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NOLA in September?



  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Me too.  They said 2 weeks recovery time- generally speaking......Ya know- I guess again this is one of those "we're all different !" things.  W/ my 'junk in the trunk' I'm just going in expecting to have drains....I sure hope I can get rid of saddlebags....but don't wanna push it.  I trust these guys they know what looks right/good better than I do so it's just easier(despite the fact I'm a bit of a control freak and need to know details) to say..."OK!"  I'm curious to know how much fat necrosis I have, how much will need removal...and Oh man I HOPE this mid abd eschar area will be healed by the time I'm there.  Pretty sure it will be granulated up...this is not new.....when they pulled down I have a little area basically where my old belly button was that didn't quite fit together. the marriott providing comp access......there is a fedex place that has PC's and you can pay a fee and use....I went in to make some hard copies of documents off my laptop whilst I was there.  You do have to go to the lobby to use free wireless...but I think it is FUN to people watch.  They have lots of comfy big chairs/sofas.

    Re the nipples-for me- I guess it's just wait and see...Celeste said if necessary they move up(I had nipple sparing) w/ mastopexy....I guess like nl mastopexy?  Last week or the week before not sure I was up for all the fun...BUT now I'm back into "go for it!" mode! 

    Again....not worried, very happy now can imagine I'll be gushing even more next time......They know what they're doing, no question about it!

    I keep having visions of that madonna video every time I hear about 'big bra'.

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited November 2009


      are the incisions under your breast from the nipple revision? I am curious how Dr D did it from underneath?

    Hugs ,Marcia

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009


    I had my abdominal scar lowered at the third phase (I had to wait a year for the skin to loosen up) - and had the drains. During the second phase, I had my abdominal muscles tightened and needed the drains then, too. Regarding Big Bra, Think: Big Nipple Protector


  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2009


     It is so interesting to see what today's techniques are. When I met with my PS a few months ago, it was clear that what I had done 20 years ago was the stone age of reconstruction. My chest muscles are on top of my implants, so any time I flex a muscle, the breast contorts, and this has gotten worse over time. Twenty years ago they created the areola by doing a skin graft from the panty line, which meant I had pubic hair growing on my nipples which had to be removed by electrolosis. The strange thing is, I was OK with all of it ... I was thrilled simply to have breasts at all.

    It is really interesting to me to see how much agism there is in society. When I had the infection in Feb of this year and they removed one of the implants, you wouldn't believe how many people said, "Well, you're 59... how important are breasts any way....?" There aren't that many 70-80 year olds with implants today, but 10 and 15 years from now, there will be. I wonder what will happen when they need to have them replaced. Will doctors and insurance companies say "What does an 80 year old need breasts for..."

    Just some thoughts on a Sunday evening.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    MargitN, how to say this delicately, SCREW THEM!!! (sorry!) Thank God there is a Federal law, about breasts, and I don't recall it being only for those under 60!!! 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    Well, The weekend went very good here.  I pictured myself after surgery not being able to do much of anything for weeks.

    I guess I forget already what I did sat.  I think I stayed home & Caught up on email etc,.  Took a nap.  My Sister stopped over & Visited in the evening...Oh- thats right after she left there was a great deal on a BluRay so we ran to Target to get that- had to go to 3 as 2 were out.   On Sunday We got several errands done & Celebrated my dds Bday.

    I Taped my 1 Stitch drain to my Hip & that has worked so far.  In fact the drain retracted back into me!  Dr M wants my PCP to add a stitch on Thursday when I see her.   I wonder if that will be very painful.   I can feel around my drain sites.  Do they numb it anyway?

    My Memory is shot...I already forgot what I was just going to type.

    Im sleeping very good.   Showers as you all probably know are a pain.  I have not done one alone.  & it still takes 30-45 minutes.

    It was really Nice to meet Sandy on Fri- I dont recall much of it.  But it was nice still : )

    I also meet Amy from the Nov thread.  her stage 1 surgery was the day before mine.   She looked great!

    I know there was more I wanted to write..But cant remember.

    Good Luck today Anne!


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    Now I remember 1 of the things I was going to say.

    Dh was on the phone for hrs the day before we flew out...Still arguing with the Insurance co.  They said finally were were approved & that the letter they sent saying I was approved for accidental Dental insurance was supposed to say I was approved for this surgery.

