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NOLA in September?



  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2012

    hi jenlee, no, y'all did not scare me away, but got me to learn the truth in what people who opt for breast cancer reconstruction will/may be dealing with without blinders on.  I'm the type that has to know what I'd be in for, and knowing that once I started with reconstruction, there would be no turning back for me, as I was told for sure I would need to go thru stage 2.  That was the start in doing more research, reading here and talking to others in learning what I was headed for as I initially figured a onetime surgery was all that was needed.  Boy, little did I know back then right? 

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    Naturegirl2 -- as we conversed in PM, I'm glad you gathered enough info to make the decision that is right for you. You have skipped the potential pain and complications and are content to continue as you are. You'll be fine. Nice talking with you.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2012

    Thanks Ann!  I do think my decision is right for me, considering the knowledge I learned here on this subject.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2012

    Naturegirl, I know many women who chose no breast reconstuction and are happy and fine. Some are still struggling the decision and wonder if they'll do it in the future. This is a very personal decision and everyone has to do what is right for them. Glad we could help you find your own path.

    HarmonySun, I moved your date to October, above. All fixed now.  

    I wonder if the docs are on summer vacation? I notice  gap in the surgeries between Aug 1 and 17!! :) 

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2012
    Best wishes to you, naturegirl2!  What are your plans now?
  • florafarm
    florafarm Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2012

    Checking in after being out of the loop for a bit...feeling better, so getting busier! Got my last drain out on Monday, Post DIEP week 4. Had to keep it longer due to some Navel necrosis.After last pics I sent to Dr. Massey, she texted me about my navel.."there's pink under there- it's alive!" She's too funny. Got just about all the surgical glue off Scars now, so using Mederma regularly. This time I discovered a Mederma with sunscreen in it...very useful as I can see how sunlight could get down the front of a top or bathing suit. I used silicone strips after my last bs, so will use them on those scars again, but I found out the last time that you really want to be sure ALL the glue is off the incision as it's hard to pick it off the silicone. Dr. M suggested Nexcare 3M flesh colored tape that I have started using on the abdominal incision. It's inexpensive and has allowed me to discontinue any padding as it protects the scar. Highly recommend it.

    AnnAlive- so sorry to hear of all the trials.You are right about it developing patience...I was just Studying the passage in James today that tells us the testing of our faith produces perseverance, and perseverance will " finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." God is working and and through you!

    Naturegirl2- I think you made the right decision, at least for now. I don't think anyone should enter into this surgery unless they are strongly convinced it's what they want. Best wishes to you!

    Cherrie, Dr. Massey is so sweet, she kissed the top of my head before I went into surgery, which was a very touching gesture to me. As for what to bring, I found that NOLA supplies everything you need right down to a robe and Chapstick. I never wore anything but my hospital gown the three days I was've got so much hooked up to you, it's a hassle to wear anything else. BTW, my son goes to school at Cornerstone U in GR

    Willy5js 5-I'm with you...can't wait to get back to Zumba. Is it allowed at the 6 week mark?

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited August 2012

    florafarm,   So you are using Mederma for scar healing/fading?  And this 3 M Tape-to cover your abdomnal incision instead of the standard wash cloths or ABD's?  Is Mederma a script medication or over the counter?  Sorry so many questions!  I just pulled my last drain today-will be 5 weeks tomorrow.  What is the best way to remove the surgiacl glue??    Thanks!  katiejane

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited August 2012

    jenlee-  I stayed at the Marriott Residence Inn.  I liked it.  Same principal and ammenities as Homewood.  Homewood rooms are nicer but Residence Inn "grounds" are nicer.  It has an inner courtyard with a pool, a barbeque, tables and chairs.  Since it's inner you can toddle around after surgery without being street ready!  (c:  At least I did.  My dh would sit out there and work or read.  They have the breakfast and dinner thing.  Happy hunting! 

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2012

    Good morning, Ladies.

    How did you all go about getting all your pre-op testing done? Did you go through your primary care physician or breast surgeon? I'm lost. 


  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2012

    Thanks Springtime, I have been living with the one breast for 5 1/2 yrs now so my decision won't affect me either way.  It would have been nice, but, not at the expense of other parts to my body, or my body as a whole.

