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NOLA in September?



  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Wheeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!  That was a lot of reading!

    Nordy, and Ginnie......great costumes CUTE kiddos...both sets of kiddos...Gin I know there were no costumes on yours too....sorry!

    Sandy...that sounds great- the meeting...Trishia, we're going.

    I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade.....My turning point was SIX weeks(and pretty much every bit of it).....BUT, I was overdoing when I first got home so could've been self inflicted.

    My previously irradiated sisters.  YES, Lefty still has orange peel skin toward the middle and gets a little playdoughish sometimes...But I swear some is related to how big mine are.....and I'm not trying to boast but....Sealed....sorry, my nickname was sweater girl in high school, and somebody else called my sister 'jugs'.  I DO have some hardness, but it has gradually diminished... and you all are probably sick of me talkign about this.....LE therapy-lymphatic massage...I'm still doing it AND yes I can do cardio too!  Which I'm sure does increase circulation......I need to increase workouts....eeks I've put on weight!

    Oh so Nordy....did you go to CO?  Or did Anniese travel?  YES, I m nosey!  Marcia, thank you....I had a 95$ rate and I WILL go get it lowered!

    Warrior:  Here's the sent an email and had the book listed n their 'gift shop'....I think even tho purcahsed thru amazon some proceeds go to keep up and running and free...

    eeks,hope that worked if not go to gift shop on here and books and you can see it.

    OK, ladies,,,,sooooooooo glad I caught up!

    Pam............I was happy immediately post op(mostly because the surgery was done!)  BUT when I started asking about swelling, etc Dr. D said to me "What you see and have now is NOTHING...or is NOT the end product so do NOT worry."....or something to that effect....YES, Oh man there was Soooooooooooooo much swellign at first!

    All you other ladies, esp in S(?) Carolina.....we're thinking of you!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Did anyone stay at Homewood Suite ??  If so did you pay $129 a night ???  I am scheduled for Hope Lodge but I was looking to see how much it would cost to stay some place else. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Homewood is either 99 a night of 129 a night, depending on time of year! 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Thanks Spring :)

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009

    You guys are a riot! As an official representative of the all-done-club and, thus, a stage 2 graduate, I do not recall there being the same degree of intestinal issues the second time around - altho I must admit that aspect of the whole recon experience is not uppermost in my memory! I think, tho, that since the second stage is such a shorter surgery, you are not as dehydrated nor your system slowed down as much as after the first stage. Also, you're up and about way sooner and things keep moving! Just keep taking those stool softeners and finally this, too, shall come to pass... And yes, the asymmetry shall be addressed totally in stage 2. The first stage is just to establish or re-establish the breast mound. Period. In my case, I only had one side done, and Dr. D. said that he purposely makes the recon side(s) plenty big so that he has more room for refinements in stage 2. Also, he wants to make sure he has a nice continuous slope from the upper part of the chest down to the breast. One mistake lots of plastic surgeons make is to just kind of stick the breast mound there on the chest without a nice transition/slope from above it. I'm sure I'm not explaining this very well, but it is my rendition of what he told me 3 years ago. I think of it like a sculptor starting out with a much larger amount of clay than necessary so that he can then take away what he needs to have the final product. Easier to take away than to try to add. Also, there will be some swelling for weeks and weeks. That's why you need to wait at least 3 months for the next stage. Hope this made some sense!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    So glad you ladies are enjoying the apparel.  I never see most of the orders, so I have no idea who is ordering what!   We are working on an order for 1200 onesies that say "Got breast milk?" for the NICU at a local hospital wanting to encourage mothers to breast feed. 

