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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2012

    Yes, smooth move tea is the best. If you can't find any, I will ship you some.

    lastar - I want your insurance. Who do you have???

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Yay Lastar!!!!

    Michelle.. I think you are in the group... the Facebook NOLA group.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Oh ok :) Yes I am a part of that

    I am going to take a vacation day next Friday the 25th to spend a little time with my son & my husband before my son leaves for FL for 2 weeks. I thought they would say no, but I think they understand and can see my anxiety. After about 2 weeks, I will do a few things from home, but not too much. So 5 more days of work....Oh my!!


  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2012

    Hi, Nordy -- my hubs works for the state of Oregon and we have Providence.  The lady at the Center told me that I was very very lucky and said that my insurance is very easy to work with.  So very thankful today!  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    That is a true gift... I have great insurance also... and I am sure it makes life for the NOLA book keepers much easier when they deal with companies that pay... And in a timely manner. Aetna was rather remarkable for me.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies - just want to write a quick congratulations for those of you just finishing up (or at home) from NOLA! I haven't been able to keep up with the thread a ton this week, but it seems like things have been busy!

    Nordy, I too had some trouble just this week with insurance (and it really freaked me out as my procedure is on May 30!). I think it's all straightened out now, but WOW, not fun. When I think of the amount of time it's taken me these last four days - over the phone, on email - to advocate for myself, MAN! I feel for you. I wish you all the luck in the world. I agree with Betsy, it seems that NOLA really should help you navigate some of this - at least work to provide you with everything that you need to win this fight. AND to find a more sympathetic/progressive MO. Sometimes I think it's persistance that wins out in stuff like this. Whoever it is that fights the hardest for the longest ends up winning these battles. Hang in there!!!

    Chelle, I can totally relate to any anxiety you might be experiencing about your upcoming surgery date! IT'S ALMOST HERE!

    Because I've only been 'in' this since late March with my cancer diagnosis, I'm starting to feel like I'm not giving my breasts their due attention... I think, really, for the first time I'm feeling sad about losing them. Maybe I haven't had enough time to adjust to all of this? Maybe I need to be more intentional about... thinking about them? Or "thanking" them for feeding my baby, etc.? (As weird as this might sound.) Did anyone else feel this way? How did you mourn/grieve/or honor them? I also just want to say that I LOVE MY BREASTS. I mean really, I have GREAT breasts! I have three best friends and we all used to joke about our best body parts, and how those parts, if taken together would make the perfect woman! They agreed, I had the best breasts. Can you say, "irony"?

    I'm sorry for my melancholy mood tonight... I guess I'm just feeling sad. 

    Tamara and Nordy... I still hope to be in contact with you both for consultutation around certain issues. Thank you so much for offering your experiences to me. I'll be in touch.

    I can't express how grateful I am to read this thread (daily - sometimes more!) - I don't feel as alone, and I feel that I have a community that understands EXACTLY what I'm going through - sometimes (or differently) than family or DH. Much love, ladies...

    (Spring, not sure if you saw this request earlier - but can you add me to the surgery list? May 30, BMX with immediate DIEP and Hips reconstruction, Dr. Dellacroce and Dr. Stollier. Thank you!!) 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Esmerelda... I do understand what you are saying... I also had great breasts... At my first local PS visit, the doctor said that mine were so great that he could never reproduce them, no one could... something like that... well.. Dr D has done a great job... they aren't exactly what they were, but close, and he is not done yet... Eva had a boob voyage party.. you should see her pictures, full body painting etc.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited May 2012

    I remember reading posts about a pillow to use after surgery to avoid turning while sleeping. Can anyone point me to where I can find it?


  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    Eva - yeah on the drains! Sounds like you are ticking along. I popped open one of my drain sites today and it is a little sore. I will get rest in another life :)

    Sorry for all the ladies fighting the insurance. Funny thing that my insurance has approved everything no hassle so far but has try to deny other things in the past. It is all a shell game. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2012

    Iastar - we had Providence a few years ago. I absolutely loved them. So kind and caring, and very easy to work with. Very "pro" patient. No wonder the place my hubby works switched out! They needed a group to oversee their plan that does not care about the patients!

    Esmerelda - ypu call me anytime. I know how hard it is to leave little ones home while you are having surgery. But it is do-able and there are some fun things you can do for them that will help them to know you are thinking about them while you are away. My dtrs were 1 and 4 when I had my reconstruction. First, I prepped them ahead of time to know that I would not be able to pick them up for a long time and that they had to be super careful around mommy's chest (then I left notes all over the house reminding me of the same thing, because I tend to do too much too soon!). I wrote notes to them with the dates that they should be read to them for every day I was gone. And I left Hershey kisses with my sister-in-law so that she could give them a "kiss" from me every night. I know some women use skype - we did not have that, but either my husband or I called everyday. It will be okay. I had never spent time away from my girls so getting into the car to head to the airport, then getting n the plane was just heart wrenching for me. But they survived! Now it is almost to the point that they have forgotten when I did not have boobs! Before my reconstruction they always used to ask me when their boobs would have to get cut off! Now they. Just think they are normal boobs... Football patches (delayed reconstruction after failed implants) scars and all. And they look pretty darn good if I do say so myself. You are going to the best place. And I really do believe that 150%!

