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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    hmmm... I would call them and ask.

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2012

    Bdavis,   That's what I was thinkin' too!  Thanks for your input!!!   katiejane

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited July 2012

    Katiejane -- I had a valve in the bulb go bad so there wasn't any suction. Call the Center and check it out. Rather that than getting excess fluid build-up .... unless you were approaching the "pull it" threshhold!

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2012

    The morning of my post-op, one of my drains wouldn't hold suction, but I knew it was one that would be pulled soon because its output was low enough, so it wasn't an issue because it did get pulled that day. I tried to tighten whatever and push the cap in well, but that didn't help. I'm without drains now! Today the breast drain that was put in at the stage 1b fix was ready to pull -- only had minimal output because of the revision that was done. Yes, if the drain doesn't hold suction, ask the Center for a new one.

    About my abdominal incision going rogue -- skin turning black. I did call the Center and talked to Jeanine (Celeste is following me but is out for a few days). She had me email a picture of it and said to keep painting with betadine. I confirmed that there is no pocket of liquid and that the incision isn't separating. She said I might have to come back if it opens -- yikes, don't want that.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited July 2012

    hi bdavis,could you tell me why does tummy area need compression?  Maybe for stage 1, maybe not, depending on your doc?, but for sure with stage 2.  I'm a bit confused. 

    I'd like to hear more about compression, girdles, or whatever, and what we will be looking forward to.

    Katiejane, that's good.  

    AnnAlive, sorry you are having abdominal troubles. 

    I would like to talk about abdominal scarring.  How long does it take, roughly, for the DIEP abdominal scarring to fade?  It seems we get the breast restored, then we have to deal with ugly scarring, from side to side, along with scarring of restored breast as well as scarring from lift.And who knows what else.  Can yall talk about this please? Does anyone know how long the 'after' pics were taken in the photo gallery? They don't really have many pics of stacked diep procedure results.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Naturegirl... I can't tell you medically why one needs compression after stage II, but apparently for lipo, compression is standard... I believe it has to do with adhesion of cells so you don't get lumpy, but maybe someone else can chime in.

    As for scars. I am one year post stage Ia, 11 months post stage 1b and all incisions were reopened at stage II in November. My breast scars and buttocks and hip scars are almost invisable... the 5-6 inches on my abdomen that is not invisable fades more and more every day... Considering the fact that it has been 9 months, I think my scars look fabulous!!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited July 2012

    AnnAlive - Glad you are now drain free.  I am sorry you have to deal with a problem with the incision.  Hopefully you won't have to return to NOLA to get it treated but if it turns out that is what is needed they will be there for you.   

    Naturegirl- I was under the impression that compression after lipo was to control swellling.  Dr. D. doesn't seem to require compression for very long - after a short time it is optional and just for your comfort. 

     How the scars heal is an individual thing.  I have been told that scars in areas that have a lot of motion or traction on them can be somewhat more obvious.  The scars I had on my old DIEP breast reconstruction (done over 4 years ago) and reduction on the other side (done at the same time) had faded to a very thin white line.  Unless I  looked VERY closely I couldn't even see them.  Dr. D. revised the DIEP stomach scar (DIEP was not done at NOLA).  That scar was wide and high- I think because of all the traction on it initially.   The scar revision is 7 months ago and it is now starting to fade away in places.  I expect it will fade more.  I had been told during my DIEP surgery that I needed to protect the scars from the sun for at least a year.  The recommendation was to even put suntan lotion on under a bathing suit during that time because some UV light still gets through.    

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited July 2012

    hi bdavis, thanks for your input.  Now I understand why compression for stage 2 surgery, because of lipo, is needed.  Can others respond on their compression experiences please?  Maybe say which doc they have,(NOLA) and who did what in regards to using compression garments, stage 1. Glad your scars are fading and looking better!