    Someone from the center- I forget who- Called me Wed the day before surgery while were were walking around NOLA & said that my Insurance called & said I was covered!

    So we get home & have 2 indentical letters waiting for us.  Post marked the day after they said we were approved...Saying I was denied.   Grr...So now we get to fight that.


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    MARGITN - Would it make sense to tell an amputee that after the age of 60 they no longer need an arm or a leg?  I'm with Spring....SCREW THEM!  Lets face it, there are LOT of things we do to our bodies that are not really work, false teeth, wheelchairs, eye glasses, etc.  I mean we are human and we ARE NOT DISPOSABLE!  (just throw us away when we are not at 100%)  I bet they would not dare tell that to a man that wanted a replacement of a testicle prosthesis! Yes they have those too!

    Dejaboo!!! Yeah a good weekend!  And yes the anesthesia and the pain meds do terrible things to the memory......  Take care!

     xxoo Mel

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Marcia, my vertical scars stretched out sideways and so when Dr. D did the new nipple reconstruction, he also revised the scars all the way down to the inframmary fold.  The widening/stretching happened after I'd passed the three month mark, (they were still very narrow when my tattooing was done), so I'm going to keep brown tape on them for a year this time.  Dr. D mentioned that fixing the flatness of the right breast might take two steps, and all I can do now is wait and see, but based upon what I see now, I have a feeling that I will need the second step in a few months.  I know I shouldn't spend time wishing I'd started my reconstruction in NOLA, but sometimes I cannot help but feel deep regret.

    Pam, it was great to meet you, and I'm sorry you don't remember much of my visit.  I only stayed for a couple of minutes because you were looking very tired.


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    Hi Sassie! Welcome BACK!! Lots of reading to do...if you leave even for a day, you can get behind! lol  Dr. Massey is now working in New Orleans as one of the staff at St Charles Surgical Center. She actually worked for a couple years, side by side with Dr. Allen in New York. She doesn't need to be trained at all since she has done hundreds upon hundreds already. She was invited to join the "boys of NOLA." She continues to service patients in Chicago, Charleston and Salt Lake City, too! I had her in September with Dr.D and couldn't be happier!!

    I go  back for Stage 2 in Decomber. I understand you will NOT need drains unless you are having some major revisions done.  Lipo does not require drains. Will the doctors let you go alone? I was told they can not release me from the hospital without someone to accompaning me. You may want to double check that~

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2009

    AnneW - you should be just about done with surgery by now.  Thinking of you today!!!

    Linda - hope things are going okay - looking forward to hearing from you soon!

    Nordy - I can't wait to be able to go outside with just a spagetti strap top on again.  Must feel like you are 16!  I have to wait until after Stage 2 cause my asymetry is too pronounced right now.   Glad to see you have your Stage 2 date! 

    Sassie - welcome back.  Good to see (read) you again!

    Sandy - would love to go to the meeting on the 10th but not sure what shape I'll be in.  What time does it take place? 

    Pam - so glad you are back home and things are going well.  I remember needing help with showering for at least a full week after I got home, I'm such a wimp.  It's great that Deja is takin' it easy with you!

    Trishia - you listed your web site a while back (a couple pages back) but can't find it now.  Can you PM it to me?  I'd like to take a look when I'm at home some evening and not on my work computer.

    Was thinking about going out and buying a swimsuit that I really like (probably have some great ones on clearance now with the snow falling) and take it with me to NOLA so that they can "fit" me to the swimsuit....LOL!!!

    I was told that I would have breast drains after Stage 2 (from revisions) but that they would come out probably before I went home.  The only other drains I would have (even with the hip surgery revision) would be if I elect to have the tummy tuck done.  Otherwise, no other drains.  Also, to plan on two weeks for recovery.  Sure hope that is enough cause I really need to get back to work - I've been off soooo much.

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies... I have a question about travel... trying to book flights for my Stage 1 on 2/23.  I am in Indianapolis and there are no direct flights to NOLA but connections through many cities and total travel time about 4 hours.  My question is about the way home.  I'm picturing I will be in terrible shape (bilateral SGAP)... hoping that's not true.. I have no idea.... wondering if I should pay the extra to get a flight that makes a stop but doesn't change planes (to avoid getting around to another gate) or will I feel good enough that it won't make much difference if I have to change planes?  Tell me about the way home?  Pam, I guess you just made that trip... and since you had the same surgery I was it for you... flying home? (great to hear you had a good weekend... !)

