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NOLA in September?



  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2012

     Anne,  Sorry, didn't mean to be confusing.  Yes, Dr Massey is in network but Dr. Sullivan is not and neither are Fairway or The Center even though their web page insurance page states they accept Cigna.  So I am after an exception for both co-surgeon and facility.  Cigna wants me to go to an HCA hospital and the Doc's there are not specialists in lymphedema and don't operate in tandem when they do the DIEP. I need the lymphedema & surgical expertise of Dr. Massey, Dr. Sullivan, and preferably The Center.  I have been told Cigna is very difficult to deal with so I'm not holding my breath but remain hopeful.     katiejane

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited March 2012

    Just want to say i completely appreciate all the advice I have received on this board. Thank you Betsy, Spring, Nordy, Anne, Nowords...who else am I forgetting? I know this all based on experience and that is what counts to me. Not a doctor saying this and that..real woman going through all this shit. Sorry for being melodramatic but just want to give a high five for those of you who do give me your stories. I know we all are different and we all have different outcomes. It is just nice to hear it all.

    Hugs to you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart because if it wasn't for this board I would probably still have a big hole on my chest.

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited March 2012

    I second the motion!  Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who empathized with me when I needed it, provided insight and shared their experiences with reconstruction. This board gave me the strength to go through surgery.  I had originally scheduled surgery in NOLA 2 years ago (2009) and cancelled though I had not found this discussion board.   

    I had DIEP six months ago and my lower abs still hurt but it is getting better slowly. I could do 50 sit ups easily, not I am at 10.   Someone mentioned that you have to relearn how to use your abs, I agree because Iʻve learned to position my lower back differently when sitting up, getting out of bed, etc. and it has definitely helped.

    Enjoy spring break!  I will be on a staycation at the Turtle Bay Hilton.  Not sure if I will surf yet because Iʻm not totally healed but will definitely enjoy the beach and sun. Cool

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Please keep Adey in your prayers today for her Stage 2 surgery.  

    Adey, It was great meeting you and lots of (((HUGS))) today.  

    Downey, I am so sorry I missed you.  :-(

    I also appreciate all of the stories that you ladies have has made me so much more prepared for Stage 1.  

    My incisions are looking awesome...Dr. S did a great job!  Now I just need to lay low for a bit....not a problem as I am so exhausted from the pain meds.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited March 2012

    katiejane, I think it's completey ridiculous that a surgeon is in-network but the facilities she works at are not. You need the top specialists in the field of flap surgery and LE, or the insurance company will end up paying big bucks more for the mistakes made. I'd be seething, too.

    Everyone hang in there. Our bodies are so differnent through all these stages of recovery. I think that is stressed a lot, though may be overlooked. We all want the perfect outcome, and feel it's somehow our own fault if we don't get it. But we all react and heal differently--the marvel of the human body as well as the human spirit. We all have our individual experiences, and realize that these will not necessarily be someone else's experiences.

    But were here as a vital support network, at all sorts of stages of our recoveries. We're here because our intentions are good and we want to help each other. Our personalities and our passion are as unique as how we heal...

    Best of luck to Adey today. And anyone who's struggling with drains, pain, holes in the chest, tight abs, family troubles--and to dear Glostagirl who broke her damn femur doing what she loves. (glad it wasn't her noggin!!!)

    Signing off,

    Nana Anna Banana, grand poobah old timer on BCO

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2012

    Ladies I am so thankful for all of you and all of your stories and personal experiences!! If it wasn't for the FORCE website, I never would have even know about NOLA and the amazing doctors there.  That website lead me here and I am very grateful!!! I have down days, but I am working hard to prepare my body for surgery and I am hoping to go in with a "kick it's ass" attitude!!

    Prayers for Adey today!! ((HUGS))

    Caitlin, I continue to pray for you and wish you all the best!!

    I want to be able to help others who are just beginning this process even though I haven't had surgery yet. I know how scared and overwhelmed I was before I had a plan in place and not knowing where to turn. I Just had a common friend come to me yesterday and asked if he could give my information to a lady I don't even know, but she has cancer and is looking for a great plastic surgeon.  She made a comment about NOLA and he immediately thought of me.  I hope she calls me as I would love to help her out anyway I can.

    HUGS to you all!!!


  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2012

    Also, Thank you Nordy for the kind words of encouragement!! I may take you up on the PM offer Smile  I am 11 weeks out and 10 week from my last day at work for awhile.  My husband and I had a long talk the other night and it helped calm me down too.

    All of you ladies are strong and amazing women & I am honored to be a part of this board!!


