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NOLA in September?



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2012

    Thinking of Dana and Katiejane. Can't wait to hear from you.

    Janelle and Brenda.......I am anxious to read your posts. Will your post-op be in Covington also. Did you rent a car vs. taxi? I am bummed that we don't get transportation. Just heard from Dr. massey's office about when to stop meds. This is coming fast.

    I am still amazed at all of these strong women. You are holding me up!!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    I didn't even eat mine, just left it on the table.  It was weird. They sat us down in the lobby with box lunches but didn't bother telling me where I was supposed to go next (which was next door).  Felt a bit like a factory product on a conveyor belt, in more ways than one.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    hmmm.. I didn't have that experience at all... I thought they were wonderful and welcoming...

    Ksue.. about the drain... I would be surprised if you couldn't just go to a surgical store and buy one... but I think as long as the drain hose is still inside your body, I wouldn't worry about fiddling with teh drain bulb.. You can take the whole bulb off and clean it if need be.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    You're right, the lunch was not the highlight, kind of awkward too.

    KSue, I think that one of the ladies mentioned that you might be able to find a JP drain bulb at a surgical supply store? Might be worth making some calls if there are any in your area...

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    Did any of you pre-menopausal ladies start your period early after MX?  I had BMX right about the time of ovulation and started my period 8 days later which is 6 days early.  Interesting.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited July 2012

    Glostagirl - freedom!! I know how good it feels to get that last drain out. Congrats!

    Thinking of you all, as you prepare for your surgeries: Denou, Dana25, KatieJane, florafarm - you're going to do great!\

    KSue, I'm pretty soon someone else mentioned changing a drain bulb locally, that it's a common device - easy to get and easy to change. I'm sure whoever that was will chime in soon. 

    Chelle, Jenlee and KSue - I think of you girls often having had the privilege of meeting you in person. So good to hear you are all progressing!!  

    LAstar, I had an event to go to at week three, and physically I could have done it (lucky in that I've had no complications from surgery), but I wasn't emotionally ready.  It was a big professional event with individuals whom I had been working with all year (I was their trainer). I knew everyone would be looking at me - out of curiousity and concern and I just wasn't ready for that.  

    I'm almost five weeks out and I can't believe it. The time has flown by SO fast. My abdominal incision is great - I placed the tape on it and it's super thin and my bloating seems to have improved. My breasts look pretty good. I'm a full size smaller than I was before (B instead of C), but Dr. D. said he could get me back to a C at stage II with fat grafting/lipo. I do have significant dimpling on the lower/under part of my breast - a few inches around the incision area. Did anyone else have that? It's sort of like cellulite. Jeanine says it's normal but I'd love to hear if any of you have had it and how fast it resolved.

    I start tamoxifin next week, as it looks like I will not be doing chemo. Which, frankly, I'm still adjusting to that idea. It makes me nervous not to do chemo... The University of Chicago is giving me a third opinion soon and after that I am going to let go and trust that I've done what is right for me. Phew.

    All of this means I guess I'm ready to schedule stage II. I'm thinking sometime in October (Jane123?). I have some questions for you stage II veterans: for those of you that didn't have additional flap procedures at stage II, but I guess more of a traditional stage II (i.e. fat grafting? lipo? incision/scar fixes, etc.) how long was your procedure and how long was your recovery? What can I expect in the weeks to follow? I know about the girdle... just wondering how long it takes to get back to your old self?

    Also, for those of you that had a second flap done during stage II - how come you didn't just have stacked DIEP at stage I to being with? I'm curious because I'm really banking on Dr. Dellacroce being able to do what he said: get me to a C cup via fat grafting and lipo, and I'm worried that I might get down there to hear him say: well, we think another flap would work better...

    Also, for those of you who have had stages 2b or c or d(!), I'm imagining most insurance companies do not cover past stage II. Is that right?  

    Thanks for your help, ladies!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    Jen, did you do that Oncotype test thing? Chemo is a friggin bear. If you don't need it, you really don't want it, believe me. And I had a stage 2b and my insurance paid. I know some women had even more revisions, and it was paid. Others wanted a needed revision, and it was rejected. I think it really depends on your insurance company...

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    Do any of you have weird muscle spasms?  I hear of the TE ladies having them but not sure if the "Flappers" get them too.  I had them around various parts of my body while still in NOLA.  Last night when I was falling asleep, I had a big chest muscle spasm that woke me up from the big jerk in my body.  Yah, a little freaky.  I don't think I had a heart attack (!) but my husband thought I looked a little pale today.  My chest is sore (of course) and I feel like i've been using those muscles when I get out of my bed.  Anyone else experiencing anything like this?

