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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Yes, Gin - my drains are out, but I feel my right hip trying to fill up again... H*lls bells... I hope I am not dealing with this until March! I think I am going to have to get my own needles and syringes and just drain it myself! I am sure my insurance company is wondering what in the heck is going on!

    Okay, Spring, I have a stage 2 date... March 4. I HOPE somebody will be there at that time from this site! I don't think my hubby wants to go this time, so will probably bring my sister or one of my friends. I kind of feel bad because we totally did not get to see much... wait, let me rephrase that: ANY of New Orleans! I think we were just so isolated at the Hope Lodge and I didn't feel so hot because of the antibiotic that did not agree with me, that we really missed out. This next time I am staying at either the Marriott or the Homewood... or maybe Hampton Inn and intend to tour! I think my husband will miss out! But... it also gives me comfort that one of us is home with our girls! 

    Yes, Plainjane - We miss you!!! 

    ((((Pam))))) - hope you are feeling better. Hang in there, you will be sleeping on your side before you know it... but right now is an adjustment for sure!

    (((((Linda)))))) - I will be thinking of you tomorrow and praying that all goes well! 

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    Stage 2 Graduates....Is Having a "B.M." an issue like it was for many of us after Stage 1? I know I had issues and am forever grateful for Spring coming to the rescue by being prepared. (lesson learned this

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    Stage 2 Graduates....Is Having a "B.M." an issue like it was for many of us after Stage 1? I know I had issues and am forever grateful for Spring coming to the rescue by being prepared. (lesson learned this

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited November 2009

    My goodness, y'all have been busy today! Does no one work???? (I'm jealous. I was too busy to pee today, and I feel like I'm catching a cold after months of being breathed on by germy college students! I don't need this right now!!!)

    PAM!!! You're going to be fine. Be patient--I know that's not easy for you! But Dr. M had to clean up a total mess on your chest. Your suture lines will look different from everyone else's. And just know that she'll be able to take care a bunch of that stuff in stage 2. Plus, you're going to heal well, and no more symmastia!! So, take it easy--MAKE yourself go slow. You're going to feel so tight across the upper hips for a while.

    Linda!!! Good luck in the morning! I'm going to try to get in to see you Sunday evening, after my pre-op with Marga. If for any reason you have to stay an extra day, I'll see you in the halls!


  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2009

    Jill 45 I just wanted to welcome my Canuck sister. I was born and raised in Toronto and my husband is from Vancouver.

    Pam so good to hear that you are back on the boards. I am sure things will feel better once you get things moving. I hear glycerin suppositories do the trick. Hang in there things will improve each day. Listen to your body and don't push yourself, walk, rest and rest.

    Linda sleep well. Good healing thoughts for you tomorrow.

  • NebrNan
    NebrNan Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2009

    Jennifer and the Second week in Dec Group - I fly in on Dec 7 (staying at the Hope Lodge for 2 nights), preop Dec 8 (3:00 I think) and surgery on Dec 9.  I think we are going to the Marriott on Dec 10 -13 and will head home on Sunday, Dec 13.  Might go to the Clarion again - trying to decide if we want to be near the hospital or near the French Quarter this time. How about lunch or dinner on Dec 8?  My hubby doesn't get in until 7:00 pm that evening.  Or maybe we can meet up after surgery.  Where are you staying? I'm days behind on reading the posts so you may already have answered these questions. I'll try to catch up this weekend!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009


    Praying for you, sending healing thoughts your way!

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2009

    Springtime, Soccermom4force, Melaniew1 and anyone else I might have missed, thanks for the warm welcome.

    Dejaboo, here's hoping everything is better today than yesterday, ditto tomorrow & the day after & (you get the idea)... 

    LindaG47, you're probably snoozing peacefully in the OR by now! I'm thinking of you & sending happy thoughts your way... 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    The Marriott has become our favorite hotel in NOLA.  It's newly renovated and has a great gym, a Starbucks downstairs and a lobby that is perfect for socializing.   The views are spectacular if you can get a corner room as high up as possible.  My sister and I stayed on the top floor earlier this year, on the corner facing the river and the French Quarter, and we spent a lot of time just gawking out the huge windows.   Now I always ask for the same room and they usually send me an email "Your wish is granted!".   You can ask for almost sure to ask them for a refrigerator. 

