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NOLA in September?



  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited May 2012

    I apologize in advance -- you're all going to be tired of my questions by the time I leave for NOLA on 6/3.   Working on a spreadsheet of who has my daughter one which days and who is driving her to activities, camp, etc.

    They're thinking I'll be getting a DIEP.  At what point after surgery did you feel comfortable enough to drive -- not long distance, but maybe a half hour trip? Is two weeks past surgery too early?

    Also, what kind of bra did you wear when you got home? 

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2012

    jenlee , It was a while for me before I was driving, but it will also depend on how long you take pain pills for . . So I was not the norm for that.  But as for the bra, they will give you some surgical bras at the Center.  In fact, you will likely wake up in one.  They'll give you a couple and they dry really quickly, so you can just hand wash them and change them daily. (One of the nicest things I thought the nurses did was hand wash them for me when I was in the hospital. They helped me shower and wash my long hair as well, then dried it for me - I felt very well cared for.)   You will be sleeping in the bras as well.  If you need another one, or your size changes as the swelling goes down, they will send them to you.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    About driving... I was driving 1.5 weeks post surgery... not far, but 30 minutes, yes. I was off pain meds early on, so it wasn't a problem.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    I have a question for you post stage 2 girls. If you had extensive lipo, are you now wearing a smaller size pants? I am 10 weeks past my surgery and my tummy is mostly flat and no swelling, but I still wear the same size. Granted, it looks better without my pooch, but not even close to a smaller size. Sadly, just my tops are smaller for now, but I am so optimist that the great folks at NOLA will be able to help. I'm still waiting on my op notes from the first surgeon to send them before I get the final thumbs up.

    Just curious about the clothing size thing.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    I did not go down in pant size until I started losing overall weight. I did start looking better in them, like you said, without the pooch.

    Jenifer! We are all here for the questions! I was on pain meds until I started with a rash. I'm guessing around 2- 2 1/2 weeks. My parents live 30 minutes away and I drove there once I was off pain meds.

    Regarding the bras, etc. be sure you go home with two. My nurse or Celeste at post op made sure I had at least 2 bras, two girdles, even extra TED hose. And heaps of med supplies, like ABD pads, betadine swabs, suture removal kit, hibicleanse, gloves, hand sanitizer. A bit hilarious actually.

    Eva: the boob channel indeed!! I love it!

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    jenlee - is your litle one adopted? I have 2 from China ages 8 & 9. Please ask your questions. I had GAP so pain I think is a bit different than for DIEP girls. I found I could do a lot but very slowly. I drove at 2-3 weeks mainly because I did not have to. I have a standard so drove another car which was an automatic. I felt pretty swollen on top and found driving a bit uncomfortable.

    The biggest help for me was someone to have the girls for a playdate. This way I could just use my energy for my own needs as much as posible. I slacked on quite a few things during that time. Allowed soe friends to bring meals which was very helpful.

    Speaking of bras - I have so many size 42 and two XXL girdles. The XXL I had on this time for 5 days before going into the XL. Does anyone need extra of these? I was just in NOLA and nothing dried overnight so glad I had extra. Right now I am in a 44 bra & XL girdle. Hate those things!  

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2012

    Esmerelda & Chelle - I had boudoir pictures taken yesterday so that I could remember/honor the girls.  I started thinking about it after Eva said that she had it done.  Thanks, Eva!  I think I will definitely be glad I did it.

    Bdavis - thanks for including me on Facebook

     Nordy - thanks for the smooth move tea offer; I found it at GNC - one more thing checked off the to do list

    KerryA - I bought the Leacho Back and Belly pillow - haven't used it yet but hopefully it will come in handy

    Jenlee - we are scheduled for surgery on the same date!  The docs sure will be busy on that day.  I was told that I would spend 3 nights at the hospital and the rest in a hotel.  We definitely need to get together.  I will PM you.

    Someone came up to me at work today and it took everything I had in me not to cry.  Starting to get really nervous.  June 5th is coming too fast!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Jenifer and KSue, I have a consult with Dr Sullivan on Mon June 11. Maybe I will see you at your post ops? I'll PM you both.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited May 2012

    I felt comfortable driving by two weeks out, but it was difficult to turn around far enough to really see when backing up.  Other than that, no issues.  I wore the post surgical bras for several weeks, as they are really comfortable.

