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NOLA in September?



  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    I had severe leg swelling. It went away by the 2nd week, but made sure I walked and went I wasn't had my legs up.

    Sending well wishes to the upcoming ladies!! It's nice to be in the recovery club and knowing you have the best working on you makes things easier too.

    All these posts about moms made me cry. I lost my mom 15 1/2 years ago to this damn disease!! I miss her so much, but I firmly believe she is my guardian angel right along with my dad and they are sitting on my shoulders watching over me. It's been hard going through all this without her, but I know she would be proud of me for facing this head on!!

    Sending healing wishes to those recovering with me.

    Gentle hugs to all!!!


  • florafarm
    florafarm Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2012

    Hey ladies, I'm scheduled for NS SS BMX and DIEP in 7 days (July 9) with Dr's Massey and Stollier. Leaving Thursday AM for Pre-Op appts/testing? Anyone else going to be there next week?

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    Anita,  I was told that the drivers tip was included in their company pay and it is not required to tip. Just wanted you to know what I had ben told.   Glad you are out of the hospital and getting your routine down! Are you feeling better? What type of pain control did they give you at discharge? I leave for NOLA tomorrow late afternoon.  Sure hope we get to visit each other.  Katiejane

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    I had leg swelling as well. Cankles! The problem started going away when I started making regular trips to the bathroom.

    The drivers always tried to decline the tips I offered but always accepted when I insisted.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited July 2012

    Katiejane my post op appt is at the center at 9am on July 3rd. Dr Massey said it would be quick. The pain is manageable but the meds are heavy. I have oxycodone, dilatid and a muscle relaxor. The hunched over walking pulls on my back and it cramps so deep that it takes my breath away. I am feeling better eacb day. We are touring the WW2 museum today.

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    So excited to hear you are doing so well.! I will also be at the center for my pre-op testing on the 3rd. Pickup is 0830. Maybe well get to see each other!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    I have a question for the stage 1 ladies that are two weeks ahead of me (esmeralda, chellehump, jenlee, ksue): how is the pain and fatigue for you right now? There is an event I would love to attend in 2 weeks and I'm wondering how I might feel then. Are you able to leave the house for hours? Walk much? Is the scar tissue development phase terribly painful or manageable with meds? Thanks!

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2012

    LAstar - Last week was week 3 for me and I went out on 3 separate days.  The outings ranged from 3 to 6 hours.  The first two went very well because I was able to move around as needed.  The third trip (last night) was to dinner/movie with a group of girls to see Magic Mike Laughing.  Sitting in the theatre seat was a little difficult - had to shift around some but doable.  My energy really improved the third week.  For me, the only thing really holding me back are these darn hip drains!  I was say that you would be able to attend an event in a couple of weeks.

    Former Hipsters - These hip drains are driving me crazy!  I had a little crying spell last night just thinking about having to continue through July with them.  I was so hoping to be one of the lucky ones that could remove at least one drain at four weeks and since that is tomorrow and I am nowhere near 20ml that is not happening Cry.  Logically, I know that the drains are performing an important function but I swear they are the most painful, annoying part.  An inch or two below where the tubing comes out is really painful - must be where the tubing runs on the inside.  Yes, I am venting!  Give me some survival tips please.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    LAstar I am 4 weeks out and I have had a few things that have set my recovery back, so my energy level isn't as good as some others, but I think you could attend the event. As long as you can get up and move around and possibly (depending on you) give yourself time to rest in between taking a shower and leaving for the event. For me though, if I go and do stuff one day the next day I am exhausted. But, yes I think it is completely doable :)
    KSue, I am with you on the hip drains.  I was hoping to lose at least one of these by week 4, which I just entered and yeah no such luck.  I have pain above and below my holes.  I am not sure what is causing it, but my DH mentioned it could be the girdle pushing in on certain spots making them more tender.  I don't know...I am trying not to think about them and reminding myself that it's not permanent. I am hoping I have 1 more week, but who knows.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    Thanks, KSue and Chellehump!  You are making me feel encouraged!  Are you still taking pain meds round the clock?

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    I still take pain meds, but not really around the clock, but just as needed.  I am also taking Advil & muscle relaxers to help with the pain. My right breast is still very painful for me because I had some complications with it & of course my hip drains at times hurt too, so it depends on the day and how I am feeling as to what I take.
    I am finding now that I am not as sore when I wake up in the mornings, which has been very encouraging for me.  I would wake up and be so sore no matter how I slept, so it does get better :)

    Here is a question for those who are past stage 2. The way my hip incisions are, it pushes my hips/butt out some & I am worried about my pants not fitting me when I can wear them again.  I am tentatively scheduled for Sept 7th.  I had thought about waiting another month or so for the swelling to go down more, but I am not sure now because I honestly don't think my pants will fit. Just curious how many had their stage 2's at 12-13 weeks and are you happy with the results?

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2012

    Saw a local plastic surgeon today and she removed BOTH of my hip drains, so I am officially drain free ~ Woo-hoo!  She was very impressed with my stories of Dr. Massey and as the president of the Massachusetts Society of Plastic Surgeons is interested in having her come to Boston to speak to her group!  

    Thinking of all the gals coming up and those in recovery, hugs to all.

    Katiejane, I hope things go as well as you hope.  

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited July 2012

    The hip drains certainly are trying! I had mine for a little over 6 weeks. LAstar, are you sleeping on your side at all? I didn't the whole time, even after the four weeks you're not supposed to. I worried about pressing on the drain sites. I've said it before, but for me the most important thing about drain pain was making SURE that not even a quarter inch of tubing was touching my skin. I slit the abd pads and wrapped the slit right down to the drain site. But they still had painful times. The best I can promise you is that it WILL end. Try extra compression on the hip incisions - an extra maxipad or a wascloth. It might encourage those spaces to close up faster and leave less room for fluid to build up.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited July 2012

    Whew, coming up fast.  I'm leaving for NOLA on Friday and my surgery is on Tues 7/10 - pre-ops on 7/9.  I'm staying at the Homewood Suites -

    Dana25 - best of luck tomorrow!  Where will you be this weekend?  Let me know if you are up for a visitor! 

