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NOLA in September?



  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012

    I've been wondering about the tummy tuck too. As a hipster, they didn't touch the tum. I wouldn't need plication since I belly dance and have strong, flat abs. I don't have a lot of fat either and wouldn't want to be super flat. But I DO have some fat, quite a bit of stretched out, wrinkly skin and an unattractive belly button from two pregnancies. It would be wonderful to have that smoothed out to look better in my costumes. I wonder if it's worth it though? 

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2012

    Eva--don't do it! :)  belly dancers have to have a little jiggle!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    I wish I could give you some feedback Adey, but I started w/DIEP.  Because I did have plenty of belly fat.  My babies stretched me out below my belly button (plus 40lbs too much).  So much so that Dr S lit up with delight when he set eyes on my belly fat!  I'm so glad to have all that tightened up.  I did not have plication, though, as my ab muscles are still strong.  I also don't think, at this point, the small benefit I'd get from plication would outweigh the recovery.

    Another thing to consider, if you are on the fence about tummy tuck, is the amount of sensation you will lose.  I don't know how different DIEP is from tummy tuck, in regards to nerve sensation.  I'm still kind of sad about all the areas where I am numb, but getting used to it.  I've also had my PT loosen up the ab scar, as my body position got out of whack trying to compensate for the tightness (even though I was still able to stand up straight).  And it's not just the ab scar; it's the whole belly that is lifted up, then pulled down tight and sutured in it's new place, with a new hole for the belly button.  No idea about mini tucks.

    Betsy, I had the swollen upper belly after stage 1, for the whole 7 months until I was reshaped at Stage 2.  I'm still a little lumpy, as any extra 40 pounds will do, but Stage 2 evened me out proportionally. 

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2012

    numbness... good point.  You know the numbness you have on your outer thighs from SGAP? with a tummy tuck that numbness will be extended around to the front. I'm numb from the very tops of my thighs, across my groin and up to my scar line.  Pretty numb on the sides of my hips too.  It sucks, to lose so many errogenous zones in 3 years.  After total hysterectomy, mastectomy and 2 flap surgeries I'm not sure I have any left (really).

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited March 2012

    Eva I had plication and the belly skin tucked.  At first I did the mini but when I went back and showed Dr. S what it looked like sitting down he asked to fix it.  I let him of

    I am almost cut in half but I have about 2 inches over my tail bone not cut.

    Okay so I am two years out of stage 1 and all of a sudden my incision with my hip flaps is BURNING.  Not constant but enough that it will wake me up in the middle of the night.  Did anyone else experience anything like that ??

     I am now considering how I could get my one nipple up like the other and then have my tatoo's redone......

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Like Jaimieh, I am cut all the way around also, except for about 5 inches... And just at my tailbone, I am puffy... so Dr D will need to address that for me next time too. Aw.. my list is growing for stage IIb.

    Unlike Jeskachi, I have a lot of feeling in my abs... After stage I, I had ALL feeling, even along the scar line. After stage II, I am numb between the belly button and the scar in like a 3" by 3" section. This is where he removed the hard lump I had. I do have feeling right over the incision. From the Hip surgery, I have numb areas on my outer thighs and buttucks, but not everywhere.. I am ok with it.

    So Laura emailed me saying she'll call me tomorrow to talk about my concerns (sore belly and left breast necrosis etc...  )

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited March 2012

    I chose not to have a tummy tuck... but wish I had done it! If I go back ar any point I am going to have it done. I don't have much fat, but definitely have stretched out skin from my two kids. Bottom line is that you have to do what is best for you. I have had two c-sections and the numbness at the scar line has always faded. I am sure that is not much of a comparison to diep or tummy tuck since large sections of tissue are not removed with c-sections. As for my hip flaps, I only have numbness at the incision lines and for about 2 inches above. Yet here again, we are all different. We all heal differently and no two incisions are exacty alike!!!

    Jaimie! I wonder if you are having some nerve regeneration there? Have you called the center?

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2012

    Aspiration update - all is well, about 165 cc out of left hip so they did not have to put the drain back in. No IV or anything as I pushed for a look first and opted for the immediate evacuation. Even flashed the nurse, tech & doc ! 

