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NOLA in September?



  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2012

    The new look is really good on my droid, tho.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Had to share this from a friend:

    Our Eva has genes with a flaw,
    So she had to take action, for sure.
    She so loved having tubes
    Sticking out of her boobs
    That now she's gone back for some more! 

    (My friend is a Brit, so it flaw and sure and more rhyme when she says it)

    Flying today! At last! 

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012

    Have a Safe Trip!  Maybe I'll see you before you leave!

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited May 2012

       I have received confirmation of my surgical date for my DIEP in NOLA with Dr. Massey and Dr. Sullivan!!!  It is July 5th but I think pre-op testing will have to be on the 3rd since The Center won't be doing testing on the 4th.  I'm a bit concerned with finding a hotel during the holiday..... Any suggestions?    Is it Katie I call at The Center for help with this?

    So excited--so scared!!     Katiejane (Kathy)

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    What day are you flying in, gmp?

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012

    Hi EvaM - I am flying in on Sunday the 13th, arriving at 4:30pm - See doctor D Monday morning, then I am going to hang out most of the day have lunch and probably go to the casino Monday.  Then my surgery is scheduled for the 16th but may get pushed up to the 15th.  I'll know today.  I am staying at Hope Lodge for Sunday night and maybe Monday then hospital a few nights thenHampton or Clarion Bouteque.  I am just waiting for the confirmation from Katie on the final confirmations today.  When will you be there or leaving?   There are not many going when we are.  Plus Sunday is mother's day!  And yes I am getting a little quirky too1  Can't really think of anything else.  One more surgery  AAGH!  But excited to finally get to go!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Kathy... I think Ashley does Dr Massey's arrnagements, not Katie.. but I am not sure.

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2012

    Hi Katie - Ashley is gone.  Becky is doing Dr. Massey's arrangements now.  She can help you with finding a hotel.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    Eva-  I see your limerickness infected your friends!  (I'm still gonna try sometime)  Safe travels.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2012

    KatieJane, I added your July 5 date to the list! :)

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited May 2012
    Thank you Springtime!!!  I have been working on this for almost 1.5 years and it will be so nice to see my name FINALLY on that list!!!LaughingSmile!!!!!!!!!
  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies, I've been lurking on this thread for a little while and I SO appreciate what I've learned from you all. I was diagnosed with IDC in late March, I'm 38 years old, and am hoping for a BMX with immediate reconstruction - with what I assumed could be a DIEP. I just spoke with NOLA today about a possible date of surgery (maybe May 30th! I'll keep you all posted.), and Dr. D. thinks that I am a candidate for his newer "total body lift" procedure. From what I can tell, this is more or less a combined DIEP and Hip/GAP flap to give me what I need. I am a 'C' cup and he thinks I might not have enough fat in either my belly or my butt. (I never thought hearing that would make me sad - but it does!) 

    Does anyone have ANY experience or knowledge of this "total body lift" thing? I'm so hesitant because it's scarring on both side of my body, twice the length of time in surgery, and more difficult to recover from. I have a 3 and 1/2 year old and I can't imagine deciding on a more complex procedure than a DIEP, because... I don't want to be recovering forever! Not to mention that I'll probably need chemo and that's going to take me out of "mom" role for a bit too... I'm just feeling like it's too much. I went to the University of Michigan for a consult, and they said a DIEP would give me B cups, and then they could do fat-grafting later to get me up to C's if that's what I want. I'm definitely going to NOLA, if insurance pans out. I just need to figure out what my options are. 

    If any of you have any experience, perspective or knowledge to share - I would SO appreciate it! I also want to thank you all for posting here, as I never would have sought out NOLA if I hadn't read everything here and on other threads regarding their expertise. I am SO grateful! XO! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Esmerelda... I had the Hip and DIEP flaps and BMX with Dr Dellacroce, and I don't believe the recovery for the body lift will be longer than the DIEP alone. To be honest, the hip flap portion caused me no pain at all... You will have a time of recovery for the BMX and DIEP, and that is the same time you would be recovering from the Hip flap as well... not longer I believe.

    Also don't assume the chmeo will knock you out.. I worked full time and took 2 days off per chemo cycle, one day for infusion day and one day for feeling bad... I had friends offering to make dinner, but I didn't need it.. I saved up those offers for after surgery.

    After surgery, I did hire a cleaning lady and had friends bring dinners for a couple of weeks.. The time you are restricted from lifting more than 10 pounds is the time to pamper yourself and get help with your kids... 

