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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Ann.. which Jamie? I have had two. Either way.. say HEY for me.

    Naturegirl... I was originally a C/D and wore a C bra.. today, I wear a C bra (my request was to remain the same, not larger, not smaller). So I had the butt done first, and after stage II, he really did a great job with the butt lift and replacing the fat back to the middle of the butt... Now that I am well past that, I see room for some tweaking (still have a little bunny tail, and some needs to be smoothed out), but I will go for that next January. So I know you like your butt, but perhaps consider that as an option too... Or just do the stacked DIEP... Have you been to the picture forum??

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012
    Naturegirl, I imagined feeling like a BC victim if I had gotten no reconstruction (that's just me, and I admire and am a little jealous of those that can move on flat and love it!).  I had planned to get implants, but after reading about TE problems, fills, and exchange surgeries in the present and future, I thought that the recovery time for the flap procedures didn't sound so bad.  I also met a woman who had hip flap reconstruction done 2 years ago in NOLA, and when I saw her breasts I was blown away at how whole she looked after BMX.  I filled out the paperwork that evening.  I went from a C cup to an F cup with pregnancy and breastfeeding, and my breasts have gotten no smaller since.  I am definitely interested in getting back to a C cup again.  
  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    Downey, hopefully any time now, your tightness will start loosening up.  I don't really feel any restrictions in my movement.  This is the first week that I felt comfortable putting on a pair of jeans.  Going into surgery, my entire body was bloated from chemo and surgery made it even worse, but it seemed to be going away so I was thrilled that my pre-chemo jeans fit now, with no discomfort around the abdominal area at all.  

    naturegirl, I like the analogy that bdavis used...  Like unstuffing and restuffing a pillow. That's how I envisioned it too, and how I explained it to my daughter.  Somehow, waking up with new warm flesh breasts helped me to avoid the psychological trauma of mastectomy.  I don't really feel like I had one. Regarding size, I was a full C before and decided to go down to a B.  I was rejected by several PS in my area because they said I didn't have enough fat for two breasts, even B's. Everyone said that Nola knows how to find it.  Dr. S said I had enough for two B's from a DIEP and promised he wouldn't let me down and he didn't.   I too read enough about expanders and implants that I wanted to avoid them if at all possible.  

    Sending healing thoughts to all and hope everyone is keeping cool in this summer heat. 

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited July 2012

    Naturegirl2, To be honest, the first time around I just wanted the easiest, least invasive procedure.Never thought about the possiblity of having to replace them, dont think I was told that either.The only other option offered to me(several PS) was a tram or lat flap and I knew I did not want that. My implant failed 3months after the exchange and I was devasted. I decided to give myself a year before I would even think about recon again. It then took me another year to research obsessively and get the courage to make my appointment and figure out logistics of travel etc. I am happy with my decision.

    Celtic: Do the Bali Revolution bra's help solve your uneveness problem? Or are you doing something else? I too am uneven and will be until stage 2 in December. 

    Regarding tightness: Mine is on my breast, anyone else?? and how long did it last? I am 6wks out and Dr. says no massage yet.  

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited July 2012

    Hi everyone. AnnAlive, so glad you are out and in recovery! It sounds like you are getting around well. Every day gets better - it's amazing. I am seven weeks out... is that right? I'm actually beginning to lose count! And I *almost* feel back to normal. My abs don't feel tight (though I have NOT been to yoga to do a downward dog or cobra... not sure how that will feel!)  And my breasts are just starting to feel like my own. 

    I do have a funny story to tell - the other day we went to the beach and I wore a long maxi dress that was strapless. It fit and looked just fine, but the CRAZY thing was that I couldn't feel if the dress was staying up or not! Don't get me wrong - it never slipped down - but I just couldn't feel it being held up. VERY STRANGE and also quite humorous. I had to warn my husband and friends that if the dress falls down they will have to tell me!