    So, I might be heading to NOLA for a really quick trip to do a bridal show on June 13th.   Downey, if you haven't seen results a couple of years out and a little show and tell would help you, maybe we could meet up.  I had DIEP

    Better late than never, I wanted to chime in on Betsy's reponse a couple of pages back about the doctors, and agree with her that Dr. DellaCroce, Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Trahan comprise the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery.  As I understand it, Dr. Massey does perform surgery at St. Charles Surgical Hospital, but she is not part of the CRBS practice.  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2012

    Geralyn, I hope it's nothing but a little spot that needs time to heal! All sounds good, and if something was amiss, Dr. D would Zoom in to take care of it. Hand tight! Let us know what happens...

    Nordy, you warrior woman! I am thinking Xena Warrior Pricess for you!!! Go get 'em! (Friggin insurance!)Let us NC gals know about the battleship race in October. If you come I will make a trip out that way to visit Diana and you! And your little angels I assume??

    I didn't see any "Spring, add me to the list" in the last few pages. If I missed you, let me know. 

    Here are the late May, Early June ladies in queue!!

    May 30 - Esmerelda -  BMX with immediate DIEP and Hips reconstruction, Dr. Dellacroce and Dr. Stollier. 

    June 1 - Chellehump (Michelle) - Stage 1 MX and GAP recon with Dr. Stollier and Dr. D. NOLA.

    June 5 - JenLee - Stage 1 BMX and DIEP with Dr's Sullivan & Stollier. 

    June 5 - KSue - Stage 1 bilateral mastectomy and hip flap reconstruction with Dr. D. and Dr. Stolier  

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited May 2012

    Hi SandyinSoCal,  I would love to have a show and tell.  I might be having an additional small DIEP flap on the right side.  I'll really look forward to meeting you.  So kind of you.

     cider8,  I am flying in on June 11.  Hopefully our paths will cross.  Are you staying after your consult?

    There are so many of us at Nola I hope to meet all of you.  Jamie

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Chelle, Ksue and JenLee - Looks like we'll all be in and out right around the same time. Chelle, if we are up for it perhaps we can hobble around the hallways together! JenLee and Ksue, I'll be in for my post-op on the 6th (your first recovery day!) and I'd love to say a quick hello if you are up for it. Perhaps seeing me standing up a little taller (!) will be encouraging to you both!

    Ladies, just like Chelle, I too have been feeling more scared and sad then I would like. I find that I brake down crying (for a short spell) here and there. I think I'm grieving... and I think I'm scared. I feel like I have this countdown clock ticking away: 10 days, 9 days, 8 days until surgery. As if I'm at the very top of the roller coaster just about to tick-tick-tick over the top and what lies on the other side is MAJOR surgery, difficult recovery, possible chemo (not sure yet), hormone therapy, hair loss, loss of libido, loss of summer fun with my little girl... what else. OH! Loss of cancer. (I seem to keep forgetting that.)

    I keep trying to remind myself that I prayed HARD for weeks that God would intervene and allow me to be Mia's mom for her lifetime. I think God's answer is, "Absolutely, now here's what you need to do..." (reference the list of hard stuff above). I need to trust that this is true. That he's SAVING MY LIFE by intervening with all this treatment. It will be hard, but it's the path to recieving this gift from God: allowing me to be Mia's mom for a very, very long time.

    Thank you for everyone's encouraging words. It's SO good to know that you all felt the same/similar and that you are on the other side and are better for it!! Dammit, I wish we could all go on a cruise someday and wear bikinis showing off our amazing bodies! (Ok, maybe not a cruise. I hate cruises. And maybe not bikinis. But you get the idea! :) XXOO 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Jen... What you are feeling is TOTALLY normal.. Of course you are scared.. it is a big surgery and will alter your body forever BUT it alters it for the better.. you are just re-stuffing the pillows.. taking out the deadly cancer. I know its daunting to think about all that lies ahead, but its best to just take one step at a time... and not to project that you'll need chemo and have loss of libido... I have been on this journey now for 18 months and for all practical purposes it all took a year (almost to the day) to complete everything. I was diagnosed Nov 2010 and over the next year had a lumpectomy, chemo, BMX, hip flaps, DIEP flap and revisions. I tried very hard to check each thing off my list (mentally) as I made it through each phase... and looking back, it was all doable. I worked all through chemo, traveled to St John for 10 days right smack in the middle of treatment, and also didn't find recovering from surgery that difficult. In the big scheme of things, it is not that much time.

    Your summer won't be lost.. you will up and about by mid-June... Think positive :)

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2012

    DianneNC-I was a size 8 when I was first diagnosed now I'm a size 2. My weight stay pretty much the from the first surgery and through the chemo, after the stage 2 surgery I had a drastic weight loss.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Betsy - you are a lifesaver. Thank you. I'll have to use some of your words as a mantra!