    RSVPs are necessary to attend the EnCourage meetings, so be sure to mention to Katie that you want to attend.  Warrior, sorry you won't be able to be there!  I hope the rest of you seek out my friend Alaina, who lives in NOLA and says that she learns something valuable from every meeting.  If you see her, please give her a big hug from me!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Jamieh, I remembered  the port question.......When I was there for stage 1 in Sept...Deirdre was my preo op, post op/PACU nurse.. She is a RIOT!  anyhoo....the other lady who was there at 5 am or 6 am we were talking across the way...I t was fun...evryone is SO upbeat!  She had had chemo.....Deirdre and I bonded on the both being nurses thing....anyhoo she made a comment because they were apparently (or appeared to be) having a rough time getting IV access on the other lady and deirdre commented that she could NOT believe people w/ chemo NOT having ports....................I realize this may not be the answer BUT it lead me to believe perhaps had that woman had a port they would have used it.  I know where I work there's no question we'd use it......Call and ask, bet it won't be a problem...they'll probably be thrilled but MAY want proof it was placed/still is appropriately placed for liability reasons.....sorry can't stop being a nurse HOWEVER I am NOT giving medical advice!  LOL!

    Minnesota..............I know EXACTLY what you mean re:  the slope...I LOVE mine......After being a D/DD since about 8th grade, weight loss, weight gain, being athletic.....that portion flattens SO, YEAH, it was great to have that swelling/breast/fat UP there and NOT have to readjust/ move my old tissue up and compress into my bras.  I think when I went for consult and Dr. D said:"you'll be about the same size"....My immediate response was "Or smaller?  I think they;re too big."  He just said "You know once we get everything lifted you're going to be surprised".  So actually I'm not surprised, just very patient....and THRILLED.  Mine are MUCH higher and they needed to be!  Sheesh, I joked about being able to sling them over my shoulders as I got older....NO longer true!  Thank you Dr. D!

    Sandy-noted, will RSVP......I think I met Alaina...bbmom?  when I went for consult in August...have to look back.  She was a sweetheart...THE hostess w/ the mostest to me!  we had fun and she told me she knew you I think when we were sitting outside CDM....which I cannot wait to get more of...eeks this maxwell house was in a lovely pink can BUT  it is my back up cuppa joe.

    Ok, need to go get cash for new yard guy coming this am and get my espnol flowing...after not working almost 2 mos haven't been spekign mucho.....but it's kinda cool when it all comes back and just starts flowing from the mouth....LOL!  I have too much flowing from my mouth!

    Have a wonderful saturday!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Jennifer Jane~ Thank you for that bit of information.  BTW, I loved the  I know that I am still going to have my port going into this so my thoughts where why torture myself when I like infiltrate my IV's if I have my port.

    I am still working on my insurance company and I know NOLA is also because they called me about it yesterday.  Now I just have to finish up figuring out where my kids are going (they are 4 & 6) while I am there. 

    I can not wait listening to you ladies talk about your breast and how happy you are is really encouraging and makes me excited that I will be joining you all soon. 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    Im Home!

    We got in late last night.

    Visited with the Kids & Dog & Unpacked some (dh did)

    Dh has been soooo good through this & Every surgery.  I would never be that good if roles were reversed. 

    My Right drain has a stitch pulled out!  it must have happened at some time on my way home yesterday.  I have one stitch holding it.  So what do you think I will need to do?

    Im worried that the last stitch will pull out.

    Deja was very good when I got home.  She did not jump on me or over reatact in excitement.  I know once again she knows something is up.   She was very mellow with me this am too- But not with dh. 

    Came home to a clean house!    I know my dd spent all of yesterday cleaning.

    I did not jiggle on the plane landing or over road bumps : (

    Nordy- Very glad your Scan was good!  Love the Cute Hallloween Picture.

    Im feeling pretty good.  Slept through the night without any pain meds needed in the middle.

    Got alot to  catch up on.  Will try to check back this afternoon.

    Oh, Forgot!  Finally went on Thursday! (LOL)  Had dh pick up some Glycerine Supp.  Those seem to work best for me.  Had some at home but forgot them.  I know with stage 2 I will have the same problem...Maybe not to this extreme.  But seems like even with short surgeries & a little pain meds...I cant go.