    Ditto regarding Betsy's "re-stuffing pillows" comparison. That description helped me a lot when I became panicky about losting my breasts. (Betsy, you are a godsend. :)

    Naturegirl2, I thought I'd chime in too.  My mother had a TRAM flap 8 years ago that was really quite impressive. You wouldn't know which was her "fake" boob if you saw her. I knew that her recovery was great and that she felt really good about using a procedure that used her own tissue - so for me, it was never a scary choice. I also thought a lot about my age (38 at diagnosis) and if I went the TE route, that I might have to have the implants replaced several times in the course of my lifetime. Not thrilled with having a "foreign" element in my body, really only wanting to go through these surgeries once, and adding my mom's great TRAM flap procedure, it was clear what my choice would be. The surgery for a DIEP or GAP flap is big up front, no doubt. But once it's done it's done. I have NO REGRETS. I am a little smaller then I want to be, but Dr. D. has assured me that I can get back my C cup during stage 2, and fix the minor imperfections. Like others have said, I don't really "feel" like I've had a mastectomy. It's amazing. Thank God for these doctors and thank God for all the trailblazers and NOLA prosthelitizers (ha!) - Spring, Betsy, Tamara, Nordy, etc. :)

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    Bdavis -- I have encountered only one nurse named Jamie -- she has dark hair, nice smile, very energetic and helpful with the first shower! She just did rounds with a night nurse, Holly. (But I hadn't seen your post when she was here -- she will return in AM.)

    I just love being here. While walking a lap or two in the halls, we met a couple from Florida who are here for her stage 2 yesterday, so chatted a bit. I asked if she was on the bco boards and she said no. She said her doctor in Gainesville didn't do DIEP flap, and sent her to Dr. S!

    Wow, is my abdomen tight if I sit in the recliner for a while! I'd better get up and walk more, but got tired from the shower earlier. DH did a great job learning to paint all my incisions with betadine swabs. It is kind of shocking getting a look at all these wounds in the mirror for the first time. I have to think of the end result! Dr. S dropped in right after my shower and so DH invited him in to see his handiwork. Embarassed  Dr. S said he was surprised to see me standing up so straight. Hmm, probably adrenaline from the shower, because I had trouble later.

    Tomorrow I will probably be discharged and we'll go back to Hope Lodge.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2012

    AnnAlive, it is so nice to hear from you so soon. It gives me encouragement.

    I have C's now and would be content with B or C. I just wanted to look the same.

    I did my last lab work and am ready to have this done in 4 weeks. Oh my. My DH ordered a power chair for me for 6 weeks. $100/mo and free delivery. (airway oxygen). I plan to sleep in this as I am a tummy and side sleeper. I also feel it will help me be more independent.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited July 2012

    Naturegirl- I was originally a D.  Had unilateral DIEP done locally following a bc diagnosis.  PS did not know how to stack flaps so I became a B/small C with a reduction of the other side (many problems with both the reconstruction and reduction done by the local PS). I was not instrested in implants.  I didin't want to deal with feeling an implant in my body - I wanted it to just feel like me which is what I have now.  Didn't want to have to deal with another surgery at age 70 or 80 to replace implants.  I am active and didn't want  any potential limitiations on my physical activity that would come with implants.  I had prophylactic ns GAP reconstruction on the contralateral side at NOLA.  (Dr. D. also greatly improved my DIEP side.)  I agree with Betsy's description of just unstuffing and restuffing a pillow.  That is how I feel about the work done at the Center. (My experience with the local ps was not positive and it took many revisions to get a good result- that was not just unstuffing and stuffing a pillow).

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited July 2012

    Naturegirl -- no, the paddle is not artificial, but a "slab" (for lack of a better word) taken from the upper hip and inserted into the breast. I don't know if there is microsurgery involved or not; will find that out when talking to Dr. D. I just feel lop-sided and want to be,as these docs say, proud of my body naked as well as clothed!

    Cascader -- the Bali bra sort of smoothes out the differences in the breast. The recon one is larger, so fills the cup better; the natural one just fits in, no cleavage. Of course, I reach in and haul'em up to fill the cups, but find that it is comfortable for both breasts. I don't use a lift or prothesis in the smaller one. Figure that even with Dr. D. filling out the natural one, the bras will work just fine!


