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NOLA in September?



  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited July 2012

    I know you will all be so pleased to read this. Our wonderful Center for Restorative Breast Surgery knocks it out of the ballpark yet again!!

    Go TEAM CRBS!!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited July 2012

    Cascader- I had a unilateral GAP done at the Center (the other breast was a DIEP done locally).  I asked about what exactly they would do when they worked on the GAP donor site before they did it.    Hope I a doing a good job of describing it -- they go back into the donor site and pull both side of the tissue together to work on the "dent."  They also make the skin on the surface taught.  As bdavis said they will lipo around the hips and donor site to further smooth things out.  They will also lipo on the other side to make things symmetrical.  You can tell them how much you want done. ( In my case I wanted to make sure the contralateral hip remained a viable donor site in case I needed it in the future so I asked specifically asked Dr. D. to be sure to preserve that.)  They also revised the scars.  Even though you have time until stage 2 - you can just call the Center and talk to the nurses who helped you through recovery from stage I. They can give you a very good idea of what will be done.   

    ch968- About going back to work -you will have drains for at least 4 weeks often 6 to 8 weeks.  I was lucky and went back to work 4 weeks after unilateral GAP surgery because I felt good and also got rid of my last drain at that time.  You may be in that situation but I really don't think you can count on it. Dr. D's 6 to 8 weeks is a safer time frame. 

    Cherrie- I was asked to send recent mammograms and breast MRI results to the Center.  I think they are trying to prevent surprises when it comes to occult invasive breast cancer being found in the mastectomy tissue when they do pathology.  If you have an invasive breast cancer you would like to be in a position where they can do a sentinal node biopsy before or during the mastectomy surgery. My understanding is that if invasive cancer is found on the pathology of mastectomy tissue and no sentinal node biopsy was done -  an axial dissection would then be recommended.  (At that point I think it would no longer be physically possible to locate the sentinal nodes.) I think they are trying to prevent this senario. Maybe someone else can chime in but that is my understanding of the situation.   

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited July 2012

    Thanks besa. I was hoping not to have an incision on the contra lateral cheek for exactly the same reason. Just in case, wanting to preserve a future donor site. But a little lipo would be nice. Looking forward to stage 2 .

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    ch968... for hip flaps, you could ahve drains as long as 9 weeks... so keep that in mond. I knew I didn't want to go to work with drains.. and lifting restrictions are 6 weeks (limited to 10 pounds) but I wouldn't then go lift anything heavy for another month or so... thats me talking not the doctors.

    Cherrie.. 2a, 2b... they are coded for the specific work that is done.. not by which surgery it is... So if at the first surgery you had scar revisions and at another surgery had nipples, it would be coded for the revision and the nipples

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2012

    ch968 - I will be at 6 weeks from Stage 1 with hip flaps on Tuesday and I still have both of my drains.  They are uncomfortable as well as difficult to disguise in clothing.  I would not want to have to go back to work with the drains.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    Ch968, I'm almost 4 weeks out from my stage 1 with hip flaps. I'm still pretty worn out & small amounts of lifting can make my chest sore. I still haven't made the transition to over-the-counter meds and I need to nap usually at least once a day. There are others that are bouncing back better than I am, but I am 42 & in reasonable shape and thought I would be feeling better by now! Plan for the worst & hope for the best.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited July 2012

    Ch968, have to agree with all the ladies. If you are feeling better, you might like that time off for taking care of home things that couldn't be done while recovering and start back to work feeling like most things are back to normal.

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    Hi Ladies!  It is so nice to be home after stage 1 in NOLA!  Home sweet Home says it all!  I must say, this entire process has been something else!  I'm feeling good and have been off of the pain meds for several days.-only using Tylenol and Motrin w/ occasional Darvocet-N that I had left from my TVH. The "girls" (Laverne & Shirley as my DH named them!) are doing great and my lymphedema seems to be less then it was before, although everyday is different.  The chest drains came out before we left NOLA but I still have the 2 hip drains which are sore from time to time.  So all is good!

    As far as getting through security, I showed them my letter but they still wanted to do a pat down which I absolutely refused.  The TSA looked at me and asked, "you're refusing the pat down"?  I replied, "sure am"!  So she called her Super, he read the letter, and asked if I would mind if he swabbed me for explosive residue-fine. So myself,DH, and him headed to a back room-he wanted me to touch my drain pouch before the swab so I thought I'd give him a little thrill and lift my shirt all the way up and introduced him to "Laverne & Shirley"!!  I thought he was gonna fall over!!  He turned red and became all flustered and just kept repeating "maam, you can put your shirt down, maam, you can put you shirt down now."  I'm still laughing at his reaction!

