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NOLA in September?



  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Re: stay in hospital.  I stayed 5 nights with my DIEP/hip flaps and the nurses were very caring.  The reason for my extended stay is because my body does not do well with meds.  I could not sleep much, had no appetite, and was nauseous and vomiting. I became upset/scared because I started to worry about healing.  I am a R.D. (& I do not have a lot of "reserves") so I was very aware I needed some food to heal me!  It was a tough time because I did not expect to panic as I have never had anxiety problems before.  The nurses took care of me wonderfully well - so well that I am not worried about stage 2.  I wish I would have known in advance that anxiety is a common side effect of surgery & I will be ready for it this next time should it strike again.   None of this, or my strange rash the day I was to fly home, impacted my departure date.

    Nordy, I walked like a mad-woman throughout my stay, too, because Dana recommended it.  The nurses said I set a record & I know I confused them with my icky side effects but continued laps...  Walking is my usual stress reliever.  

    I am feeling fabulous now.  I almost posted yesterday to share with you guys how happy I was after spending an entire beautiful day, 9am - 9 pm, gardening.  Big stuff, like moving multiple wheelbarrows of boulders, bark, gravel shovel work, planting.  I never thought I would be doing this 10 weeks post op and had ruled out any garden this year!    So, all the tough times were definitely worth it.   Peace, Tamara 

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012

    Thanks Nordy!  I am feeling well and would love to be here when your here because then there would be 2 crazy ladies roaming the halls!!  All the nurses kept telling me that I don't even look like a patient who just had stage 1 hip flap.  I have been up, dressed, makeup and out and about.  I don't feel to bad except the discomfort of the girdle so tight and annoying.  I just came back to the Clarion to rest, drink water, gatorade and rest a bit and may roam out again later.  

         I do have an issue with my flap I can't believe it, why me?  I am trying to stay calm till I see Dr. D tomorrow but if anyone knows my past of failed just about everything you would understand.  I am just sick inside but hopeful things can still be fixed simply tomorrow.  The flap is warm and looks good except for 1 small spot,  I think it's the devil just trying to shake my faith!  Leave me alone!!  OK  I am good now - everything will be fine.  I just feel bad for doc having to correct and fix so much that wen wrong with my chest.  I just can't be more thankful to be here.  And thanks to everyone stories that I read ocer and over silently till it was my time and now I am here.  Post op tomoorow - I'll let you's know what Dr. DellaCroce says.


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    Nordy-  Good vibes and insurance don't be A-holes dances coming at ya.

    I also stayed an extra day each time with no effect on my departure.  Just one less day paying for a hotel.  (c:

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Geralyn... what is wrong with the one spot? It is REALLY early to tell.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    Geralyn - If you are concerned about a spot you can call the Center (or hospital?) they gave us a phone number to call.  After my stage 1 GAP I was concerned that things were not going well - I went back to the  Center between when I left the hospital and my postop visit.  They were really nice about it - it was not an issue at all.  There is someone there 24/7 to handle problems (or even possible problems).

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    I went in too because I had passed out in the shower and wanted them to check me out.. so I was discharged Tues, saw them Wed and then had post op Thurs.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012

    I have talked to the Center and they called me today and the nurses reassured me my flap was good.  that Dr. D is aware of it and if there was somthing wrong he would be right there.  I see him in the morning so I'll know for sure then.  But on the edge of the flap there is an area the size of a quarter that is bruised and a little bloody.  The rest off the flap sounds good looks good and feels good.  The nurse said it will be fine but in my head I know these things do happen and they happened to me many times before and so I can't help but be bothered and worried about it.  That is how my failed tram flap started.  I think I will crack if this doesn;t all turn good for me.  I am really tired and just want so much to be done and can't even take my mind to any other place right now! Geralyn

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited May 2012

    Nordy, from Dr. Massey's website:

    "Our business office has been successful in achieving insurance coverage for vascularized lymph node transfers as a treatment modality for lymphedema."

