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NOLA in September?



  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    One note about hip drain pain: It is absolutely essential that the tubing NOT lie in contact with your skin! I used an alcohol-swabbed pair of scissors twice a day the WHOLE time to cut a slit in ABD pads and slid the slit down around the drain so it came right up to the drain site. Then I cut squares from a soft fleece baby blanket to pad higher up where the tubes came up over the top of the girdle. If I was having drain pain and checked it was almost always a slipped pad leaving the tube touching skin.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2012

    PinkHeart, that's great news! I think you'll be very satisfied.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2012

    LA....Im stlll here here. Yesterday was rough, dont remember much. Much better today, planing a walk and shower. Im in room 201. Im going to Homewood Monday

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited June 2012
    glostagirl, sounds like it was a success? So far, so good. Take it super easy at the Homewood. I'm thinking about you!
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012


    Question with set up.  I went for a walk about 5 weeks outs from stage 2 and my right hip complained greatly, took a few weeks to rectify.  Felt kind of tweaky yesterday and the day before.  So, I skipped the couch to 5k yesterday.  Still tweaky today but "just did it".  Ow.  I'm on week 6 so it's 2 miles.  Ow.  Clenching that cheek seems to help.  Very amusing walking like Frankenstein with one clenched cheek!  I'm pondering borrowing MIL's cane!  I think I just need to rest it but was wondering if I could have "popped" something?  I'm sure not (and will call doc) but wondering about peoples experiences.  What a dope!  I'm going to Vegas Sunday.  Sometimes just don't do it!  (c:

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited June 2012

    Today is 2 weeks and 3 days out of stage 1. The nausea has improved. Today is my 1st day without Percocet. Started out a little rough but feeling not too bad. So here is my funny story. I thought that today was cleaning lady day so my sister and I went to a friends house for breakfast. Getting up was rough but we made it. We returned a few hours later and my sister said the check was still on the counter. I looked at the calendar and realized that next Friday is cleaning day! I am losing it! Oh well. My friends, the hip drains, appear to be on different courses. Drain 3 has lightened in color and output. Drain 4 is still very bloody and going strong. Unfortunately, it appears that we will be friends for a long time.

    Jen and Chelle, glad that you are coming along. We will make it through this - stronger than ever I am sure!

    Lastar and Downey-sounds like you are doing well. Peaceful healing!

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2012

    Thought I would add I had the same extreme skin sensitivity after my mastectomy. I heard it has something to do with all the nerve disruption. It does go away! Also it does seem that many of us have a hard time at around 3 weeks out. I remember feeling like I "turned the corner" at around 4 or 5 weeks. It's a process! Lots of up and downs requiring much patience.

    Downey, are you home?

    Thinking of all you recovering in NOLA and at home.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    No stories from fellow hipsters?  Am I the only one that stupid?  Don't answer that!  Tongue out

    Healing vibes to all......

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited June 2012

    Question for hipsters...when we're you able to return to work? I'm way too lasy to think about training for a 5k, so I can't answer Adey's questions. :)

    I've been home since my first surgery in March and now all through chemo, but I am hoping to return 4 weeks past my surgery. I have a desk job in a political environment, so with the coming election I will be very busy and I expect things to be rather stressful. Is 4 weeks past hip flaps stage 1 and two weeks past stage two doable? I did feel that I could have easily gone back to work 4 weeks past my DIEP, but I also didn't have breasts healing. Not sure if that changes things or not.

    So surgery August 1 and return to work Sept. 4 is my plan...should I being changing my plans???

    Thank you so much for those of you posting how you are healing at each stage!!! It does seem pretty universal that week three is miserable, so here's hoping for a big improvement for all of you approaching week 4!!

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2012

    Hey I get super busy at work then there are pages and pages to catch up on!  wow you all are prolific...hope everyone is doing okay

    Spring you asked a couple of pages back about why tattoos on spared nipples - well mine have lightened quite a bit, it's my understanding mastectomy will do this plus I had a hyst + BSO last year so no estrogen has lightened them considerably.  I'm taking some bio-identical estrogen but not nearly as much as my body was making pre-surgery. It's not even so much the lightening, mine seems to have gotten a bit "gray" - so the answer is, no I don't NEED tattoos but I talked to Vinny and he said he's tattoo'ed nipples that had no surgery at all and it works just fine, so as long as I'm down there and he's down there I'm going for it!