    Loving the stage 2 conversation. I just want the defect in my hips fixed and what little lipo needed to smooth it out. I want to keep my little belly pooch and like jeskachi I have never been pregnant. When I had my stomach operated on and could not eat the weight fell off so I want a little buffer of fat to live off of!! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Boy... wish I had that problem...LOL

    I had two kids but never had the pooch or stretched skin... As a matter of fact, a few years ago (when my youngest was 3-5 year old) I was in the best shape I have ever been in.. like 13% body fat... of course that was about 10 years ago... and I had started gaining weight about 8 years ago... slow but sure. So my goal is to take it off now, with a little jump start from Dr D.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2012

    Betsy - not sure I have ever had 13% body fat! If you can get a jump start go for it. I just want to feel better so I can get back on my bike and take longer walks. Want to build my self up a bit for my stage 2 in May. 

    How do you fix the grey part of our signature? I just cannot find it in my profile. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Karen... Click on your user name up top and then Edit your profile button... the signature is at the bottom of that.

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2012

    Hey, girls.  This is my first post.  I have read through most of this discussion - took a long time!  I learned that I was BRCA 1 after going through lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I wish I had known in the beginning and then I would be done!  Although, I probably would have went the traditional route with TE.  I have attended the FORCE conferences for the past 2 years and was very impressed with the NOLA team.  So, after much contemplation decided to go with my initial gut feeling after listening to the options available - which was NOLA.  I will be flying in for a consult (live in Southern Illinois).  My consult date is Monday, April 2 with Dr. D.  My surgery is tentatively scheduled for June 5th.  I spoke with Dr. S at the conference and he said probably a HIP flap.  Are there any questions that you wished you had asked?  I have talked to Vickie (ins) on the phone but assume that I could see her on that day also?  Will I also be able to talk to Katie?  Will I have any say in who does the masectomy?  I would like to do nipple sparing.  My tumor was on the underside of my breast.  Many things running through my head!  Reading this discussion makes it so real.  I appreciate all of your help in advance.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    welcome KSue... Yes, you have a say in who does your MX... Stolier, Lagarde or Gray are the three choices. I spoe with Vicky on the phone but never met her... you will see lots of Katie as she sits at the front desk.

    I had a 2+ hour consult with Dr D in May before  my surgery. I would prepare a list of questions beforehand... and when he takes you into the exam room, and is marking you up, ask about Stage II and  how he sees the whole body, with contouring.... I found it very helpful to get the whole picture framed out up front.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited March 2012

    Hi K-Sue! If u want to do nipple-sparing, NOLA is definitely the best place. GIven the BRCA status, tho, be sure to ask Dr. D all about it. You'll love him and he'll make u feel totally at ease!

    Jaimie, I'm with Nordy in thinking it might be nerve regeneration. 

  • Fight-like-a-girl
    Fight-like-a-girl Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2012

    Hi girls,

    Eva you are absolutely amazing! I hope all is going great. I really enjoy your limericks. You are talented.....belly sure enjoy life-way to go!

    Addy, hope you are relaxed and ready for stage 2. So sad I will just miss you.

    Downey, have been reading your posts religiously, an am getting even more nervous. You are all so brave.

    I am really getting scared! DH isn't being so darling. So much to get done, and am worried about how much I can do after surgery, how will I look? Yikes". How do you all do this?

    Prayers and hugs to all of you! Kathy

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    K-Sue... I agree with Minnesota about the nipple sparing and BRCA + status... For me, I had them take my left nipple even though the cancer was no where near the nipple... My local BS pointed out I was jumping through hoops to avoid cancer in my future and to leave the nipple was not worth it... So I had them take the one. In retropect, I probably should have had them take both, but Dr D did a fabulous job matching the original... Once I have tattoos, it will be hard to tell which is real I think.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2012

    Hi there ladies

    I have been lurking a bit to see how everyone is doing and keeping everyone in my prayers who has and is going through surgery, but this waiting has taken a HUGE toll on me. I had to step away from the boards for awhile and I may have to continue that. I hate to admit weakness, but it really has.  I am questioning all my decisions and actually called the center yesterday and spoke to Liz about my decision for hip flaps. I am now almost 11 weeks out from my surgery date and I see my name isn't at the bottom of the list anymore...YIKES I am all set on the logistics part for everyone involved including my 4 legged kiddos. I just need to start buying a few things like the leacho pillow that people mention and other things on the list, so I am not buying everything at once.