    Anyway, I just wanted to share this with all of you, especially if you're up and coming!! 

    I can't even begin to say enough for Dr. Massey, The Center, and all of the folks I have encountered throughout this process!!!  Also, Homewood Suite was awesome-clean,comfy, quiet, and a good location!   

    Warm hugs and best wishes to you all!!    Katiejane 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited July 2012

    Laverne and Shirley!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited July 2012

    While I am still working away with insurance... I had a question about returning to work after Stage 1. Did anyone return to work with the drains in? I am a candidate for the hip flaps in NOLA so I know the drains are in a bit longer than with the DIEP it seems like after reading many posts here.

    KSue- Are you in Illinois? I live in the Janesville area of Wisconsin.


  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    KerryA,  How is the insurance battle coming along?  Keep hangin' in there-it is so worth it!!!!

    Remember, I was ready to give up-so very glad I didn't!!  PM me if eyou just need to unload(or call)!

    Warm HUGS to you!  Katiejane

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    KatieJane, that's hilarious!! I read the airport part to my husband and he laughed too!! Glad you are home safe and recovering!!

    KSue, hang in there!! I know it sucks, but I had to keep telling myself this isn't permanent and they will eventually come out. Sending you gentle hugs and feel free to call me anytime.

    I am so glad to be drain free and I am ready to be girdle free too!! I am just concerned about the pain and throbbing I have in my right breast. I am doing pretty well otherwise, still getting my strength back, but this pain in my breast throws me for a loop. I spoke with Jeanine and she said it's normal, but I really hope it gets better. Sorry to keep ranting about this, but no one around me has any idea on what I have been through or what I am feeling.  You ladies are the best and I am so lucky to have found this thread.

    Hugs to you all!!


  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    @ Kerry, no I told my work I would not return with drains for risk of infection.  I would in a lab, but the environment is very dusty and I wouldn't risk it. I'm sorry you are having such a battle with insurance, but keep fighting. HUGS!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    CH968, I echo what the ladies said above. And I believe the center will want you not to be working for a good 6 weeks after Stage 1 - Stage 2 is another story, but what is actually done stage 2 varies widely from person to person... Talk to them about it though, exepctations for returning to work.

    I had stacked with 4 flaps and I took off 8 weeks, and I have a desk job. I was feeling much better at 5-6 weeks out, but I am glad I had all that time to focus on healing up... 

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2012

    Chelle - thanks for the words of encouragement.  I am trying to remain positive.  I was just so hoping to have at least one drain out at six weeks and am disappointed that it is not happening!  I hope that the pain in your breast improves soon.  I have some of this in my right breast but I don't think it is quite as bad as yours.  I have started PT and I think that is adding to it.

    KerryA - Yes, I am in Illinois.  I am at the southern end of the state in Herrin.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited July 2012

    KatieJane- I have been reading your inspiring posts. You went through such a long battle that I am so happy for you!

    We are just waiting out the enrollment period with my husband's PPO plan. We will be active August 1st. I sent the Center the new insurance plan info just to see if they could run some numbers for me but realize they can't send in the preauthorization until after we are enrolled on the new plan.

    I keep up on everyone's posts and really it is so great to hear how well everything went for you. Very, very inspiring to not let go of this journey to get to NOLA.

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    KerryA,          Anything I could possibly do for you or to help you, I would in a heartbeat!!  I'm really excited to hear of the August 1st date-I have such a good feeling about this!!!  If I can ever help, please don't hesitate to call me!     Warm hugs!!    Katiejane

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    DH & I arrived at Hope Lodge yesterday. The room is beautiful -- recently remodeled -- with remote-adjustable beds (may not need the wedge pillows I brought), a recliner, and fold-down shower seat. We picked up some groceries at Whole Foods to stock our cabinet. We drove, so we have our car here.

    Today is appointment day: 9, 9:30, 11 at the hospital, then 1:45 at the center with Dr. S. Naturegirl2 and Florafarm,  I hope to meet you if it works out between our appointments. I'll be wearing a lavender print blouse and black slacks, and have very short brown hair and glasses. Or maybe I'll be wearing a hospital gown for the 9:30 CT-A scan - ha! I'm awake at 5 am, a little nervous, praying for a successful day.