    Hi LAstar, thanks dear!  I want to work on loosing 5 lbs and get my stomach flab down, since I won't be using it.  In the process of planning a fall trip the later part of October, not sure where of yet though and living life.  I'm going to PM you.

    floraform, thanks.  I was gung ho initially, but that changed after mulling over the intricacies of breast reconstruction.  All I can say is that everyone is so strong, courtageous, and determined here.  That in and of itself, is most inspiring!  I will try to stay here to follow everyone's journey if y'all let me.  I'd like to hear what is behind everyone's self determination in going through this grave and quite difficult journey in having breast reconstruction surgery. 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    Hi ttay, the center will send you a prescription so to speak with all the tests that you need to have done for pre-op testing.  I took that sheet and went through my PCP and they had the results sent to NOLA.  All the instructions for the doctor will be on there.
    I also live in GA :)

    @ Naturegirl2, I am happy you have made the right decision for you. Best wishes to you Smile 

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2012

    I just got the prescription from the Center today. I just didn't know who to take it to.

    Thanks much. 

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2012

    thanks chellehump, and the best to you as well!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2012
    ttay, I had no idea where to start too and asked the office of my local breast surgeon to handle it for me, but it ended up being easier with me just contacting each place separately.  If you call your hospital's information number, they should be able to tell you which department's handle each test.  For my chest X-ray and bloodwork, both offices had a walk-up and no appt was necessary.  
  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited August 2012

    Ttay, I went through my local hospital outpatient center for everything except the stress echo. Hours were 7 am to midnight and no appt needed. In and out in less than an hour and they faxed the results to the number provided. I had to find a cardiologist before I could get an appt for the stress echo at the hospital.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2012
    Hi, All!  I still have one hip drain at 7 week 2 days.  Nurse Jeanine in NOLA said I will need to remove it at 8 weeks regardless of output to avoid infection.  Did anyone else do this?  I have to have the right side needle aspirated again, so I suppose it's not a big deal to do both sides if needed.  I really hope the production drops off soon!
  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2012

    I had one drain for 7+ weeks.  As soon as it was removed it sealed right up (like, almost instantly) and I didn't have any trouble with seroma.  I think, at least for me--someone who has an inflammatory condition--the presence of the drain tube was causing the fluid production at the end.  Once the tube was gone the fluid was gone.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2012

    LAstar - had my drains for about 7 weeks and also 2 additional aspirations on one side. I found wearing my girlde really helped. I could have has a 3rd aspiration but toughed it out until my stage 2. I have a very active job and believe that contributed to my increased fluid production. Be well.

     Itay - concur with the above advice, your local hospital can do it all for you. Just be sure they do not draw the Type & Cross. It is clear on the paper but my own hospital (where I work) almost drew it and it would have been wasted

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    I went to my local Breast Center for preop testing, where I had all my imaging and chemo. I used my Nurse Navigator to get things set up for me. I initially tried to set things up myself, but I didn't get very far, as they were too confused by an out of state Dr order!

    Nature girl, I'm glad you were able to get all the info you needed to make the best decision for yourself. Here's how I decided on recon: once I was diagnosed, I started reading about my recon options here on I became interested in using my (ample!) belly fat instead of implant. I read a little on the boards. I visited a local PS who brushed off my interest in flaps, saying moving around body parts is not a good idea. She also brushed of my concern about capsular contracture. Second local PS encouraged me to research more about flaps, told me it wouldn't be easy but I *could* do it. He even got me in contact with someone locally who went to NOLA. Talking to her made a huge difference to me. The more I heard and read on this thread, the more I knew trying to get to NOLA was the choice for me. The expertise and experience of the Drs, the idea of soft warm breasts, losing that flabby belly, a skin sparing incision on my breasts (instead of the horizontal incision), the ability to have mastectomy and recon in the same surgery, the overall aesthetic being important (ie: fixing the donor site as well as making beautiful looking breasts).

