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NOLA in September?



  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2012

    I'm scheduled for a BMX with Dr. Stolier and hip flap reconstruction with Dr. DellaCroce in NOLA on June 19!  I'd love to connect with some folks there.  Nervous!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Lastar.. Are you on Facebook? We have a FB group... friend me

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    It is quiet here at SCSH - not busy at all.  2B surgery went well today.  They moved me up an hour so it started at 9 instead of 10- which just made things easier for me.   I am tired but feeling really good. DH went out for a walk so I am now controlling the remote :-)   Met Annalive at the Center yesterday which was really nice.  I was there for  my preop appointments and she was there for a consult. 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    lastar-  I had Dr D and Stolier for my surgery.  You are in great hands!

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited May 2012

    Besa -- Good to hear it went well for you today. It was peaceful at SCSH yesterday afternoon too. Nice for resting and healing. Is your stay a short one? Have a good trip home!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    Thank you everyone for your good wishes.  I will leave the hospital ftomorrow or Homewoond Suites and then will fly home on Monday. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2012

    Hi all!

    I added three surgeries above: Esmerelda, SallyM, Lastar.

    Besa and Geralyn, glad all is well!!

    Nordy, I am so sorry. I wish your DH would get another job that had supurb insurance. You certainly deserve it at this point!! I think you hold the record for the insurance company that needs the most whoop ass. ugh. But your DH is a doll to suggest just do it and pay cash. He sure love you girl! As he should! 

     I received the macaroons I "won" on the NOLA FB contest related to mothers day. I think it is so nice that they do things like this to build community and also support the local businesses down there. 

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies,  we have a lot of surgeries in June.  I am June 14th but will arrive on June 12th.  I have sent PMs to some of you.  I would love to meet any or all while I am there.  It's so nice to put a face with a name.  I am leaving for FL in a few days for my sons wedding.  I'm very excited.....he's 40 and I didn't think he would ever get married.  He picked a great gal. Hoping I get a grandchild soon!

    I'm so happy the the recent surgery gals are doing well.

    The insurance thing is just a big pain in the butt.  I'm a little nervous about what mine is going to say about this 1B surgery.

    Healing hugs to all.  I so appreciate this thread.  Thanks to everyone.

    It seems like I get questioned a lot from people that just don't understand the need for more surgery.  It's a big help to get the support here.  We understand the need to put our bodies back together the best that can be done1 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Jenlee (Jenifer) is also June 5 with Dr S and S.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Besa, it's nice you had your surgery moved up a bit. You sound good.

    Nordy, sorry to hear how crappy your insurance is being.

    I've made June 11 consult and Sept 6 surgery appts for 2B with Dr S. I think I will enjoy my summer a bit more if I have a better idea of what to expect. I thought by now I wouldn't feel nervous about another surgery, but I am. Way less than the first time, though. I better start putting that nervous energy to productive use!

    About honoring breasts. I didn't really do much of anything. I never considered my breasts to be one of my better attributes. The curves they gave me, yes. Nourishment for my babies, yes. But naked? Meh. I'm still missing the feeling but I'm taking better care of my whole body. I think once I am done I will do some honoring. I'm even considering artsy nude pics! I'm looking better 'after'. Actually, I feel like I honor my body every day now. Like I fell back in love with my body after neglecting it for too long. I suspect you ladies understand.

    Love you, NOLA sisters! Have a wonderful weekend.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    lastar - I did the plaster casting that ladies do for their pregnant bellies but I did it on my boobs. It is a cool piece of art that helped me. I ended up with a nipple/skin sparing so I do not feel like I have really lost anything. 

    Caitlin - glad to hear you have one chemo down. You are an amazing spirit and handling this all with grace.  

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2012

    Thanks, Betsy!  Is this a public group?  I haven't been out-loud-and-proud on Facebook yet.

    Besa -- music to my ears!  Thanks!! 

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited May 2012

    Karen,   What a great idea!!!  I never even gave that a thought!!!  It was such a whirlwind at diagnosis----I found my cancer on a Wednesday and had a BMX 1 week later.  That would have been great to have a set of the formers in plaster!   katiejane!