    Maybe they can intervene for you.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Nordy.. anna4969 had the lymph node transfer surgery... maybe PM her and ask about her insurance.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Geralyn, I had a bruised area on each breast that took forEVER to go away, but they are perfect now. Keep up your spirits. I know you've had a lot of bad experiences in the past, but you're really in the best hands now. DON'T overdo it, girl! Take it easy and let your body use its resources to heal you up. (I know, I'm a fine one to talk)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    So. Ladies... I am planning on going to NOLA the weekend of the Breastoration fundraiser and having my consult that Monday... Does anyone know the date yet?? AND who is planning on being there?

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2012

    Paula - I just have to add that I worked for a medical insurance company - first paying( ie. denying) claims, then running a customer service team - you know - the people you speak to when you finally get done going through 11 different prompts.  I always say that the 9 months I spent there was the longest 9 years of my life.  Don't even get me started . . .  

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Amy, that must have been brutal. Seriously!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited May 2012

    Nordy -- You got it. Whatever I can muster to support, you got it!

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Go Nordy! Reading your post, I can't IMAGINE that the insurance company will even have a CHANCE! The squeaky wheel - be the squeaky wheel!! You can do it.

    Betsy - I can't find you on FB. Any tips? (PM me if it's better for you. Thx!)
  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2012

    Geralyn - just now saw your post(not sure how I missed it before) but am hoping you can get some rest tonight and that things will be fine for you tomorrow.  Sending up a little prayer . . .

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    This thread has been sooooo busy, it's hard to keep up with ya'll sometimes!  

    Nordy...wishing you the best with your insurance, they can be such bastards.  

    I'm a month out from NOLA, gettin' nervous.  Darn I didn't think I would, but I guess it's normal.  Time to dig deep to bring up my warrior/survivor self, I know she's in there somewhere....

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited May 2012

    Glostagirl,  I feel the same invades my thoughts a lot.  Loved the warrior/survivor line.  Hope to see you at NOLA.

     Nordy,  so sorry you are having insurance problems.  STAY TOUGH!  

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Wow ladies, busy busy board this weekend :) Sending healing thoughts and prayers to all!!

    All these talkes about fighting with insurance makes me nervous.  I am hoping ours comes through for us.  I know I have the approval, but as many are aware things can change down the road with different stages etc.

    I am about 1 week from leaving for NOLA...Yikes!! I have been running around like a mad woman trying to get things taken care of writing down stuff I still need to do. My son turned 13 this past weekend, so I am now officially the mom of a teenager :) I ended up getting a chance to talk to my entire family (aunts, uncles and cousins) this weekend too and it seems I have complete support. Also that 2 of my cousins (boys, but have daughters) are going to get tested for the BRCA gene!! I was the first to be tested, so this was a great step in the right direction!!

    Also, I think I have decided to go through with the professional pictures.  I think if I don't I will regret it.

    I know I am going to the best possible place with the best doctors, but my nerves are on high alert!! I have to admit, I am scared!!

    Love to all you ladies!! You have been so helpful during the past 6 months as I waited for this time to come!!


  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Michelle, You are going to do great!  Just take it one step at a time and keep reminding yourself you will get better, all of this will pass.  Cry, be upset, let it out.  BRCA stinks but you can stop the threat.  You WILL heal.  I listened to Florence and the Machine "Shake It Out" and watched the music video on youtube (the SNL Live version, but the X factor version is cool, too.  I don't really like the official video) before the surgery.  She has an amazing voice that really hits me.  It made me sob/mourn but also gave me that kick fanny attitude to deal with this and move past it. Peace!

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Ditto what Tamara said, Michelle. You are in the best hands. I'm so glad to hear you're going to have pictures taken. You won't reget that either. 

    Don't forget to ask about the gift I left. I think it's being held in the head nurse's office (Charlotte?). Nurses Ann and Erin know about it. It's just a small thing but I hope it lifts your spirits a little.

    I pulled my last drain yesterday! I'm feeling more like myself now. Still very tight, but I can stand and walk like a normal (slow walking) person. Everything seems to be healing all right so far, though I have a LOT of stitches poking through - way more than last time. I'm just leaving them be for now. 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Thank you Tamara & Eva!! I will search for that on youtube. It's odd, but I do better when I am home and not a work.  I guess because when I am home, I am actually trying to accomplish things that settle my nerves when they are done. 