    KatieJane - thinking about you too - let me know if you are still at the Center on 7/9 and I can stop by and say hi!

    Florafarm - welcome!  Is your surgery at SCSH?  If so, I'm one day after you - maybe I'll see you there if you are up to it...

    Ugh, not looking forward to the heat, we are so spoiled here in NorCal, it's 80 degrees and no humidity every hair has forgotten what humidity is...for your first timers take note, this is my stage 2b, not nervous at all about surgery as I trust the NOLA docs SO much...more concerned with what to pack to stay cool and where to eat :-)

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2012

    Thank you for the neuropathy tips, Spring!  I will need to get some of that powder.

    Best of luck to those of you with upcoming surgeries.  I am very pleased with the results and can't wait to get some nipples!

  • Dana25
    Dana25 Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2012

    Denouement-thinking of you too!! had my preop op appt today, got scanned and markings for surgery tomorrow. I am staying at Homewood and will be there over the weekend. I also have my postoperative appt on July 9th. Hope to see you. It is hot and humid!!

    Katiejane-thinking of you. Hope your trip in was good.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited July 2012

    Dana - good to hear you arrived and the pre-op went okay.  I'm a Dana too and I live fairly close to you in the North Bay so we HAVE to meet up.  My pre-op is on the 9th at SCSH at 9 am - what time is your post op?  I'll be getting into the Homewood late Friday night so I can always stop by your room Sat or Sun if you are up for it...or meet you in the lobby, whatever works.  I'll PM you my cell phone #.  Best of luck tomorrow - we'll all be thinking about you and looking forward to hearing from you on "the other side"  :-)

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    Hi Dana,  you will do great.  I am 2 1/2 weeks out from Diep added to S-Gap from three months ago.  Sending you healing hugs.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    denouement,  you are so close to being done.  Won't it be great looking back. Speeding healing to you and wishing you beautiful tattoos with Vinnie.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    Glostagirl, I am so jealous!!!  Enjoy your drain freedom!!!

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    Hi gals with the hip drains......I thought I would never get mine out.  I am very active and don't know if this worked in my favor or not. The last one was at about eight weeks! Each time the output came down I got excited and then it would pop up again. Boy was I happy when it came out.  I just kept telling myself that I did not want to have a seroma drained so I kept hanging in.  Soon it will all become a memory. You'll get there.....I promise.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    I had swelling like crazy. I think it was way worse in Stage 2 with the lipo. My legs looked like elephantitis! I looked down and thought, WHOSE LEGS ARE THESE??? LOL. I remember one night having to pee like a million times, it seems I was "draining out" because the swelling seemed to resolve after that. who knows. I swell terribly, but my drains always dried up really really fast. Super fast. So whatever, .... you get some things and not others! 

    FloraFarm, I am adding you to the listing above...I hope you and Deno can hook up. She's there the same time as you (if you check the listing at the top of this page).

    Thinking of you PinkHeart! Good luck Dana and KatieJane!  


  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    Wow glostagirl that's awesome!! One drain today was under 20 :-) I want to get excited, but we will see.

    I think I'm gonna plan stage 2 on September 20th or 21st. I plan on calling tomorrow to confirm. Hopefully one of those dates will work out.

    Thinking of you PinkHeart!!

    Dana25 and katieJane you will soon be on the other side :-) Yay!!

    Sending gentle hugs to all


  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2012

    Chellehump-I had stage 2 surgery on March 6th, I can't wear ANY of my old clothes. I went smaller with my chest and I went from a size 8 to a now size 1/2. So I have had to buy all new clothes. I'm a very very happy camper with the results! And on another note went to the medical oncologist today was declared a NED!

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

      Stupid question but here goes...  I have my pre-op CT-A scan tomorrow.  Am I allowed to eat breakfast?  In NOLA and ready to rock and roll!!!   katiejane

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    You can eat before you show up at SCSH, but they will not let you eat anything else until after your scan. So eat a good breakfast! They will also have sandwiches ready for you & your helper after your scans & appts are over. Rock & roll, sista!!!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    Katiejane, I didn't receive instructions not to eat breakfast before, in fact, I think they gave me lunch before. Everyone will put you at ease tomorrow. Can't wait to hear from you on the other side!

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    Thanks Jenlee and LAstar.  I think I will be starving by morning-nice to know I can have breakfast!!  And most of all, thank you for all of the kind words and support!!    Katiejane

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2012

    LAstar - I quit taking the narcotic pain medication a little over a week ago.  I am still taking the prescription ibuprofen and an antibiotic.  That's it!

    Chelle - Oh a drain with an output of 20 CC.  What I wouldn't give for that!

    I have had my first complication at home and am freaking out a bit.  Of course it has to do with these darn drains!  When my husband went to empty them last night, we realized that the stopper was coming apart so we did not open it because we would not be able to reseal.  I sent Jeanine an email and she said that when she gets to the office she will send out a new one.  Here is the problem.  Tomorrow is a holiday so the soonest the drain will get here would be Thursday.  I am so worried.  Can this drain hold the fluid of at least 4 days?  Did I mention how much I hate these drains.  I may be in drain hell!

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited July 2012

    They gave us lunch on the day of pre-ops, but honestly, I wish we'd walked down the street to the Voodoo bbq instead. Why go all the way to NOLA and then eat a bland turkey and iceberg sandwich? I can have that at home.