    St. Charles Surgical Hospital now has safes installed in the patient rooms, which would have come in handy had I stayed there longer last week.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Pam, I had six surgeries in NOLA to fix up what my previous surgeon did, spread over a two year span.  I've been to NOLA nine times now, and I have to say that it was quite a journey, but was so worth it.   Dr. DellaCroce has allowed me to take this as far as I wanted to go in pursuit of the very best outcome possible, and he and Liz have both said that sometimes it takes several revisions when you start elsewhere---it's much tougher for them to repair another doctor's bad work.   I have more scars than I would have, had I started off in NOLA but they will fade.  Considering how I looked when I first went there, I think my results are pretty miraculous, but it took a huge commitment on my part along with Dr. D's willingness to make me happy.  Know that you are in the very best place to have a botched reconstruction fixed and will get the very best result possible! 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Does anyone know if they can use a port for reconstruction surgery ??

    Sandy if you do not mind me asking what type of surgery did you start with ??  I am glad Dr. D was able to make you happy.  Thanks for all of the encouragement.

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    JamieH - I had a port in when I had my bilateral mastectomies and they would NOT use the port.  I do not know the specifics of why though....

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Thanks Melanie~ My vein access in my left arm is shot :(  and the last 2 times they used them for surgery I blew veins left and right.  Oh well hopefully they will improve over the next 2 months. :)

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009

    We stayed at the Monteleone for the first time, this time. We loved it. It was just around the corner from Sandy at the Marriott. Very fancy lobby, a bar that rotates and looks like a carousel with little stars on the ceiling, and a large elegantly appointed room. Plus the thrill of possibly seeing a ghost or two! You get a discount if you're a patient at the Center. I would definitely stay there again. You have sooo many choices in New Orleans.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    I LOVED the Monteleone!  The hotel is gorgeous and the location is perfect!  The rooms are on the smaller side, so I would recommend this hotel for pre-surgery or for Stage 3.  I did stay there after Stage 2 and the location was SO good for walking like you need to do that the small room really didn't matter too much. 

    We are staying there for Stage 3. I got a killer rate of $89 a night.  Call and talk to Stephanie.  

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Walking out of my yoga class in a spaghetti strap tank... for the first time in...??? My expression:


    Needless to say, I am loving my rocking hot tatas.... I feel so... normal!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009


    Your post really made me smile, too!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Yahoooo!  Isn't normal wonderful...and so BEYOND normal????

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Jaimieh, I started off with immediate bilateral DIEP in Los Angeles and had multiple problems.  That's the short version.  If you want the long version, I can post that for you!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    I noticed that several of you, including BreastCancerDiva, Anniese, Trishia, PlainJane64, and Warrior will be in NOLA at the time of the next EnCourage meeting on 12/9 at 5:30 pm at the Center.  We just had our November meeting yesterday, and Liz said that next month's meeting will be all about bra fitting, with a visit from the Bra Genie.   Anniese, you'll likely be released from the hospital that day, but if you're up to attending, the meetings are so informative and inspiring. Snowbird, Nancy and Iamc will miss it unless a schedule change occurs, but maybe next time!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Really???  How exciting!  I am THERE!  I have been wanting to get fitted now that I actually have something to fit.  :)

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    OK..................I am the proud owner of a new motherboard! Thank goodness......I am soooooooooooooo far behind and will need a couple hours if not MORE to play catch up on a week!

    Sandy...........I LOVE ALL MY STUFF!  I'm doing the force/logo-2 color heart things as pretty!  I'm putting them on scarfs but different colors than what you had...excited!  My LE therpist and EVERYONE at Goddard orthopedics where I go LOVED the construction zone t!  so did Home depot and?  can't remember where else I was asking for help carrying stuff.....when I probably could have done it...Oh well!

    Guys has anyone read the book that sends proceeds to"Cancer Vixen"?......I think I will order as it looks like a scream and it's cartoons and I want this website to have funding an d stay free.

    Trishia, Warrior........tick tock....we have ONE month....actually 4 weeks!  Wow!  Here it comes!

    I return to work Tuesday.  Excited but OMG I have loved being off! 

    I have been so stinkin productive I can't stand it....need to go back to work for a rest.  Latest project is refi on my home.....will be GREAT drop from 30yr to 15, decrease int by 2 points, stay on biweekly and build equity and pay this place off! before I'm 55.............God willing!

    OK, I'll be back....sorry for the hit and run here....I can't wait to read about what all you have been up to and find out how all the fresh post ops and 'ladies in waiting'-pre stage 1's are doing!

    cheers and TGIF!....don't worry about the fri 14th stuff!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    PLAIN JANE -- YOU ARE BACK!!!  YEAH!!!!!  We missed you!  Yes I have read Cancer Vixon.  I think I will read it again now that I am in a better frame of mind, someone gave it to me right after my initial diagnosis, so it was not a good time for me.