    I am reading along everyday now..... getting excited about my Stage 1.. and nervous.... you guys are a wealth of information! 

  • sunandsandgirl
    sunandsandgirl Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2009


    I had a bilateral SGAP.  I would recommend paying the extra money to avoid changing planes.  If this is not possible have them meet you at the gate with a wheel chair.  I walked in the small NOLA airport, but I swear it took me 20 minutes.  I thought I would pass out from exhaustion (not pain) even though I had already started walking 3-4 times a day in the hotel. We arranged for a wheelchair once I hit Atlanta.  That was a BIG help.  You are just so tired after the surgery, and you really will not want anyone bumping into you.   

    Best wishes with your surgery!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009


    I had both DIEP and Lumbar, (both sides) and did have a wheelchair for the way home. We had to change planes in Atlanta. We also had like a 4 hour "wait" time between. I was fine. Though I am a "walker. I think you may be fine, though, you should do what feels  best for you. Even if it just quells the anxiety you feel ahead of time! 

    EVEYONE, if you have drains, remember to ASK FOR THAT LETTER from the office explaining you have drains. They don't give it routinely, and I as "searched" going through airport security and it was not something I would want to do again. I mean, honestly!!!


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    I had forgotten to ask for the letter at Post op appt.  So the day of travel we had them fax it to the hotel.  Didnt need it- They didnt stop me to even see under my shirt.

    But I do agree that letter is very important.


    I was very worried about a nonstop flight also.  I had only 1 flight time to choose from for a non stop flight.  So on the way there I didnt arrive til 6pm.  I didnt like that- as it would have been nice to have a full day to explore.  The next day was split by Drs appts....Although we walked 7.5 miles - so I must have seen something that day.

    On the way home- Our flight once again was late- we had til 4pm to explore...Except the latest the hotel would let us stay was 2.  So we checked out at 2pm & the car brought us to the Airport then.  We had 3 hrs to sit before our flight took off. then a 2.5 hr flight.... But it wasnt too bad.  Got home at 10 pm.  I told dh we probably could have transfered planes & had better flight times.  

    I think it is better to not have to deal with plane changes.  But I really think it would have been fine to do.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Yes, about the "searching" of your drains on the way home. IF NOTHING SHOWS, they will not ask you to lift your shirt or whatever. I had a little pouch thing showing, that looked like a "fanny pack" (The pouch for the ON-Q pain balls) and that caused all the issues. 

    This time, I am showing NOTHING! :)  Probably won't need the letter then.


    Pam, you sound really good today!!! And you are not even 2 weeks out yet....  

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Holtbolt - I had to change planes (Southwest, grand king of puddle jumping across the US) - and it was not a problem. We even spent a couple of hours in the airport in Vegas. I think I actually preferred it because it gave me a chance to get up and walk around. I was just ULTRA aware of other people and making sure nobody crashed into my boobs! I did not use a wheel chair - but again, this is just me. I tend to have a super high pain tolerance and some switch in my brain that tells me to rest when I need to is apparantly permanently out of order. SO, do what YOU feel is best for you, but know that any way you go about it, it is all doable.

    Pam - glad you are feeling a little better!

    Anne - I hope you are doing well today!!!

    Anniese - I am wondering if maybe I should get that tummy tuck... LOL... good thing I have another 3 months to decide!

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2009

    Holtbolt - I didn't have to change planes so can't help you with that part.  However, I did use the wheelchair through both New Orleans airport and the Denver airport.  It went against my grain to do so, but Dr. M was very firm in wanting us to do this so that we don't get bumped or elbowed on the way home.  The letter they gave me wasn't needed at all - we just went to the check in desk and told them I needed a chair and driver.  Using that, we were able to completely skip the line at security and go to the front.  You have to get up and walk through the detector, but then they take the chair through and you sit back down.  If you had to change planes, I think you would be fine cause the airline would make sure there was a chair/driver at your stop to take you from one plane to the other.  I know I was exhausted and even though I could have walked it myself, and probably would have given the choice, it sure was nice to save the energy I had.  Plus - they let you get on the plane first when you are driven up in a chair - great for getting settled and not standing in line.

