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NOLA in September?



  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2012

    oh my, so much going on...

    Eva - glad you are doing okay, sounds like things are progressing...I was standing up straight just a couple of days after my DIEP stage 1 so hang in there.  Did they say if you will go home with all those drains or will some come out?  I guess you will find out more at your post op tomorrow, eh?

    KerryA - some promising news!  So sorry you have to fight your insurance like this...seems so unfair...keep us posted!  And thanks :-)

    Nordy - when do you plan on coming to NOLA?  I'm still working on my travel plans but I'm thinking tues 7/10-sun 7/15 - sent Marcia an email with my dates and we'll talk soon I'm sure.  If we could find a way to make this work it would be awesome!

    Esmerelda - for my ride home we requested a wheelchair and bulkhead seating.  THe airline was super helpful!  Wheelchair came curbside and whisked me through security, no standing on line (in fact I might arrange a wheelchair for all future flights!)  The center gives you a note explaining that you had surgery and about the drains for the TSA - I didn't need mine and from what I've seen most people have not had an issue but someone had a problem last year with a nasty TSA agent...can't remember who that should be fine with advance planning - flight home after both surgeries for me was totally doable.  

    It's hard to say what you need help with, everyone is so different.  I was able to shower/wash/dry my own hair 5 days after my stage 1 - sure it took me forever and I used a chair in the bathroom but i did it.  Making meals I was able to start doing about 2 weeks out, definitely have help with that or have things pre-made/frozen that you can just heat up.  Stairs were not an issue for me and for most people, just take it slow.  That goes for everything, in my experience I was able to do pretty much everything I needed to go (except lift heavy things/get things from up high/drive, etc.) in the first couple of weeks I just had to take it slow and be very deliberate with everything.  Hope this helps.

    Thanks for all the well wishes - my abs were marginally better after new PT on Wed but the past 2 days they are back to being stuck and unhappy.  I've got another session this Wed so we'll see how it progresss.  Still waiting to decide if I will proceed with my 2b in July but leaning towards it...have to figure it out soon!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012


    • About traveling... you can request the bulk head seat for the airplane (free for those in need), which gives a little more room and makes it easier to get up (and you should get up and walk a bit to avoid clots).. Also, if you get a wheelchair to take you to and from the gate, it expedites getting through security... and makes it easier for pre-boarding. I did not use the wheelchair, and still requested pre-boarding. It was no problem. 
    • I did not have trouble using stairs. By the time you get home, it will be over a week after surgery, so you should be fine, but everyone is different.
    • I needed help with meals and shopping... I had my son go with me to the grocery store so he could carry the bags.. and had neighbors bring meals 3x per week.. My husband took care of the other days, or we had leftovers. But you can't even lift a pot of water for pasta.. so I found that very helpful. I didn't need help showering, but I also didn't have any hair, so I guess it depends how much hair you have. If you have a lot and usually have your arms up for a while, you will probably need help. After showering, you need to re-dress you drains (using betadine and ABD pads) and at first (first week) I needed help, but did it on my own after that. So by the time I got home, I was solo. I also hired a cleaning lady to come once per week... again the lifting limitations... Plus you get really tired easily, so I just didn't have the energy to clean.
  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2012

    Eva - I had a DIEP and I was one of the ones who could not stand up straight for awhile.  Dr. S. told me that since my skin was very tight I would have a harder time than others.  I did.  I watched as it seemed everyone around me could stand up straight except for me.    It took me a couple of weeks but I got there with the help of physical therapy.

    Don't feel like a wimp.......everyone's body is different.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2012

    Eva, it takes a few days, and for me the drains came out way quicker for stage2 and 2b than for stage 1. Dont worry, it will all get better fast!

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Thanks for the encouraging words. Im at Homewood now. I feel stupid about this but I have been blue since my shower. Maybe it's the anesthesia or the thought of having to care for so many drains or the pain. It was shocking to see my body and how different it looks. I don't think I felt so alien after my stage I. I hope the blues are typical thing, but I feel guilt about putting my family and myself through another round of post op care for what is essentially vanity. I hope I don't regret it!

    Esmeralda, ditto everyone else re the wheelchair at the airport. No worries about your new girls being bumped or jostled. I had no problem with stairs and washed my butt length hair just a few days post op. I even enjoyed walking around the French Quarter afterwards. I needed extra hands with the drains and getting into the compression garment. Eventually I could do it myself, but it's tiring. Friends brought food and it was so helpful. Plus the visits were great. I rented a recliner to sleep in for a month. Well worth it.