    It's weird; I know everything you say is true. I guess what throws me is when I'm looking at ALL of it together. Not to mention that I think I'm still in disbelief about the diagnosis! (I don't feel sick...Yadda, yadda, yadda.)

    BTW, I couldn't find you on FB to "friend." any suggestions for how to join the NOLA FB group? If you want to look me up my name is Jen Weaver Stroven.

    Betsy, you always seem to have the right words. Thanks for being so active on here for us newbies.

  • BJ53
    BJ53 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2012

    Hi. I'vw just undergone failed nipple/skin sparing bilateral mastectomy and reconstrction.  I believe the TRAM flap is a significantly longer recovery time but getting your stomach muscles back might be tough if you're not oriented to good health, exceptional nutrition and holistic approaches.

    Radiation treatment is what caused the failure.  Not one other thing.  Dr. Cox warned me but felt very hopeful and Dr. Klein at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Orlando Florida was very skeptical about its potential success because of the radiated skin..  I was dutifully warned but wanted to take a chance on least invasive.  With 2 young sons and being  a single working mother, I needed to try the least "HUGE" in magnitude.  But it didn't work.

     Fortunately I am an RN as is my sister.  Believe me, I'm no spring chicken and the 2 boys I'm raising are grandchildren age.  we're doing dressing changes according to the doctor's orders 2 x day.  It is healing but I have to accept that Radiation really does something to the molecular structure of the skin.  My chest skin is simply not normal.

    My immediate delayed reconstruction was a failure ONLY because this 0.9mm tumor showed up almost 14 years from when I was first diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer (Invasive Ductal in the left breast and Ductal Carcinoma in situ on the right)

    Return to Dr. Klein, who is held in extreme regard by my breast surgeon from Moffitt,Dr. Charles Cox.  Tomorrow is the appt. with Klein.  I am 2 weeks post op.  A lot of people think>>why bother.  My concern is being off work and being able to physically care for my sons.  But I have a most wonderful support system of girlfriends who came and cleaned my apt. today and others who brought groceries and offered to take the boys etc.  So I am so blessed.

    Ill return to work on Monday..half days x a week and then start planning for the proper time to do the DIEP surgery.  Honestly if I had to undergo a TRAM FLAP, I would choose to stay flat chested.  Please note that I'm 58 years old.  I'm not figuring on years of romance in my future (not that I'm discounting it either).  So that would really be something you want real bad (nice boobs in spite of 3 months of tough recovery).

    Hope this has been helpful.  Blessings and love to all.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012

    Hello Springtime,

         I am leaving NOLA in few hours.  I am rushing to get ready so I don't have time to write alot now but will update you later.  But basically Dr. DellaCroce is my hero!  And basically probably the only doctor who would take my case on!  He told me that I am the most challenging case he has had so far!  I of course thanked him and apologized for making him have to work so hard! I KNOW how lucky I am to have him even take my case, I knew how screwed up I am.  I can't help but cry tears of joy when I think about it~  But basically he had to correct so much wrong even the tram flap in there was wrong and had to re-do all of it before he could do what he had to do.  I'll explain later when I have more time but things look good and Dr. D is happy how much he got done this first time.  He said I got struck by lightning!  LOL! So Stage 2 will be coming up I hope in August.  I'll keep you posted!  Geralyn  Gotta Catch a Plane! 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    Just flew home last night.  I got to spend some time with Geralyn (GMP300) which was really nice.  (Hi  Geralyn!)  I am now done with stage 2B which is hopefully it for me.  Like so many of us on these boards this has been a huge and very difficult journey for me.  I had a DIEP done locally in 2007 following a BC diagnosis.  The reconstruction did not look good, there was a partial flap failure and the reconstruction required 5 revisions.  Just had the contralateral side done at NOLA -NS sGAP.  It looks beautiful.  Dr. D. also did a lot of work on the DIEP side and really improved things. 