    Two weeks from today I leave for NOLA - ack!  Work is insane, still chugging away working 70 hours a weeks and it's only going to get worse as I prep to be out for a month.  I'm thinking about doing an accommodation when I get back in August saying I can only work 4 days a weeks - otherwise my job will run me into the ground and I'll have issues with my abs healing again.  Sucks that there is only two choices, not working or working like a maniac. 

    Ab bloat update - bloat is still there, it gets worse with stress.  Betsy I'm wearing bikinis too (NEVER did that pre-surgery - thanks Dr. D!) but yes my tummy still looks out of proportion.  I could even deal with that if it didn't feel like a plate of metal in there.  Hoping the ab revision surgery helps.  Will keep you posted. 

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2012

    Oh and forgot to mention - I had my pre-op tests done and was looking at the chest x-ray results - it says "extensive new metallic surgical clips overlying both sides of the lower chest" - are these permanent?  I had no idea I was carrying around so many clips...maybe I'm just clueless about this...any insight medically savvy folks?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Ksue... I think being off the drugs will help a lot with the nausea.. The meds did not agree with me...

    pinkheart.. YAY YAY YAY. You will be happy you went this route.

    Adey.. no problems here.. It is possible that it is unrelated to your surgery.. it would seem odd that at this point post surgery you would START to have issues.

    Dana... thanks and good luck... and tell us more about the clips if you learn anything.

    Dianne.. I think 4 weeks post Hips is doable.. and certainly 2 weeks post stage II is fine. I had 2 stage I surgeries, and was back at work 5 weeks post DIEP... I could have gone back at 4 weeks, but didn't need to, so didn't. The only thing is, hip flap surgery usually has the drains in for 6-8 weeks. My goal was to return to work only after drains were out. I had my hip drains for 8.5 weeks and went to work at 9 weeks post BMX /Hip flaps (5 weeks post DIEP) so for me it was all about the drains. Everyone is different and it depends on your job. I work at a school, so there was no way I wanted to go in with my drains.

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2012

       Ladies,    I just received a phone call from The Center w/ some WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!  They have used their magic to persuade my insurance to agree to cover the cost for my use of The Center for my DIEP on July 5th!!!!!  I am in total shock!!!!  The gals at the Center never gave up-they have fought a long, hard battle for me and won-I will be forever grateful!!!

    I hope this is encouraging to all of you ladies who are still fighting!  Don't give up!!!


  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited June 2012

    In terms of surgical clips - we all have MANY of them in our reconstructed breasts and I am assuming all our donor sites.  I think they are about the size of a grain of rice and are used to close off blood vessels during surgeries.  I have had mammograms of my unilateral DIEP reconstruction and they are easy to see, they also show up in donor site x-rays.  They are harmless and nonreactive and are there for good. (I would assume that anyone who has had any type of surgery where there is bleeding that needs to be controlled has surgical clips.)  I have been told that an experienced radiologist needs to read these mammograms and even breast MRIs (because of the surgical clips can make reading them more difficult).

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Besa - I figured this was completely normal it's just that radiologist seemed surprised by the sheer number of clops...but since this was a just a pre-op chest x-ray I didn't go to the specialist so maybe that is why.  If they are the size of a grain of rice I'm assuming we can't feel them and they won't interfere with anything...long grain or short grain? :-)

    But thanks for clarifying, I knew we needed an expert radiologist to read our scans but I thought that was just because of the analogous tissue - didn't know the clips factored in...the more you know!

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2012

    WOW katiejane - GREAT news!  Amazed by yours and the center's perseverance - don't give up indeed!

    I'm arriving in NOLA late on Friday 7/6 and my pre-op is Monday 7/9 - let's connect while you are there for sure!  :-)

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited June 2012

    KatieJane- This is AWESOME news! I am so happy for you. Encouraging news to keep the fight going.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited June 2012

    Congrats, Katiejane!!! Great news!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited June 2012



  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2012

    Katiejane....thats awesome news. I'm so happy for you.

    I'm doing well, all things considered. Taking a shower sure feels good, but what a lot of work, I'm exhausted!

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2012


    So glad to hear you got past the rough day yesterday, and are moving forward with recovery.  

    I sooo remember the luxury of that first post surgery shower, and getting all the surgical soap off my skin.   

    Is your caregiver with you now at the Center, or does a nurse help you get around and shower?

    Wishing you an easy recovery!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2012

    Katie, GREAT NEWS!!