  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited May 2012

    Eva,  I'm sure that the "blue" feelings are normal.....probably a combo of pain, meds, and change.  You shouldn't feel bad about that.  I know that things will look much brighter very soon.  You deserve what you chose to have done.  I'm sure that your family feels the same.  Sending healing hugs your way and wishing your "blues" away.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Eva, when I've had my blue moments, my husband always reminds me that this is just a 'blip' in time - and soon enough things will evolve and joy will be here again. Perhaps in moments - and definitely over the long haul! I can imagine the sadness that might come at the moment of seeing the "evidence" of the surgery, but every single day it will get better and unquestionably, it will be worth it! Thank you for taking the time to share tips and advice, in the midst of your recovery!!

    AND thank you Betsy, Denouement, and others for the same. I need to start writing down everyone's tips as I prepare myself during the next three weeks. You women are AMAZING! 

    Springtime, can you please add me to the list of NOLA surgery sisters? I am desperate to feel like I am a part of this wonderful community! Mine will be on May 30th, BMX with DIEP+Hips, with Dr. Dellacroce and Dr. Stolier. Thank you and much love! 

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited May 2012

    Ah... the dreaded post surgical "blues" .. I remember them well!

    No need to worry Eva they are totally normal! Some folks experience them @ the 3 week mark and some almost immediately.Repeat after me.."This too shall pass..I must "Keep my eyes on the prize"!..

    And so on.. I promise it will pass.


  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Eva,  Take Marcia's words of wisdom to heart.  I had an awful first 3 weeks post op, she & other ladies helped me get through it.  Realize it is temporary.  I  had a ton of help from my husband, but then I got better SUPER fast after 6 weeks.  My tummy was not so tight, I could take big strides walking and take deep breaths at the same time (took another few weeks to do these two things and stand up straight at the same time).  It will come and your tummy will look amazing even with the scars.  I know it is hard to believe.  More hope: I am regaining sensation in my abdominal area everywhere except below my new belly button to the incision line.  Try to visualize your body healing itself, this will pass...    Peace to you all!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Esmeralda, I am one of the women who will be in NOLA during that time.  I would love to meet you.  My surgery is scheduled for Friday June 1st. There are a few others that will also be there.  My e-mail address is This is a wonderful group of women who are SO supportive!!

    Eva, I am sorry you are feeling blue.  Sending you gentle hugs sweet lady!!


  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I feel a little better today. I'm still kind of hunched over but not quite as much. I survived the first round of drain stripping -TOO familiar - but won't do my first solo shower etc until I get home tonight. At least I feel more competent this time. Band practice is Wednesday and I may try to play at least part of it. Belly dancing is going to have to wait though.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Eva, glad to hear you are feeling better, even if it is just slightly. TIME is the ulitmate healer, right? Moment by moment. Hang in there. 

    Chelle, thank you for introducing yourself! I'd love to be in touch prior to our stay in the Big Easy. Ha! Since my surgery is on the 30th, I'll be two days into recovery before you have your procedure. It will be great to cheer each other on through this. I'll be sure to email you.

    Tamara, I'm sorry I haven't called yet. Probably tomorrow - but of course don't worry if you're not available, we'll just keep trying... here's how my morning has gone so far...

    So, get this: (I'm going to vent for a second) Since my diagnosis in late March my excercise has been practically nil. Navigating feelings of shock and depression, and family responsibilities... things sort of went south for a while.  Today I was really going to kick start some excercise to really help get my body ready for this big surgery in two and half weeks (!), but I guess God had other plans. I decided to carry my 3 year old down the stairs, with her juice and my phone (dumb, I know). I missed the last step and twisted my ankle! Just got back from the doc who doesn't believe anything is broken but wants to stay off of it for a few days. AHHHHHHHHH!!  WTH?!

    Ok. Venting is over. Thanks.  

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Jen,  Yep, Yep.  2 weeks before my surgery I pulled a muscle in my back moving gravel (trying to get some stuff done before I would be out of action & put myself out of action...) and was bitten by a dog (a golden retriever for goodness sakes!) while out walking a mere 2 days before leaving for NOLA.  It is funny now, not so funny then.  It is always something.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2012

    Eva, you are going to get better faster this time, at least that was my experience.  The bruising is unreal, I felt like I was in a car accident! Could not sit on the toilet without a lot of pain for 3-5 days. And the colors it turned! Good grief! I also had a blue day after every surgery. I think it may be because our bodies are brutilized! Maybe our psyche is telling us to stop that and rest. I don't know. 