    Nordy - you are funny.  I don't think you have a tummy to tuck!  However, after the surgery in December when you go meno again you might start putting on a little tummy weight - that's what did it to me.......never had much of a tummy before an then wham, meno and tamoxifen gave me a grandma pouch.  I don't want the tummy tuck and will try real hard to go with just lipo, but will have to wait and see what Dr. M says my results would be.  Would hate to have a great rear end and then turn around and hit people with my gut - LOL!!!!!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    anniese, the meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. NOLA time.  I hope you feel up to it! 

    I had to call Southwest to postpone our return flight home due to the surgery earlier this month, and they wanted to charge $210 per ticket, but told me that if I could prove I was staying for surgery, it would "only" be $100 per ticket.  I was given the airport letter, and told to present it at the gate.   I was able to keep my shoes and jacket through security at the NOLA airport and the female agent called to scan me simply wiped my shoes and hands, then waved me through--it was quick and easy this time.  The rep at the Southwest gate cut me off mid-sentence when I tried to give him the Center's letter, and left to get me a pre-boarding pass.  When he returned with it, he said he did not need the letter for anything.  In Houston, I was also given a pre-boarding pass for showing the letter.  I really didn't have any experience with Southwest because I always wanted non-stop flights, but I really do like how you can choose your own seats, and sit in the very first row for the same price as the back.  

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    For the ladies that had S-Gap or Lower lumbar gap what did you wear after your surgery ??  Would yoga pants work or do I need to buy some sweats ??? 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Yoga pants work great (and the bonus is that they are not sweats!). I also have some loose cords and had shorts in NOLA that sit a bit lower on the hip - they were great too. Just now getting back into jeans.

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2009

    I did the wheelchair thing as well when I left NOLA primarily because I was only discharged the day before from the hospital and thought I might pass out if I stood up too long. They tried to pat me down going through security but I think they were afraid they would hurt me so they didn't do much.Yes yoga pants are great. They are the perfect combination to hug your body but still allow for some give.I have been a customer of Southwest but now I am a great fan. When my son had his accident we changed his flights 6 times since we where not sure when he would be released from the hospital. They did not charge us a fee to change the flight or make us pay the difference for a more expensive flight. They were great.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Sassie!  So good to read you!  How is the voice thing doing?  Stage 2 is a BREEZE compared to Stage 1!!!  I had breast drains, but only for 3 days.  They were removed before I left.  I think it is hard for ppl to share and get a grasp on stage 2 because everyone is so different.  I had a lot of fat excised, so had more incisions and more actual surgery than most.  But the KEY for anyone doing lipo at Stage 2 is to DRINK DRINK DRINK (water, not hurricanes!) and WALK WALK WALK!  Sandy stressed that several times in posts and I am SO glad I listened to her!  

    anniese~here is my web addy!  Let me know if you have questions!!!

    hotbolt~I had to change planes and walk through the Denver airport.  I chose to get a wheel chair, although I walked part of the way too.  You just wear out so easily the first few weeks after stage 1.  

    Pam!  So good to see you posting and feeling better.

    On another note, I am so ANGRY over the new recommended screening guidelines for breast cancer!  It is BS!!!!  Self Exam saved my life.  ARGHHHH.  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Trishia, I am so glad to hear that my harping on the water and walking helped you.   I have to agree with you on the guidelines.  I had a negative first screening MRI, but two months later, a 7mm invasive cancer was found on a routine mammogram, when I was 47.  I would probably be dead by now if I'd had to wait until I turned 50 last month to have my first mammogram. 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    I know it!  And I had NO family history prior to my dx.  None!!  I have been in tears and sick about this all night. 

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited November 2009

    Do any of you have the tight bra feeling after healing?  I hear from those with implants that they have a very tight feeling across the chest.  I already have a lot of pain on the mast. side.  I don't need any more!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    OH YES............I heard those new guidelines last pm...unfortunately from Brian Williams on NBC and almost popped a gasket esp when he made a comment it "would certainly be perceived by some as a means of rationing".................because it IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  .....OMG I must digress..........but even Susan Love was on and basically agreed.....she looks like a man............I guess the difference for us......when yes it's a small percentage of women who genuinely has something grave pop up.............For those of us among the 'small percentage'......It IS 100% of a big problem/life disruption, etc, etc.............Self exam, sure but for me...BS!  and I don't mean breast surgeon!...Nothing was EVER felt or seen on my stuff and it WAS REAL!