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    Esmerelda,  I did not have a stacked flap initially because we thought the hip flaps would suffice.  When she did the surgery she found a bony defect on the right breast.  That flap presented much smaller.  We decided that we would us the little belly to beef it up.  I am still not big but am happy with the size.  Hope this helps.

    KSue,  you probably have already done this but check your green and black bag for an extra bulb.  I had one in mine. 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    I am confirmed for stage II Thursday September 20th.

    Not sure if this drain will fall under 20 today because the output was a bit higher this morning, but it doesn't look like a lot is in there now. Keeping my fingers crossed. I would love to lose at least one drain, but would be super excited when I am drain free!!!!

    Has anyone donates their own blood ahead of time in case it was needed during or after surgery? I rejected the blood they tried to give me after my stage I because I had a transfusion 2 years ago after my hysterectomy. Just curious if anyone has done this. I waiting on a call from Laura to discuss because Jeanine wasn't sure what needed to be done exactly. She said they wouldnt be able to a lot of lipo

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    oops...hit the wrong button.

    They wouldnt be able to much lipo to reduce the risk that I may need blood after.

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited July 2012

    Hi Chelle, don't know anything about blood donations, BUT congratulautions on your stage 2 date. Exciting!

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2012

    Hi all. I checked out of Fairway yesterday and am at the home wood suites. Perfect place to recover. Starting to question what I have done for vanity. A simple mastectomy would have been easier but I know these weeks will pass and then I will have a beautiful breast for therestof my life. I am walking lime a hunched over old lady. I can't wait till I can straighten up all the way. I am worried if I push it I will get stretch marks on my new belly. Does that happen?

    I am still glad I have done it. I just am in the hard part right now. This too shall pass

    Cherrie: we have had a car service from the center the whole time even though I was at Fairway. Perhaps the car was because I have dr Sullivan. I am not sure. HarmonySun did not get the service and she had Dr Massey. So maybe that is the difference. My pre op appointments were both in Covington and at the center. My post op is just at the center

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited July 2012

    Jannelle, you'll be upright soon. Fear not!

    I did get a new stretch mark on my belly after my tummy tuck. I'm working on fading it as quick as I can. I've read that serums containing glycolic acid and vitamin C work well on minimizing stretch marks.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    Janelle, these are the hardest days, and they will pass. I remember looking at my ravaged body after Stage 1 in the big mirror at the Homewood, and thinking, OMG!! What did he do to me!!! :) It will be worth it. At least, I've never heard anybody say after recovery they wish they didn't do it!! You will be upright soon, just as Eva said.

    LAStar, I had terrible muscle spasms after the one step implants with alloderm that Dr. D did for me to get me through rads (didn't want to radiate the flaps, since he was worried it may shrink). But I never had muscle spasms with the Stacked DIEP/GAP surgeries. hmmm. 

    Chellehump - I added your Sept surgery to the listing above!

    Chelle, get with Betsy about the blood thing. She looked into donating her own blood in detail. But for Stage 2, you are very likely not to need blood. Stage 2 is quicker and easier than stage 1.

    Has anybody here needed blood at Stage 2? I don't ever remember hearing that... (but never say never I suppose!) 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    Dana25 thinking of you! 

    Good luck tomorrow, KatieJane! 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    Thank you Spring!! Also, thank you again for this thread.  I have learned so much from it and it's a great support system!!

    I spoke with Laura about the blood and she said to donate my blood and have it sent from state to state is very expensive.  I can donate it once I get there, but then my levels could be low going into surgery since I donated blood. She said if I know someone who lives there and they want to donate for me, they will help coordinate that. She told me to stay on iron pills all the way up to my surgery and that should help too. You are right though, usually people don't need blood after stage II, but she said stranger things have

    Esmerelda, it was a pleasure meeting you too!! I am so glad I was able to meet a few ladies from this thread!!

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2012

    EvaM and springtime

    Thanks for the encouragement. That goes a long way when my body does not feel so great

    I am hoping they will not ask me to over-straighten if there are post op appointment photos. Do they take photos at the post op appointment?

    DH rented a wheelchair and took me to Rouse's market. Whoo hoo! It was actually a fun trip seeing as I have been cooped up inside forever. The bumpy sidewalks and streets were a bit hard on my DIEP area. Next time I will sit on a pillow I think. Sure helped the time pass and lifted my spirits

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    Good luck KatieJane!! Enjoy the 4th in NOLA Smile 

    @Dana25, hope you are doing well!!

    Hugs to all


  • CMartin
    CMartin Member Posts: 237
    edited July 2012

    Pink heart...Vinnie emailed that he is no longer in Charleston...

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    Good luck KatieJane!! Enjoy the 4th in NOLA Smile 

    @Dana25, hope you are doing well!!