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2012

    I would not be where I am if I hadn't heard about NOLA from this thread. Although an admitted lurker I am amazed daily at the stories, encouragement, empathy, and amazing woman on this site. Although nervous, I have found strength in this site and went through with my decision because of all of you. I am thinking of Addy today and will be anxious to hear how she is doing. I am also keeping tabs on Michelle as I too have not been thru stage 1yet. Keep it all coming. I am learning so so much. I too am honored to be part of this board and hope I will be able to help someone in the future like you have for me. Thank you so much.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    So I am on Spring Break this week (at home) ... I have been going to the gym (a lot), helping my parents, driving my son to golf... And I really feel in many ways my life is back to normal... Yes its true that I feel a tightness in my abdomen when I exercise, and I can feel some firmness in my breasts , especially when I lay face down... but in so many ways I am normal... I then read other threads of women who are so unhappy (with implants or failed surgeries) and they feel thats as good as it will get... And I feel even more fortunate to have found Dr DellaCroce and the Center. Last weekend I met with a woman who is not on the boards but is headed to NOLA in 2 weeks... I was so pleased to be able to answer her questions and reassure her that they really are the best choice... she has other complications and I honestly believe that if anyone can deal with her issues, they can.

    So we should all take a moment to thank all the women on this board who have helped each of us.... I know I am forever grateful to the women who went before me to share their experiences and knowledge. It is a scary endevour and having my sisters with me for the ride made it so much easier.

    And we can all thank our wonderful doctors and nurses who care for us while down there... I have told all my friends that the SCSH and the doctors are in a class by themselves.  There is just something about them, their humble yet confident demeanor is so incredibly comforting.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited March 2012

    What Betsy said!! In BOLD and CAPS!!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2012
    let's all hug it out
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited March 2012

    Leave for nila next week and everyone is getting sick in my family! Oldest has horrible sore throat. 2nd has horrible chest cold the 3rd is okay for now. As I was driving my kids to school my youngest threw up all over herself and the car! Omg. What happens if I get sick? Crap!!!

    Just my luck:(


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited March 2012

    Thank you, and you are all welcome! We really are happy to help.... Sometimes things just get a little nuts!

    Momma2four- I am a huge, huge fan of EmergenC. It actually works for me, but since you are having surgery coming up, I would certainly clear it with Dr. M before using since it has pretty high doses of vit C and many have high doses of B12. The ones I have used do not have high levels of vit E, which is usually the one vitamin you want to shy away from when you have surgery coming up. Hang in there and I will keep my fingers crossed for good health for you!!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited March 2012

    Downey and Caitlin, it was great meeting you! Hi to all. I'm doing well.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2012

    @ Adey, so glad you are doing well!!

    @ Michelle, so sorry everyone is sick and I'm saying prayers that you stay clear of it all!!

    @ Cherrie - ((HUGS)) We will get through this and will soon be on the other side!!

    Happy Friday Everyone!!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited March 2012
  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2012

    Has anyone had the bodylift?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    I gathered from reading the article that body lift is DIEP and Gap flap together.. which I had. Am I reading it wrong?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2012

    Did anybody see it says "incision at the waist"? I would hate that, unless they're using the term "waist" loosly. I had my incision really high after stage 1, and stage 2 was a bigger deal for me because I wanted that sucker lowered. I had pubic hair so high it was outside my bikini underwear. aaargh!  I wouldn't want a scar line at my "waist". Am I reading that wrong?

    I did have GAP/DIEP and I do have an incision all the way around, which did give a really slimming look. When he was lowering my Abdominal area incision, he notice he could go even lower if he went all the way. He called it "the belt" procedure or something like this.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    I think the "waist' term is used loosely... my incision is right at the waist band of my bikini underwear... It could be lower for sure on me, but its ok... I don;t think they mean natural waist when they say waist... My opinion of how I am interpreting the article,

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2012

    Hi, had my first day at home and DH picked up my mom at the airport.  It will be nice having her here.  DH needed a nursing break.  Got showered and all put back together by myself last night.  I think that is pretty special. I'm using Adeys great idea of using washclothes for's working great and I can bleach and reuse them.  Smart girl that Adey!

    What has everyones breasts looked like through the healing phase?  Mine look kind of weird right now.  I know that they change a lot but wondered if the weirdness is a normal part.  Trust me-I'm not looking for trouble. Also what is the average time pain meds are needed?

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    I read the abstract of the medical publication the article is referring to.  This 'body lift' seems to be the stacked DIEP/GAP or HIP that we know.  I guess now the Center is calling it the BODY LIFT?  It's very exciting to see our docs in the news!  