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012


       Looks like I'll be leaving SCSH later today and going to the Clarion Boutique until Tuesday.  This is such a nice hospital, one can really get spoiled here.  I got to meet Besa  last night. Nice to meet you Besa! And I met Eva when I first got here. It is really nice to meet up with people you kind of know.  So far my trip to NOLA has been a good one.  I was able to stay at a few different places so now I'll know what to expect the next time.   The Hope Lodge had very nice rooms and we were very comfortable there except to far away from everything if you like to do things.  Now if you had a car you'd be all set.   I loved the rooftop pool at the Monteleone.  I wasab le to bring my laptop and work outside for a few hours, ordered lunch and had a drink.  Very nice but the rooms were kind of small.  Now when I leave SCSH    I'll get to check out the Clarion.  

        My surgery went well.  I have been roaming the halls since I woke up from recovery.I did get the hip flap, a revision on my right implant side.  Right now I am swollen so it is hard to see what they will look like.  How long till the swelling goes away and I can tell how they will look?  Right now it looks like a swollen pancake!

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone - reading everyone's reports on good recoveries, and seeing the next few women prepping for their upcoming surgeries is bittersweet, isn't it? I was thinking, "wow! this list is neverending." I hope and pray for a cure some day soon. Can you imagine NOLA being put out of business?! 

    Betsy, I just read your response about an FB group. I'm going to send you a friend invitation - watch out! :)

    Everyone's suggestions on honoring our breasts are all so wonderful. EVA! Loved seeing your photos - what an amazing experience!! Thank you for chiming in on my sadness about this loss. Hearing how you all felt very similar - BUT are now feeling good and often better! - is the best medicine!

    I've been dealing with some tough issues these last couple of days... one of my best friends has stage IV BC, and I shared with her about my surgery choices (having a prophelactic MX which is the most agressive thing I can do, when she decided things such as not doing the recommended radiation and chemo when she had an 8cm tumor...). It has really effected our friendship. To her admmittance she is angry and jealous about my choices. It's so sad and there's absolutely nothing I can do. I hate how breast cancer does this. How you can feel tempted to envy other's staging or prognosis, or feel relief that "mine" isn't bad as "hers". This disease is shitty. Anyway, just wanted to share...

    It's going to be in the 80's today and I'm having a PARTY because I need one. Did I tell you all that it will be my 5-year wedding anniversary during my surgery date? What a way to celebrate! Ha! :) 

    I hope you all have a BEAUTIFUL and joy-filled day today! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Lastar... the FB group is secret... not public, not closed, but secret... so no one knows.

    Jen... I will look for your request.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    Lastar....My surgery is on the 20th with Dr. Massey & Sullivan for a stacked DIEP.  I fly in on th 18th and will stay at Hope Lodge for 2 nights.  My pre-op's are all on the 19th ~ I'll be thinking of you!  

    My SIL is coming in the following Monday to be my caregiver, I haven't figured out yet where we'll stay but I want to be as close to the center as I can.  Hope to see you down there and Downey and Anniese too. 

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2012

    Karen, I love that idea!  Maybe in a few months, the plaster cast of my too-large droopy breasts next to my new smaller perky ones would be a nice contrast.  Laughing

    Esmerelda, that is such a tough situation.  I almost think that you can't take it personally -- regrets are powerful. It's good that she can express her envy of your situation -- maybe that is a good sign?  It's certainly not a dynamic that you need right now, but maybe it does affirm that your treatment is not as radical as you might fear. It is a weird disease.  I can feel almost apologetic for "only" having DCIS.  I am coming to terms with the fact that it is still cancer and it could still beat me, even if I do everything right.  

    Thanks, Betsy! There are lots of helpful topics on the group page.

    Glostagirl, I'll be looking for you!  I'll be the weepy freaked-out one.  Wink

    I had spoken with a local woman who had her hip flap done in NOLA, and she stayed at the Hope Lodge both before and after her surgery.  Is that no longer an option, or do some of you stay in hotels after your surgery just to see more of NOLA?   

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    I loved the Clarion Boutique. There is a great pizza place close by (Slice), a Smoothie King, and many other places. Their breakfast was nothig to write home about but they have fruit, waffles, juice, bagels.  there is a walgreensclose by and it is on the St. Charles line. 

    I just stayed at the Hampton Inn Garden District and it is very noce, located in a pretty spot with some decnt food nearby. The rooms were smaller that the Homewood but hey have a beautiful lobby and outdoor area to sit and the breakfast is good. Still on the car line and if you want to wlak outside it is just bautful all around there.