    One of the ladies that I connected with lives close to me and her surgery is either the day before me or two days before me in NOLA.  Small world huh? Eva, she's one the ones on FORCE. Anyway, she has photos taken and I called the lady that did hers and I think we are going to work it out for this weekend.  My husband is ok with anything that will make me happy right now.

    I won't forget about the gift.  That was so sweet of you to think of us :) I am so glad to hear you are doing well!! Yay, for getting rid of that last drain!! That part still freaks me out some.

    I did find out that my husband may have to leave 3 weeks after surgery.  I know by then I will be doing a lot better and will be able to do things on my own, but don't we have lifting restrictions for 6 weeks or so?

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Eva, That is wonderful news that you are drain free. It is such an odd feeling to move with that drum tight abdomen - it will loosen - your body will adjust little by little.  Is there an Eva limerick in there?  You are a musician/belly dancer with drum tight abs...

    Eva has abs - oh, my - drum tight

    She has won the BRCA fight

    Looking good without a doubt

    But feeling good is what it's about 

    She is going to be just right 

    I tried for you, Eva.  Peace, Tam 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    chelle-  I felt that way before stage one.  Stage two I was calm and now I am excited for stage 2B, hopefully my final surgery.  Best wishes to you and all with surgeries coming up.  It's hard to believe that my stage one was only 5 months ago.

    eva-  Congrats on being drain free!  I had a lot more threads with stage two too.  (c:  Did you end up doing the plication?  I'm still deciding, I have until 8/26.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    That's so cute, Tam! You could sure bounce a quarter off them right now, but I can't imagine dancing with them like this. I tried a little belly roll in the shower this morning and there's sure not much roll to it yet. But it's only been 10 days.

    On an unrelated note, I could use your support with something else. I've received a notice from YouTube disputing my copyright on one of my own songs. And unfortunately, the accuser is also the judge, so it may be difficult to fight. The whole story is on my blog - - It's not just me, it's a widespread problem that they need to fix. If you have a chance to leave a supporting comment on the video, maybe it will help bring attention to this problem.

    Now back to the boob channel. Best of luck to the SLEW of women who are going to be at NOLA at the same time. Party! 

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Michelle,  I needed time at home, alone, to process all of this.  I was able to stop my day job to focus/research and now heal.  

    I think the lifting restrictions are no more than 10 lbs for 6 weeks but I was more restrictive and did not lift more than 5 lbs until a week after my last drain was pulled.  This felt right to me. But then I was back to lifting more normally and doing a few push ups.       

    Also, I slept in a recliner until my last drain was pulled for comfort (I could only sleep on my back even with pillows to try and cushion the drain sites...maybe I am a pillow arranging idiot, I don't know) AND just to be on the safe side.  For a long time if I did not sleep sitting in the recliner my breasts would be quite swollen in the morning which freaked me out.   Peace!

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Drains are really no big deal.  They are inconvenient but do not hurt.  Mine only felt uncomfortable when I tried to sleep on them.  I was totally creeped out by them at first (I had six) and my nice husband dealt with them for 5 weeks but then we forgot to have him strip them one morning (see, I even forgot about them!) before he left so I did it and realized how no big deal-ish it is.  

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    Fine job on the Limerick Jane.  (c:  Off to youtube.  Wow Eva.  Next time I visit my mom I hope you're playing somewhere.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    I took Friday off and then I have the long weekend, which will help.  My son flies to Florida on Tuesday, so I will be at the airport for awhile to get him on the plane and make sure he is ok. We are driving early Wednesday morning.
    I told my work that I won't be doing anything for at least 2 weeks, but after that I will do some stuff from home. But, my wifi decided to stop working, so I have to get that figured out so I will be able to work from home :)

    I am trying not worry about my hubby leaving at 3 weeks, but he is my rock. I will need to help getting laundry up and down the stairs and with house cleaning, but hopefully I will find some volunteers to help out :)

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    How long is your husband going to be gone for? One of the best things you can do for yourself post surgery is to lower your expectations about what really needs to get done. Laundry and housekeeping can wait longer than you might think. Your 13 year old might not do it as well as you would, but he's plenty old to be helpful. Resist the need to micromanage and make sure it's all done to your high standards. If it bothers you that much and you can't scare up enough volunteers, get a cleaning service in once or twice. is a great site for your friends to organize bringing food over.