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NOLA in September?



  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    Don't get scared for Stage 2 just yet, Surfagirl!  It all depends on what you need.  KBodie had a doozie of a Stage 2.  Mine seems to be typical for what I've read here.  I had extensive work on my cancer breast; I had a big skin paddle removed and lifting and reducing size and contouring.  So I had a drain for that breast.  My other breast was lifted and contoured.  My DIEP incision was revised almost completely (I see 2 1-inch spots where it was not revised) to help smooth down my belly (bulgy fat on top, a trough below) and to excise my dog ears on the ends.  I'd say my DIEP incision was extended about 3 more inches on each side to get rid of some hip fat around the dog ears.  I did not need drains for that.  I had lipo on my entire belly (up to under my breasts), under arms, sides of back, then the usual hips flanks inner thigh.  I did not have knees done. 

    Now I decided to stay long enough for a post op appt.  Apparently you can leave a couple days after Stage 2.  I knew I would not want to take off that fast, so I booked the post op. (surgery Thurs, post op Mon)  I ended up needing to keep the breast drain in until I left Tues morning.  So I did pull my own drain.  I had pulled my hip drain from Stage 1, so I was a little prepared.  I think if you can take care of cleaning your incisions and emptying the bulb, you can pull a drain.  I needed my sister to snip the suture, but I pulled it out.  

    Surfa, how long are you staying after Stage 2?  Since you have such a long distance to travel, I bet you won't go home with drains, if you even have them.   

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

    I had 3 drains after stage 2.  All three were pulled before I left town so they were in place for only 3 days.  I think I had one breast, one in my former DIEP incision that Dr. D. was fixing up and one in the GAP flap incision.  I don't think any of them were very low for stage2 or stage 1 (the lowest drains were all about the same le vel as the old DIEP incision).  Needing drains in stage 2 depends on what kind of work that has to be done.  When it comes to reconstruction I don't like surprises.  You can call the office and talk to the nurses or PA - ask them if they think you will need drains.  I knew before I came down to NOLA for stage 2 that I would most likely need drains.   

    Surfa -  I pulled my hip drain from stage 1 - easy and painless.  Honestly for me it was sort of like the feeling I get when I  bake bread --- being able to do something that on the surface may seem daunting to people but in reality turns out to be absolutely easy.  I am sure you can get a local doc or physicians assistant to pull them if you want.  (I had a local breast surgeon and a local plastic surgeon who were both willing to pull the drains.) 

    Need2new-   The Maryland doc lipoed my very misshapen DIEP reconstruction in her office. I wasn't given the option of having the lipo done in the O.R. At that point I didn't even know that lipo was usually done in the O.R.  You can tell the docs at NOLA if you want to go light on the lipo.  I just let Dr. D. do what he thought would look best. 

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    I thought if I had drains at all, they would be out before I left. I knew the breasts would need some for a couple days, which they did, because I was getting a reduction. Mine had been stuffed very full during stage one. It sounds like the rest of my body got about the same as cider. As for needing those drains, maybe there was just more at each of those sites? Hip flank fat removed by extending the DIEP scar a few inches is why I assume I have the drains. Because drains aren't needed for lipo areas I don't think.

    Well thanks for the moral support on the down low drains anyway! I keep trying new ways, up the top, through the whole in the crotch, double padding, etc, but they are just gonna have to suck I guess. Misery loves company so thanks for telling me how much they sucked for you! Argh!

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    Well I had the hysterectomy too. Though drains aren't for that. I did have some serious plication so that might contribute? Anyway, yes, it's been a doozie! But the drains are the worst and they do not look to be coming out anytime soon. So I am not going to christmas church. When I have drains, I hate wearing anything other than sweats and pajamas. Darn.

  • joasta7
    joasta7 Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2011

    Hi Wonderful Ladies!  I want to thank all of you for your beautiful words of encouragement, your condolences and your kind words regarding the passing away of my son.  Truly it is comforting to have you all here.  I don't think any parent who loses a child (no matter what age child is) is ever the same after their death, but I know he is safe in God's arms and that gives me some comfort.  

    Springtime - can you add me in the schedule for December 29th with Dr. Trahan for Stage 2 please?  I wish all of you a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year.  For those of you still recuperating, may it be a speedy recovery so you can enjoy the Holidays.  

    Thanks again!  Merry Christmas! 

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2011

    Nipple question:

    Did you all have dissolvable sutures, or did you have to have them removed? Mine look black on one nipple, which means they won't dissolve, but they could just be stained. Marga didn't tell me I'd have to have them removed, but Ashley says if they are black or blue, the y won't dissolve.

    What's weird is that on the left they look light brown (maybe they were white originally) but on the right they are black.

