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NOLA in September?



  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012


    Call the Center. They may want you on preventative antibiotics.  A viral infection puts weakens your system and puts you ore at risk to pick up a bacterial infection.

    And water. LOTS of water.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited July 2012

    Cherrie, I am wondering about harmonysun too. Hope her recovery is going smootbly. I imagine she is home now. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

    For packing shoes, select sandles with a thick sole. The sidewalks are really uneven and dirty. I wore my sneakers with no show socks. I wore all the pjs I packed and brought back most outfits unworn and clean.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    MondaysChild - Thanks. Flying home from Indiana on Mon, will check with Center on Tues if the cold escalates, or maybe if I have any symptoms at all. Yeah, forcing lots of water! Extra Vit C too. Bad timing for this!

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2012

    I did but every time I get nauseated I burp, nice huh.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    Here are the surgeries upcoming. I wonder when those docs take a summer vacation??

    July 9 - florafarm - NS SS BMX, DIEP, Dr. M, and Dr. Stollier.  

    July 10 - Denouement - Stage 2b (DIEP scar revision) with Dr. D

    July 11 - Denouement - Spared Nipple tattoos with Vinny

    July 17 - AnnAlive - Stage 1 bilat DIEP, Dr. Sullivan, NOLA. 

    July 25 - Ch968 - Stage 1 bilateral hip flaps, Dr. D., NOLA  

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2012

    Springtime, can you add my date for stage 2 wIth Dr. Marga on Aug. 27. Thanks!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    AnnAlive, my gosh, you're going through so much of what I did, unusual concerns with heart and lungs, now fear of a cold... I remember I called Dr Stollier, absolutely in tears, the day before I was flying out to Nola for surgery -- I had a terrible cold and was afraid surgery would be cancelled. He made no promises, but did assure me that summer colds usually progress very quickly and that since my surgery was four days away, I'd probably be OK by then, and I was.

    Ladies, after stage 2, are you again instructed to sleep on your back? Very attached to the recliner and it almost seems more cost effective to buy rather than keep renting.

    Also, how many weeks after stage 2, lipo and all, would you have felt ready to go horseback riding? Trying to coordinate timing of stage 2 so I can still manage to participate in Thanksgiving at a ranch.

    Best wishes to Florafarm and Denouement this week, thinking of you both and everyone else who is still healing!

  • Iamblessed
    Iamblessed Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2012

    I'm calling tomorrow to get the ball rolling to hopefully have Stage II done in NOLA in October. Pray for me!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Jenifer... I can't remember the back sleeping after stage II... but I would guess 6 weeks for horseback riding.. I would ask the doc.

  • Iamblessed
    Iamblessed Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2012

    What to wear under clothes after Stage 2 and nipples constructed?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    I wore my surgical bra with a hole cut out for the nipple guard, and then on top of that I wore an larger padded bra, one that didn't press on the guard... it had padded cups that stayed away from the nipple.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited July 2012

    Sheesh! Go away for a few days and I've got a novel to catch up on here!

    I was told I did not need to sleep on my back after stage 2, but I didn't feel comfortable sleeping on my side with hip drains in. They were only in a couple weeks. I slept in my bed with lots of pillows. I would have used the recliner if I hadn't sent it back.

    I'm almost two months post stage 2 and healing well. I feel fine most of the time, but I still notice how my breasts feel sort of sewn on. The numbness gets to me. I see my nipples crinkle up when they're touched and I can feel a slight tingle around the perimeter of my breasts when that happens, but I can't feel anything closer to the middle at all. I'm very numb from my tummy incision to my belly button and below the incision on the right side. I haven't lost any weight and my thighs still look enormous. I feel so petty to complain! But, ironically, the better I feel physically, the worse I feel emotionally. Not all the time, but I'm feeling anger I didn't feel when I was in the thick of it. Like, maybe now that it's over it should be over but it's not. Will it ever be?

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    jenlee,  Wow, your Thanksgiving plans sound wonderful.  We went to a guest ranch in Arizona for 10 years and then I finally got my own horse.  I know Dr. Massey did not want me riding for months after Stage 1.  I am not riding now either after Stage 1B.  I just spoke with her and got reminded that I need to protect myself for at least 6 weeks.  I know that Stage 2 is much different but ladies talk about being very sore from Lipo depending on where the fat come froms.  A trotting horse can really hammer your body.......give yourself as much time as possible.  

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    Eva, it sounds like what you are feeling is so normal, and I was talking with my husband yesterday about expecting that things just don't magically get back to normal once the treatment is done.  In fact, it can even be scarier once the treatment is done and we are off on our own!  I think it will take me a long time to really digest this idea of having cancer -- it still takes me by surprise.  Keeping busy with treatment decisions just keeps my mind off the reality of it.  