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited May 2012

    Spring I have a date of June 18th presently. I am in quite a predicament though ladies. I work for a union job ( verizon) and have been working without a contract since August , we went on strike for 3 weeks in August before agreeing to go back to work under last years contract. Now  I get the date of June 18th and find out about 1 hour later that we are possibly going back out on strick on June 1st, for me, I have 2 choices, have the surgery which my insurance will still pay but I will not collect disablility because I am not working or put off the surgery and then have to pay deeply for it because 1 of the things the company wants to make drastic changes in is our health insurance. I would like to move it up so that if I am already on disability I will continue to collect but just not if I become disabled after we are on strike. My thoughts are to still go ahead with June 18th.Any suggestions?? Amy we will probably be there at the same time I would love to see you.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2012

    Sally! That is a tough one, but my thought is do it while you have someone willing to pay for it! It will likely cost you a lot more if the next insurance does not cover it and you have to pay out of pocket! Just my 2 cents! But ultimately the decision is yours and you will do what is best for you!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2012

    Esmerelda, I also feel like I need to appreciate my breasts for this last little while.  I flashed them at my husband today while he was outside watering the garden.  Wink  I started thinking of other things that I might need to do with/for my breasts before they go through this transition.  I think a date night with my hubs in a low-cut dress and a dash of body glitter might be in order this weekend.  I thought about having a girls' night out (Ta-ta, tatas?), but I think I'd be an emotional wreck for something like that.

    DH is planning to stay home with our 4-year old daughter when I am in NOLA and my sister-in-law is coming with me.  Being away from my two favorite people in the world feels like the hardest part right now.  She is the only one that can really take my mind off of it all.  We want life to be normal for our daughter as much as possible during all of this.  Nordy, I love all of your ideas!  I also love your stories of life getting back to normal.  

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2012

    Esmeralda, I went booby flashing with a few girl friends the weekend before my bilateral mastectomy 13 years ago.  I thought, if I gotta lose them I might as well show them because I never did that before, ever!  We drove about and flashed them at all our spouses homes and a few unplanned spots in between.  It was the best funeral I could have ever imagined for my boobs and I will never forget that night.  Whatever you choose to prepare yourself will help you.  This journey is so personal and what works for one won't do the same for another.  But, it sure is helpful to read how others cope.  You have no choice but to get throught it and you will get through it! You found the right place here! Women who have been there and done that! Or have to do that yet. 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    Sally - Also just my opinion, but I am not a risk taker (part of the reason I went back and had a prophylactic mastectomy on the non cancer side) :-)    I would want to do what I could to be sure insurance covers the surgery.  Could you talk to the Center, tell them what is going on and see if they can possibly move the surgery to an date earlier than June 1st?  If that is not possible I would rather risk not getting disability as opposed to risking not having health insurance cover the surgery (or only covering part of the surgery).  Just my feelings on the problem- but this is a difficiult decision and of course there is no one right answer.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited May 2012

    Leaving NOLA today. I had my consult with Dr. S yesterday, and it went very well. I had the photo shoot and he checked me to confirm that I can probably get by with a bilat DIEP only and not need hip flaps. I'll be back in 2 months for surgery -- it had to be scheduled at least 4 months after the last rad treatment or else I would like to have done this sooner, like tomorrow. Laughing

    As we were leaving the office suite, I saw Vinnie, recognizing him from his picture in the BCO article. Dr. S even mentioned Vinnie's amazing tattoos. year.

    Besa -- today's your day! So glad we met at the Center yesterday. You were very encouraging, that this is the right place to be for the exceptionally skilled surgeons! The Center is a wonderful place -- everyone so helpful and friendly. We got a tour of the hospital too. I'm guessing you are checked in now, getting ready for this final revision. Praying it will be "just right" and that you'll heal quickly.

    GMP300 -- how are you doing post-op? Was that you being walked by nurses, sometime around 4:20pm yesterday when Susan was showing me & DH around? Will you be going to Hope Lodge? We got the tour there yesterday and thought it was quite nice, exceeding our expectations.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Esmeralda, I also loved my breasts and wanted to give them a proper send off. I had beautiful professional photos done. I blogged about that here:

    And then best of all I had a fantastic Boob Voyage party with my best friends. It was everything I hoped it would be. The body painting was magic. We did a Mardi Gras theme since i was coming to NOLA in Feb. Here is a post about that with pix:

    I also wrote a song about all these losses. I sang it at the party for my friends.

