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NOLA in September?



  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2012

    Eva, no need to apologize for being positive! Keep the positivity coming. I've loved reading your recent posts and knowing you got back to work so quickly. Knowing that everyone has ultimately done well keeps me going during the more difficult times and I know I'll get to that point in the not-so-distant future.

    Had my post-op today and heading home with a few less drains! Can't wait to see my little girl!

    I'm wearing a modest tank top right now and can't believe that it's been less than a week post BMX and with clothing on, I have the same upper chest and cleavage as before. I'm thankful that I came across this thread a little more than a month ago and all of you have been been amazingly helpful in making an informed decision as quickly as I needed to...

    Bdavis, I'm forever grateful to you for your messages, emails, conversation! Cheers to you and the others who come back and are so helpful to us newbies.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2012

    So encouraged!  Are you still wearing compression garments on your chest under your tank top, jenlee?

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited June 2012

    Hi Ladies! My DIEP is schedule for July 18th, but I'm a little bit concern because my wbc are still really low (2.6) Wonder if my PS will postpone my surgery? 

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012
    Something for you ladies coming up to look forward to... I bought a backless lace dress from Victoria's Secret and it arrived today. There are definite advantages to being perky and firm. The new girls may be numb, but I could never have worn something like this before. It's nice that there's some consolation prizes. And the NOLA docs do such lovely work. I feel like art sometimes.
  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2012

    That's wonderful Eva and encouraging!!! I have seen some of those dresses in Victoria Secret and I plan to hopefully order a sexy number one day.

    I'm just taking things one day at a time. Went to my PCP today and they did an ultrasound and doppler on my legs (per Laura's instruction) just to be safe and rule a few things out. Havent got the results, but I think it all looked ok. Still have the right breast drain in, but Jeanine thinks I will be able to pull it tomorrow (YAY)!!!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2012

    I LOVE the thought of backless dresses!  Also planning on a white tank top collection while I am nipple-less.  

    Downey30, Anym159, Anniese, SallyM, and GlostaGirl -- are you ready?  We're up next! Surprised

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited June 2012


    Your question is a good one but only your Doc can answer that. I'd put a call into your Onc and remind him about your upcoming surgery. Perhaps he has some tricks up his sleeves that will help your counts rebound.

    Best wishes on your upcoming surgery and recovery!


  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited June 2012
    Marcia - Thanks! My WBC count was 3.38 at the first post-chemo-time-to-begin-tamox and 2.4 post-rads. Three months later was checked again an its 2.6. Of course, I will have a bone marrow biopsy next week, but my MO thinks that could be just a normal SE of the chemo and rads (prolong recovery) or a rare SE of tamoxifen. Undecided Anyway, I don't want to cancel my surgery, so my MO suggested to use neulasta before my surgery. I am happy that she was really pro-active and offer me a solution to keep with my "recovery plans", but I am waiting to hear from my PS. I am just a little concern because I'm one of those having rads after mastectomy, but I have not heard anyone postponing their surgery due to low WBC, but also I just finished rads 3 months ago (plus chemo and tamoxifen). Anyway, I'll keep positive!
  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2012

    HI Everyone,  Arrived in New Oreans today.  I get my gorgeous drawings done at 9 am tomorrow and a few other things.  I have to admit that I have been a bit anxious. Tiny bit of Zanax has helped. It will be better after I know what is going to happen after I see Dr. M.  To all of you coming in after to me......please stop in the hospital and say hello.  I will be four nights. I'll check in on the ladies there when I go for my post op.  I got to meet Adey last time and it was great.  We are staying at the Beinvill House.  It has a great location.  I did a little shopping today to take my mind off things.  It worked! 

    Michelle, Jennifer and Karen I am sending healing hugs and prayers that you will feel better each day.

    Nordy, I feel like a slug when I read about you.  It's just awesome! 

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited June 2012

    Hey, girls.  I am feeling a little better and will fly home tomorrow.  I still need the pain meds around the clock.  I saw Dr. D today and he pulled both breast drains.  Yes!  Thanks for all of your thoughts, prayers, and encouragement!  Does anyone have suggestions for concealing hip drains.  (I look pregnant with the little pouch).

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    Hang in there, Ksue. I need pain meds around the clock for almost four weeks. As for the pregnant look, I advise getting used to it.

    eventually I gave up on the pouch and pinned the drains to my girdle and then tucked them into yoga pants. That seemed to minimize it some, but you'll need loose tops until they're out. 

