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NOLA in September?



  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Katiejane, Super news!

    Esmerelda & Cascader, I had a sunburn feeling & some tingling down my arms but it got much better around 6 weeks and then everything seemed to get better at 8 weeks.  Time, time, time.  Try to be patient.

    Hey All, I bought a bikini yesterday.  Went for a hike today and then wore the bikini to a hot springs swimming pool.  Fun. 

    Dana, I wondered about the "sutures".  I was hoping they would be absorbed.  Wishful thinking.  I look forward to hearing more.  Thanks.

    KSue, Meds make me nauseated.  Hope this is the key to your discomfort.

    Anita, You will be great and will be in very good hands! 

    Peace, Tam 

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2012

    Alrighty ladies, I figured out how to get my failed implant photos on the pic forum.  I'm officially 100% ready for my transformation and surely won't miss those implants once they are gone.  Blessings to all and to all a good night.....

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2012

    LAstar & glostagirl, sounds like you're both doing well! Making it through your first shower is huge, for some reason that was a traumatic day for me,even though it was good to be clean. I think being bald, naked, swollen, drains hanging from my neck, and terrified to look at my breasts and incisions, it all made me feel so vulnerable. I felt like everyone including the lunch lady was going to walk in and see me before I got dressed and back in bed. One of the handful of times during my entire treatment that I completely lost it. I actually didn't look at my "new" breasts until almost time to go home. They turned out to be better than expected.

    Katiejane, that is wonderful news! I absolutely adore the ladies in the insurance dept, they were so amazing. I'd not for them, I'd be here hating my TE's right now, instead of having "real" breasts that are healing.

    Anita, you'll do great. I can't believe how quickly time has flown, from packing to leave until now. Before you know it, you'll be home recovering.

    I'm once again so grateful to have all of you on this board. To know that all the ups and downs are normal. The little zips & zaps of nerves in my breasts would have scared the heck out of me if I hadn't read that others were having them.

    Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful weekend!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2012

    I'll call the center on Monday, but am wondering if anyone knows the exact guidelines on exercise for Diep patients? If I could go to the gym tomorrow, I would, but I know it's too early. Can I run soon, swim, use very tiny (1 or 2 lb weights) to start toning my arms? I'm a flabby mess; was told to stay out of the gym during chemo, and got too weak to run, but now I'm restless and ready to get going!

    Very excited, went braless today in the house and it is such a relief to get out of the surgical bra! Can't wait to get a few comfortable bras to tide me over until I'm able to wear pretty ones.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2012

    Jenlee and everyone -  it is normal to have a meltdown day here or there. I remember checking into the Homewood after stage 1, stripping for a shower and taking in my ravaged body in that big mirror. It was totally traumatic. I thought I was prepared (I had 4 flaps done, so after Stage 1 the front and the back were messed up, and drains and onQ pain balls were everywhere!!)  but I was NOT prepared. My DIEP incision was really high up, between my pubic and navel, and I hated it. By the time I went in for my post surgical check (right before flying home) I told Dr.D how ravaged I felt my body was, and how I thought I was prepared for it, but I really wasn't! And he said, it will all bet better, don't worry, Stage 2 will be fun, I'll address all the concerns, I can lower that incision, etc. It was good to hear those words... so if anybody is traumatized after surgery like Jenlee and me, totally normal! It passes. You did the right thing!

    About exercise, you can walk pretty much as much as you want right off the bat. I don't think you're allowed swimming if you have open drains. I think they said not to lift over 10 lbs for 5 weeks? 6 weeks? After stage 1 I got down on the floor and did gentle yoga at home at about 4-5 weeks. I say, use your judgement. I think toning and walking and light weights are fine. Be kind to your body! But your body will love the movement. I always feel like my healing kicks up a knotch when I exercise. Gets body out of slug mode!

    Willy, they will soon be GONE!!! :)

    Hey Jane123, can we see pics of this bikini??? Somebody should starte a Bikini Picture forum :) 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2012

    Here are the upcoming ladies! Three stage 1's. 

    June 26 - willy5js5 - Stage 1 bilateral DIEP Dr. M & Dr. S, SCSH (replacing failed implant reconstruction) 

    June 29 - Harmonysun - Stage 1 SGAP with Dr. M & Dr. S, Fairway Hospital.  

    June 29 - JannelleG - UMX w/ Dr Lagarde, Stacked DIEP w/Dr S, Fairway hospital 

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited June 2012

    I have a question for all of the former girdle girls. Mine comes up too high so I have been folding it down 4 to 5 inches. I want my husband to cut it off. He is worried about it fraying. Any tips from those of you who altered the girdle?

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited June 2012

    As I sit here topless, because I do not want anything touching me , I want to thank all of you who have gone before me and shared your stories, especially to those recently . I woke up this morn with peeling / flaking breast skin and instead of freaking out I now know that it is completely normal :)

    Question: I have a temperature sticker on my flap and it has stayed right @ 98 but today is 96. Anyone know how low is too low and cause for concern?

