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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2012

    Gosh, it has been a while. This may be in a couple parts so that I can get the info in that I want!

    Betsy! Yes, it is my hubby's employer, and yes, that may make things very sticky... So will hold off on the bad PR for the moment... But believe me, It has crossed my mind several times and I am in agreement with you... But it may get sticky!

    Katiejane - so sorry to hear your energy levels dropped and you weren't feeling so great! You know this will pass (if it hasn't already!). Also assuming by now the drain issue is resolved...

    Armpit shaving... At the advice of every lymphedema professional under the sun and my own personal training, I bought an electric razor several years ago... It always worked "ok" but the last time I used it I had razor rash everywhere under both armpits! I was so worried I would end up with an infection, so I really watched it and used lots of aloe on it (naturally occurring antibacterial properties). Since then I lather up my pits with a moisturizing gels and shave them with a regular razor in the shower. So far, knock wood, no nics or cuts...

    Okay, turning the page... Lol

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2012

    Annalive - I hope your belly button is on the mend!

    Pinkheart... Hurray for finding a sloution to your reconstruction dilemma! I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping and praying that all has gone well today. Hurray for you!!! Wooohooo!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2012

    Grrrrr... I posted before and "poof". ... Gone. I hate when that happens!

    Thank you to all that keep supporting me & encouraging me throughout this insurance battle. I have one shot left for the year and you can bet that I am going to try my best...

    Anne, I did not do STP this year, but I did do it in 2009. Love the second 100 miles... The first 50 is amateur hour on the road. I also rode it in one day and would not want to do it any other way. Since only about 2000 riders do it on one day and the other 10000 or so do it in 2 days, I prefer to have the second half of that ride over and done with before everyone hits the road again. It is not slow speeds that bother me about beginners(I am not all that fast)... It is the complete lack of courtesy and standard cycling rules that drive me nuts...! I do think you should come out one year and join us all! I would do it again if you come out!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2012

    Okay, last one, then I am caught up!

    Katiejane - NOLA at Halloween!! You are in for a treat! SO fun! Eve in Minnesota usually goes there for Halloweeen. Maybe you two can meet?

    Eva - you go girl. Love the belly dancing!

    If I missed anyone/anything - I am sorry! Just been busy running kids all over creation for dance, soccer, swimming, acting.., you name it - and trying to get my rides, runs and workouts in! Did a tri last week as a relay (I did the cycling) and we came i first in our division! Sooooo exciting! Have a great week you all!

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2012


    I, too wish you a speedy healing with this issue.  

    Since you mention that they are having you increase your betadine swabbing...I have a question for you and the other ladies. 

    Does the Center give you the supplies you need and/or did you have home stocked with your own (Betadine, etc.)?


  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2012

    You'll get some supplies when you leave but probably not enough to get you through your entire recovery.  Some people ask for more and the center ships it.  I never felt comfortable asking them to overnight supplies I could just buy at Walgreens, so I never asked.  Got through most of recovery with what they gave me plus a bottle of betadine, 4x4 gauze pads ("gauze sponges" are softer), ABD pads and paper tape.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    I did get enough supplies from the center. They just kept giving me more and more! I still have a huge stash of ABD pads, gloves, hand sanitizer, little measuring cups, hibicleanse, and several betadine swabs. The only thing I needed the Center to send me was a new bulb and a smaller girdle.

    I've been shaving my arm pits with a razor and haven't had a problem with nicks. I did find a shave cream I like (by First Aid Beauty) and it's so much nicer than just soap. I'm going to buy a Tria when I can so I won't have to shave at all.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    Ttay -- Because others on this thread had done so, I asked the Center to send me more supplies, and they did. But I don't want to keep asking so I ordered more betadine swabs on Amazon (couldn't find them in drugstores). They haven't arrived yet, but this is what I ordered at 50 per box, $8.35: 

    Also, the ABD pads in the drugstores are expensive, like $.99 each, and I remembered that someone mentioned they used sanitary pads. I ordered the Seventh Generation brand on Amazon because they are hypoallergenic, free of chlorine, dyes, and fragrance. I like that they are ultra-thin too so I won't have too much bulk under the binder and in the bra. I ordered plenty because I will need a lot for this ongoing problem and treating 3x/day. This is the link for 12 packages, total 192 pads, $46.68 which is $.24/pad, much cheaper than the ABDs, and there are options for fewer (also, I avoided wings):  

    I'll report back whether these work out.

