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NOLA in September?



  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    AnnAlive,  Keep the fluids going and the use of the I.S..  When I have patients who start these low grade post-op temps, I and their Docs. tell them to get out of bed/chair and walk in the halls atleast 4 time daily.  Walking in their room doesn't count. And it does work unless their is an infection brewing.  They don't think of it as a fever until it reaches 100.4. 

    Don't hesitate to call the Center if needed!     Katiejane

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited July 2012

    I actually asked Dr. Massey if she would get rid of the "Ken mound" at my Stage 2. She did a little lipo/sculpting right at the top sides above the pubic area. Looks great!!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    Before my last stage 2 surgery Dr M drew a big spiral on my pubic mound. The only place I had lipo (and bruising afterward). Made a big difference though, in the way my pants fit in the front. Much less denty.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited July 2012

    The belly tightness does not bother me as it only really occurs when I am having poor posture (leaning forward) while sitting for long periods of time... so I have not inquired about it.  I just move around and it goes away.  I think it will promote good posture in me!  I will bring it up at my stage 2 appt just to see if this is typical.  I cannot take credit for coining the term "barbie belly"  -  that is Soccermom's idea.    My belly is flat otherwise and I have a marvelous belly button (yay, Dr. D!)

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    Katiejane -- thanks. I'll keep up the walking, fluids, and the IS too. Must stay well without antibiotic coverage.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    I have a few questions for the Flappers:

    1.  I'm at almost 5 weeks post-surgery and am eating like a monster!  Anyone else get the hungries?  I am crazy for protein, which I've read is pretty important right now.

    2.  How long did you pad your incisions under your undergarments?  I am still using ABD pads on my hip and breast incisions, but the glue is starting to come off my hips.

    3.  One of my hip drains was removed last week and now that hip is demonstrating the "waterbed effect."  At what point should I see a local doctor?  Is this fluid retention dangerous?  Will it become very uncomfortable? 


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012


    About the fluid, you should get it drained. The problem with built up fluid is that it will try to escape at the path of least resistance, and that means the incision... it could pop open. So get it drained. You could try a day or two of heavy compression to see if that resolves it.

    I only used padding when I had drains or open wounds.

    I did not have hunger issues.. ate normally.

    NATUREGIRL... My stage II (which included a fair amount of lipo etc) was not bad... I was sore for 3-4 days (bruised) but recovered quickly. I had a butt lift as part of my stage II and it was probably the most sore part, and as a DIEP girl, you wouldn't have that. As far as recovery from stage I, I didn't find it to be nearly as bad as I had thought it would be... for me, the first week was tough, but by week 3, I was MUCH better.

    The Bulge... I do not have the ken or barbie mound, but I am more bulky in the upper belly. I am one year post hip flap (as of yesterday) and 11 months post DIEP, and I am NOT tight in the belly. I feel it a little when I do ab work, but my day to day life I do not. 

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2012

    LAStar - I am about 7 weeks out and was also really hungry.  I think it may have been due to not eating much the first few weeks and just the body craving what it needs.  I quit using the ABD pads on my breast as soon as the fluid quit draining.  I am still using the pads on my hips but I still have both drains.  What was your fluid output when you removed your drain?  I am hoping to remove one of mine tomorrow.

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited July 2012

    Hi LaStar, I am 6 1/2 weeks out. I do not use anything on my breast, actually going braless, but on my butt incision I still put a extra long kotex pad on if I am going out and sitting for awhile. The extra padding helps .

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    LAstar, You might want to call the center and talk to them about the fluid. Dr. Sullivan's nurse, Stacey, helped me make arrangements to get my abdomen checked out and drained if needed. It seems to have that waterbed effect when I'm laying on my back. Can't see my hip bones and used to be able to, so that makes me suspicious too, but it could still be post surgical swelling.

    BTW LAstar, I think I'm going to be at NOLA the same week as you for my stage 2. Just working out schedules of my "caretaker," etc. Anyone else want to join us? :)

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    Thanks, everyone!  I hope to talk with someone at the Center tomorrow and sort out what I need to do about the fluid.  

    KSue, my drain was under 10 CC/day for 4 days before it was removed.  The left hip is still putting out 50 - 70 CC/day, so it seemed that it was too early to lose a drain.  I think that the left drain may be taking on some of the fluid from the right hip.  

    Jenifer, it would be great to see you at Stage II!  I have already tried to get a room at the Homewood Suites the weekend of Oct 5 but it is all booked, possibly for a big arts festival that weekend.  I'm going to call to make sure it's not an internet glitch.   

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

     LAstar,    I am only 2.5 weeks out and my appetite has returned and I am constantly hungry!!!  I was alittle concerned as I had dropped 10 lbs. from pre-op to just a few days ago.  I just wasn't hungry for many days-kind of had to make myself eat!  That's a first for me!!!!!

    As far as the padding, Dr. M. told me I needed to wear padding as long as I was wearing compression.  When I run out of ABD's I use soft washcloths. They work great-cheap and reusable from Wal-Mart.

    Time to start looking at a date for stage 2. Will probably return to NOLA-can't wait to have some more roasted oysters!!!!      Katiejane

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    For Stage II, is the hospital stay one or two nights?  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    LAstar.. I stayed 2 nights.

