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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Ann... Glad that they think its superficial.... I know its hard, but be patient and before you know it, you will be posting here to help someone else get through the blues.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2012

    Ann -- Betsy is right! It is almost exactly like clockwork -- 3 weeks and da blues! And it is all up from there, gar-ron-teed as the Cajuns would say. I, too, had a spot where a deep suture got inflamed and then I pulled it lifting something heavy on the way home. I know, I know ... was pure reflex. Betadine and patience, lots of rest and it is just fine.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2012

    Ann, I've been following everything you've been going through and I just wanted to reiterate that week three was hard - necrosis or not! I think it was my hardest week. I was weepy and experiencing more pain then before. Hang in there and keep praying through those tears! Glad to hear you are in good contact with NOLA through all of this. As Dr. D says: the tincture of time is the best healer - physically and emotionally!

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited August 2012

    Hi all......I haven't been here in a while, been so busy with kids, house guests and a non-profit I volunteer with, I knew if I came here I'd be here for hours, especially catching up on all the posts!

    I'm sorry some of you having problems, I hope everything works out for the best.  Especially for you Nordy!  Thinkin of you girl.   

    I had a problem with pain for most of my healing journey and had to get refills of pain meds a few times.  Weeks 4-6 were pretty tough.  This is the first week I've felt that I'm getting back to normal (surgery 6/20).  I also developed a nasty rash in the cleavage area and under my reconstructed breast, Dr. M. thought it might be a fungal type rash but it ended up that I had an allergic reaction to Dial Antibacterial Soap.  I have skin allergies to certain laundry detergents as well so it's not that surprising.

    Hard areas in my breast are softening up, yeah!  And the incision is becomg less painful each week.  I know it may take a while yet but I'm sure oneday it will feel normal (the new normal anyway).   

    I'm also experiencing the dreaded abdominal bloat (seroma).  I feel like an over filled water balloon about to burst.  Dr. M doesn't want me to have it aspirated unless I experience severe discomfort or show signs of infection, so it's a wait and see type thing.  I see my local helper doctor this week so I'll see what she says.  

    Good luck to all those coming up!  I'll try to do better at staying in the loop.  

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012

    Glostagirl--so glad to c u back and getting stronger with healing.

    All-- my suggestion on most important things to pack echo others.... Chapstick, snacks, earplugs,iphone, charger

    BUT i so wished i packed an extention cord cuz cell charger cord too short and hard to reach electrical outlet behind bed.

    I still packed too much and DH was a quietly grumbling sherpa moving me to hampton inn today. 😊

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2012

    Welcome back, Glostagirl!  I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better & being busy!

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    Thanks, ladies, for your upbeat advice. I seem to have started the notorious third week a day early, maybe because of the strain of the stage 1b surgery a week after the first! Right now it's hard to see past my next dose of pain meds. Even showers aren't relaxing -- I get light-headed and have to hurry up because I don't have a shower seat at home. I could get one, but I hope to be out of this phase soon enough and get off the pain meds.

    Glostagirl -- you have had quite a healing journey, with trouble even at weeks 4-6. So good you are coming out of it. When did the seroma develop? Early on? My abdomen is such a mess, I wouldn't like to think of adding on the bloat when I'm not standing up straight yet! All of this is building patience in our lives if we let it.  Innocent

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited August 2012

    Ann, I'm so glad that it's not infected. I was surprised that despite my relatively easy recovery, I got the three week blues too. I have no idea why, as I was doing quite well, but there were tears for a few days. Some day you'll look back on this as a distant memory!

    KSue, I definitely wouldn't be rushing into stage 2 under ordinary circumstances. I'd rather focus on working out and getting back in shape. But my husband might be selling his business, so I'd like to at least squeeze in stage 2, having already met the out of pocket maximums with the current policy.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2012

    AnnAlive - 3 weeks just sucks! There is no other way to put it. I felt worse at 3 weeks than before. Keep resting, eating well, cleaning, painting your spots and believe it will all come together because it does. May not feel that way today or tomorrow but it will.