  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    Celtic Antique,

    United HeathCare has lots of different plans and provisions.  The Center can confirm the benefits for your specific plan and advise you as to the amount you would be responsible for.  I have UHC and I my plan would call for me paying $5000 out of network deductible. It has the Multi Plan provision so the fee would be set and I would have the out-of-network amounts only.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    I also used what the smaller ladies call "chicken cutlets"... a silicone insert that's used to give the girls a lift.  I really just needed something to fill out the bottom half of one side while it was shrinking (necrosis) and it worked fine. 

  • florafarm
    florafarm Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2012

    I echo the feelings of everyone else that said they did not want to ever see themselves breast less. I was a saggy DD before a lumpectomy, And then had a partial mastectomy and lift due to poor margins, that left me barely a C.I felt very small at first, but really got to appreciate being smaller in the way clothing fit me and when going braless. Unfortunately, I didn't get to keep those girls due to poor margins again. After my DIEP, the girls looked about the same size as before surgery, so I never felt like I'd lost my breasts. I'm almost 2 weeks out from My DIEP and feeling stronger every day, but still have a post anesthesia brain fog. Hope that lifts soon!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    Naturgirl I also like the analogy of unstuffing and stuffing a pillow.  That's how I thought of it, which makes the mastectomy easier to handle.  I couldn't imagine waking up with no breasts. My mom did that with just one of her breasts 25+ years ago and used a prostetic until she was able to have reconstruction several years later.  It took a huge toll on her. She passed away over 15 years ago, but all that she went through from several rounds of chemo and numerous surgeries, it's all still very vivid in my head. You have to do what is right for you and be comfortable with that decision. If you are set on having your breasts reconstructed with your own tissue, you would be in the best hands possible.

    KSue, sorry about the drains!! They are serving a purpose, but I know how frustrated you are. Sending you gentle hugs!!

    AnnAlive, it's so good to hear that you are doing well. I got a laugh out of your shower story.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited July 2012

    Downey, oh wow, you have been thru a lot.  Did you have your hip flat surgery & stacked DIEP at NOLA?  Glad you were able to get those implants out.  Thanks for your words of encouragement. Good luck to you.

    jeskachi, tight tummy?  Hmmm, wondering if that will go away for you.  Can others elaborate on tight tummy issues due to stacked and reg. DIEP?

    LAstar, you have a good point and you were wise in having reconstruction at the time of your BC diagnosis.  In my case, I consider myself a unicorn since I do have the one breast and have had this situation for 5 1/2 years.  In my case, I don't have enough fat to do DIEP, since Dr. D. said I only have 1 1/2" of belly fat, but enough to do a stacked DIEP on the masc. side.  He would give my right breast a 'lift'.  I asked Dr. D. what was the timeframe between before pics and after pics in their photo section.  He said about 3 months from the before til after.

     jenlee, you were wise~  Thanks for your input.

    cascader, brave girl

    Esmerelda,funny story! 

    Hi AnnAlive! glad to hear you are doing better.  Hope your trip home is a safe and comfortable one.  Glad to hear everyone was so good to you there at the hospital.

    Cherrie, good luck. Which reconstruction procedure will you be using?

    Lesa, thanks for your input! It does sound like your outcome was good.

    celt, thanks for the info on 'paddle'.

    florafarm, glad you didn't have to be 'without'!

    chellehump, thanks for your words of encouragement

    I think this will take time for me to make a final decision as to if/when I will have the stacked DIEP on one side, with a lift to remaining left breast.  Like I said, it's been 5 1/2 years with a mastectomy and the one breast.  I'm trying to weigh out if it is worth it, with all the pain and suffering not to mention expense.  Then I have to go thru Stage 2 surgery and that doesn't sound like fun either.  It's a hard decision for me. Anyone out there who has gone thru only the stacked DIEP reconstruction at NOLA?  Input please!  Are there people who are out there that still have not made a decision as to whether they will go thru breast reconstruction aftering finding out what they will be faced with? 

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited July 2012

    Fyi, Macy's is having a big lingerie sale and some of the above mentioned bras are on sale!

    Think I will try the Bali Revolution, thanks celtic. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Ann.. I had Holly for many nights as well.. real sweetheart... there is Jamie P. who had a baby in the winter and then the other Jamie, Jamie G.... I suspect you had Jamie G... I had her for a few days last summer..