    Deno, the same thing happened to me, when Chemo put me in menopause, I noticed the areaolas got very light. I totally understand! Thanks for explaining!

     Pinkheart - So glad you found someone to help you through this thread! Makes it all worht while. You will be in the best place in the world. Do you want me to add your July 2 Surgery to the list above? let me know, and you can see above the type of stuff we add (if you want! no pressure!)

    Betsy, loved the bit about, won't be long now and you'll be shopping for sexy bras! :)

    Esmerelda and Cascader - My "sensitive skin sisters"!!!  It does get better! It about drove me bats, but when it started burning and stinging, that was a stage of getting better. Hang in there!!!  

  • Dana25
    Dana25 Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2012

    Katiejane....that is awesome news. I know it was a long fight. So glad it worked out for you. I am counting down the days.

    bdavis...thank you so much for the target lounge capris recommendation!! Love them

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2012

    Glostagal, I am so sorry to come by at shower time!!! I tried to catch you later but you may have been napping. I am in 204. I am moving to the home wood suites tomorrow. Hope to catch up!

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2012

    Glostagirl,   Glad to hear you are up and moving and all went well !!!! I have been thinking about you!  Keep moving and don't hesitate to take those pain meds!!  HUGS to You!!!!

    Dana, I am counting down the days as well!  Getting a bit nervous at this point-not afraid of surgery but the recovery is what is bothering me!  I'm not one to sit still and I hate pain medication!  Then I begin to think of all of the "what if's??"--oh, I wish I was more laid back!!  I will see you sometime in NOLA!!!!           

    Denouement,  Yes, let's try to get together!! I arrive alittle before you but we will see each other at The Center. 


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Dana25... glad you found them and love them... I really think that was my only purchase... Oh, that and the nightie. I wasn't one to want to load up on MX/DIEP clothes... somethings were necessary like the shorts/pants, but not much else.. Oh I also bought bigger undies... I couldn't imagine wearing my undies with the girdle, and I am not a commando girl.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2012

    Healing thoughts for all in NOLA at this time.  First showers, first walk, Homewood Suites, .......

    Katie-I am so thrilled that you are able to come to NOLA for your surgery.  I will be at Fairway as my insurance does not cover the center.  I was so bummed, but those who have gone to Fairway have assured me that is was wonderfu.

    Betsy-I bought some PJ shorts and tops for Homewood. Checking out Target for lounge shorts this week.  The yoga pants just wont work for me.  What did you come home in and walk out of the hotel in???? 

    We found out that my husband can stay at Fairway on a chair that turns to a bed.  He can shower right in the room too.  He talked to the nurses station.  Did any other husbands out there do this at Fairway???


  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2012


    I don't have surgery scheduled yet.  I had a phone consult with Dr. M last week, and then a face to face consult is scheduled with Dr. S at NOLA on July 2.  They will be working as a team on me so I don't know how far out surgery would be, or how hard it is to get them scheduled on same day with their busy calendars.  Weeks, Months? 

    I've had four surgeries in the past year with problems, so I'm more than ready to get taken care of by these great doctors I FINALLY found! . . . but at the same time I would really like to enjoy some summer events with my daughter (17), and also be functioning well by August 24th when my DH and I take my son (18) to college to start his freshman year. 

    Meanwhile, I'll keep on following all of you here and appreciate you sharing your stories.  :)   And count the days to July 2.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Cherrie... I wore the Target lounge shorts. They are not yoga pants... they are very wide legged and super soft.. kind of a flowy fabric... I wore them exclusively for 8-9 weeks.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2012

    Katiejane what splendid news! I am so happy for you.  LAstar and Glostagirl it is so good to read your on the other side posts.  Best wishes to you both when you spring the hospital and venture into the hotel scene. 

    I'm battling anxiety with every calm down and chill the heck out remedy I can think of.  It's getting so close.  Trying very hard to appear cool and collected for my husband and sons before I depart Sunday. I'm traveling with my sister and she is packed and ready.  As it turns out I will only need to work about six hours tomorrow so I thought I'd give the dirty laundry one last tackle before I leave tomorrow evening.  That will keep me busy. 

    I have a zucchini in my garden that is about two and a half inches long.  I've been stalking it and hoping maybe I could pick it and saute it up for lunch before I go to the airport Sunday.  First harvest from my garden if it works out. I'll probably have plenty to munch on when I get back though.