    What sort of experiences did you all have??

  • nowords
    nowords Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2011

    Anne, I just emailed Marga and Ashley - clear, yellow pale brown should disolve, black should be pulled by helper Dr.

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2011

    Hi Anne - all of the stitches on mine least I never had any removed.  They appeared dark in color also - I think they were just stained.  I'll be curious to hear what others have to say.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    I was told not to pull any nipple sutures... all others can be tugged on after 2 weeks if they are bothersome... but to leave the nipples alone. For all others, I did clip them down so they didn't poke me, or I used my suture kit and pulled them out (stage I hip and middle ab).

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    Mine have been dissolvable, but they never dissolve on their own. I end up trimming them and then eventually pulling them if the knot doesn't dissolve.  The color is probably staining/blood, I think Marga would have told you if they needed to be pulled.  I've had 3 nipple constructions (don't ask) and all the stitches were the dissolvable kind.

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2011

    I am joining the January surgery group. Scheduled for Jan 4 with Dr. S. My Sept stage 2 surgery turned into a stage 1b when my left side hip flap needed to be replaced with an abdominal flap due to extensive necrosis. So I had hip donor site revisions but also a new stage 1 flap on the left. Since then, I have had more than expected volume loss on the left breast causing indentations and symmetry issues and have developed hard spots along the outside. The gameplan is for Dr. S to reduce one side and add to the other. Hoping this all works!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    I had black on the nips and they just went away. little plastic thingies I pulled out later if they didn't come out by themselves. Nips looked like they had a "beard" with all the black! 

    Adding 2 surgeries above now. Joasta7 and Ref. 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2011

    Out of the hospital and in the apartment with my daughter. OUCH!!! And, ewwwww, goopy nips! Didn't know I was going to ruin a whole bunch of shirts!! Was not a happy camper -- mama grizzly having been wakened from a VERY sound sleep to hear instructions like a DI talking and then nips care. Honestly. Guess I'll sequin them, put on tassels and see if I can't get'em twirling! Yuck ...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Maggie... what happened? I didn't ruin any shirts.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2011

    You know, I think my other nipple was made by a skin graft, too.  I didn't get a good look at it without the nipple shield, but now that I think about it, I did not see that horizontal line to indicate creating the nipple from the surrounding skin.  From what I recall reading here, I thought our docs usually use surrounding skin vs skin grafts.  I've got until Tues to keep the clear shields on.  My skin is little dark pink from the steri strips holding the shields down.  Celeste removed them from the left side for right side placement.  She had the hardest time getting them off (separating and gummy) and now I have irritation days later.  Oh, one spot is weepy, so I'm calling in the morning.

    I've been doing very well.  I'm surprised that I feel as good as I do.  I did crash this afternoon for a nap.  Otherwise I've been cooking, light cleaning, errands.  I've been off the pain meds for a couple days now.  Staying on the colace, though, and lots of fluids.  I've also surprised myself by preferring going commando in the compression.  I tried panties over for about half a day but didn't like it.  I've been wearing my black yoga pants, tank top, and a wrap cardigan thingy that is drapey over my breasts, concealing the nipple guards.

    KBodie, how are you feeling?  Other than the damn drains.  Energy?  Pain? 

    Maggie!  Stay on top of those pain meds!  Can't commiserated with the nipple thing, as Dr S has us keep ours dry.

    Joasta, I'm glad to see you are back on the schedule. You continue to be in my prayers.  

    Ref, I hope everything goes smoothly with this next surgery.  I think Dr S is amazing.   

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2011

    Thank u for sharing. I will definitely ask dr. S if I am having

    Drains. If so I'd hate to fly with them. I go from new Orleans to San Francisco and then on To Hawaii quite a long flight.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    I felt ok yesterday and today. Energy ok and not much pain. Haven't needed meds til later in the day, when I feel achy and don't want it to get too bad. Last night I slept 12 hours. Same as day before so have gone without naps. But tonight I started feeling punky, like when you are coming down with something. Cold, flushed, achy, heavy head. I am definitely not myself and I feel bad for my kids. Wondering if I should have insisted my original plan which was stage 2 in January. I'm sure in January, I'll be glad I'm done. But I feel like christmas is ruined. And my son's birthday, which is tomorrow.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2011

    I doubt my helper doctor (my primary care) would know if the nipple sutures are dissolvable or not, to be honest with you!

    I'll bet they are, but they sure feel coarse and whiskery.

    Amy, Ashley gave me the same advice.

    I have to say, my scar revision is amazing. I had a ropey, red scar that Marga re-did, and used monofilimant on instead of dissolvables. I had the suture pulled Monday, and you can hardly even see a scar. Wish I'd had that done on ALL my incisions!