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Bdavis, you are so encouraging. Thank you. I think I will re-read your post again and again when I begin to worry about how difficult this all is. I know you've commented on your pain and discomfort post-surgeries (I believe you've referenced tight feeling abs/belly?) Despite all of this, you would have still done the same procedures? Did you ever have any concerns about the amount of scarring? Because my surgery might be soon (it better be soon - I still have the cancer in me!), I'm trying to really prepare myself and be ready... 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Esmerelda...My scar goes about 340 degrees around my body and is all under a string bikini... and improving all the time.. the scars on my breasts are almost invisable. Dr D is fabulous.. Have faith in that.

    And my "pain" is more of a feeling I know I shouldn't have at 6 months post stage II, but it isn't pain... I have a bloat and am puffy around the belly button and if I wear tight pants that sit at the waist it is uncomfortable. I don't usually wear anything across the waist though... most my pants are low rise... AND Dr D will resolve my problems next go around.

    From surgery, the only pain I had was in my back from walking hunched over for a few days... They gave me a muscle relaxer and pain meds for that, and I was off all meds one week post op.

    It is NORMAL to be apprehensive about this surgery, but you can actually get excited about it too... You will have a lifted butt, flat abs, and lipo of whatever you want. Its the silver lining to the crappy cancer.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    You're definitely right about that silver lining. Having these surgery options is incredible. Betsy, thanks for sharing the details of your experience.

    This question might be for another thread, but I've started to look at people's signatures and the time between their date of cancer diagnosis to when they had their surgery (the cancer removed), and I'm feeling... nervous that this is all taking too much time! I was diagnosed on March 29th, had negative sentinel node biopsy on May 1, and am (tentatively) scheduled at NOLA to get this cancer OUT of me via MX on May 30. Does that seem to long compared to other's experiences? 

    What about chemo, for you ladies who had it? How long after your NOLA DIEPs, GAPs, etc. did you start chemo?  

    I am SO anxious to get the treatment GOING! Cancer be gone!!! 

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    I'm in NOLA now at homewood suites. My preops are early afternoon thurs.

    Gmp, my post op appt is Monday at 9:30 and then we don't have much to do until we go to the airport for a four pm flight home. Maybe I'll see you at the center on Monday? Look in PMs for my cell.

    Sorry about the crappy typing I'm still trying to get used to this iPad

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012

    I'll be there on Monday for pre-opt!  I don't know what time yet but I'll let you know.  I'll be starting and you'll be finishing!  Hope we can meet up in between!  I got your number and I 'll call you.  Good luck Thursday!  I wish you all the best of everything!!

    Hows the weather now?  I am just starting to think of what to pack. 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited May 2012

    Hi Esmerelda,

     I had to wait nearly eight weeks for my surgery and I worried about the length of time as well, but my breast surgeon reassured me that the cancer had been there at least eight to ten years and was only the size of a pencil eraser, so eight weeks would not make a difference.  She was correct...the size was the same as the mammograms and MRI had shown when I was diagnosed.  I understand how tough it is to wait when you just want it OUT!  I remember telling her the morning of my surgery that I was so happy to finally be there, because I knew that within an hour or so the cancer would be gone.  Your date is coming up very soon!


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Esmerelda.. Your surgery is only another couple of weeks... but I know how you feel... everyone feels that way. In the end, I realized it was a process, and there were many steps leading up to the surgery... and its better to cross all t's and dot all i's before heading in... I had chemo after a lumpectomy (5 weeks) and before my BMX. So my tumor was removed first, then chemo, then MX.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2012

    Got a date for my stage 2b - I'm 90% sure I will take it but I'm working on with a new PT on scar tissue release and frequency specific microcurrent.  If she works some miracles in the next couple of weeks I will cancel but otherwise I'm heading down in NOLA in July.  Now having issues finding someone to go with's always something!

    July 11th - Tattoo's with Vinnie

    July 12th - Stage 2b (DIEP scar revision) with Dr. D

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Esmerelda,  I am BRCA2+ but did not have cancer.  I was apprehensive going in for my PBM.  One thing that worried me was that cancer might be found (I had very dense breasts) so I can only imagine how you are feeling.  You are almost there.  For my tension, I made a point of continuing to eat right and exercise - good for you and you will feel like you are doing something  while you are waiting!

    Re: Body Lift.  I am 10 wks post op DIEP + hip flaps to refill my nipple spared, C cup breasts. I would be happy to talk with you about this.  You can send me a private message if you want to chat. I found it was wonderful to talk with ladies that had gone through flap procedures - some awesome women reached out to me!   Peace, Tamara

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Esmeralda, I had my initial diagnosis the end of Feb and had my BMX and DIEP on May 10. Had some crazy aggressive cancer been found it may have gone faster. The great thing about NOLA is they leave spots open for active cancer patients. Oh, chemo. I went into surgery thinking I wouldn't need chemo based on my rare tumor. Another tumor was found during surgery (good old dense breasts) that required me to have chemo. I started chemo exactly 4 weeks after surgery. My chemo was aggressive and hard on me, but it was doable and it's behind me. My surgery was 1 year ago today!! I feel better physically now than I did a year ago; I'm eating better, exercising, and I have a flat belly and nicer boobs!