     Just wanted to give people a heads up about my experience going through the NOLA airport.  I used a wheel chair and went through the whole body scanner.  Then they wanted to pat me down (had never had this happen after my previous NOLA surgeries) ....  Dr. D had told me to protect the lipoed fat transferred to the reconstructios- no massage- no pressure for 6 weeks(for example no sleeping on my stomach)  if possible.  Also I didn't want anyone pressing on my incisions.  I had the letter from the Center saying I had just had surgery.  Anyway  I told them no pat down - I just had breast reconstruction surgery.  The TSA agents were really nice.  I was taken to a private booth a few feet from the scanner.  There were two female TSA people with me.  I whipped off my shirt.  I have BIG bruises near my reconstructions from the lipo which the agents could clearly see.  I offered to take of my black compression surgical bra (if they wanted to see the full monty of reconstruction it was fine with me- I just didn't want them touching anything).  They told me it was not necessary. They checked my hands for explosive residue.  That was it.  The whole thing took maybe 5 minutes.  One of the TSA guards told me she had gone through breast reconstruction herself a number of  years ago.  When I started to put my purse on my sholder she said no -put it in your lap. She told me I need to pamper myself right now.... That was it - done and moved on to the gate :-)

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Sorry, I wasn't on here last night as I tried to go to sleep early. I am just so tired these days. People are telling me its the anxiety and stress that is just wearing me out, but who knows. I have been pretty sad lately and maybe it is the grieving process starting. I like to have control over things and I know I am in control of making the decision to have the surgery, but the outcome and recovery are out of my control and I guess that is getting to me.  Just throwing out guesses here. I didn't think I would feel this way.

    @ Eva, he will be gone for 3-4 weeks straight. He will leave Atlanta 3 weeks after my surgery. He has to go and I know that, but it still makes me sad and nervous!! He is my rock and we are not used to being away from each other much less being away from each other after all this. But, my son will have to step up and help out more. I will have to let go of the "higher" expectations :)

    @ Jen, sounds like a date in the hallways :) We can certainly wobble around together!! There will be two others there too.  There surgeries are on the 30th and the 31st. I believe they are sisters.

    @KSue, I am hoping to get my pics done this weekend.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    chellehump- Wish I could have met you- our surgeries were only scheduled a couple of weeks apart.  Before surgery is a stressful time-( for me it was more difficult than when I was actually in the hospital and after surgery.)  What you are feeling is normal.  When you are at SCSH tell them what you need to be comfortable if you have preferences.  For example some women like lots of information about what is happening, others not so much.  If you have preferences about things tell them and the staff will accomidate you.   

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Hi Besa,

    Thank you!! I wish I could have met you too!! You were so helpful as I was going through the whole decision phase.  I am so glad you got to the right place and they were able to help you and you are healing comfortably!! I know I am going to the best and that does help!!

    I would be doing better I think if I didn't have to be here at work.  My head and my heart are not into at all!! I have so many other things I want to get done around my house and I still have some shopping to do. But, it is what it is :)

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    Ladies - a marena question. For those of you in the XL black dom, what size marena did you get? 

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    I was wondering the same thing, Karen, but I'm not convinced to buy one at all. They are awfully expensive and I asked again at the center about it yesterday.They're still telling me I don't have to wear any compression after two weeks. I mentioned that many of the women here were wearing them for six weeks and she said often some women like to wear it longer because they tend to swell up over the course of the day and it's more comfortable but it doesn't change the eventual outcome. If I want to I can wear it longer for comfort, but not 24 hrs - take it off at night after the two weeks. And yet I hear some of you say you've been given different advice. Were you with Dr. D? I know they all have different rules. I want a good outcome, so I'm willing to stay in the dom or get a marena if it's warranted, but why should I bother if it won't matter?

    For those of you going next week, I am not sorry to have my surgery behind me, but I sure wish I could have been there for the big party. I'll be with you in spirit. 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Eva you will definitely be there with us!! You were so sweet to talk to me on the phone a few times and even once right after your first surgery in February.  I do wish I had the chance to meet you!! I know your sister is here, so if your ever in the area, give me a call!!

    All of us who will be there at the same time will hold each other up :) Hard to believe it's next week!!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited May 2012

    Congrats to those ladies who have just completed surgeries.  And thanks everyone for all of the info!  More questions to come!  And for those whose dates are approaching, I too am SO nervous.  Esmerelda, your words brought tears to my eyes because parts of what you said really resonated with me, especially the part about praying hard to be able to stay around so my daughter will grow up with a mom.  When I was diagnosed, I thought that the mastectomy couldn't come soon enough.  When they told me I could consider lumpectomy & rads, I refused.   Now that I've decided to take the leap, not feeling so brave, but I know from the others who've gone before us that it will be fine.