    My favorite item was a scarf to put around my neck and a very light "blanket" that I could just lay under in the hotel when I felt like lying around in my girdle & bra. I used my regular undies over the girdle at first and then went commando and still am. Cannot stand the feel of anything on my hips etc.

    It will all be a dream soon. Good thoughts coming your way. 

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2012

    Hi All,

    Reality is starting to set in that I will be in NOLA on Sept. 26th for Stage 1.  Still setting in though I think...

    For the Hip Flap girls:

     -How many days were you in NOLA? I think I remember hearing 10 total days.

    - Did you have a caregiver with you after you got home. If so how long?

    - Did anyone opt to rent an apartment over hotel? I have some close family and friends coming and we're thinking this may be the best option for us. Curious to hear other's experiences.


  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    Hi Kerry,

    I'm so happy that you finally got your surgery date. I had hip flaps June 1st and I'm scheduled for stage II September 20th. I'll be leaving NOLA the morning of the 25th, but will be at the center for my post op Monday the 24th.

    For my stage I, I arrived on a Wednesday May 30th with prep on Thursday and surgery on Friday. I had my post op appointment the following Thursday and flew home Friday June 8th. I was there a total of 10 days.

    I do know of other ladies (sisters) who came and had their surgeries together one right after the other. They rented a condo and said it worked out great for them. I'm not sure of the name of the place but I could find out if you'd like me to.

    I did have help when I got home for about another week or so. It wasn't absolutely needed, but was helpful. I did need help getting in out of my girdle though.

    Hope this helps :-)

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited August 2012

    Ann - I am also crying my eyes out (I didn't want to stop Tamoxifen). Two days after I was realeased from the hospital, I felt like I "pulled a muscle in my calf". I had an appointment with my PS the next day to remove my drains and when I told him he sent me right away to take an ultrasound... Sure enough, the two "little bastards" were there. They put me on anticougulant right away to treat the blood clots and I haven't had any pain since. I am off any pain medication since the second week, but my back is killing me and I wonder when I will be able to walk straight again. I am not over doing anything and basically 3 times a day I do my leg exercises (for the clots), 1 slow walk for an hour, and make sure every hour I walk at least around the house. I have an appointment with my PS tomorrow and I am looking foward to seeing what he says about the skin necrosis on my breast. I am not "oozing or bleeding" from my sutures, except for a tiny spot on my right pad under my right breast. Other than that, I might tell you that my radiated side looks better and healed beautifully but my arm is numb and I will need tons of PT to regain normal mobility due to the damage from the radiation. Hang in there, it's week 3 and I am feeling much better.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited August 2012

    Harmonysun, so nice to hear from you.  You were down there when I was and the no news had me so worried about you.  Glad you are muddling through recovery too.

     Annalive the there really is a time that it all catches up and it does really suck.  I had my meltdown the 4th week.  It really does get better.  Each week I am amazed how much better off I am than the week before and it continues.

    About the panties, I wore them for hygiene reasons.  Especially soon after surgery, I wasn't convinced I got everything cleaned up as should be after toileting.  Right after surgery and while I was in NOLA, I stuck with big panties that came over the hip drains.  Once I got home I couldn't stand anything putting any pressure over those drains.  I wore bikini or hipsters and even rolled the hipsters down so they wouldn't come anywhere near the drain sites.  For clothes, dresses or long flowy skirts that I could pull up above the drain sites worked best for me.  If I wore a pair of shorts, I rolled the waistband down below the drain sites and wore a long flowy shirt, even big t shirts to camoflauge.