    Edit: my report back on the Seventh Generation pads. Oh my, what a mistake these are. First, these had wings even though the description didn't mention wings; no problem, just stick the wings to the back side of the pad. They are individually wrapped, which is good for each one being clean since they aren't sterile like the ABDs. These are extra long, which is OK depending on your needs.

    So, I put them on the abdominal incision and belly button (it took 2 overlapped horizontally) for their inaugural wearing. Since most pads have plastic liners, including these, I wondered if that could cause a problem. Well it, did. After having them on for a couple of hours, I checked and found they became moist against my skin--the liner had set up a perspiration situation! When I tried afterwards to tear away the liner, I found the pad part to be damp. This is absolutely unacceptable for use on my skin necrosis that must be kept dry. End of that experiment. I don't recommend this unless you can find unlined pads, but then that kind is usually bulky.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited August 2012

    I did ask the Center for more ABD pads and also a refill on kelo-cote. But I bought some too and a bottle of betadine. After the initial healing period I used sanitary pads and clean squares cut from a fleece baby blanket except for the actual drain sites. I was a maniac for keeping those sterile. I'm going to need a third tube of kelo-cote, but I'm buying that on my own. I used up nearly all the supplies they gave me. I might have two or three pads leftover but that's about it. 

    Thanks for the anniversary wishes. He gets home very late tonight. Sunday, I'm celebrating my recovery by going skydiving. I figure after a hysterectomy, double mastectomy and hip flap reconstruction, jumping out of an airplane should be a piece of cake.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2012

    Eva,  YOU GO GIRL!

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2012

    Thanks besa.  And I will contact soccermom.

    Ann, my thoughts and prayers go out to you.  I hope you will get some answers with regard to your incision start feeling better soon.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Ann... I had an incision open and they flew me back, but it was more complicated because it was the breast incision.. and was leaking a lot and became distorted... It doesn take WEEKS for it to heal, and even when it heals, it may not be an attractive scar, but no worries as they will fix at stage II.

    About supplies... I had them send me more after my first surgery.. I ran out, bought some, was running out of that and so they mailed me supplies, but that was mostly because I was leaking and it was a mess... after the second stage I and after stage II they had given me enough supplies (I did restock at post op).

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    So fun ,Eva! I jumped off a cliff into the Colorado River in June. It was so exhilarating!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    I did call the center for more supplies, but I also bought some of my own.  We bought some ABD pads and were shocked that they were $1.00 a piece.

    Eva, that's awesome!!  My DH and I went skydiving several years ago. My son was only 6 or 7, so we went up a different times just in case something happened. It was an exhilarting experience and I am so glad I did it!! But, I don't plan to do it again, so I made sure I had pictures taken and video. My ears are very sensitive and it messed them up for about 6 months...

    Yesterday I spent the day at the lake with my son and my hubby. It was the first time since my surgery that I attempted to put on a bathing suit. I will definately need a lift during stage II Wink, but it was nice to just relax on my float and feel normal again.

    AnnAlive, I hope you are doing better!! I am sorry you are having these issues!!

    Hope PinkHeart and DianeNC are doing well on the other side.


  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    Naturegirl2 & Betsy -- Thanks. Incision holding so far, but the pain I have is from that area. Necrotic belly button is looking weirder -- elongated vertically, light skin in the middle and black eschar all around. It will need a redo! Breast dark area about the same, and Betsy, wow what an experience you had with that! I did see your pictures on the forum.