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2012

    I have booked my flights and am set to go to NOLA for my June 29th UMX and stacked DIEP with Dr. S and Dr. Lagarde at Fairway.  My daughter and DH and I are staying at the Homewood Suites from July 2nd to July 9th then flying home to So Cal. We are staying at a hotel in the french quarter before my surgery so we can have a bit of fun before.  Looking forward to that part.  Starting to feel like an airplane on the runway ready to take off but not sure the wings are going to work.  I guess that's another way of saying that I am excited to get this done after all these weeks of thinking/pondering/deciding/second guessing, but am also a bit worried.   

    I have noted so many of your suggestions and that helps me feel more prepared for what is to come.  I don't like surprises when it comes to stuff like this.

    I am leaving for dance camp in the sierras in a few days.  One last time to dance with my body intact, more or less.  

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2012

    I looked for the NOLA group on facebook but couldn't find it among the other NOLAs.  Is it called something different?

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2012

    It never made sense to me to wear a pouch for the drains.  The weight pushes the (cheap, scratchy, stiff) strap down right where you don't want it.  The drain bulbs end up right where you're the most 1) swollen 2) painful 3) wide and 4) have the largest incision.  I wore it at NOLA for a couple of days (in bed) until I was awake enough to say "bring me the camisole from my suitcase."  In the cami the bulbs sat slightly above my waist, which wasn't flattering but it was less noticeable than having them at my hips or legs.  They were somewhat away from my body since the cami hung down from my (very large) breasts.  They were definitely easier to get to, esp for someone with arthritis. And I felt like they were in a safer place that got jostled less.  And the cami was soft, not cheap, stiff nylon.  I definitely preferred it over the belt, especially for the 13 weeks total (SGAP + DIEP) I had to have drains.

  • harmonysun
    harmonysun Member Posts: 62
    edited June 2012

    good morning all you awesome gals.....i posted awhile back about my upcoming delayed bilat sgap surgery with dr massey and dr sullivan at fairway june 29.....thank you so much for the replies and really means a lot to me....i want to apologize for taking so long to respond and thank you....been a bit overwhelmed here.....

    went for a colonoscopy/endoscopy and they found a nodule in stomach lining that i need to go for an endoscopic ultrasound to look at it further....has caused me a lot of anxiety, like we need more to worry about and take care of right before this big surgery.... said to stop all herbal supplements 1 month prior....i know of the ones that arent good for bleeding/anest....did anyone here take any kind of supps prior to surgery or after?...this has been hard for me as i very much believe in good nutrition and natural support for our bodies.....

    .....i am trying so hard to plan for when i get much help will i need and for how long?.....what should i plan to get as far as compression garments......what will i be wearing in the hospital, should i bring gowns?....shorts? pants?.....

    ......were the docs able to get the size most wanted? you have cleavage?.....those that had sgap, what was the feeling afterwards as far as numbness, etc.....and how long for hip do you sit/sleep with drains and incisions in that area?....yikes!!! amazing for this forum to share experiences thoughts feelings opinions......get the real deal here and i am so grateful.....hope all are doing well today......thanks....brenda...:))

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Hi Harmony!  PM'd you.

    Downey- Wish I was there to see you again.

    Healing vibrations to all in tx, recovering, coping.

    Nordy- You are an inspiration.  Move it!  I hear you.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2012

    Thank you Downey!! Sending you positive thoughts and prayers!!

    I believe I will finally lose my right breast drain today!! YAY!! Still have the two hips drains though, but baby steps right?

    Hi Brenda, I am almost 1 1/2 weeks post op from SGAP. The hip/butt incisions are numbed the first few days with a pain ball that kinda tags along with you.  I have said several times that I am so thankful for that :) I have pretty much only worn yoga type pants since surgery. My breasts are bigger than they were, but have been told that it's much easier to go down in stage two than to go up, so I do plan to make them a little smaller. They definitely sit up higher

    I am still on pain meds and I can't see coming off anytime soon, but I am ok with that for now. 

    Ksue, so glad you are going home today.  Rest and take care of yourself!!

    Hugs to you all!!