    Linda, Hope You are recovering good!  I was still very out of it on day 2.

    Anne Monday its You!


  • sunandsandgirl
    sunandsandgirl Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2009

    I thought I would chime in here since I am a stage 2 graduate.  I am now 5 months post op.  Believe me that stage 2 is so much easier than stage 1.  I think I only took a laxative the first day after surgery. There is not nearly as much pain and therefore not as much need for pain medicine.   It is so much easier to get up and walk around.  The drains in stage 2 are much smaller in diameter and not nearly as painful.   Please do not lose sight that the goal of stage 1 one is to get a successful flap.  Stage 2 is when the doctors will perform all of their skillful art work.  It definitely takes 4-6 weeks to feel better from stage 1.  Amazingly enough you will feel better 1-2 weeks after stage 2.  I was attending all of my children's end of year activities at 1 week post op with carefully hidden drains.  I could not have even thought about doing that at even 3 weeks post op from stage 1. Hang in there girls!  Glad to see all continuing to recover.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Sun and Minnesota, THANK YOU!!! Hearing about stage 2 being easier, and, ahem, less constipation (!!) is wonderful!

    Pam!!! Welcome home! Oh please be careful on that last stitch. Once it comes out, the drain just works it's way out and no stopping it. I wonder if they would advise you to tape it down? (I hate tape though). I broke my last stitch on one side and a day later it just had worked it's way so far out it had no more "suction", so I took it out. Luckily, I was fine, it was at the "target" output anyway, they just wanted me to keep it in a tad longer.

    I have all my stuff from NOLA!! My appts on the day prior to surgery, my transfer schedule, etc.  Less than 3 weeks now...


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    I was planning to remove my nipple protector (fembot devices!) today and double-checked my post-op instructions, which say to leave them on for a week.  It's been nine days already! I've had to be very creative with my clothing to camouflage them, and now I see that I've worn them for two extra days!!!  Oh well, we did our walking this morning and I'm ready to shower and remove the dressings so I can see the new nips.  I have to be extra, extra careful with them since I told Dr. D "this is it", although he did mention something about a 100,000 mile warranty.  I don't know if air miles are counted toward that.....

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2009

    Pam great to hear that things are moving again. About that drain and stitch. I would try cleaning it with a swab and gently pushing the drain back in a bit so it is not pulling on that last stitch and wear that girdle. With the girdle in place the drains can't move. I would even try tape when you are having a shower to make sure it stays in place and remove it when you put the girdle back on. Be careful to hold the end of the drain taught close to your body when you are stipping your drain so as not to pull on it. You want those drains in as long as possible.

    Linda welcome to the other side. Hope you are recovering well.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    plainjane, I'm not sure about the bbmom part, but Alaina is incredibly sweet and special.  My DH and I spend time with her every time we're in NOLA, and she's met my sister and aunt too. 

    Pam, glad you're home!  I agree with the advice you've received to tape the drain so that it won't pull out further.  When my drains sites became sore toward the end, I taped the tubes in place and it really helped prevent the discomfort when the slightest pull on them hurt.  One of my NOLA nurses advised me to drink a full glass of water with every pain pill and that has helped me avoid the constipation problem I had with my first surgery.  

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited November 2009

    Way to go, Pam!! You're home, you're moving (Wink)--you won't jiggle quite as much as the DIEP gals. Butt fat is a bit firmer.

    I'm in Myrtle Beach visiting family. Tomorrow I head to Charleston to see Marga, then surgery Monday around noon. I hate being NPO that long. I much prefer an early surgery!!

    Talk to y'all later. Hold down the fort, and don't get too wild, okay?