    The betadine swabs I ordered from Amazon (mentioned it above) arrived and they work just fine, with enough product, not too dry. They still make a mess of the sink no matter how carefully the package is opened.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited August 2012

    Interesting! I've been surprised at the number of people I know who have done skydiving or something like it. 

    Re betadine swabs, I never bought any. I got some sent from the clinic but eventually just bought a bottle of betadine and some sterile gauze to dab it on with. It seemed to work fine and was actually less messy than ripping open those swab packets. 

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012

    Chelae-- thanks for kind thoughts. I do hope an alive is going to turn a good corner soon.

    Dr k gave me a thumbs up to walk the floor and take a shower if I'm up to it today. Nurse will assist cuz even though feeling good still weak.

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited August 2012

    So, after reading so many posts about stage 2 DIEP, I can't remember too much of what I read!!!  I'd like to blame chemo brain but it has been 5 years-maybe it's lack of hormones plus permanent damage from chemo!!!  Anyway, can you ladies refresh my memory-----I believe it's usually 1 night in the hospital but how long until your post-op check/to be discharged to go home?  I know Dr. M. will reshape, possible lipo/incision redo.  Is there anything else I should expect? Is there pre-op testing other than maybe a blood draw? Are there usually drains involved---UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anything you can tell me would help.  I want to book airlines and hotel in the near future!

    Also, Dr Massey is having her symposiums here in Utah in September.  I will be going just to show/talk to perspective pts.,especially lymphedema people what can be done to help them.  Utah is such a "closed" state in so many ways.  Nordy enlightened me and here I sit not only with new girls but my lymphedema measurements are going down, down, down!!!!!

    Thanks everyone!!  Without the support and caring I have found here I wouldn't be where I am now!!!      Warm {{{{HUGS}}}}   katiejane

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    Update on my experiment with Seventh Generation sanitary pads I ordered on Amazon as a cheap substitute for ABD pads (and I pasted this as an edit in my message above too):

    Oh my, what a mistake these are. First, these had wings even though the description didn't mention wings; no problem, just stick the wings to the back side of the pad. They are individually wrapped, which is good for each one being clean since they aren't sterile like the ABDs. These are extra long, which is OK depending on your needs.

    So, I put them on the abdominal incision and belly button (it took 2 overlapped horizontally) for their inaugural wearing. Since most pads have plastic liners, including these, I wondered if that could cause a problem. Well it, did. After having them on for a couple of hours, I checked and found they became moist against my skin--the liner had set up a perspiration situation! When I tried afterwards to tear away the liner, I found the pad part to be damp. This is absolutely unacceptable for use on my skin necrosis that must be kept dry. End of that experiment. I don't recommend this unless you can find unlined pads, but then that kind is usually bulky.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2012

    Ann--that's the reason I never used them :)

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited August 2012

    Ann - I called the number on the box of the ABD pads that came from the Center (when that phone number is answered they give you another phone number for ordering).  I can't remember what I paid but I remember thinking the price was better than my local pharmacy.  I ordered quite a few boxes and they delivered them.  It is just a phone call to check out the price.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2012

    I have a date and its finally come about. A bit surreal of a day! I am set for September 26th, Stage 1 Bilateral Hip Flaps with Dr. Dellacroce. The ladies in the insurance dept are wonderful. Very kind and sincere.

    Thank you for everyone's great support!!


  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited August 2012

       OH Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I just got goosebumps all over when I read your post!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am sooooooo excited for you!!!!  I wish you were sitting right here so I could give you a BIG HUG!!! I have tears in my eyes for you!!  It is so worth not giving up and I know this is because of your new insurance but it doesn't matter. You are going to have the surgery that you need and you will be so happy that you stuck with it----I know I am!  And really, I may have just given up if it weren't for you ladies here and the support I received!!!  It does hit you as being alittle surreal at first, I remember that!  My love to you and please keep in touch.  CONGRATULATIONS!!!