    Naturegirl.. I totally understand your situation... you have been flat on one side for a while now and think "why rock the boat?" That answer has to come from within... DIEP, STACKED DIEP... all the same really. As I said I had a stacked DIEP on my right side last August. I wouldn't know the difference from my perspective as to stacked or not. Dr D did stacked because I didn't have a lot of tummy fat... it is now 11 months post DIEP surgery and the breast looks like a normal breast. I think you just need to decide if you want recon or not.. and if you do, this procedure is the best (in my opinion) for the most natural outcome, even as a delayed DIEP.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited July 2012

    Naturegirl, I had implant reconstruction years ago and the new girls never felt like me. I felt the loss of mastectomy and really never thought it could be any other way. I chose Diep reconstruction as a final solution as not having to repeat implants every ten years and go through repeat surgeries. I am about three and a half weeks out and I feel these girls. Its like having puberty again lol. What a bonus! Big difference having the pecs put back to their native place as well. I truly feel restored. The recovery is more intense than I thought it would be but I would do it again without hesitation. I am excited about the rest of my reconstruction journey. It will only get better.

    Thanks all for the bra posts. I was lost about that area. I am still wearing the surgical bras.

    Annalive, hope you have a perfect weekend.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    Discharged from the hospital this afternoon. I'm sore and still walking slightly hunched. Alternating Percocet and Toradol for pain. The antibiotic I'm on is Minocin, and I'm afraid I may be allergic to it -- bad timing, the weekend. I have scalp itching, and also neck and back itching. Jamie knew about it and got me Benadryl for this morning's dose, but maybe I shouldn't take it at all. I'm allergic to several antibiotics. I'm considering calling someone.

    The drains are already such a nuisance -- hard to hide 4 of them! My post-op is Mon afternoon, so hoping to have decreased drain output and lose at least 2 of the drains then.  OK, suppertime, cooked by DH at Hope Lodge.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    Received an EOB from my insurance company that is so outrageous that I have to laugh, otherwise I'd cry. My insurance company says that between the Center and St. Charles Hospital, I owe over $200,000. The ladies in the insurance dept. at NOLA told me that it will all work out, so I'll keep the faith!!! :)

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    Hi everyone,  A question for all of you recent Diep ladies.  Is your stomach flat?  I am at 5 weeks and still have pooch with discomfort toward the midline.  It seems to get worse the more I do.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited July 2012

    AnnAlive- If you are concerned about an allergic reaction call SCSH (the number they gave you).  There is someone on call all the time and that is what they are there for.  Don't feel like you are bothering them.  My understanding is that if you are allergic to something the reaction may get worse with more exposure.    Let them know what is going on so they can advise you.   They can easily switch you to another antibiotic if they feel it is warranted.  (Just my opinion.)

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    Besa -- I called the center, the number I was given today on discharge, and it was the answering service, so I got a call back from Dr. T, who is on call for Dr. S. He decided to stop the antibiotic since it was prophylactic anyway, saying it is better not to change to another one and risk a reaction. Ever since chemo, I have become allergic to more drugs that I had been able to take before.

    Jenlee -- Outrageous! It will work out -- it has to!

    Willy5js5 -- Thanks for the weekend good wishes. We'll mostly be at Hope Lodge resting and walking laps. Big storm here this afternoon, and I think it's supposed to continue through the weekend.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited July 2012

    Downey my stomach is flat. I was bloated until this past week. Finally feel like I lost all that extra fluid from surgery.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited July 2012

    Downey,  If this is the same as what I had, Marcia termed it, appropriately, "barbie belly".  Sort of a mound from the pubic area vertically up to the belly button - like the barbie doll's physique.  I still see it a bit when doing sit ups but otherwise not so much anymore.  My tummy area still gets tight feeling if I sit too long reading or at the computer.  Walking always takes care of it - loosens right back up.  I can even suck in my stomach now.  I really do not think about all my body has been through when going about my day.  Wonderful!

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

      Downey,   I am 2 weeks post DIEP and my stomach is firm but definitely isn't anywhere near flat!  I saw my PCP today and she says this is still post-op swelling.  It will resolve itself in time.  I sure didn't have a flat stomach before DIEP so atleast it's not the fat hanging and bouncing around!  :)

    Thanks ladies for all of the bra advice.  I am still wearing the surgical bra and plan to go shopping on Monday!