     I pulled my last drain last night! Good riddens too.  So glad to wear a pair of shorts on my waist today.  I took a shower and it was soooooooooooo fabulous not having a drain tied around my neck.  PS says 2 weeks wait for tub bath or swimming. I am ancy to get to the beach and run in full speed ahead.  Also ancy to get back to the treadmill or Zumba class.  I feel so bloated, tight and the pulling sensation that gets to me after sitting in my desk chair after a work day is frustrating.  It's not painful, it's just very uncomfortable. Supposed to wait until next week to hit the treadmill. We'll see if I hold out. I really have the mindset to move full steam ahead and see if my body catches up. It sure knows how to tell me I'm DONE! Hopeful for improved endurance, stamina, energy as the weeks come and go. 

    Happy healing all and kudos in the best way to those up and coming.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited August 2012

    I dreaded showering.  I would get light headed, shaky, and sometimes nauseous.  It took so long to put me back together again (hip flaps + DIEP), usually an hour and I did not have the energy to spare.  I have strong memories of sitting on the closed toilet seat quietly crying because I was too worn out to wail.   My husband helped me - he was a saint!  I only showered every 3 days because it was so tiring for both of us.  Please know it gets better and is worth it!  Peace to you all.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    @ Kerry, one of the ladies I was referring to text me last night to have dinner Wednesday and I asked her the name of the house they stayed at for Stage 1. It's called the Bread House. Here is the link.

    Hope this helps!!


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Jane123.. sounds like me. I loved the AFTER showered feeling, but the process was exhausting. I had hip and DIEP, plus before I had DIEP, I had a leaking breast, a blood clot, a bacterial infection and fever... so for a couple of weeks, I was super weak and the shower process was long and tiring.. I would sit down every 2 minutes to catch my breath.And I was home alone... so no help.After I had the DIEP and I didn't have a fever anymore etc, it was much better.. the fever definitely made it all more difficult.

    One thing that help a lot is before I got in the shower, I pre-cut all my bandgaes, laid everything out.. I had my setup in the bathroom (betadine swabs) and a set up in the bedroom so I could sit on the bed.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    For those in NOLA this August, check out

    Meal deals...

    Coolinary New Orleans

    Gourmet Lunch and Dinners

    Lunches under $20

    Dinners under $35

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2012

    OK, chewing my fingers to the nubs. Had sent photos to Dr. D. for Stage 2 B. Today I have a call from Vicky -- knew that the process as explained by Jeanine would be to look things over, see what could/should be done, send it to Vicky to see what insurance will pay, and then she would call me. I have this awful feeling that it isn't good news. My contralateral breast is a good cup size smaller than my new one and my donor cheek has settled into a concave "shark bite" as I lost about 30 pounds. Proud of that because I needed to, but it made things shift about a bit. As a "pear" shaped woman, I always lose from the face, then upper body and then finally, where I need it most, from the hips/butt/abs. As I have one "butt boob" and one regular, the regular lost, the "butt" one didn't! Sigh ... can't win for losing! (sorry about the unintended pun!) Fingers crossed ladies that the insurance demons will grant one more "fix"!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Maggie.. You are entitled to symmetry.... if you are not symmetrical, insurance should pay.

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2012

    Prior to my surgery, I had/have high blood pressure after the surgery it plummeted to 68/56 which is very  very low, so needless to say after one of the "work-outs" from taking a shower, yes you guessed it I passed out.  I like many of you have found that (as my dad says he "manned-up") your husband are a saint during this.  Now granted I can't do anything any more without being questioned, "where you going, what you doing, where you at"................

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Sherry.. Your diagnosis sounds so much like mine...

    I too normally have high blood pressure... and after stage I surgery, I also passed out in the shower... not a good thing.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2012

    Hi All, I am back. Didn't get to read everything. 

    Thanks Betsy for being so present.

    I did add two dates.

    KerryA, your Stage 1 is up there now! Congratulations!

    Harmonysun, Your Stage 2 is up there.

    You're both on the same day!

    DianeNC was the last to have surgery. How are you doing??? 

    Good luck Celtic!!!! Let us know what you find out... 