  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited August 2012

      Ann,   I went to a local medical supply store and paid $8.00 for a box of 18 ABD's. I couldn't find them at Wal-Mart or any where else. The wash cloths that are suggested instead were just to rough on my skin which is ultra sensitive since initial treatment.    Katiejane

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2012

    I have not had the chance to skim past posts. I have been out of contact for the last 9 days. ( no cell phone service or electricity). Hope everyone is doing well and healing.

    I heard from Dr. Massey's office today. My 5 appointments the day before surgery have been scheduled. I see dr. Massey at 8 AM. Can you take a shower after being marked up? This seems like an early appointment. what is Doctor Lagarde like? I can't believe how soon this is.

    I am scheduled for a full body massage on Monday, haircut Tuesday, leave for Upper Michigan Tuesday, son married Saturday, Detroit on Monday, fly for NOLA on Tuesday the 14th. I don't know if I am ready for this. I am getting scared. I am sure this must be normal. 2 weeks from now Iwill be just out of surgery.

    Adey, I hope to see you at the end of my stay. Homewood Suites. I will Pm you with DH phone number.

    I will try to touch base this weekend and then it will get a little crazy. I plan on updating my progress as this has helped me to read all of yours.

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2012

    Cherrie-Dr. Lagarde was my doctor long before I ever found out I had bc, she is WONDERFUL, she introduced me to Dr. DellaCroce. Your in great hands with her. And yes on the shower just try not to scrub the markings off

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2012

    Drain free, as free as the wind blows
    As free as the grass grows
    Drain free to follow your heart.......Well, you get the idea!

    I am excited to have both drains removed (after 8 1/2 weeks).  This is really freeing.  Last night, I was able to sleep on my side.  It was great!  It's the little things.  I am regaining range of motion with physical therapy.  A month has really made a difference.  Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. 

    I am amazed at all of my stage 1 buddies (Chellehump, Jenlee, and Esmerelda) that have scheduled stage 2.  Have you guys checked on what the restrictions are after stage 2 and what to expect?  If so, please share.  I am thinking about when to schedule stage 2 but am not phyically or emotionally ready to do it yet.  I am considering spring if the recovery won't take more than a few weeks.  If longer, I may wait until summer again.  It is difficult to take off during the school year since I work for the system.

    AnnAlive - hoping that you continue to heal

    I am amazed by all of you sky divers!

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited August 2012

    Congrats on losing the drains! Isn't it a wonderful feeling? 

    Stage 2 restrictions vary depending on what you have done. I had a LOT done and even then it wasn't nearly as bad as stage 1. Took some days to stand up straight after the tummy tuck and I had drains for I think, two weeks? I'm almost three months from stage 2 now and feel like I have normal strength and stamina. The big scar that goes all the way around my hips is still tight and sometimes feels like I have a string tied around there. PT helps, but boy it keeps me honest about watching my weight! I had my stage 2 done right at three months. I had to because my husband was changing jobs and we wanted to get in before getting new (worse) insurance. But I was ready, anxious even. But then I've always been impatient! 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    YAY!!! KSue, so happy for you!! I know you are so excited and free!! It is the small things & I've come to appreciate those more and more since my surgery.

    As for stage II, Laura told me most women take 2-3 weeks off work and that varies on what you have done. I'm not completely ready physically or emotionally, but I want to put all this behind me and move on and I can't do that until I have stage II. Plus, I am having huge issues keeping my pants up that I'm a bit excited to have my hips/butt fixed.

    Again, I am so happy for you. It brought a huge smile to my face when I read your post. Congrats :-)



  • harmonysun
    harmonysun Member Posts: 62
    edited August 2012

    hello everyone....i have been following all every day.....congrats to those that are feeling well...and healing thoughts to those still on the journey....

    .....i am 5 weeks post stage 1 bilat sgap.....yesterday was the first day i have been on the go for the whole entire day.....last night my rear was so sore  i couldnt sleep....and today i am long until my rear feels normal again?....has not been a problem at all until increased out? thought six weeks was kind of the magic number for doing things.....