    You ladies are so brave!!

    Welcome KSue, if your tentative date ends up being exact then we will be there at the same time.  I'd love to meet up with you. Dr. Stollier and Dr. D are my team of doctors :)

    More people are starting to find out what is going on and that makes it even more real, but so far everyone has been very supportive. I am trying to stay busy and do other things, but this is ALWAYS on my mind. No one truly understands...This quote I found kind of explains how I feel sometimes.
    "From the outside looking in you can never understand it. From the inside looking out you can never explain it". Author Unknown

    You and my FORCE family understand, so it's hard to just completely stay away.

    HUGS to you all and thank you for your support and understanding!!


  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited March 2012

    In a way, I envy you BMX ladies. I am unilateral, was 50 lbs overweight and lost 30. Now my "foob" look GREAT and my contralateral natural breast is saggin' and so small with the weight loss! Perhaps I just should have left well enough alone and stayed heavy! LOL! Hoping a Stage 2b will even things out. Stage 2a looked great, but I think my body absorbed the transposed fat and once the swelling and weight went down -- Voila! lopsided me!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited March 2012

    Welcome KSue! I think I might have met you at the FORCE conference (Soccermom) I spent some time at the Centers roundtable and in the Show and Tell :)

    So happy for you that you've chosen to be in the amazing hands of the Docs! Let me know if you have any questions I can help with by PMing me above :) As far as nipple sparing it typically depends on the distance from the original tumor from the NAC ( nipple areola complex) as to whether or not it is a safe choice. Let your Doc be your guide on this. Additional considerations include how large the breasts are prior to surgery and whether or not your Doc thinks it is a safe choice for YOU :)

    Chellehump, ALWAYS happy to "see" you again ( another FORCE conferencee !)

    The waiting is the worst!!! Enjoy your summer with the kiddos and next thing you know it will be your turn..we will be here in the meantime to give you some virtual support :)


  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2012

    Soccermom - I probably have met you at FORCE.  I have attended the show and tell events both times and was very impressed with the NOLA girls.  Last year, I brought my daughter with me.  If all goes as planned, we are planning to go again in October. 

     Chellehump - I do have the date set set for June 5th.  I just keep telling myself that it is tenative - coping mechanism!  I would love to see you when I am there.  I agree with you that I need to start purchasing some of the things that I will need.  I like to be organized!  I already printed off the compulsive organizer list. 

     I am going to start working on my list of questions for Dr. D.  As for the nipple sparing, I will definitely do whatever the doc recommends.

    Eva - I love your attitude and limericks.  Trying to be that positive Smile 

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited March 2012

    Hi all - I just wanted to chime in on the nipple-sparing and BRCA question.  There is increasingly more evidence that there is miniscule added risk to nipple-sparing when it is prophylactic, even for us BRCAers, or if the tumor is sufficiently distant.  I talked to Dr. Stolier about this at length before my surgery and he felt the additional risk, if any, was minimal. 

    Here is a study showing no new cancers or recurrences in 162 nipple-sparing mastectomies (some prophylactic, some therapeutic) - http://explore.georgetown.ed/news/?ID=60002&PageTemplateID=295.  I saw Kathy Steligo speak recently (author of Breast Reconstruction Handbook) and she said that because nipple tissue is actually different than breast tissue, there is very little risk of cancer appearing there.  We are all different in terms of our acceptance of risk, and for me, any minimal added risk was worth it, but I do not doubt others decisions that are different.  I just wanted to share this study.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012

    I had nipple sparing (also with Dr. Stolier. He was wonderful - caring and sympathetic but also practical and didn't sugar coat anything). It was important to me to feel like myself. Part of my thinking is that one can always decide later to take them off if new studies show more risk, but it's awfully hard to put them back.

    (btw, I never said I was a GOOD belly dancer, just that I do it. It's great exercise with great women who are the most accepting of all body variations I've ever met - and I mean that - fat, thin, old, pieces missing - all are welcomed. Plus we all get to play dress up! It will be very strange to go back with my numb boobs though. That will take some getting used to on my part.) 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2012

    Liz called me back today. She was going to call me yesterday, but she waited because she wanted to speak with Dr. D and Dr. Stolier about me and they looked over my chart & pictures.  We talked about nipple sparing and again why they suggested the procedure they did (hip flap).  I took notes back in early December when I had my consult, but I guess they weren't as detailed as I thought. As my anxiety & fear over the surgery gets bigger, I was questioning my decision (If that makes sense) for that procedure.