    I love the way my new breasts look and that helps a LOT , but I'll miss the way the old girls felt forever. Do honor them in any and every way you want to. They've been part of you for a long time and deserve some recognition.

    Eva at 3:27 am

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    Good luck Besa!  I can't wait for 2B.

    Eva-  Just as great the second time around.  (c:

    Healing vibes to all that need them.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2012

    Has anyone tried cupping to release scar tissue?  I had my first session last night, along with some serious assisted stretching with a phenomenal therapist.  Jury's still out (i.e., the bruises are still forming :) but I think this may actually be the ticket for me.  Just curious if anyone else has tried it.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012

    Hello All!  I tried posting a few times but lost my post!  My surgery went well I ended up with a hip flap, Dr. D said he had alot of fixing to do inside me.  It took 10 1/2 hrs.  Not that I would know I was out.  Yes - that was probably me roaming the halls.   I can't sit still very long.  It is so quiet here it is kind odd Erie but I M GETTING USE TO IT!    I am feeling good just a little concerned about a bruis on my flap.  Nurses think it is fine, warm and blood flow but still the darkness scare me.

    I'll check in later - If anyone is here call my cell810-841-6613 and we can try to meet up!


  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2012

    Good for you- up and about!! heal well!)

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Great to hear from you, Geralyn! If the nurses say it's fine, it no doubt is. They really know this stuff. Good for you to be up and about. Heal fast!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2012
    EvaM, thanks for sharing the beautiful photos from your photo shoot and boob voyage party!  I thought I might recognize some of the belly dancers -- I sing with a Turkish/Middle Eastern band in Oregon and these circles are often very small!  Your song is beautiful and touching.  It must help to give your breasts such an artistic farewell.  
  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Wow, lastar, what's the name of your band? Does the band have a website? I'm in band that plays Balkan Gypsy music and we do some Turkish/belly dance/Bollywood type music too. 

    I can't believe how impatient I am to get rid of my last drain! I was ok with having drains for six weeks last time and it's only a week today this time. I think one gets antsy when the end is in sight, whether it's been a week or a year. For those of you who had DIEP or tummy tuck, how long was it before you stopped feeling really tight in the belly? I find I'm more comfortable in the morning, but by evening it's a lot harder. I suppose the activity is increasing the swelling?  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    I found that wearing the compression garment helped with that tight feeling... Today 9 months post DIEP I am still a little tight.. Maybe I wil always feel that abdominal line across my lower abdomen... It is not painful... It does not limit my activity, but I do still have a tight ish feeling.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2012

    I'm 9 months post DIEP and still feeling tight, enough to pursue some kind of physical therapy to loosen it.  Your mileage may vary.

    Edited to add:  I'm pretty numb along the incision line so I don't know about tightness there, although it does seem to cramp up if I have underwear/jeans waistbands there and am sitting a lot.  I mostly feel the discomfort of adhesions on either side of the middle, above the incision line, up to my rib cage.  My hip flexors were and still are also very tight and often sore.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2012
    EvaM -- cool!  I'm sending you a PM with some info!  
  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for the feedback on Neuropathy!  

    Cider8-Congrats on your graduation and getting your period back!  Yay!

    Eva, so glad you are happy with your results (that gives me hope) and that you are healing up nicely.  Hey, I say take those happy pills as long as you can!

    Adey, You should call me. Do you still have my number? I may be up for a visit. I am feeling a little woosy today, but who knows?   My mom lives in Appleton.  I am headed there for sure on Sunday.  Maybe we can connect?!

    Betsy, Congrats on your results!

    Nordy, I am fighting with insurance myself!  Ugh.  I hate it.  Isn't it enough that I have cancer for crying out loud.  Plus, NOLA wants to charge me for my surgery in March that was to fix a problem I had.  I will be calling them soon to complain!

    Hope everyone is well.  


  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Gosh, Caitlin, that's alarming about the NOLA bill. I've seen some VERY big numbers go by on statements and it would be serious problem if I ended up having to pay them. They keep telling me the money I've spent is IT, but there was one surprise bill for a consultation which I wasn't expecting. It was a small amount though. I hope it works out with a minimum of fuss.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    About the bills.. I had a consultation fee for the day before surgery, but I actually didn't see the doctor cause he was in surgery, so they removed that fee... BUT when I went back to NOLA for a do-over, there was a bill (but my portion was zero as I had met all out of pocket expenses for the year)... Its a tough call as there isn't a warranty policy on the surgery...