    Healing thoughts to all!     Katiejane

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    Jane: I've never heard "Barbie belly".  I have heard the pubic mound puffiness called the "Ken doll".  He's the one with the bulge ;)

    Downey... in my experience, as the tightness has gone down the bowing of the area above the donor site has gone down.  I'm pretty sure, in hindsight, a lot of the dents and curves I had that didn't belong were due to tightness (tightness made it bowed, not flat, for some reason).  As scar tissue has relaxed things have gotten flatter and more even, and the curves are showing up in the right places now.  Definitely less dent-y in the donor area too.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited July 2012

    bdavis, it's been two days since I am saying yes to delayed reconstruction, stacked DIEP surgery.  I think when I can say 'yes' for one week I may be good to go with scheduling.

    willy, with ya there.  I'm thinking recovery is more intense than is made out to be too.  Sorry you had that intense recovery honey.  I just want to know what's ahead for me, and realizing just what I will be dealing with.  Thanks for the heads up.

    AnnAlive, have you been getting my PMs I've been sending you?  Hope  you are doing better, itching has subsided and recovery on the way.  Keep us informed.  Hugs

    Downey, thanks for discussing stomach issues as a result of DIEP surgery.  Glad your stomach is now flat!

    Jane123, and your DIEP surgery was Feb 2012 and you still having problems with your stomach.  Hope your tight feeling will go away soon.  What are the docs thinking and telling you about this?

    thanks jeska, for your input regarding your stomach issues as well.

    Can we talk a bit about stage 2 surgery, and what we (the undecided) will be faced with?  I heard the lipo is just terrible and it seems everyone, no matter which preferred recon surgery, has to go thru this.  Input please on stage 2 surgery?

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited July 2012

    AnnAlive- Guidance from Dr. T. sounds helpful.  I tend to be proactive with these kind of situations. It sounds like they got back to you quickly which is good.

    Naturegirl- I would absolutely not say that the lipo was terrible for me.  I had stage 2 and 2B so had lipo twice.   I was pretty sore for about 3 days.  I was taking tylenol when I left the hospital and didn't need anything stronger.  For me  the soreness resolved VERY quickly.  I went back to work full time - I think about 1 1/2 or 2 weeks after surgery.  You can tell the docs how much lipo you want done - some women want a lot others not so much.  They use the lipoed fat to even out the reconstruction. 

     Downey -My DIEP was done locally over 4 years ago - my stomach is  flat. 

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    jenlee,  That is just absurd.....I'm sure they will work it all out.  It's still quite a huge jolt!

    willy5js5,  you are so lucky that your stomach is already flat. I had my surgery about 10 days before you.

    jane123, That's really a cute term "Barbie Belly".  I'll keep laughing as long as my belly goes flat.

    katiejane, Your are only 2 weeks post op.  Dr. M said they put in a lot of fluid during the surgery.  I guess it's just going to take time.

    jeskachi,  It makes sense about the tightness causing the bulging.  I'm going to try and be more patient.

    besa,  that your stomach is flat gives me great hope....I'm hoping sooner than later.

    Thanks so much everyone for your input.  It does put my overactive mind to rest.  Just like this whole journey.....I have to slow myself down and know that I will get there in the end.  I'm so looking forward to when I get to make that tattoo appointment with Vinnie.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    Naturegirl2 -- yes, I got your PMs and answered a little while ago. Today (post-op day 4) it's as if I am catching up on rest I couldn't get very well in the hospital. I have pain mostly in the abdominal incision, some in the left "breast" and so I'm keeping medicated on Percocet and Toradol, hoping I can ease off gradually after the weekend. I don't like the dopey spacey feeling.

    Jenlee -- the Center told me that I would see very large numbers on my insurance EOB, but not to worry about it because that's just how it gets processed.

    I have a temp of 99.7, hoping it won't rise further. I've been drinking lots of water and breathing into the incentive spirometer. I still have itching after stopping the antibiotic Minocin, so I'm taking Benadryl periodically until it stops. It's kind of a lost weekend, improving soon. Cry