    Looking forward to hopefully meeting chellehump & esmerelda -- please do stop by. Cider8 will be there for a consult on the 11th too & Downey30 just arriving. Will probably see a lot of KSue, we have the same dates and are staying at the same hotel.  I had neoadjuvant chemo... I'll be the bald one in the cap (and chemo gave me really gross dried out pruney skin), lovely for sure.  Doubt I'll be up for wiggin' it the first few days after surgery. 

    need2new:  Yes, my eight year old is from China too.  I have never been away from her this long! She's having two extended sleepovers with her girlfriends while my husband is traveling down with me and picking me up.  Fortunately, these are families that we're close with, where she'll feel like part of the family and get plenty of hugs if she needs them.

    mstrouble16:  You've lost a considerable amount of of weight since stage 2.  Have your new breasts gotten smaller? Any sagging?  I've been told they will and am worried since I've only asked for a B.  My weight is up right now from stress, I expect to loose the weight, but don't want to loose my new breasts! I know I keep asking people this question, hoping for an answer that I'm OK with.

    chellehump:  My hubby is leaving shortly after surgery too, he & my daughter are leaving three weeks after surgery.  We've been planning for over a year to go to the Galapagos Islands with some other families, so I made my hubby promise to take my daughter anyway.  Heard that my SIL just got laid off from her job today, so hopefully she'll be interested in a part time job at my house.

    This whole garment thing is on my mind too.  I'm thinking maybe after the garments, a snug fitting pair of spanx would feel like a relief.  I suspect I'm going to be bitching about wearing the girdle in the summer heat.  Sorry to ask a TMI question ladies, but how large is the opening on the garments?  Worried about trickling on them.Embarassed

    Is there a set amount of time between stages 1 & 2, or can it be longer if life doesn't make the recommended time convenient?  

    Has anyone had/needed physical therapy afterwards, or do they give you exercises? 

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Jen, the opening in the garment is large enough not to have to worry about soiling it. It's a charming sight too, let me tell you. It's going to be the next fashion rage... in fetish wear.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Eva- you are so funny! Good questions, JenLee! (by the way, my birth name is Jennifer Lee!) 

    Here's another for those of you who have/had a cancer diagnosis... I'm not sure whether I'll need chemo yet, we'll no more after the Onco-type DX test. (Though I probably will because of my age.) In any case, the docs say they like you to be healed from MX before starting chemo, and they time this at about 4-6 weeks after your MX. My question is if I have hip surgery, I know the drains will most likely stay in 6 weeks or more. Can I go on chemo and still have a drain or two? Or do I need to wait until these are out before starting?

    Thanks, girls. 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    EvaM- Everyone is different but I am a patient of Dr. D's and I always wore the compression garment for the minimum amount of required time and then ditched it.  I had hip drains for 4 weeks and wore the garment for 1 week longer than that.  For stage 2 I wore it for 2 weeks and again got rid of it.  When I went back to work I kept the compression garment nearby in a drawer in case I felt I needed it - but I never used it. 

    Janlee- usually they want around 3 months between stage 1 and 2 -time for things to heal and settle out.  My understanding is that waiting longer than 3 months for a revision is not an issue- it is what ever works for you.  I never had physical therapy after my prophylactic GAP surgery (done at NOLA) and I never felt I needed it.  When I had a sentinal node biopsy and DIEP (not done a NOLA) I did exercises which helped me regain range of motion.  I clearly lost range of motion following the sentinal node biopsy.  I don't know if the loss of range of motion was because I was using a less skilled surgeon or if it always happens when nodes are taken.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    Eva - Besa - Jenlee .... I asked about the garment as I do feel so swollen by days end and the girdle, as much as I hate, makes me feel better. I am back to work next week as an operating room nurse which is very physical on you rfeet for 10-12 hrs a day. Just thinking I need something comfy to support me and these doms are not very!

    I do fine with the dom right now as I am actually taking it easy. Just resting, reading and I painted my nails. I never, ever do my nails.

    As far as outcome I do not want to say I do not care but I do not. I am alive. When I had my part of my stomach removed 2 years ago from my sarcoma cancer I lost so much weight that I want a little extra. I did not do extensive lipo, just enugh to smooth out the reconstruction. 

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    Having just read Besa's post about her TSA search, the big news in Boston tonight is that a US Airways flight from Paris to North Carolina was diverted to Maine because a female passenger passed a note to a flight attendant claiming she had a surgically implanted device in her body.  She was taken into custody, searched and no surgical scars were found on her body.  The flight has now been cleared to take off again, but she's not on board.  Geez, just what we need.....

    Positive thoughts to all of you who are coming up next!  Congrats to all who are done and heading home!   

    Esmeralda, I think that decision is made case by case, depending on your overall healing, other health concerns, your blood counts, etc....  My MO waited until drains were out.  Just be very alert for any signs of infection in your surgical wounds once you start chemo.   Good luck.