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Cascader,  I do not know about that but I would ask your doctor.  Reading your post reminded me that initially my breasts felt quite warm and I worried about that - infection.  Then they felt cool to the touch & I worried about that - failure.  They still often feel oddly chilly but I wonder if it is because I can't really "feel" them; they are a nice, healthy color so I am not concerned.        Neat that you have the sticker, now you just need parameters!

    Spring, My girlfriend did take a photo of me and my oldest daughter in our bikinis & sent it to my husband's phone. I will see if I can figure out how to post it.   I have a bit of a sunburned belly today but I cannot feel it very much - another NOLA benefit, ha!  Thanks, DIEP!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2012

    K, ladies

    I know this was mentioned in someone else's post here recently, but I can't seem to find it. A piece of my drain bulb has cone off and is in the bulb itself now. What do I do with that? Will it still suction without it?

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2012

    Cherrie, my sister in law was with me at Fairwood rather than my hubby, but she slept in the chair and showered in the roon etc. It worked out fine!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited June 2012

    Chelle - call the Center or the doc on call and let them know. They will send you a new bulb! It is super easy to change out. It is not that it won't suction - you will know that if the bulb stays squeezed once you put the plug back in, if it does not stay collapsed, then it is not holding suction. The valve IS important though because it serves as a "one way" valve, preventing backflow into the tubing. I think mine was like that for a day or two before I got to change it... No harm done.

    Glostagirl! I am soooooo extrememly happy to hear that all is well! Yeeeehaawwwww!

    Thinking of all of you in NOLA right now, last week, and those coming up. It is the best place with the best docs!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    chelle- Me too I had mine floatin' in there for a week.

    nordy- Thought maybe your running self might have had a similar problem.  But I bet you trained properly!  (c:

    The best of luck to those with upcoming surgeries and those that are healing.

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited June 2012

    Chelle, that was me. I thought it looked like a tooth in the bulb, but Nordy came to my rescue :) Lol. I am still here in CHS so the nurse just changed it out. Can you get it done locally ? Don't think it is anything to worry about

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited June 2012

    Adey! I am sorry. I am going to back up and read your post again! I am running like a mad woman these days. You would think things would slow down once the kids are out of school, but this epweek has been just the opposite!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited June 2012

    Adey, where is your pain? Is it in the incision line or near there? Is it in your actual hip joint? Is it in the gluteal area? There can be numerous things going on, I am thinking less surgery related, more SI joint, sciatic nerve, piriformis tightness... even bursitis/arthritis IF the pain is in the actual joint. If you want to PM me the specifics that is all good too. It might actually be easier to talk on the phone since I am on the run so much this week. And as for my exercise - I road 45 miles with 3000' of climbing on Saturday in 91 degree weather and have not done a blessed thing since. I felt like garbage after - I HATE the heat! Maybe when dance recitals are done and life gets back to its normal chaotic frenzy...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    KSue.. I cut mine just below the waistband for one and just above for another one... it did not fray, but you do need to pay attention to the zippers, as they will just zip off... If that happens, you can just slip them back on. For one of the girdles, I stitched the top of the zipper line so they couldn't come off...

    About bulbs... the Center sent me home with an extra one... so for those down there or about to be down there, just ask for an extra... I had had some trouble with one bulb while in the hospital, so we thought it a good decision. In the end, I never needed it once home... My hip bulbs lasted the almost 9 weeks... I am sure you could but one at a surgical store... 

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Spring,  I could not figure out how to post a picture so I changed my avatar.  Check it out because the picture is not staying!  

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Jane-  Wow!

    Nordy-  Wow to you too!  I aspire to half your athleticism.  (c:  Definitely not bone/joint pain.  It is just above the incision.  I'm thinking it's my gluteus, got a chunk cut out, maximus!  (c:  When I clench that side and walk with the leg locked it's easier to put weight on it.  So FrankenAdey is hitting Vegas!  (c:

    Just tried to get a bathing suit for these big butt boobs, too big tummy (thanks arimidex) and relatively small ass, thanks gap.  What a fiasco.  I have work to do.  (c:

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2012

    Well another shopping day.  Yuck!!  I am not much of a shopper, but want to get this done.  I bought two skirts from Old Navy that roll at the top.  Very comfortable.  I also bought one pair of lounge pants from Target.  They only had purple.  I would like to get another pair of them.  I am all set for laying around, but need tops.  Thinking of Jen's advice and going to Goodwill.  Thank you everyone for tips about this.  Getting prepared helps to settle me.

    It is so nice to hear from the lastar and gostagirl.  It helps me to hear what they are going through.  They have such positive attitudes and I am sure it helps.

    For those of you that have been through this.....will I be able to get out of the hotel at all?  Will I feel like it??  Am I physically able to?  I want to walk as much as I can.  I understand that everyone is different.  However, I want to be be prepared.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Cherrie.. Yes Yes Yes... you can definitely get out of the hotel.. The one mistake I made was walking from the French Market back to the hotel (twice).. way too far... so walk about the quarter, but take a cab back to the hotel.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2012

    Tamara!!!! You are absolutely gorgeous!!!!!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2012

    yes, Tamara you look amazing!  what an inspiration.