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited July 2012

    Annalive - I swear by Walgreens zinc tabs and Emergency. Lots of water and rest. I felt icky too right before my surgery and did this and was fine. Good Luck!

    Jane123 - glad your trip was good, so good nice to see you & Nordy.

    Hipsters - did your scars "pull" in or am I just puffing out:) ? Feel like I am getting "divots" again where my flap site is from. 

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2012

    Cascader - I had a rash that started on my breasts and then eventually was on both hip incisions.  It was incorrectly diagnosed by my primary care as a yeast infection and bacterial infection.  I finally sent photos to a friend who is a dermatologist who correctly diagnosed it as contact dermatitis, an allergic reaction to Neosporin.  That is a notorious allergen, apparently.  The rash got better very quickly once I started treating it with the super potency topical steriod that was prescribed by my friend.

    Just a note to Eva and anyone who might be feeling like you will never be the whole again- this morning I ran 8 miles, the farthest I have gone since my PMB with hip flap recon last September.  It meant a lot to me as part of feeling that I am fully functional and strong once again.   I wish that feeling for all who are still dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of these surgeries. By the way, I had a number of post-surgical complications and was in compression for 4 months due to a recurrent seroma, but that all passed and now it seems like a long time ago.  The tincture of time . . .

    Denouement - I will be thinking of you on Tuesday.  I hope all goes super smoothly and the iron plate feeling disappears forever.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2012

    It's been a bit over a year since my stage 1. I've been thinking this past week that my left breast feels like *mine*. I have a little work still to be done on my right side and much of the time there is mild discomfort that I am conscious of. Plus the right side had the ALND. But my left breast--it feels all me! It will get there, eventually you won't feel like Coraline. **ETA I mean Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas. Got my stop motion animation mixed up.**

    I have my 3 month checkup with my onc and checkup with my PCP next week. I've been feeling tired and a little off (surely that has nothing to do with 105+ temps and a 3 week long period!), so I'm sort of not looking forward to either. I've been trying to get busy living, but sometimes find it hard to get motivated. I feel a little stalled and am reminded of the let down when treatment ends. I'm also a bit frustrated with the chemo brain. In the last couple weeks I talked to some school moms that I don't frequently talk to. One I completely blanked on who she was (I spent hours with her on a church fundraiser activity) and the other I have no recollection of a conversation we had. Both initial events were towards the end of chemo. Thankfully another survivor friend told me she passed the 1 year post chemo mark, and it was like the fog dramatically lifted. I'm hoping I'll feel the same.

    So, yeah. Just because the treatment is over doesn't mean it feels over and done. As always, it's one day at a time and gentle care for the mind, body and soul. I love being able to connect here with others who get it.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    Jenlee -- encouraging to hear you recovered quickly from your cold to have surgery.

    Need2new --  That's the approximate cold remedy I'm working with -- zinc, vit C, water, rest, and prayer that it will clear, and it is! Woke up feeling much better this morning, and will continue the regimen today while flying home.

    Florafarm & Denouement -- thinking of you this week, praying surgery & recovery go smoothly for you!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2012

    Big shock.  Vicki, the insurance biller, called to say that may end of the surgery would be $30,000.  I didn't hear a word she said after that.  I started crying right on the phone.  I told her I cannot afford this.  My husband and I just retired.  Has this happened to anyone else???

    She is sending a financial statement for us to fill out, but I fear I may have to cancel.  She called me on Sunday morning on my way to a family event.  It was also our 34 year anniversary.  To say the least I didn't do well yesterday.

    I've had most of my  pre ops, shopped for clothes, preparing my mind.  Why the heck do to they wait until a month before to let you know this.  I was thinking my insurance would cover everything.  I am mad as hell.

    Just felt like telling someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Cherrie... I understand your frustration... I remember that even though I knew I had good insurance, I needed them to tell me exactly what my portion would be... Its just their protocol to submit to insurance for pre-certification 3-4 weeks before surgery... I have not heard of anyone who couldn't have the surgery due to money... Fill out the form, and I am confident it will all work out. For all they know you have rolls of money laying around, so 30k would be your bill... but the financial papers are like financial aid papers, just say what you can afford and go from there.

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95
    edited July 2012

    I do not understand how this works.If they are providers with certain insurance,don't they have to accept what the insurance pays?That is why a lot of plastic surgeons do not participate with insurance so they can set their own fees.....right?At least that is what the PS who placed my TEs told me.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2012

    I (my husband) submitted the paperwork this morning along with a letter stating that we can not afford this.  We are 2 retired teachers as of 2 weeks ago.  So we will see. 

    I am usually positive, and a march forward kind of person, but this has thrown me for a loop emotionally.  I have been in tears for the last 24 hours.  Flights are booked, hotels, rental car, most pre-op appointments, etc.  This is already costing us a boatload.