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2011

    Anne:  What scars did you revise?  I'm hoping to revise a scar I had long ago for a biopsy on my chest area. I also had a delayed DIEP so I do have a scar across reconstructed breast.  I wonder if they can revise it?  May be dangerous to the flap?

    KBodie:  Sorry to hear about your pain and recovery but not needing meds toward the end of the day seems like the recovery is starting.  I too will have both of my kids birthdays during recovery.  I had surgery on Sept. 23 and my son's birthday was Oct. 1 for Stage 1, I will have surgery for stage 2 on January 5 and return on January 10, my other son's birthday is Jan. 11.  I've decided to order the cake early and perhaps have a favorite dish to go.  Just know that you did your surgery at the right time.  I know we moms are so giving that we forget about ourselves sometimes.  You are an awesome mom!  LOL 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2011

    Dr. D. puts on clear nipple and cuts the end out. Then we have to fill it daily with Bactrin and cover. Surgical pads (not ABDs) are mesh and it oozes out. Nurses said it would happen and as the compound is oily, there will be leaks. Once the clear plastic ones fall off, 3 weeks in brown paper ones. Just a mess. Have to cut holesin the end of the bra pad'em and then make like there is nothing unusual about a nipple stickng out. Still very bloated in arms and legs and with my fair skin, the most amazing technicolor -- blue and purple and pink. Thanks for the support gang. Shirts can be replaced; breasts not so much. Can't tell what I look like but I don't think that everyone will be pleased. I was afraid I would be disappointed and am pretty sure I will be. But, better to stop whining and count all of my NOLA blessings. Falling asleep at computer .... hang in there courageous women ,,, New Year coming!  :-)

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2011

    Kbodie - I'm still playing catch up after a few days of intense work (so I can take some time off this upcoming week), but I wanted to say that my stage 2 also seemed harder than stage 1. I think part of it was that I was anticipating it was easier...but it threw me for a loop.  The good news is that the recuperation time is sooo much shorter. So hang in there and know that once you're off the meds and antibiotics you'll feel much better. It won't be long!

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2011

    Celtic:  I don't understand why you would be disappointed.  Perhaps it's just post surgery blues?  With all that you went through, you will look great!  Although I don't understand all the nipple recon stuff, I will soon.  

    Stage 2 gals:  is there anything I need to prepare for?  still need the yoga pants?  button down shirts?  how cold is it in New Orleans?  what kind of long pants did you all wear?  how heavy of a jacket do I need?

    So, I will anticipate being very sore after surgery but hopefully faster recovery.  The only reason I can't wait to go up is because of this hard lump in my chest that I can't wait to get out!  It's sore when I move too much.  

    Getting sleepy, good night!  Everyone is probably asleep by now.  Christmas is 3 days away.

    I love Christmas and all the lights.  Still have one more gift to buy for my mother in law; hardest of all. 

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2011

    Surfagirl, I had a scar on my breast from the original SGAP, and it had been opened a time or two. The last time (in March) she was able to remove the skin island completely. But the scar became red, raised and painful on the end near mt sternum, where I actually have feeling. This time, she removed a portion of that scar and sewed it up with a suture that is used in face lifts to minimize scarring. Wow, what a difference, even at two weeks, I can hardly see it now!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Maggie.. I had Dr D and for my nipple, I had a silicone shield that I filled with bacitracin (but it didn't leak) and then after one week, I switched to no bacitracin, but he had me continue to use the silicone shields for 3 more weeks (I came home with two extras)... you just need enough goop to keep moist. I also had the comprssion bra for 2 weeks, and I also wore a padded bra over all of that to hide the nipple guard... Laura told me to continue wearing the padded bra after a month for a bit so as not to mush the nipple... I have, but I have also gone to the gym in a sports bra (short period of time). My nipple seems to have stabilized at low beam... yay.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited December 2011

    Springtime-  Stage two on March 15!

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    Adey i am jealous!!!  I will call Ashley and get my scheduled soon too.  I assume in NOLA again??  whoo hoo!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited December 2011

    Michelle-  Tuesday cancelled.  Are you now on 1/02 as well?  Schedule today, let's play!  Yes, NOLA as she's not in SC until May.  Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    Adey...just got the call.  Now 1/02 also:)  11.30am. 

     Merry Christmas everyone.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

    Celtic - It is possible you may be disappointed but it is way to early to make that call.  Dr. D. told me he prefers women not even look at their reconstructions right after stage 2 (I am sure that everyone looks).I am only a week out from stage 2 and things have changed so much - and I know they will change even more.   Try to hang in there and hold off from judging right now. 

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    Michelle--I may have a post-op that day too. I'll let you know if I'll be there around the same time, would be great to meet and say hi.