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    (((((NOLA Sisters)))) Haven't posted in awhile, hope everyone is great!  Ok, finally having my port removed...  Someone want to give me some idea of what to expect?  I know they do it in the office. Much pain?  What about afterwards?

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2012

    Wow Tamara!!! You look awesome!!

    Well took a shower today and my more skin came off and it all looks kinda yucky so upon my hubby's insistence I took a picture and emailed it. Jeanine emailed back and said she sent it to Dr. Trahan. They want me to stop the neosporin and Betadine the entire area and take more pics in Monday and send them. Kinda has me freaked out a little.

    About the bulb, Jeanine said Dr. Trahan said it isn't a problem and not to worry about it. It will still suction like it did before.

    I don't know....its all making me nervous.

    On a positive note, my left breast looks great other than some bruising.

    Ugh...taking deep breaths and trying to relax.


  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2012

    Tamara you look amazing!

    Chelle and anyone else in the thick of it right now...big (but gentle), I know where you are and I promise it gets better with just a little patience and time...eyes on the prize!

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2012

    Hi Ladies,  so glad it appears like everyone is doing well with surgeries and recoveries.  I got home from NOLA last night.  It was a long day.  I didn't want to but ended up using the wheel chair at the airport.  It sure helped with security and also kept me from being run over.  I'm 9 days out from DIEP surgery added to SGAPs from 3 months ago. I am lucky that I came home with only one drain.  Cherrie, I was able to get out of the hotel everyday.  I enjoyed the walks and found the restaurants we wanted to go to.  I am able to stand pretty straight but feel bloated and tight.  I am very glad I got to meet you Glostagirl and wish you a speedy recovery.  Chelle, try not to worry....I know its hard.  Amy, how are you doing?  Great I hope!  LAstar, I am so sorry that I missed you...glad you are recovering.  Thanks to all of the "Goldies" that have held our hands through all of this surgery.  Without you lovely ladies guiding our way who knows where we would be.  Thank you.

    P.S.  Adey, you are soooo funny! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2012

    On mobile...but Oooo-lala!! JANE123!!!! WAY TO ROCK THE BIKINI!!! You go girl!

    I had a friend who cut off the top od her compression garment (aka DOM) through the zipper (!!) and it was fine!! You can always call the center and the will send you another if you need a smaller size for more compression...

    Adey you cracked me up!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Thats what I did Springtime.. It was fine, but when some people were trying to help me, I would say, "don't zip it all the way up" knowing the zipper would come off, but it happened a couple of times anyway... east to put back on, but you have to wait til you take the girdle off.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited June 2012

    Hello Ladies! I have been so busy working that I haven't been on in a while, plus with summer - it seems I am so busy all the time but I like to read everyone posts and catch up with everyone.  I am glad to hear everyone is healing well.  I am 5 weeks out of a hip flap and alot of corrective surgery and I feel great so things get better quickly.  I was in a bathing suit today too!  It feels so good not to have that indent on the top of my chest!  I bought a spanx that is short for compression (I wear under my batrhing suit)that I still need on the butt but still wear the dom (girdle) somtimes.  My stomach is screwed up from the tram and hernia surgeries that I feel good in it unless it is hot out.

    Chelle - I was the one with the drain problem. I think I pulled my hip drain on the plane adjusting myself.  Or I notice a piece on the bulb/tube was missing or was different then the breast drain.    Well it kept coming out a little but I pushed it back in just a little and kept it well covered and pressure on it and kept it working for 2 weeks then I lost suction.  Jeanne said if it comes out 2" or more you can NOT push it back in.  They sent me a new bulb and it was easily changed.  But it still didn't hold suction because it came out to far so I had to pull it out early  (ahh:))  Now I go weekly and get ultra sound and if there is fluid they needle aspirate it out.  Hopefully I can quit that soon but actually I would rather do that than have the drain in the summer.  I almost had to get another drain put back in but the hospital here was going to use some bag type drain and Jeanne said no - don't have them do that to you since they didn't know what it was so I lucked out!!  Anyways as long as you have suction it is probably fine but they can send you a new bulb and you can change it yourself if your worried about it.

        I also have a spot that is dark and the skin came off kinda like a blister and also my incision opened a bit (I think from the bacitracin I was putting on the spot.  anyways now I just put the bacatracin on 3 times a day and keep it covered.  It changes and freaks me out also but I send pictures weekly just to have them keep an eye on it and they tell me it is healing from the inside out and eventually the scab will come off.  You can see new skin growing around it and they don't seem to worried about that either so I am not going to worry.   I went through a failed tram flap so this spot is no where near as bad - thank God!!.  I wish it wasn't there and I can't go swimming but the rest of the flap looks great!

    ((HUGS)) To All!  Geralyn