    Katiejane -- your TSA story cracked me up, showed it to DH. We flew to Indiana a couple of weeks ago, and everyone was being sent through the scanner. I opted out and got the pat-down. Just too many scans with treatment, so I didn't want it from them. They asked if any parts are sensitive and I said breasts, and explained tissue expander and port, and they took it easy.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited July 2012

    Hi Ann,

    Absolutely I will look for you.  I will have on a white blouse, and tan striped walking shorts.  I have long brown hair.  I have my tablet ready with questions in hand for Dr. D.  I know you must be nervous and rightfully so.  You have great courage, that's for sure!  I'll be looking for you.  Hope we can meet up.  I have a 10:15 consult with Dr. D.  I will probably get there early so I'll be in the waiting room,where ever that is.

     Florafarm, I'll look for you as well.  Do you know where you will be around the timeframe that I will be there?

    Prayers going out for y'all!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited July 2012

    Congrats to the many who have been to NOLA and are on the healing end of the journey! Each of us is/was different, so the experiences will be different, and posting for support or commiseration or humor all are great parts of the healing. LOVED the TSA story -- just sorry I didn't think of that!! ROTFLMAO!!!

    Mine now is a different situation. I need a Stage 2A, but am not sure I am worth the effort and expense. I don't think the Center has finished sorting out expenses from Stages 1 and 2 yet with my insurance, and I should schedule Stage 2A very soon, but ... I am really depressed, an unusual state for me. I know all of the things I should be telling myself, but at 64, is it really going to be worth it? Divorce final within the next 9 months and I sure don't see me meeting up with anyone else. I am having major body identity issues (have started counseling for that) now because 5 days after my diagnosis, my mother passed away and she was always my rock. Absent husband, so have essentially been taking this cancer and reconstruction journey by myself with the support of this site. Perhaps it is just me being selfish.

    Sorry this is a downer. Just so dark right now ...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    Celtic, that is a lot to go through all at once. Your "life stress" level must be off the charts, no wonder you are feeling blue. I waited almost a year to decide if I really wanted a stage 2b or not. I thought I would early on, but I wanted to wait and be sure. I ended up doing it and I am glad I did, but everybody is different. You don't need to rush yourself... Maybe you could send pictures to the center and explain what is bothering you and find out what they would do to address it. Maybe just taking some actions like that will help you feel more "in control".

    I don't think aiming for a feeling of restoration is selfish. Some women opt to have no reconstruction whatever, some do one side, some do both, some to implants, some natural tissue. There is no right answer except inside of you. If getting a 2b surgery is what you need, then do it. You will find many many women here who have had 2b and may even more. 

    love love love!!!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited July 2012


    Springtimes words are so true!

    Give yourself permission to heal from so many traumas and get back on your feet emotionally & physically and you will know when/ if you want to proceed.

    Gentle hugs and understanding,


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited July 2012

    More gentle hugs Celtic Antique.

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    A very, very sad night for my first full day/night at home from NOLA....My beautiful, sweet horse of 13 years coliced and had to be put down. Cody was my best buddy-he carried me through many trials including this BC journey.  He listen to my fears, comforted my tears, and always had a warm snuggle to give. We spent many, many hours in the mountains and foothills of Utah, just he and I, and I always knew he would bring me home safely. I will miss the him with all that I am.  Katiejane

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited July 2012

    Katiejane --

     I am so very sorry. I believe that two gifts to man from God were horses and dogs and there is no easing the heart when one loses any equine or canine companion. They are the staunchest of friends and know us deeply, never judge, heal our bruised hearts and are to be mourned as a true loss. I know  your pain. Condolences and uplifting thoughts ... {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}


  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    Katiejane, I'm so very sorry for loss of your sweet Cody. I know that when you've been together for that long, it's just like losing a family member. He was very lucky to have had your devoted love and companionship.

    CelticAntique, 64 is the new 54 (or 44!) so you never know what the future holds for you, so never say never.

    Praying for both of your hearts to heal.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited July 2012

    (((KatieJane)))  So sorry for your loss.

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited July 2012


    I'm so sorry :(

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    Katiejane,  I  too have horses and I so feel for you right now.  Cody was lucky to have touched your life and yours his.  Think how wonderful his life was for having known you.  Hugs, 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited July 2012

    Hotel question:  Has anyone stayed at the Place d'Armes Hotel?  Thoughts?  Thanks!