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Wishing you well on Monday, Anne! You go girl!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Sandy, are you not allowed to shower for a week after the nipple recon? I am going to be having one done, I believe, in my Stage 2. And what are these shields like? (Fembot device!!??)  I'll just have one, good grief, I wonder If i will be unbalanced! Do you wear a bra over them or what? Inquiring minds want to know! :)


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Spring, yes, you can shower!  The instructions are to take showers with your back to the shower head, wear protectors for one week, do not remove nipple protectors, keep them filled with Bacitracin ointment, keep dry, protect clothing as ointment can stain (yes, it stains cotton tees and tanks), do not remove stitches in nipples!  No bra for four weeks, do not submerge in water for four weeks/until healed.  

    It takes some creativity to hide these things---tops with large patterns, a light jacket unzipped part way so the neckline folds to help hide what is sticking out....a scarf draped creatively, a sweater tied around your shoulders with the sleeves hanging down in just the right area.  In a pinch, I've taken a long strip of bathroom tissue and folded it up loosely, then wore it over the protector-- which helps hide it somewhat.   I have a photo---can you PM me the code to embed it?  I don't have that handy at the moment.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009


    I bought a padded bra a couple of cup sizes larger than mine. I call it "My Big Bra." I have worn it after the nipple recon and tattoo's. It leaves plenty of empty air around my nipple, so no pressure on the nipple and good air circulation around the tattoos. And boy do I look busty!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    LOL. OK Thanks Sandy and Minnesota. I think I need a "big bra"... How do these things not "fall off" if you wear no bra at all - are the stitched on?? Or suctioned on? <<LOL>>

    Sandy, the only way I know to get a photo on here is to put it out on the web (so it has a URL) and then click on the "tree" looking icon to the left of the smiley face.  then stick the URL in there. 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    I cut nipple holes in the compression bras that we wore after Stage 1.  Dr. S also didn't have me put any ointment on them and wanted them to kept dry.  I had to wear the fembot ones for a week and then some less protruding ones for 4 weeks!!!  I also had to be in the compression bra for 2 weeks.  So cutting nipple holes in them really worked well. 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    I guess the post-op instructions may vary.  I have revision incisions under my breasts, and my instructions are:

    "Attire: DO NOT wear a bra for the first four weeks post-op.  After four weeks, you may resume wearing a bra if necessary."

    The nipple protectors are normally fastened with steri strips, but I had a reaction to them last time and got horrible blisters, so this time they had an adhesive dressing placed over them to hold them on.  They're a rubbery material, and definitely an improvement over the old cut-off syringe ends!

    I don't think I want to post the photo on my wedding site, (even non-indexed), so I'll put it on Timtam's forum in the new NOLA nips thread.

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009

    Hi Everyone!

    I haven't been on the forum for months.  Went back to work in August after Stage 1 June / abdomen re-closure August.  Since I have gone back to work I don't have time to do anything but work, LONG drive, and sleep.

    I have missed being on the board and chatting with all of you ladies.  Well, today I said checking papers are going to have to wait, I have to network with ladies who have had stage 2 at NOLA. 

    I have breezed through 10 pages of postings.  I had no idea that you have to have drains again for Stage 2.  I had no idea that you don't wear a bra for weeks.  I never go without a bra.  It just doesn't feel good.  I am scheduled for December 16th with Dr. D.      Melanie I see you will be there at the same time.

     I am very pleased with Stage one and I could truthful go through the rest of my life just the way I am.  In clothes I am great.  Naked not so great but of course I was delayed reconstruction.  So with that in mind I am looking fine.

    Back to questions: I just thought Dr. D did minor lipo got the extra fat and injected it where your breasts needed to be tweaked.  Then did the nipples by using existing skin on the flap.  Why do you need drains again?

    Sounds like stage 2 isn't such a breeze as I thought?????  I had this surgery scheduled before Christmas so I would have time to rest before going back to work.  Had no idea it would take 3 - 4 weeks of recoperation.  My job is very stressful and requires a lot of standing and walking.

    Like to hear from anyone who has had stage 2.