    besa, compression to control swelling, hmmm.  And glad to hear Dr. D. doesn't require compression for very long. Glad your scars are fading to your liking as well.  Interesting to learn DIEP'ers need to protect their scars for at least one year.  I have to admit, I love the sun, but, I get small increments of sun, naturally, maybe several times a week.  Read that sun is actually good, in small increments, for breast cancer survivors!  And, as stupid as you may think, I do not wear sunscreen, of any sort.  I won't put any of those chemical-based lotions on my skin.  I've read there is a lot of concern going on with sunscreening lotions, including makeup based sunscreen.  I use sunscreen free based makeup.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Stephanie... I think besa is more on track with compression... I think its for swelling. I know after stage one they have you wear compression for swelling AND to keep fluid from building up... without it, you are susceptible to seromas (pockets of fluid). As for sun, I didn't worry about it... But then again, I had surgery in the summer and was not wearing a suit or going to the beach with drains, so that took care of that. And my second surgery was in November, so again no problem. But I for sure have been to the beach and whatnot sunning this summer. I do use sunscreen, but not under my suit where are my scars are... I do have a port scar that got sun, but no worse than it was before. It is the only scar that is visable in a bikini by the way.

  • Kd6blk
    Kd6blk Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2012

    I had laser hair removal so I normally never shave...why did they say not to shave on SNB side? Is that a forever thing?

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited July 2012

    kd6blk - that is what I did. Laser and no more razor! Wonderful.

    nordy - I am so angry for you about all this. Here is my plan - push the hospital to embarassment, get your test and surgery, then move here to Idaho and he works with me !!!! If I remember he is at one of the big 3 there? so sorry that this is sucking your energy. peace & strength sister!!

    hipsters - did your scars kind of "suck in" after 12 weeks or so? I looked better with swelling. Will call the hospital tomorrow.

    Been on vacation to Yellowstone and it was wonderful. My boobs looked great :) 

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    need2new,  I'm about 4 1/2 months since the gap and I have pretty big dents.  I have to say I am looking forward to getting them fixed.  I agree.....looked better with the swelling.

    I also had laser hair removal.  It is really great.

    Nordy, don't let them get you down.  Stay strong and keep pushing!  Wear them down before they can get you.

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2012

    naturegirl2 - I had my stage one reconstruction with hip flaps with Dr. D on June 5th.  I woke up in a compression garment and was told to wear it around the clock one week past drain removal. I think once the drains are removed I will buy a spanx type garment to wear for a week since I only need compression on the booty and not my thighs.  It is really hot! 

    I was able to remove my first drain on Friday of last week (7 1/2 weeks past surgery date).  It is such a relief!  I still have the other one and will for at least 8 weeks.  Jeanine said to check back on Tuesday to check on progress.   Man, these drains are a pain.  For those of you who kept your hip drains for 7-9 weeks, how many weeks did you keep them after stage 2?

    I am almost 8 weeks out and I do have the hip flap dents.  The ABD pads that I currently am using for compression help.  I am not going to be jumping in to stage 2 quickly and am thinking about what I can do for the dents in the meantime.  Has anyone used some kind of a shaper with success?

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2012

    naturegirl2-I had DIEP on Sept 13th they gave me a binder to wear for 4-6 weeks and stage 2 I had the girdle for 2 weeks, but was told I could wear it as long as 5 weeks.  My dr was Dr.DellaCroce.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2012

    naturegirl2,  I had hip flaps and wore the compression around the clock.  I then had a Diep flap added and have been in no compression since the hospital.  I am about 6 weeks past the second surgery.

    Ksue, I haven't had any luck with filling in the dents.  My pants seem to find those areas and I'm always hiking them up now.  Let me know if you come up with something.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2012

    Hi there ladies!!

    Nordy stay strong and keep fighting!! Just makes me so mad that insurance can make decisions like that that effect our lives...grrrr

    KSue, congrats on losing a drain!!! I was thinking about you yesterday and meant to call. I'm sure your other one will come out soon!!! As for the dents....oh

    I'm losing my pants. All my dress pants for work are falling off and the dents are noticeable in certain pairs of jeans which also fall down. I'm trying to make jokes about it which makes it easier, but I'm not buying anything new until after stage 2.

    Naturegirl2, I woke up in my compression girdle and wore it 24/7 until a week after my last drain came out. My last drain was out in 6 weeks. I thought about buying something else to wear the last week, but just didn't want to spend money on anything else to wear for a week, so I just wore the girdle. It was easier to get on and off without the drains coming out of my hips :-)

    Did anyone have a brown area on their breasts that I thought was bruising but now I am starting to

    wonder. It's along the bottom & to the inside but not underneath the breast. Just curious. I know Dr. D will address anything unusual at stage 2, but Ive been waiting for it to disappear and it's not.