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    Has anyone purchased trip flight insurance for their NOLA trip?  I called the insurance agency direct as I had a few questions.  The agent was very nice, asked what the trip was for and when I told her, she said if I had to cancel my flight because of complications with my surgery I would not be covered.  She did double check with underwriting and they confirmed it.  Darn.  Sure appreciated her honesty though.  

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited May 2012

    Glostagirl,  Which airline did you contact?  I believe the only airline that allows you to change without a charge is Southwest.  I plan to fly Delta since they have a daily non-stop to NOLA from SLC. I haven't booked a flight yet but will in the near future.  How's that leg??  katiejane

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2012

    Hoping you all can help me.I am having trouble finding anyone to come with me for my bi SGAP.It looks like I may have to arrive alone,have the surgery(has anyone done this?) and my friend will arrive the day I am released from the hospital and can stay for ten days.The doctor wants me to stay another week if at all possible.Would I be OK on my own by then? Someone would come and fly back with me.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    KatieJane, I'm flying JetBlue as they have a reasonably priced non-stop to MSY.  Surprisingly Southwest was considerably more $$ and of course most of the trips were 6-7 hour duration, yuk!  

    I was going to buy the trip insurance that is sold through JetBlue when you book your ticket, but I wanted to be sure I was covered, because you often hear stories of people buying this type of insurance only to find out after the fact that there are alot of exclusions. Glad I called and asked.  You're only covered for a medical emergency when it's an ~ key word ~ unexpected medical emergency. Therefore, if you're flying for medical purposes there might be somewhat of an expectation of complications, blah-blah-blah.  

    The leg healing is going slowly, I've been trying to get onto just one crutch, but am feeling that I'm overdoing it.  I may need a cane for NOLA.  My quad muscle in that leg has turned to mush.  Also, my therapist thinks I'm uneven.  Well I am, in more ways than one, but hopefully my trip to NOLA will take care of some of that!  

    Pandazankar, I did that for my first surgery in Chicago.  I was fine by myself in the hospital, didn't really want to be seen anyway! I get grumpy when I can't take a shower or a poop!  My husband flew in for my release.  As far as being ok on your own; your dr. must be expecting complications to ask you to stay that long, so it all depends how things go.  My first surgery did not go well, and I would not have been ok on my own. JMHO.   

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2012

    Hi,thanks for the info.He is not expecting complications,it was more for my peace of mind,since it is a long trip.Plus he was thinking of using negative pressure vacuum instead of drains,so wanted me there an extra week.When did you come home after your Stage 1? I am not sure how I will handle being alone the night before such major surgery,but I guess that is what valium is for!

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    I'm home! Yesterday was a trial, I tell you what. Nothing awful happened, but it was just long long long traveling from NOLA to Houston to Seattle. About halfway through the leg from Houston to Seattle I just kind of melted down and burst into tears, but I don't know what triggered it. Then when we got to Seattle, the battery in the car was dead and we had to wait an hour for the Auto Club to come. And of course I still had to do my drains and betadine, etc. before I could lie down. At that point I was so exhausted I was numb. But today I've showered, washed my hair, pooped and all those little things that you realize are truly huge. I'm home alone for now, lying on the sofa, but my parents are coming over later and life is fine at the moment. I think the results of my stage II are going to be great. I can't believe how cute my belly button is. Dr. D did a lot of nice little touches like plumping up my nipples. I am so buying a bikini this summer.

    Pandazankar, I did that for my stage II. I flew into NOLA on my own last Wednesday, had my surgery on Friday and my husband came in Friday night and flew home with me yesterday. They did insist that I have someone with me for the flight home. And I definitely needed someone with me the whole time after surgery on stage I. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Panda.. I flew alone for my second stage one and was alone until being released from the hospital... It was fine. The nurses were awesome... For my first stage I where I had a BMX and hip flaps, I also flew alone and then a friend who was local hung out with me... I could have gone home 8 days after surgery but stayed 3 extra days to hang out with my husband who flew in day 8... I think and EXTrA week is a bit long personally.

    Glostagirl...About insurance, I bought it... And figured I would tell them it was a medical emergency... They don't need to know everything... But in the end, I didn't need it. And I wouldn't have Been canceling, just changing the date.