  • ch968
    ch968 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    Hi all, Just wanted to check in to say my surgery(hip flaps) went well on July 25th with Dr. D. Surgery was about 7 hours (I had the skin sparing mastectomies last August).Hip drains still in and putting out too much to discontinue. Haven't had too much pain up until today where I am having butt incision discomfort. I took only 3 Oxycodone since the surgery (first 2 days after discharge), but tonight I think I might need something. I have been fairly active walking so I am sure this is contributing to this.

    I am looking forward to getting stronger and prepare for Stage 2 to fix the butt dents! Breasts look and feel pretty natural.

    I have a lot of catching up to do with everybody's posts, so will get back to you again when I read them.

    Hope all is well or getting better for all of you!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2012

    Chelle- Thank you so for all the info. We checked in that location and unfortunately it was blocked over the time we will be there. That was very nice of you to look into this though. My husband has been researching a few places. We've been to NOLA twice and loved it so I think he is happy to be able to help with planning things.

    Maybe we can meet up on Sept 24th or 25th? Based on what I've been reading here I'm guessing we will arrive on the 24th and I would be at the Center on the 25th for pre-op. I am guessing I will know more in the next few days from NOLA on this info. I would enjoy getting to meet up!

    Thanks again!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited August 2012

    Has anyone ever stayed at the Residence Inn?  Thinking about trying another suite hotel in a neighborhood other than the Homewood.

  • ch968
    ch968 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    Hi- I noticed my left breast looks more yellow today and has a bruise like area in the lower portion.

    Is this something I should be concerned about? I thought the yellowing might be Betadine stain, but now I am not sure.

    The right breast has faint yellow stain while the left side covers a larger area.

    Thanks for any help.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    Kerry - you are so welcome!! I was looking at the dates. I have my post op at 9 a.m. on the 24th and then I am flying home first thing on the 25th. I am staying with my friend who lives in NOLA again after surgery. Let me know what time you arrive on the 24th and maybe we could work something out. You will have all your post-op appointments the day before your surgery, which normally take up a good part of the day depending on the times.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    ch968, I have something similar on both breasts, but a larger area on my left one. I am not sure if this is what you have but when I explained this to Laura at the center she said it was most likely hemosiderin. Hemosiderin staining is the result of the iron left in tissues after blood loss into the tissues and the body's attempt to recycle the valuable parts of the blood lost in the tissues. In this case, the hemosiderin is the iron that is left behind after other elements of the blood have been resorted. I heard it will gradually go away with time Smile 

    Hope this helps

    Healing Hugs


  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2012

    Well all, after MANY days of consideration, I  cancelled my Oct 2nd stage 1 surgery date at NOLA this a.m.  I'm thankful for this forum as I have learned quite a bit of information, good and bad, with reference to breast reconstructive surgery. Y'all tell it like it really is.  I just have to commend you girls for your strength, determination and courage in going through the lengths you have to take in order to regain your breast/breasts.  I applaud everyone really.  And Eva, wow girl, skydiving?  You rock!  I'll be on board following everyone's journey.  I wish everyone the world of luck and healing.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited August 2012

    naturegirl2, I'm sorry to hear that, but of course everyone's decision is very personal.  I hope we didn't scare you away...  All I can say is I'll be forever grateful that I chose this path.  I suspect that many of the women who've had the smoothest recoveries stop back to visit less frequently.  My recovery was fairly simple.  Local doctors have seen my stage 1 breasts and can't believe how good they look; nor can they believe any of the incisions are so recent as they've already faded quite a bit.  I find myself rarely looking at the other threads on BCO, because psychologically, I've already moved on (and attribute much of that to this amazing surgery) -- i keep having to remind myself to go back to the other forums to support others like I was supported during my darkest days.  Other than that, my focus is reading the forums on anti-cancer diets, etc.  In many ways I've moved on, but still like being part of this NOLA club :)