    I guess I had the time to do my research, as my initial diagnosis did not include IDC. I knew I wanted immediate reconstruction for my quality of life. Once I learned about the quality of the option in NOLA, I saw how very lacking getting a DIEP locally was. I didn't just want two chunks of fat where my breasts were; I wanted to like what I felt and looked like. The 3rd local PS I saw had not even heard of Stage 2 after DIEP, and could only do it a week or two after BMX, AND estimated 12-14 hrs of surgery. AND I had to sign a consent to convert to TRAM.

    The more I learned about my options, the more I knew what I wanted. I think that is so important for any of us. I have no regrets about my NOLA journey, even knowing I need another supplemental flap. Good for you, Naturegirl, for researching your options to find out what is best for you. I was 39 at diagnosis and first surgery. I was OK with the more difficult recovery up front rather than potential issues with implants for the rest of my life. I am loving my body more than I have in the past 6 years. Dr S didn't do that for me, but he gave me an excellent jump start.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2012

    Harmonysun, I updated the sept to Oct and added 1b or 2. Hope that works. 

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2012


    Thanks so much for the advice. I'll contact the hospital/outpatient services tomorrow.

    Spring, please add me for 9/19 DIEP with Dr. Trahan. 

  • florafarm
    florafarm Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2012


    Mederma is over the the first aid aisle at my pharmacy. You put it on a few times a day for a couple of months. THe Nexcare tape was from the pharmacy too.I put the Mederma on and the tape over it, both my breast and ab scars for now. The tape is kind of thick and cushiony, so I find I don't need any padding over the incisions. I will switch to the silicone Strips I got for my breasts with the last surgery (they are curved and are reusable) when I know I've truly got every bit of glue off...the tape will help with that. I plan to use the tape for the ab for a few months.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2012

    It is 3:30 AM and I am obviously not sleeping.

    I am in a motel as my son is getting married tomorrow. I want my focus to be for him but I am sooooo tired. My mind constantly wanders to this big event I am having one week from today. I know......relax... breathe........

    Did anyone else have this problem pre-surgery??? What did you do?? I know I can't take anything so close to surgery. Suggestions???😳

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2012

    It is 3:30 AM and I am obviously not sleeping.

    >I am in a motel as my son is getting married tomorrow. I want my focus to be for him but I am sooooo tired. My mind constantly wanders to this big event I am having one week from today. I know......relax... breathe........

    >Did anyone else have this problem pre-surgery??? What did you do?? I know I can't take anything so close to surgery. Suggestions???😳

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    Cherrie, believe me you are not alone!! I was a mess and couldn't sleep especially the week before my surgery. I took xanax at night and that helped shut my brain down, so I could sleep.  I also used melatonin which you can buy at any store (you can take both of these meds prior to surgery). Breathe and try to relax and enjoy your son's wedding. Waiting is the hardest part!!



  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2012

    LAstar -- I thought I was going to have to do that and was sort of worried. Then I asked for a smaller compression garment, and in less than 4 days was well under the output that "legally" lets the drain come out. With the swelling having gone down and me losing some weight, I was not getting enough compression, so I had high outputs. I really could tell the difference, too, with the smaller garment. FWIW --

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2012
    Thanks for all your responses!  Celtic_Antique, that is very encouraging.  I might try to buy a smaller compression brief and see if that helps.  I have been putting washcloths in my hip dents to try to increase the compression. 
  • harmonysun
    harmonysun Member Posts: 62
    edited August 2012

    g'morning all.....Happy new day.....:))

     ...thank you for support and advice...thanks chellehump....after that initial very very sore day....seems like definitely getting better....

    Betsy ...thanks for advice....taping is a great idea...i have been doing that...still just showering once a week but of course washing up in between....hate it...but need these drains to do their thing for as long as they can....

    Betsy and Eva showering every day, wow...i think that's impressive...cuz it is a bit of an

    Eva, skydiving just several months after all this, wow!...that is so inspirational and gives hope!....thanks for letting me know you had all kinds of weird stuff in your drains too...

    kerrya...a mud run with your husband...what a great fun thing to do before surgery...