     Esmerlada - so sorry about your friend and the issues. It is so normal for her to wishing for what you have. Unfortunately she is not in a place where she can do what "you" need, not what she needs.  Sending you peace to figure this out.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    I stayed at Homewood both times. It's a little spendier than some but one of the nicest things is the large roomy bathrooms - great for all the wound care chores. They also serve free full breakfast every day and free dinner Monday through Friday including free wine and beer. It's about four or five blocks to the French Quarter. I found it quite walkable even after surgery. About four blocks to the nearest drugstore and there's a very nice Italian restaurant right across the street. They'll deliver too. Their salads are outstanding.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited May 2012

    It's official, I got up my courage to commit (with a lot of help support from Betsy) having my Stage 1 BMX and DIEP on June 5th with Dr's Sullivan & Stollier.  Looks like Dr. Stollier will be busy that day -- I see that "KSue" is on the same day.     I'm VERY nervous. I knew from the day I was diagnosed that I wanted mastectomies; I was so angry and wanted "these things" off of me.  But now that it's coming, I'm feeling really strange.  

    My girlfriends had a dinner for me last night to celebrate that I'm finished with chemo.  We also did one toast (water for me) to "bye-bye bad boobies."

    A bit overwhelmed by all the logistics to figure out in the next two weeks... "Babysitter" for me -- not sure if my 80 year old mom would be help or hindrance :)  -- childcare for my daughter, make sure the household bills are paid (hubby has no idea of my system).  I need to read through these threads, and figure out what to bring (i.e., girdles, what kind of bra) vs. what they give you and what I'll need waiting for me when I get home.  Just found a packing list on the forum header. I did go on line last night and order some short sleeve tops that button up in the front.  The 90 degree weather, girdles, and hot flashes may keep me indoors in the air conditioning, but I know I need to get out and get moving. 

    With a DIEP, is it hard to sit up and get out of bed?  Or off and on off a chair (or toilet for that matter)?  I had simple laproscopic surgery for an ovarian cyst and I remember doing the "side roll" out of bed.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Yay Jenifer.. You don't need to bring any girdles or bras - they give that stuff to you.. And you'd be surprised how you can get out of a chair and out of bed... Day one, not so much, but it improves everyday. I hear you about the 80 year old mom... I did bring mine to NOLA for stage II because I knew I would need less help and it meant a lot to her to be there.. we had a really nice time together.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone, I am seriously considering NOLA for reconstruction in July and just wanted to introduce myself. I had BMX with DIEP in March, but unfortunately lost both flaps. It has been a very rough road, and my PS said he did not recommend another free flap and wants me to do a lat flap with implant. I am in the middle of chemo, so I have plenty of time to research the web all day and I am just not getting a warm fuzzy feeling about the lat flap.

    I contacted NOLA and they think I am a candidate for the hip flaps. I am still waiting on my op notes from the first surgery to send them to make sure I am 100% a candidate, but I am cautiously optimistic. I cleared the insurance hurdle, and this will cost me a little more out of pocket than doing implants locally, but it is a manageable amount more.

    Has anyone had failed flaps elsewhere then gone to NOLA with good results?? Frankly, the few people I have told I am even considering this think I'm nuts. My husband is supportive, but very nervous about it. He said he doesn't want me to suffer like last time, and he's worried about me disappointed if it fails again.

    I am scheduled next week to meet with 2 plastic surgeons locally for additional opinions. One is a micro surgeon, one is not. I figured I need to cover all bases before I make a final decision, but I would love any feedback anyone can provide. This is a scary enough thing to do once, twice in 6 months may qualify me for a rubber room!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Dianne... I had one flap fail and a month later had it fixed with a DIEP.. and it is just fine... Any flap potentially can fail, but the NOLA doctors are the best at what they do, including round two... I had hip flaps in NOLA in July and the right one didn't fail due to blood supply, but rather because I had skin necrosis from the MX... then the incision opened and wouldn't heal... the odds are very good that you will coast through, and hip flaps are much easier than DIEP (I have done both now)... there was no pain and a fairly quick recovery. Plus at stage II you get a butt lift...

