinds in my system at once. But I still have significant pain with that. Not moving does help. I have been brought to tears trying to get out of bed.

    I may have a drain leaking? Was wet all over my pants last night. Breaking out the prune juice with miralax this morning.

    Thanks for the support. Sorry Besa that you are also experiencing this intense pain. Betsy that is great news. I love when you can feel the joy of having made the right decision

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

    bdavis- I am sure you are right about lung function - that is what I was told when I had a fever during stage one. 

    Kbodie- I was told that the solution that they use for lipo sometimes leaks initially through the incisions-possibly that may be what is happening as opposed to a drain leaking.  I also had an ABD pay that looked really wet today.  I changed the pads and if they stay dry I think I am OK.  

    When I looked at what was done this morning I realized the incisions under my breasts are not in the same horizontal plane.  I want to be even and am hoping that as things settle out that is what will happen.  I really want to see Dr. D. for my post op appointment tomorrow so I can ask some questions. 

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2011

    Cherrie, I sent you a PM, and nowords told you pretty much everything I did!

    Pandazankar, I am so glad you felt that amazing connection with Dr. Marga. She's authentic. I can't put into words how much she means to me. It's special. You're finding that out already!