    Sorry you have to go back to work next week!  Maybe you can get some rest then!  HA!

    I am so bumbed that I will apparently MISS everyone in December! 

    TGIF! Everyone.  XXOO


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    NORDY - I AM SO WITH YOU ON THE FEELING SO NORMAL AND HOW GREAT IT IS!  I can not remove the grin from my face......I think it is permanent!  xxoo Mel

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited November 2009

    Alright, ladies, I'm in go-mode! I leave here tomorrow for Charleston. Looks like we'll get out before the snow hits. Why on earth did we get a 7 a.m. flight??? I may as well not go to bed tonight!

    I'm procrastinating on the packing. I won't need much. Spanx and sweats, and my travel clothes! My ninetendo ds, a few books. I'm headed to Denver today with a friend to go to the Gem and Jewelry show. I'll treat myself to a few wholesale baubles, and get some stuff for some bead projects I'm working on. I'll pack when I get home!

    I'm ready to git 'er done. But more excited, really, about getting to visit with my Dad at Myrtle Beach. He and his SO have been going to a time share there for 12 years. She died unexpectedly two months ago, but he's still going this year (it's paid for, after all!) with some other friends. It's been a year since I've seen him, and as our parents age, you never know which time will be the last time you see them...

    Anyway--I'll report in periodically. I know there are bunches of you Stage 2-ers waiting in the wings. I'm going to wear my Construction Zone shirt to my pre-op with Marga!

    Love you all!


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    BEST WISHES ANNE  - You sound prepared for sure.  It will all be GOOD!  xxoo Mel

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited November 2009

    Hi Anne,

    Hoping you have a great trip and success with surgery (I know you will!).

    Give my regards and hugs to Marga.  Kiss



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Anne - Happy travels!!!! Everything will be great!!! I can't wait to hear your update!!!

    Yes, breast reconstruction... the new "normal"... I LOVE IT! 

    Jennifer!!!! So happy to see you back!

    Spring - can you add me in for March 4th for my stage 2... (Dr. S) since we know you are in charge and this thread has become sept and beyond... beyond... beyond....  LOL!!! I see this thread going on for years!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Girls!!! You are so amazing! I don't sign on for one day and there are two pages full!!! 

    Nordy, adding your stage 2 in a sec!!  Don't worry chickie, I got you! And I LOVED LOVED LOVED the SPAGHETTI STRAP comment!!! Woot! I love them too. :)  I wear these teensy little bras with skinny straps. They stick out and look cool, like my teen age daughters!  :)  

    Ginnie,  not' worry honey. I am not symmetrical either after Phase 1, also due to friggin RADS!!! But I've heard not to worry. A friend locally went with no breast initially, on one side, and was rebuilt from scratch (you know, skin and all). She said he was not symmetrical after phase 1 either, but is apparently just fine after phase 2. I have a lot of faith in phase 2!!! Sandy told me symmetry is very important to the docs, I am sure we will be good! 

    Warrior, good Question about the stage 2 BM!!!! ahhck!  Can some Stage 2 graduate answer this question?? Will we be all bound up in the poo area the same as stage 1???? Spring and Warrior NEED TO KNOW (believe me!!! we both NEED TO KNOW!!)  Warrior, I am so sorry we will not be there together this time, my stage 1 sista!!!! :)

    Go Anne W!!!  We are here, stay in touch as you can girl! We will be waiting to hear SOMETHING from you. Oh yes we will....

    Do you think I could retire and run this list? Just Kidding!

    Trisha, I have not forgotten about my accoutrements that I need to order from you. My DH was just asking me the other day (you gotta love men, this is one thing they will not forget! ha!). Yes I have to do that! (Trisha is my personal intimacy consultant, the rest of you, if you have, ahem, shall we say, intimacy issues, because of all this breast cancer crap, she is the one to consult with!!! Just saying!!! She's got the goods!!!!)


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    Nordy...Congrats on the accomplished feeling of normalcy..its been a long road to get it but SO WORTH IT!

    Sandy..I am not coming in until the eve of the 10th so I will be missing itFrown

    What is Cancer Vixon about?? I haven't heard of it....

    Plainjane...I hear that clock a tickin! :) Soon the rays of NOLA will be on us..Trishia and others! xo