    Sandy.......YEs, yes, yes!  But I TRUMP you!(but ONLY on the breast thing!)  My ADH was at 41 and what appeared a 7-8mm issue ended up being 5mm IDC at 43 ONLY visible on MRI and only confirmed by MRI guided biopsy...............yes the stuff (screening)causes(d) anxiety BUT......I am EVER so grateful!  I am writing my entire family whom I provided path reports to- to ENCOURAGE them to demand for themselves and daughters....they ARE part of the  'high risk' which now used to be the routine screening.................Ugggg.............I think someone was watching out for me I swear....SO grateful the timing of all......But I want other women to have the same benefit and be spared worse.

    OK..................drumroll please.............I go back to work today.  While it was originally to be a normal 8 hr shift....My team leader called me yesterday after I called everyone to make sure all the papers signed, i's dotted and t's crossed and I could just walk in and annual health check was due 11/5......can't believe I forgot...was probably busy seeding herbs or something that week!..........this is not a big deal except it includes an annual TB skin test which must read negative in 48 hours..............SO......I'm going in for my health check, I am clocking in and will see if I can sit in a no patient area and go thru 2 mos of work e-mail.  While I typically check this from home....2 mos...gimme a break.....AND I wil be wearing my construction zone T....but under another layer or jacket and will flash all the people I WANT to know.  I had a dream last pm that a nosey co-worker had come up to me saying "don't you want to show me that shirt?"  And I said....."Um not really!"  I doubt anyone will remember the European vacation plans code excuse I used way back in august.  So for anyone who presses who gets on my nerves I've decided I'm going w/ the "I've been on medical leave.  I adopted twins" line and leave it at that!  Have to go in tomorrow for a 2 short days then Thursday...unless of course I have TB(NOT)  then I'll actually work!  Today I'll come home and do thank you's and go work out.

    Pam, you sound good....It is a good thing you're resting, I was Soo wired and doing stuff I shouldn't have been which is why I probably needed more time!

    You do need to make arrangements for the preboarding friend helped me then left and boarded w/ first class since she was using passes.

    I've said this before....any of you has a layover in DFW let me know, I'm happy to help out if my schedule allows and if it doesn't w/ same notice Ican probably rearrange some things.  I have 2 spare bedrooms and I've done this too so let me know ok?

    OK,better run...we had the first frost last pm and glad I brought all the tropical houseplants in!  It was really right on time this year for us.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!

    Anne W....I was thnking about you testerday never had a chance to get on in the am.  I have a feeling you're doing swimmingly well!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Betty - I think the reason the "tight across the chest" is b/c with implants, they go UNDER your pec muscle. With natural tissue, that is NOT the case, hence no "tight".  At least that is my experience having had both!

    I know many are upset about the mammogram news of last night. If you listen closely to Dr. Susan Love, I think what she is saying is that mammogram is not good enough for young women with dense breasts. This message was not totally clear, but this is what I heard, and what I believe. I feel totally betrayed by mammograms. I had them yearly for a long time, and had a 5CM+ tumor that was not detected, even by a diagnostic mammo (or an ultrasound!) where they were basically drilling down into the spot! For all women, younger and older, 20% of cancer is missed by mammograms. Isn't that totally sucky??? That is a friggin LOT OF WOMEN!!! For younger women with dense breasts, pre-menopause, the number must be much more, as this is a known issue with mammograms.  Also, I personally think we need more focus on PREVENTION of BC rather than waiting to get it and detecting it (early, or not early, as in my case).

    Anyway, We do need SOMETHING, and it should be something better. So many young women are now getting BC before even 40! (before they would get mammo anyway!). This whole thing just makes me CRAZY.

    2 weeks to go for me until Stage 2!!! I think I will have 6 drains, at least, this is what I am preparing myself for. 2 breast, 2 belly (I want that incision lowered if possible) and 2 butt. I never keep drains for very long, (not so juicy!) so hoping to be back into fighting shape by the holidays!!


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    Two time bc survivor here.. .both diagnosis' under the age of 50.. I hate to sound like Johnny Cochran but this is an OUTRAGE.... hopefully insurance/medicaid/care will not stop paying for screenings for women under 50 based on this "study". 

    Thank you all for the advice on the trip home/airport.  I so don't know what to expect.  The connection flight coming home to Indianapolis, stops in Cincinnati (where my sister lives who will be traveling with me).  I am wondering if I can break the rules and let her get off there and go the short plane ride from Cincinnati to Indianapolis alone.... any comments on that?   

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Self exam saved my life too!  These people are NUTS!