    Well ladies, I've gotta get up early for work tomorrow so good night. First day working all day and sitting in traffic to and from.

    Hugs to all

    Sweet dreams :-)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    I had drains for 8.5 weeks post stage I hip flaps, and for about a week or maybe a little more after stage II... not so bad. About the butt dents, I had stage II in November and for the most part the dents are gone, but not 100%, and I still am pulling my pants up. It depends on the pants, but most slip. I will have Dr D address this at stage IIb.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    Nordy. :((   What can you do? take a step back and regroup. 

    Compression is to decrease swelling. After lipo for sure. Some docs recommend compression garments for 6 monhts after lipo for "best results"(this is not what they say at the center). I loved my Marina garments (there is a link above in the header info). When I had my stage 1, (this is before Dr. Massey joined the group) they made you wear compression even after stage 1, DIEP or GAP. I believe that has changed. I was there with another NOLA sister. I had Dr D., She had Dr. M. I had the most horrible compression (Nordy named "The Dom" for "dominatrix" outfit), she had NOTHING!! I was so jealous! She was so comfortable, but the drains were bothering her more -- I think the compression, while not so great comfort-wise, does have the advantage of keeping the drains still and in place. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    I would second the compression and drain comfort. Since I had drains for 8.5 weeks, I was told I could take my compression off for an hour here and there, but to be honest, it was more comfortable on with regards to the drains. The LAST thing you want is to inadvertantly tug on a drain. OUCH.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited July 2012

    I've had nodes removed from both sides (one side had two levels) and I have always continued to shave my pits without problems. But over the years since rads on that side (10 years now) there's very little hair growth anyway.

    I did have laser on my upper lip, and it was great. But make sure you do it while your hairs are dark, not getting gray like some of mine. Laser only seems to zap the black ones!

    Nordy, dear, take a breath. Clear your head. Beating it against a brick wall isn't working. You're not going to get these guys to change their mind now without a lawsuit. Might be cheaper to go to work parttime to get a better insurance plan. Doesn't sound like your DH can change jobs at this time...In the meantime, keep killing those tri's. Did you do the STP this year? My friend did it in a day.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012
    Spring.. Please change my appt date to Oct 8.. I needed to change appts due to college visiting with my son on his days off from school..
  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    Betsy, I really hope that we get to see you!

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited July 2012

    Speaking of getting hair removal...did any one have to get their flap lasered? If do, at what point did you do this? I didn't even know I had hair on my butt , but there it is front and center!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Jenifer.. I am flying in Oct 4 and out Oct 9... so I will stop by the 5th to see you.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2012

    Betsy, come say hi!  My surgery is the morning of the 5th.  

    How long is the Stage 2 surgery???  I have hip flap reconstruction -- what are they going to do to my bottom?  Are the incisions completely reopened?   

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    I will come by for sure.. I think I was in stage II for 4-5 hours, but I had revisions to DIEP and Hip flaps... For hip flaps, they will most likely reopen your incisions and do a butt lift. They will also do as much lipo as you want. I had outer thigh, inner thigh, inner knee, love handles and upper abs lipo'd. What time is your surgery? Maybe I will plan to come by after lunch to catch both of you.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2012

    Betsy, I updated your date...

    Ann, both sides! good grief.... 

    DianneNC is up soon! It will all be good Dianne....

    Aug 1 - DianneNC - Stage 1 Hip flaps with Dr. D., NOLA.   (to recap: I had DIEP flaps done locally in March and lost both flaps, one immediately after surgery and one 10 days later) 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Thanks Spring!!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2012

    Too bad the DIEP ladies don't get butt lifts!!! This morning, my eight year old cheerfully "complimented" me, enthusiastically proclaiming that my butt is almost completely flat :( It's atrophy from lack of exercise during chemo and surgery recovery, but now that I'm eight weeks post surgery, I'm starting to work out again. it's very hard to take it slowly with exercise!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Ask for the butt lift.. women who have GAP can get the tummy tuck at stage II if they want so why not the butt lift??