    Lastar...great idea about the pain relief ointment....tried that and it works great, so really appreciate that...funny bout the "krab"...i'll always think of that now...yeah, how much your hip drains are still putting out?...i cant wait to get mine out, but am hanging on to them as long as i can cuz i know the drains are our will truly feel like like life will start normal again after theyre out and can dress and move normal....

    thank you spring for fixing the dates....and for keeping track of that for all.... nice for your thoughts....i didnt post for so long because i wasnt sure how i was feeling about all this....didnt want to get on and rant all was one of the hardest weeks of my life and ive had some doozys!every step of the way from getting there to even getting harrased at the airport on the way home.......after a 10 hr surgery....all was good, then something happened to one of the flaps...was taken back into surgery the next morning...and then while all this was going on, 2 deaths in the family back home in is a weird thing, but i really had no pain, but my body was so unbelieveably wracked....being in bed without moving for 2 days and the effects of the anesthesia.....had very weak dopplers and extremely firm after that....was angry and hating that side....then, i decided i needed to try and nuture when i would be lying down, i would place my hands on it and think healing thoughts....feeling like that would be bringing the bloodflow towards my i am at six weeks, yay! wondering, if the flap has made it to this point....warm etc...does that mean it's made it? has softened up quite a bit around the edges and a bit on top, although there is definitely still a large firm area....what is that firmness?....i think at the time of my postop dr massey was indicating i might need to come back for a diep....something i am very angry and depressed out of my character...usually positive and upbeat.....but..i dont have much stomach to make it worth it....i workout hard with weights at the gym and dont want to lose or be without my core it seems like the recovery from that is longer and with more issues....

    ....wondering if i can just leave that breast as it is....does anybody do that?...leave the firmness?....

    ....on a positive note....i have been very lucky to be virtually painfree and without issues, although very hard time sleeping at night because i am not a back sleeper...but have done that without fail for six weeks....was sooo happy to get home to my bed....caught up on the past 4 seasons of desperate right  breast feels like it was always there....and surprisingly i have feeling all the way numbness....maybe a result because its 4 years since my bilat mast?...another positive thing is remarkably...even though delayed...i didnt have to have the football flaps....she used the original incisions and that is amazing...

    .....i didnt have the 3 week blues or problems....more like on and off for the past six so upset and worried about what is going to happen with this breast when i thought i would just be getting stage 2 and moving on with my life....didnt even feel like talking to my friends that would call....crying and moping...have to keep reminding myself of the positives and enjoy each day...try to not let the worries of tomorrow steal the joys of today....

    ....a few days ago....i actually felt excited and happy bout this for the first time...i went to buy a bra...and tried on a few tops...had to stop myself from crying at how amazing everything looked, didnt realize how much i missed breasts these past 4 years.....

    so...there is everything in a that is the short

    ...i have a question....seems like many keep getting things fixed and long has it been for each from start to finish?.....

    ive been reading everyday...and feeling the pain when some are having problems....and happy to hear of the good things!

    ....thanks for the texts Adey...means a lot....

    and Liz....thank you for your great support and for listening and understanding.....

    ......carpe diem everyone.....seize the day!......~peace n' smiles~......brenda...:))

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2012

    Ttay, I added your date, congrats! 

    Cherrie, the anxiety for me before surgery, UGH!! I would listen to this meditation to help before and during recovery after. It really helped me, but, still, the best thing was BEING ON THE OTHER SIDE!! You will get there!

    Meditations for a Successful Surgery - Belleruth Napersteck 

    Click this link 

    This was most awesome. I can't say enough about how it calms the spirit... and VERY good for recovery after. I would listen to it every day, it was part of my recovery routine. Awesome.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2012

    Hi, HarmonySun!  What a ride, huh?  So glad you are turning the corner and glad the pain relief ointment helped.  I am still getting 40 to 60 CC/day from my one remaining hip drain and have had two aspirations on the other hip of 230 CC and 170 CC after 9 days each.  I can't wait to get the drain out and just wear some normal undies again!  Oh, and sex.  Really looking forward to sex.  Laughing  Hard to get in the mood with drains.

    One of my breasts is much harder than the other.  I was wondering if it just has more swelling since it is my cancer side and I had two surgeries before the BMX.  Maybe just normal variation?  I have a little bit of discoloration like brusing on that side that has me worried, but my local docs didn't think there was any problem with it.  

    Yay!  Enjoy your new breasts!