    Hugs to all


  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2012


    Thanks!  Someday (some year probably more like it) I will just have to drive 9 hours to Baltimore...

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2012

    Drain Saga - I spoke with Jeanine and they are sending me a new drain but it will not arrive until Thursday since tomorrow is a holiday.  I called a few places for drains today - no luck.  So, I called my local family doctor who happens to be out of the country!  I spoke with his PA who said I would need to call my surgeon.  I explained that my surgeon is no where near here and he suggested that I go to the emergency room.  Urggghh...  So, my plan is to take it easy and watch the drain.  I hope that it can hold all of the fluid until Thursday.  If not, my dear hubby and I may attempt to drain although we really don't think we would be able to close so not a great option.  If worse comes to worse, I guess I will go to the ER.  Planning to take it very easy tomorrow so that the output will be low.  Cross your fingers everybody!

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2012

    KSue~  Sorry about your drain issues - like it isn't enough just having to have them let alone have them break.  Makes me want to be proactive and ask for an extra drain to take home from surgery.  Hope your output slows down soon!

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

     I had all of the pre-op done today at The Center and plan to play in NOLA tomorrow since surgery isn't until Thursday!  Dr Massey did all of my markings but alot of them have already disappeared-I think after an 8 block walk they melted away!!  :)  I suppose she will just do the markings again the morning of surgery??? 

    Anyway, I just want to thank all of you for your support--I'm not sure I would be here right now if it weren't for for your posts and encouragement!  Thank you soo much!!

    Anita,  you looked GREAT today!!! Hope you feel as good!! Have a safe trip home and keep us posted on your progress!!

    Dana,  I hope you are resting peacefully!!   Katiejane

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    About blood donation.. I called all the right people, and it costs $800 per unit to donate your own blood locally and have it sent down... so that was off the table for me. I looked into donating while I was down there for a consult, but first, it was too soon after chemo and second it was too early.. The donation has to be within a window of time. So I asked my friend who lives in NOLA to find me some young healthy donors.. And they needed to go to the blood bank in Metaire to donate... and needed a paper blah blah blah so they would know to connect it to me... I did get one donor... In the end, I didn't need blood (for that surgery) so it went into the general blood bank.. Then of course 4 weeks later, I was back under the knife, and needed 2 units... Oh well...

    There was no need for me to have blood at stage II... ESMERELDA... I think you asked about stage II and recovery. I had a normal stage II (lipo, scar revision, nipple, butt lift, breast lift, fat injections... ) and I was very sore for about 5 days, and things improved quickly...  and was back at work after 2 weeks with no pain at that point.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    To all the brave wonderful women on this thread.... Love love love! Have a great holiday!


  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited July 2012

    Hang in there, Ksue! I'm not sure how hot it is where you are, but it's 100 degrees in Michigan and I welcome NOT moving around today! I hope you are able to be still and comfortable.

    Spring, Happy 4th too! I did do the oncotype and scored a '15' which is considered low; chemo would give me only a 2% benefit (and then you have to factor in the % of possible long term after effects, which is why the oncos are saying, "nope. stick to tamoxifen.") I think I'm getting to a place of acceptance with it all, it's just hard because you think... cancer = chemo. Does that make sense?

    At any rate, happy 4th everyone!  

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2012

    Love the sparkly stars Springtime!  Looks like we will have to watch fireworks on TV this year since all fireworks have been banned due to drought conditions.

    It's hard to believe that exactly one year ago today, my DH and I arrived at Mayo Clinic for my BMX, ALND & Immed Recon Surgery.  We actually laid on our bed in hotel room in downtown Rochester, and could watch the city fireworks display from our window.

    I know I should take a holiday break from BC!  :) , but I wanted to throw this question out there to NOLA patients, and maybe get it checked off my anxiety list.

    When you had your surgeries at NOLA, what kind of preventative measures were taken for lymphedema whether you had LE or not?  Was your arm wrapped before surgery? 

    I know there are no guarantees, but in April at a large institution, I had revision surgery (which unfortunately turned into a complete failure) and ended up with even more LE problems . . .  There was no discussion about LE whatsoever.  I wear a medical ID bracelet on right arm to alert med staff about heart history, and not to take BP or stick IVs or needles on R arm.  Also, for surgery I refused to take bracelet off until they put on a special colored alert band on wrist.  Well, they didn't have any such wrist bands for LE, so the nurse stuck a piece of tape down my arm and wrote "LE, no needles,BP" on it.  Then I had a reaction to the tape.  Am I a PITA Patient or what?

    Thanks always!

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    PinkHeart,  I can only speak for Dr. Massey.  She personally wraps all of her patients prior to surgery.  Hope this helps.