    Edited:  Oh, wow; the BODY LIFT Flap is now listed on CRBS website as one of their procedures.  Very exciting! 

    Downey, I'm glad you are home.  Getting back to self sufficiency is very satisfying.  What do you mean by 'weirdness?'  I didn't have s-gap and I forgot if you are immediate or delayed.   

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited March 2012

    After noting that many NOLA gals had tummy tucks in stage II after SGAP or hip flaps, I thought I probably would have liked that approach, to get the benefit of tightening up in front and in the back.  Another reason that NOLA continues to be at the forefront of reconstruction and providing the very best aesthetic outcomes.  Did anyone see Shark Tank tonight?  One idea presented was a product to temporarily tape your thighs and pull the skin upward so that older women can wear shorts again!

     I'm not sure if you ladies noticed this news story about BRCA mutations and prophylactic surgeries.

    Downey, congrats on going home.  Everyone is so different with regard to pain med requirement. If you need it, take it and don't worry about needing it longer than someone else.  The breasts have a lot of settling to do.  Mine were always swollen for a while after surgery, but like Paula, I'm not sure what you mean by "weirdness"!

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2012

    O.K.  Weird was not the correct choice of words.  I guess it's the shape I'm not sure about.  I know they go through changes while healing.....I also know I have one larger than the other due to a bony defect on my chest.  I guess I just want some reassurance.  THANKS, Jamie

    I know they fix lots of things at Stage 2. 

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited March 2012

    Hey everyone. Sorry I have been absent for awhile. Trying to catch up on all of you. The ongoing work of healing and recovering never gets old for those of us going into it, in the middle of it, heading to the other side of it. I am 12 weeks post op now. And flying home from Vegas, my third trip in a month. I went to Florida at 8 weeks and wore a bikini! Yes, see what the breast lift and tummy tuck can do. I am still a solid size 16 but with a nice curvy shape and with a flat tummy, much more is possible in the wardrobe. I am working on losing weight as well. With each trip, I find the 5 days after I have swelling. My breasts get underwire indents in them and get boxy shaped and I get a round little ball of swelling in the lower abdomen. I have also been hitting it hard exercising, doing 2 workouts a day, 5 days a week. That doesn't help the swelling go down any faster, but it eventually does. I find I am tight in the armpit area the most. Abs somewhat. But I can do all my exercises completely so that feels good to be able to do. I almost forget for many hours at a time that this even happened. And some of the times I do remember are in a good way, as in wow, look at how good my breasts look or sheesh, I would never have worn this top with my rolly tummy before. That pleasure has not gotten old yet! I am finding the menopause to be fine. Have had a couple moments of heat but it was also the morning after some partying so could easily be a hangover effect! I cut all my long hair short and with the new boobs accented by a short do and cute tops, I feel like a new woman. Insurance is still trying to screw Dr. S. I don't know how it will work out and if it will affect me. I still want to talk to my geneticist in may and find out what other screening I need to do for melanoma and pancreatic cancer, but knowing my ovaries and breasts will not take my life away is a big gift and every time I hear about some young woman facing breast cancer or most recently, a family friend who is 41 with 3 kids and has now been put on hospice, I catch my breath...and know that I am lucky and that things will be even better when this gene rolls around to affect my children. That's the update here. I don't want to lose touch with all of your who made my journey easier. Hope to see you at the show and tell room!? I should ask for my before photos to show beside me then people could really see what there is to show and tell!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Downey... Have faith... the shape will change.. Remembe that stage I is all about just moving the tissue and keeping it alive and healthy... stage II is about symmetry and shaping... no worries.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2012

    Thanks, bdavis.....I think I just needed a positive kick in the butt.....oh no not the butt!  You are most certainly a veteran. Thanks for the info.  A little hand holding goes a long way.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2012

    KBodie what a wonderful story you have given us.  Somtimes for me it's hard to stop and just be thankful forr all I have not all that I have lost.  You focused on the positve beautifullly.  What is the Force I see people writing about. Good Evening.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2012

    Sandy, I need that tape! What is it called?? My legs would look a lot better "taped up". :)

    Nice to hear from you KBodie! :)  Good for you all that exercise!

    Downey, things will change over time, and there is Stage 2 to perfect things. Observe and go in with a list. But the docs eyes will catch everything, Istill used a list! It's the first step in the process. 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited March 2012

    It's called Instant Lift!  They didn't make a deal though...they were holding out on the sharks, trying to keep the facial and neck tape for themselves.