    Betsy, I have decided to wait this out and see what happens.  I am however, on a tight schedule with vacation and wedding.  I forgot to tell you that the day we fly to NOLA my son and his brand new wife wll be flying to Costa Rica.  You mentioned you flew your son there during the same timeframe.

    Hope to report better news soon, otherwise I am at ground zero in regards to what I am going to do.  POOP!!!!!!!!!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Cherrie... I really feel for you... you don't need this stress... But I do mean it when I say that for those I have spoken with about finances, I have not heard of anyone paying 30k who can't afford it. But if you could afford it, they do have the right to charge it, so that is what they will aim to do... I know this is stressful, but I would do as you say and wait it out and have faith that it will work out... Do you know what amount you could afford?? Is the amount zero or could you contribute 5K? I think you need to have numbers in mind as to what would be reasonable for you.

    And yes, my son went off to CR just two days before I went to NOLA... I was glad he had something to do while I was away as he was only 16 and didn't have a license... it would have been a bigger drag than it was if he had been home that whole time... 

    So... think positive thoughts, plan for the wedding, and sleep with your fingers and toes crossed... 

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2012

    Cherrie, don't despair! I had EXACTLY the same experience, including feeling that devastated. Tell them what you can afford, and it is likely that they will accept that. PM me and I can tell you the details of what I paid etc. I think 30K is the amount they ask for when the insurance pays poorly. My insurance is BCBS PPO of Michigan. I think maybe we discussed this once, but isn't that yours too? They pay so very little. Amy

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2012

    Yesterday I was finally feeling good enough to venture out of the hotel room and went for a 2 hour Mississippi river cruise It felt so good to get out and see stuff

    Today I am also feeling better. Leaving for home today. Yay. This has been a great experience so far. I am so glad you all recommended NOLA.

    Something I think that would be good to have next time is maybe a walker with a seat. That way I could walk and take the weight off my stooped over back. My back pain was worse than any surgical pain I had. Also perhaps a small cushion for the bed that had a cut out for my tail bone. I found the hospital beds not built for long term laying down.

    My back is much better on day 9 post surgery I can almost walk upright. Simple pleasures

    I was so excited to see Dana and her DH at home woods breakfast this morning. I wish I had gotten out of my not feeling good shell earlier so we could have hung out

    I have not heard yet from Harmonysun. I am wondering how she is doing

    Eva: I put so much of my energy into making the MX and reconstruction that the rest of my life had to be put on hold. Now those feelings and issues are demanding attention. Ugggh. I guess that is just the way it is

    I hope you all are doing well. I am planning my stage 2 for October perhaps. Not exactly sure. Want to just be done with it and not wait too long. I want my body's full function back. It is hard for me to be in the invalid role

    Best wishes and speedy recoveries. Thanks again for all your sharing. It has been invaluable

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2012

    Cherrie: my jaw dropped when they told me what my portion would be. I was devastated because there was no way I could afford that. Vicky was so nice and sent me that financial sheet. Yes, I still paid a lot more than I thought I would have had to but they worked with me so I could do it. They are very compassionate. Other places might have been cold about it but I could really tell that they cared.

    That was huge.

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2012

    Laura just pulled out my last drain! Oh happy day!

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2012

    Jannelle-that's awesome.  Glad to hear you are doing/feeling so good.  Have a safe trip home!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    Janelle, drainless, yay!!! Nothing like that feeling. FREEDOM!

    Cherrie, hang in there. Get with AmyM159!!! As Betsy said, I also have never heard of anybody being turned away b/c of $$. Let's hope you find a way.... please keep us informed. Thanks to you and your husband for being teachers all those years and serving in that way. xoxoxoxoxo

    Momma2Four, I added your Aug 27 date and did you see that you will be there exactly the same time as Adey who is also having her Stage 2 the same day. One will go first, then the other. Do not freak out about being on the same day!!! I did, as I've seen many others here, but they work it out and it will be fine. One day, Dr. D did Sandy, then me, then Eve. 

    Eva, I think it is a process. Anger is part of it. Now that you are physically feeling better, your psyche is allowing you to process the anger. I will be 4 years out from diagnosis tomorrow, and I am sometimes still surprised at the emotions related to this.... Normal I think! It's a friggin hell of a thing to go through... even prophylactic.

  • sassy43
    sassy43 Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2012

    Cherrie- My heart goes out to you, as I am experiencing the same thing.  It has been hard finding a doctor that i finally trust, and then find out I might be able to go to NOLA. All I can do is hope and pray everything will work out for the both of us!

    Amym159- would you mind if i also PM you about the cost.  I too have BCBS of michigan and they will pay only 80%.  It would be great hearing about someone who has already gone through this.