    Sounds like NOLA is getting way to busy.  So Dr. D. is doing surgery with Dr. Massey?  I thought she was just there to learn and then she was going back to her practice in Chicago?   Isn't he still partnering with Trahan and Sullivan?


  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009

    Just got off the phone making my reservations at the Marriott New Orleans Canal Street.

    With the discount that is given for people coming in for the center I got a rate of $95.00 plus tax.  I am staying Monday - Friday checking out Saturday for a total rate of $551.75.  That means it is about $110.00 a night.  That is a great deal.  The rooms are great.  It is in the heart of everything and they have a breakfast buffet for $20.00 that has everything but the kitchen sink.  You name it - it is there.  I have it late morning then I don't eat until dinner.  You also can eat off the menu or you can go to their coffee house and have a bagel or oatmeal with coffee or juice.

    The only thing I can say negative about the place is that if there is a convention in town, the place gets packed.  The only problem with that is I don't want to get in an elevator with 15 people when I just had surgery.  But I just waited until I could get a elevator with just a few people in it. 

    The place is beautiful and very clean and excellent service.  A great place to be when your not feeling that great and alone. Oh, I just remembered something else.  You have to bring your own laptop if you want to use a computer.  They don't have a center set up.  It is hard to believe such a luxury hotel doesn't have a computer center.

    I guess I am going alone again.  I asked my husband and he said he is staying home.  Not to happy about that but I will survive.  That is why I am not willing to try a new hotel.


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009


    Whether you have drains or not after stage 2 depends upon what your surgery is. If it is just nipple recon, no drains.


    I don't count My Big Bra as a bra. It puts no pressure at all on the nipple and really just acts to hold my clothing and anything else away from the nipple, which is what you want. When Dr. D is saying no bra, I think he means he doesn't want a bra pressing on the nipples. Same with the tattoo. They want you to leave it exposed to air as much as you can and not have things getting stuck to it. This only works when you're just going around the house topless. If you have to put clothes on, this allows there to be nothing touching the nipple and air to keep circulating and also without weird cylindrical projections visible thru your clothes! I had to deal with these things in winter, and a heavy winter coat pressing on my nipples - without anything between the coat and the nipples - would not have been good for the nipples! Big Bra saved the day!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    LOL!  I guess in California we just don't have that problem.  I'll bet they don't even sell Big Bra here!  Seriously though, I don't want to wear a bra that could rub on the fresh incisions under my breasts.

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2009

    Since many of us will be going through stage 2 in the next few weeks/months ,how much time is actually required for recovery. I am very pleased with my tummy incision so I can't imagine revising it. For me it will be filling in the butt incisions (one side has a prominate indent) and lifting/shaping the breasts and adding nipples. Should I expect to be off work for 2 weeks? Also how long do the drains stay in for this stage? Sandy? Anyone?

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Hi Stephanie,

    Knowing you, you'll want to be back at work the day you return to California!   The lipo can make you pretty sore for a week or so, but since you are able to work part-time hours I can't imagine that you would be off work more than a week.  I had drains for a couple of weeks, but don't forget that I had that pseudobursa courtesy my first surgeon and my abdomen was opened back up again to remove that.  The second time I went to NOLA, I only had tiny breast drains and they were removed before I returned home.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Sassie, I added your stage 2 date above in the list. 

    I think Minnesota and Sandy are right, that it will really depend on what exactly they do in Stage 2 in terms of recovery, and drains. I heard from somebody at the Center, that any butt work in phase 2 required drains. But I think they would come out much quicker. I think you would only need an Ab drain in phase 2 if you had your incision lowered, but Minnesota had hers lowered and I think may not even have had one? (or she could not remember! in which case, it must not have been there long if it was there at all!!!)

    All I know, is that Phase 2 is going to be a recovery, but nothing like Phase I. That is what I am banking on!!!


  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009

    Dear Springtime:

    Thanks for adding me to the list.  But it is December 16th Wink