    Liz was great and answered all my questions and told me exactly what the doctors said and tried to tell me this was normal. I am undecided about the nipples, but you are right Eva.  They can always take them off but once they are gone there is no going back. I am not partial to my nipples as they are quite large and they aren't really a part of my sex life, but the thought of looking in the mirror and not having any at all, scares me. I know you get them down the road, but I don't think I will feel "normal or whole" and this may sound really bad, but I want to look as normal as possible to my husband.  I know he doesn't care one way or the other as long as I am here and healthy and I can live with the risk (as he has said this over and over again), I still have time to decide and will continue to research.
    KSue, I understand the coping mechanism as I am doing the same thing. Good luck with your consult and I do remember feeling very confident with Dr, D and Dr. Stolier when I left and my husband was absolutely set (no matter what) that was where he wanted me to go for surgery.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    Had my gyn annual appt today.  He was impressed with my ab scar.  

     I'm making plans to plaaaaay this summer.  

    Caitlin, I'm thinking of you today! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2012

    Adey up soon~

    Mar 15 - Adey - Stage 2. 

    I had the tummy tuck, and wish I didn't. It's 2.5 years now, getting better all the time, but it's a big major thing. Looks great, feels uhhhh, not great.  

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited March 2012

    Hey ladies - just wanted to let you all know that I'll be teaching 2-3 yoga workshops at the FORCE conference this year in October - cannot wait!  Hope some of you can make it and join me...

    KSUE - welcome!  I also had Dr. D and Dr. Stolier and echo the comments about about how great that team was.  But the bottom line is I don't think you can go wrong with any of the NOLA docs. 

     I also had nipple sparing and was ok with the very small risk increase - I have to tell you that psychologically, for me anyway, waking up from stage 1 and looking down and essentially seeing my own breasts with my own nipples made it SO much easier for me.  It was like I got to keep my pillow case and they just restuffed it.  In fact when I first woke up and saw them I demanded the nurse tell me if they actually did the surgery cause they looked almost exactly the same to me.  When I showed them to my husband he too said they looked the same just like I got into a bar fight!  (cause of the bruising)  Ultimately it's your choice to do whatever you feel most comfortable with...hope that helps...

    Chelle - I know where you are and I sympathize - for me the wait leading up to the surgery was FAR worse that the recovery...we are here for you...

    Cider - great news about your ab scar!  I too am making plans to play this summer...cannot wait!

    Best of luck Adey!

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited March 2012

    Oh and Sue Friedman from FORCE told me that all the NOLA docs are planning to be at the conference this year, including Dr. Stolier - cannot wait to see my team and give them a hug (and flash em!)  :-)

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited March 2012

    I had some catching up to do...busy boards. I totally understand the fear building up prior to your first surgery....can I leave my kids for that long, can I afford it...who seriously has surgery in a completely different state. And so on Well I am sure glad I did. These doctors are truly amazing.

    Adey should be in Nola by now as she left today....I will call you or text you or have your hubby text me after your surgery. Can't wait to see you!

    Caitlin,thinking of you! Eva hope your recovery is going well. K sue welcome...these girls are amazing on this board you wil. Have lots of support and info. I have been very blessed to find them

    Happy Tuesday!

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    The surgery went well today.  Thank you for all of your prayers!  They stitched up the holes and it looks MUCH better.  Dr. Sullivan said that I had dead skin and poor blood flow which caused the insicions to open up. 

    Got a nice visit with Adey.  She is wonderful and it was great talking with her in person!  Wish I could meet all of you.

    Adey's surgery is on Thursday so I will certainly be praying for her as I am sure many of you will be. 

    More later.  Hubby is upset that I am using his computer--patience is not a virtue of his, lol!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    So I spoke with Laura today and about my abdominal discomfort she said that when they do the DIEP, they stretch the muscle and either it needs strengthening (or a mini plication) or it is too stressed. She said to continue to do ab work and see if it improves or gets worse... She thinks it will improve.