    Dana, I hope you find success with your PT. See if she is going to do some 'soft tissue mobilization'. That's the technique my PT uses; it's more aggressive on scar tissue, adhesions, than myofacial release and gets results faster. I love it! The difference can be dramatic in one treatment.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Dana...when in July? Maybe I can help you.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2012

    Thanks Paula - she is definitely doing soft tissue mobilization.  I had my first session yesterday and it was very different than my other PT.  My first PT concentrated mostly on the scar line while my new PT was above it (where the inflammation/bulge is) and even higher, up to my floating ribs as well as my low back behind the inflammation.  No difference yet but I'm going to give it at least 3 sessions as per her advice.  I figure even if I do go forward with the surgery it would be good to have her work on me before and after - and she takes my insurance!  Always a good thing...

    Betsy - my dates are 7/11 for tattoos/pre-op, 7/12 for surgery.  My husband started a new job recently and is already visiting his parents a couple of weeks before and can't take off more time.  My mother offered to come but she was there with me on stage 1 and it was a DISASTER!  I called Marcia in tears several times - i would up taking care of her much more than she took care of me - not looking to repeat that.  I'm checking with other friends but no one seems to be free or want to go to NOLA in the summer time...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Dana... I am away July 14-21 on vacation.. So those dates don't work for me... But if u move it to a week or so before or after then it may work out... I am off work from mid/late June until late August... But do have kids around (but they can drive).... And I guess I would need to fly you home to CA?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2012

    Denoument- i may be going in July, but a week later. Too bad we could not coordinate - we could be each other's caretakers! I am having this same issue as I don't know if my sister in law will be available for my kids, so my hubby will have to stay here with them.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2012

    Damn, I can't really change the dates as Vinnie is only there one week out of the month right now and I can't push it back another month.  Also Dr. D is on vacation end of june/beginning of July so this was the only time that I could get both him and Vinnie.  Plus work is an issue - late July many people are out so I can't even skip tattoos and push back later as I would have no back up at work.   

    Nordy any way you can push your up a week?  I would totally co-care taker with you!  And Betsy thanks so much for the offer.  I don't think I would need someone to go to CA with me, maybe just to the airport as the wheelchair people were always very good and I would have someone pick me up on the other end.  It doesn't sound like these dates would work for you anyway but I do appreciate your offer so much!

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Heading off to my pre op with dr. D. I plan to go up and see Karen. I hope there's only one, I don't know her last name!

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Sandy and Betsy. 

    Paula - a year to the day of your surgery - what a thing to celebrate! I turn 40 at what will be my one-year out of diagnosis - I am planning on celebrating THAT birthday big time! Thank you for reassuring me. 

    Tamara, I would LOVE to talk with you about your procedure, recovery and experience at NOLA. My breasts are very dense also, and I do worry about what else they might find after surgery. I am not BRACA positive, but my mom, aunt and grandma are all BC survivors - so we have something going on our genes for sure! You are correct - eating right and excerising is a big boost during these anxious days. I will be sure to PM you soon. Thank you!

    I just met with my therapist this morning and we were talking about how in all actuality I will be HEALTHIER post-op than I am right now. Right now I have cancer. After surgery (of course, there's systemic concerns that chemo would address), the cancer will be out of me! I am trying to not dred the recovery time (I imagine feeling like an invalid, perhaps in part because of how this all might effect my little three year old. :(  

    By the way, she gave me the SADDEST mother's day card this morning (it wasn't sad for her - but it was for me!) It says (in her teacher's writing): "Mama, Happy Mother's Day! I like to play super heroes with you! I wish that you wouldn't be sick. I hope you get lots of medicine to feel better. I love you so much and I don't want you to go away! Happy Mother's Day! Love, Mia"  AHHHHHH! Talk about heart-breaking! Part of me wants to set that card on fire! I just can't stand how much of this she is internalizing already - and she's not even four years old! AND I'm not even "sick" - you can't tell!!  She's seen me cry a couple of times, and then I had the sentinel node biopsy procedure and mommy was "sick" and couldn't be crawled all over. Sigh. Sorry for venting...

    On last thing: I've been on the phone a lot with NOLA today and I think their hold music is the most over-dramatic, depressing music ever!!! I might recommend a change... Hmmm... Ideas?