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2012

    Thanks Betsy..looks like I will go in alone,then my friend will fly in when I am released.Looks like surgery will be Tuesday,will be released that weekend and will stay until the following weekend.Were you able to do much the week after surgery? I would just like to go for a couple of short drives to the beach and maybe out to eat.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    Hi bdavis....The gal I spoke to at the insurance agency said they send paperwork to your dr./hospital to determine if it's an unexpected medical emergency or not. I was thinking trip insurance would provide financial protection if I had to change my departure date from NOLA if there were medical complications.  I'm not flying Southwest, so in addition to the change of date penalty ($100-150) I'd also have to incur the difference in price for the flight when I could fly; for both me and my caregiver, which could be substantial.  It's not that it's a lot of money to buy the insurance, it's the false peace of mind, and we have enough to deal with already.  

    ~ just an FYI for ladies flying to NOLA or elsewhere for recon don't buy the trip insurance just for this reason.  If they can find a reason to not pay, they will!

    Pandazankar...where and when are you going for you surgery?  I don't see you on the NOLA list.  I think I'd rather have drains than stay away from home an extra week, JMHO.  Wishing you all the best. 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies,

    My nerves are ramping up and I have seen this mentioned a bunch of times, but what do you mean "stripping drains"? I know you have to record the amounts, but what all does this entail? I am sorry if this has been explained before, but I couldn't find it.

    I thought about the insurance when I purchase our flights and there was hesitation in the girls voice from airtran, it made me wonder.  I have heard the same thing that they will do whatever they can to try and get out of paying.


  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2012

    I am going to Charleston,but I posted here because this thread is so active and everyone is so knowledgeable.And it is funny you mentioned that about staying away from home,it was exactly what I decided too!My surgery is not going to be until February,but I am the sort that plans way ahead....and the older I get,the faster time flies...

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    chellehump....stripping drains.....easy.  The drains are thin clear tubing with a bulb attached at the end.  The tubing is typically a foot +/- long.  The nurses will show you how to do this.

    Sanitize your hands.Grip the drain with the fingers of one hand, close to where it comes out of your body.With the fingers of your other hand, squeeze down the length of the tube. Start where it comes out of your body and move toward the drainage bulb.Release your fingers from the end of the drain where it comes out of your body and then release the end near the bulb.You might find it easier to strip the drain if you put lotion or hand cleaner on your hands. This is called "stripping" the drain.  My docs always recommended using the little alcohol prep pads.If there are any clots in the tubing:  Gently squeeze the tubing where the clot is, to loosen it.Do this several times until fluid is draining into the bulb.
  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Pandazankar, I was able to stroll around the French Quarter after my surgery as long as I took it slow. It was actually an enjoyable, low key time. But everyone is different! 

    Michelle, you'll be an old hand at the drains all too soon. "Stripping" means you squeeze whatever is in the tube into the bulb before emptying the bulb and measuring the quantity. It's not difficult once you've done it a couple of times. 

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    Pandazankar....I see you're from NY, I'm in MA.  Is Dr. Massey your surgeon?  

    Yes, there are a few gals in this thread who've gone to Charleston.  I started out in Chicago with Dr. Massey and now am going to NOLA, still with Dr. Massey.  I may go to Charleston for my next Stage, we'll see how it all plays out.  

    I'll be just a month away from surgery in a few days, with a broken leg still to heal I'm worried about how quickly the time will pass, sigh...

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Thank you glostagirl!! I just needed to know, but I know the nurses will show me/us everything.  @ Eva, LOL - Glad you are doing well!! I have thought about what you did with your belly and I am considering doing the same.  My doctor made a mess of my abdomen during my hysterectomy and it looks horrible with areas that won't go away with any amount of excercise. I'm curious if Dr. D could make it all look better when I have stage 2.  But, that is just talking out loud though....I can't even really think about stage 2 yet. But, with Eva's statement of buying a bikini for next summer has me curious :)

    I feel like I have so much to get done before I go.  I took on a lot since I scheduled my surgery so far in advance to keep me busy.  But now I think I took on a little too much as I feel like I won't get everything done.

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2012

    Thanks,EvaM,I am not going to plan on doing too much,but want to get out and about a little.Glostagirl,I am having Dr.Kline.Gosh a broken leg,I can see how the time would drag.Hope it heals really fast!!