    And about the Homewood... it is ALWAYS booked it seems, but ask Katie to book it for you... whenever the Internet says they are booked, she seems to be able to get a room.

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

      Can anyone tell me when you were allowed to start driving after your DIEP surgery?  Dr. M. said not yet!  Thanks! Katiejane

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    I drove at 2 weeks.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    Ladies, did most of you stay for your post-op after Stage 2 or skip it? The center has said it's optional and skipping it would allow my husband to come pick me up on a Sunday, instead of missing a day of business on Monday. Just curious... I know that for stage 1, I needed that extra day in town!

    katiejane, at three weeks, probably could have done it a few days sooner.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    I had a post op with Laura... Dr D wasn't available and I would have needed to wait another day for him.. I did want some kind of post op, but that is just me.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2012

    I had a post op after Stage 2. I just feel better about having one. I only stayed one night in the hospital after Stage 2, which I think is typical. It was so different than Stage 1. Stage 1 I stayed an exta night and felt afraid to leave the safe nest ( did fine, of course). Stage 2 I was glad to get out of there! Eager to leave, as I felt confident about taking care of myself and the pain was so much less.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    I should add that since my stage II was for both hip and DIEP flaps I had a lot of revision, and that might account for the two nights. I was scheduled for one, but asked for a second.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited July 2012

    besa, glad to hear you didn't have too much pain from your stage 2 & 2b surgery. How soon was your belly flat? Thanks for your input!

    Jane123, let us know what your docs say about your belly tightness when you do find out okay?

    LAStar,good luck with your hip fluid retention problem.

    bdavis, good to know your stage 2 surg. wasn't too bad.  And, good to hear you did not get 'the bulge.  Thanks for your input!


    Being that you lost some 10 lbs, did you find it had an impact on your breasts?

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2012

    Just wanted to check in will you all. I have my last appointment with my local breast surgeon tomorrow and leave for vacationonWednesday. There will be no electricity or cell phone coverage . I will check back in whenI return. I will be home for 2 days and then travel for my son's wedding. Back home for a day and leave for NOLA. GHEEZ!!!

    I love to keep tabs on you all. My thoughts, prayers, and positive energy for everyone. "see" you in a couple of weeks.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited July 2012

    Have fun Cherrie!  See you in NOLA.  (c:

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    Naturegirl2,   I started to lose the weight prior to DIEP because I had a respiratory virus(pertussis?).  The weight loss just continued after surgery simply because I had no appetite.  I don't think it made any difference in my "girls".  They look about the same as they did immediately post-op minus some post-op swelling.   Katiejane

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    Good evening, ladies. Still in NOLA, and had my post-op this afternoon. I discussed with Dr. S the shape and size, especially the large size of the left breast. The right side is kind of flat in shape, but he will improve projection at stage 2. Tuesday morning I will be back in the OR for a revision for asymmetry and removal of skin necrosis on the left breast.

    I had 3 of 4 drains removed today, but will probably have another added tomorrow. Dr. S said the revision will take about an hour and I can leave after recovery. I'll stay at Hope Lodge one more night before starting the trip home.  This is not stage 2. What do you call it, 1+?

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited July 2012

    naturegirl2-    It was over 4 years ago and a local ps but my recollection is that my stomach was pretty much flat as soon as I got a good look at it or at least as soon as I got rid of the compression garment which was, I am guessing, maybe a few weeks to a month after I got rid of my drains.    I didn't carry a lot of weight in my stomach to begin with.   I was pulled VERY tight.  I think if I had gone to the Center they would have done a stacked DIEP.  (So my stomach looked good but the flip side was that the reconstruced breast looked horrible and the reduction on the other side also had huge problems.)

    AnnAlive- I guess this is unexpected.  I am sorry you have to deal with all this. 

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    AnnAlive, thinking of you and sending big (gentle) hugs. Hang in there!

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    Besa -- yes, unexpected! But I'm glad he will be able to make the sides somewhat more even before stage 2. He left the decision up to me, so what would have happened with the skin necrosis? It looks like bruising.

    Jenlee -- thanks for thinking of me.

    Sassy43 -- were you at the Center for your consult today? I was there from about 2:30 - 4:30 pm, wearing a purple & black print blouse.

    Ch968 -- I'll be at the Hospital tomorrow for the itsy bitsy revision, arriving maybe 8am, and wish you well with your pre-op stuff there and at the Center. Blessings to you during your stage 1 Hip flaps on Wed with Dr. D!

  • florafarm
    florafarm Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2012

    AnnAlive- so sorry you have to have more surgery, but I am sure you are glad it can be addressed before you get home? I thought skin necrosis looked really dark, no ? Dr. Massey said everything looks great 2 wks post op, except the belly button...looks like a newborns That you are waiting to fall off. I don't think it's a big deal, my bb will just be more of an "inny", but because of the potential for infection, I have to keep my last drain in until I' m under 10 cc, instead of the usual 30 cc. :(

    How Long before the bruising on the breasts is gone? Any one else taking Arnica for it?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    I took Arnica for stage II.