  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    Hi Harmony,

    My breasts are actually about the same size that they were before but they're different. Higher and firmer. I don't really have a cleavage anymore. Before they were really squishy, so a bra easily pushed them together. Now they push back. I do like to have an actual cleavage for some tops. I found this bustline shaper and ordered one: - It's cheap enough ($7.99) to try as an experiment. 

    As for supplements, they send you a list of what to avoid. I recommend taking probiotics, since you will be on antibiotics and that can mess with your intestinal flora. You can start a few days before surgery. 

    Don't get any compression garments. They'll give you what you need. As for help, the thing I needed help for the longest was the after shower routine of stripping drains and getting back into my compression girdle. But that's just twice a day. My husband helped me with it before and after work. You'll also have restrictions on lifting for six weeks, so you may need help with laundry and groceries. In fact... I think you're not allowed to vacuum or do laundry for at least a full year... right? ;-) 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012
    They push back!  Laughing
  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Jannelle... the FB group is private, so you have to friend someone to be added... you can friend me Betsy Schreier Davis.


    how much help will i need and for how long? you will need help for about 2 weeks for most basic stuff and then for the first 4 weeks, I had meals brought and a cleaning lady

    what should i plan to get as far as compression garments nothing... they give you what you need

    what will i be wearing in the hospital, should i bring gowns?....shorts? pants? I brought baggy yoga shorts, nighties, slippers

    were the docs able to get the size most wanted? Yes, mostly

    do you have cleavage? Yes, but not like I did

    those that had sgap, what was the feeling afterwards as far as numbness, etc I am 11 months post stage I and still have some numbness, but its fine

    and how long for hip drains 8.5 weeks (I used an over the shoulder bag to hold my drains... didn't care for the kangaroo pouch)

    how do you sit/sleep with drains and incisions in that area? Slept on my back... no problems. At night I did sleep with the pouch as it kept the drains from getting squished.

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2012

    Hi everyone!  I'll be in NOLA soon for my 2D (or 3B - depending on how you look at it).  I'm in and out really quick this time, but would love to meet anyone that's around SCSH the afternoon of the 18th or the morning of the 19th while I'm staying there (I'll put my screen name on my door).  Good luck to everyone coming up and speedy healing to those who are on the other side!

    Downey - turns out my pre-op is the afternoon of the 17th, if you are still in the hopsital that day I will try to come up and see you.

    Glostagirl -  geez, looks like we might miss each other by a day? Was nice to meet you in SLC and would love to see you in NOLA if you get there early enough to stop by.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2012

    anniese, my pre-op is on the 18th and Stage 1 early on the 19th.  I'll look for you!  It would be nice to talk with a veteran!

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2012

    LAstar - look forward to meeting you!  My surgery should be fairly quick so should be up to the room by lunchtime or a little after.

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited June 2012

    Brenda, I am 6 days out from my uni sgap. Had my breast drain pulled today. Yay! I wore only the hospital gown, it was just easier. My doc does not use compression so no girdle for me. Old navy has these great skirts that have kind of a roll down(or not) waist. They are soft and comfortable especially because it is hot here in Charleston . Took a drive today and walked the beach a little, but that was enough, now it is nap time. I sleep on my back with a bunch of pillows supporting me. Too early for me to tell if I am symmetrical, the recon side is higher.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2012

    Anniese,  please pop in to see me if you get a chance.  I'll look forward to it.  Jamie

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2012

    Hi everyone,  I got my magic marker all over the place.  I won't know until tomorrow if she is going to use Diep or more from my backside for the right breast.  Hoping that she can get a lot done at this Stage 1B.  We're enjoying the food (maybe too much). Best healing wishes to all.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2012

    Best wishes for a smooth procedure and gorgeous results, Downey30!  Enjoy yourself today!  I'll look for you in NOLA.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2012

    Thanks LAstar, I'll look forward to seeing you. Jamie

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2012

    Good luck Downey!!! :-) wishing you all the best!!

    Right breast drain is out!!!!!! Yay!!!

    Did a little more today, but am super tired now. Trying to keep up with my pain meds to help me out. It's just SO hot here so I may try to get out tomorrow and walk somewhere that has AC.

    Just so glad to have that breast drain out!!!

    Hugs to you all!!


  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2012

    Packing for NOLA.  I have heard about the camisoles that are better than the pouch for the drains.  Do you have one you all preferred over another?  There seems to be a lot out there.  They are kind of expensive, are they worth it?