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2012

    DianneNC, I was just going to suggest reading Betsy's posts or pm'ing her - she had great success the second time around.  The NOLA doctors are pretty used to dealing with situations that other doctors are not experienced in, so definitely see what they have to say. No, there is never a guarantee, but they do things differently down there, and I think that helps account for their high success rate.  I'm guessing by your signature that you are in North Carolina?  I am a transplanted Yankee, living near Raleigh now.

     lastar - I think Hope Lodge is still an option for after surgery - no reason it wouldn't be.  For myself, though, I wanted something closer to town as we didn'thave a car and there is nothing nearby.  And I also was concerned because when I stayed there for 2 nights prior to my stage 1, our room had a very very tiny bathroom and one of the smallest showers I had ever seen (and I have traveled a fair amount in Europe where the showers are often miniscule).  I just thought that with drains, incsisions, etc., it would be easier to have more room to manuever.  It might be, though, that they would have bigger showers in some of the rooms - they would certainly have a shower for disabled patients who might need a chair, etc.  All in all, its a great way to save money, and the staff was really nice

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Lastar.. I stayed at the Hope Lodge after (I was with a friend who had a car), but I found the room uncomfortable... the bed had 2 thin pillows (we bought more) and a 19" TV, and no food or drink allowed in the room... I was there the night before surgery (which was fine) and for 3 nights after (but we spent our days at her house or just out and about)... and then went over to Homewood Suites when my husband arrived, which I much preferred... but the HL is free, so there is that. It is out of the way, and there is nothing to do over there, so you'd need a car. IMO, if you need a car and to make/buy all your food, that costs money.. and at the Homewood Suites, you don't need a car and get free breakfast and dinner... plus the room is much nicer.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2012

    Dianne - I did not have failed flaps, but did go to NOLA after failed expanders, that left me with a concavity on the right side of my chest. Dr. S didn't even bat an eye. I had hip flaps and they are awesome. I think we all know that every flap has the potential to fail, but that risk is much, much less when you have doctors who are very experienced in flap surgery. And these guys are docs that fix a LOT of failed or poor reconstruction. Good for you for doing your research! Sending positive thoughts that everything will fall into place and all will work out!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2012

    Dianne-- The NOLA docs are the best at this and you have the best chances in their hands. Having said that, you could still have full or partial failure. If I were you I would talk about that with the surgeon, find out what Plan B (or C in your case) might be for you. You may have to push the issue, most PSs prefer to brush off talk about failures; I say most because my PS made a point of discussing her past failed flaps in our initial meeting. Also think about how it would affect you and how you would react. You can't know for sure, of course, but I think it would be harder if you went in without at least acknowledging the possibility.

    I had a failure, with Dr M, and a subsequent replacement flap with her that was successful.  It was difficult, but we both knew going in what "plan B" would be, which is why she didn't do any lipo on my stomach until she was absolutely sure she wouldn't need it.  A year after my SGAP, she needed it, and it all worked out. 

    Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but failures do happen, probably more than the track records indicate.  It sounds like you know what you want, and they are definitely your best chance of getting it. Good luck!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2012

    DianneNC, I am in Raleigh NC too (KaitsMom or my Amy is nearby to as she said above). Where are you in NC?? Whoever you are seeing locally in terms of a microsurgeon cannot hold a candle to those in NOLA. All they do is breast reconstruction, that is the ONLY plastic surgery they do and they are the best in the world.

    I went to a local micro-surgeon after I had already schedule surgery in NOLA. I did this because my DH and all my local docs were totally freaked out about me going to NOLA for this surgery, when there was a local person who performed the same surgery. This surgeon was at a *very* big name hospital. He told me he did not think I was a candidate and that all he could give me was maybe 2 A cups. I told him I already had an appt at NOLA and they were going to do stacked (I had the "body lift procedure with 4 flaps total!). He said they were the best in the world for GAP or hip flap procedures. After I releyed this to everyone locally, they felt better. But I didn't need to go this for me, I did it for everybody else. I was already convinced by other women on the thread like this that NOLA was the place for me. Besides, it was in network as well!! (felt like a clear sign from above).

    The  reason I am telling you this? Local surgeons may discourage you from going to NOLA if they have not seen results from there yet. My local doctors were *amazed* with my results after the surgery, and my oncologist and the nurse navigator now send people to NOLA if they are not happy with the options locally. I've had doctors call in others from the hall to look at my breasts. Take the information down because they can't believe it. Other women here will tell you that same thing...

    I had a really strong feeling that this was right for me. If you run into any issues, you will be in the best place in the world to handle it. Your outcome, no matter what type of recon you end up with, will be the best at NOLA as they guys are artists. And they will take into account your whole body, not just your breasts.

    I am so sorry you did had failed flaps. I am sure you feel gun-shy! I would!  Only you know what is right for you. I think after you hear back you'll have a better idea.

    PM me if you want more details. I am really wondering who did your surgery locally and had the failure. ugh. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2012

    JenLee and Cider8, I added your dates to the listing at the top of the page.