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NOLA in September?



  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2012

    Hi All,

    Hard to believe in a little over a month I'll be in NOLA. Finally got pre-ops scheduled with PCP. They seems a taken back with out of state orders---did anyone else have this issue? First said they wanted to call down to NOLA and then after talking with them they felt better knowing I would also have pre-ops in NOLA before surgery.

    My local PS also said they needed verbal authorization from NOLA to treat with them after surgery. I don't anticipate needing them but thought I may. 

    Maybe a basic question but not familiar with a CTA scan. Any info on what to expect from the test at pre-ops in NOLA?


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    The thing about the scan is that is makes you super hot... and you feel like you are peeing in your pants, but you're not... Luckily it only lasts about 30 secs... and I was glad they warned me about the hot feeling.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2012

    Thanks jenlee and BDavis!  The fat blob under the armpit!  Best way to describe it!  I hate it cause #1 it feels like it is even bigger than it is and it is big! When it rubs on the inside of my arm where it is a little numb it is constantly uncomfortable!  I can cup a handful of jiggly stuff there and it buldges out of the bra  and looks terrible.  Well the scar where I was cut and lipoed by Dr. D is about 4" long and is right where the bra goes around you under the armpit.  In other words when I have a bra on - the scar is under the bra at the lowest part and goes across from the outside edge of the breast and across around 4 " towards the back, right under the bra.  You don't see it at all, even in a bathing suit.  Now I just went and looked again to make sure I report it right to you's and the scar has already faded and I can't hardly see it at all!

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2012


    Did most of you have someone with you 24/7 after you were released from the hospital after Stage 1, prior to your post-op?

    I'm asking because I may be by myself for 2 days (day before and day of my post-op). 

    My son will arrive later (same day of post-op appointment). 

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2012

    ttay, I was able to walk around a little and prepare some food, but it was hard to negotiate the compression garments, bulbs, showers, and bandages on my own.

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2012

    Wow, I have not been on here in a while and had a lot to catch up on!  Thanks everyone for celebrating being drain free.  It really is freeing.  Glad to see that harmoneysun has joined me! 

    Maggie, I loved the pictures of the B& B.  You have done a great job!

    Cherrie - I am praying that you get good results.  It is so difficult when we receive news that something else needs to be checked out! Praying for you.

    I, like Chelle, am interested in the Stage 2 lipo.  I am not overweight but like all of us have a few areas - upper inner and outer thighs!  I also have a little belly but not much so I am not sure that I even want that messed with.  I definitely don't want to cause more problems.  I remember Eva M talking about her hip lipo and at least initially not noticing a difference.  Eva, if you read this let us know what you think now. 

    I am 15 weeks out of Stage 1 Hip Flaps.  I have all of my energy back but my booty is still sore and bruised.  On the left side where the hip drain tube was at there is puckering/swelling.  Does all of this sound normal. 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited August 2012

    KSue it took me a while to get rid of the sore/bruised feeling but eventually it went away.  It took me longer to recover from the drain tube holes than the actually surgical incision. 

    I am now 2yrs and 7 months out of stage one and I am AMAZED that my scars are almost all white and hard to find.  The only indication that I have "football flaps" is that my skin is a wee bit off color where my flaps are.  I don't mind at all.  I still need to go back and get my tatoo's darkened by Vinnie but he seems to be in NOLA a lot now (which I am thrilled for him and everyone who gets to use his service).  When I got my tatoo's done by him here in MD, I kept encouraging him to call NOLA about working with them so I am thrilled he is available to more people now.  

  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237
    edited August 2012

    Im about to go out if my mind waiting to see what my insurance will pay. I havnt been this excited since before bc. I've already left 2 messages with Vicki in insurance. I wasn't going to start thinking of diep until oct. Crossing my fingers

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2012

    Pullin' for you fredtan!! I am in the waiting game, too. We might just be in NOLA at the same time! Keep us posted!

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2012

    Hi Fredntan - Vicki is fabulous.  I think she shamed my insurance company into agreeing to pay when they wouldn't give me an answer for months.  She is a tiger!  I hope she will work magic for you also.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2012

    It has been so hard to be home knowing that I should still be in NOLA. However, I haven't cried in a few days and that is good. I am having my PET scan done tomorrow and hope to report soon that all is well. Now I will be waiting for those results. Between my DH and friends I have stayed busy. Trying not to dwell on this setback.

    How I wish that the CTA scan was done at home to avoid this kind of trauma. It is the nature of this scan to pick up everything. I know it could be a blessing but sure doesn't feel like it right now. Dr. Massey said this has only happened to about 7 of her cases. Coming home was the right thing to do but so hard after all the preparations.

    Thinking of you Adey. I was so sorry our paths did not cross. Maybe some other time.

    I hope to report great news about the PET scan soon and be able to have a new date up on the board.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2012

    Great to hear from you Cherrie and get an update.  Sending prayers, positive thoughts, and hugs your way.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2012

    Cherrie - so good to hear from you, I can't imagine the emotional upheaval this has created. I'll definitely be praying for you. Also, I am SO close to GR (just in kzoo), if you think it would bring comfort to meet a NOLA sister (and semi-graduate) face-to-face, I would be more then happy to drive to you! I'll PM you. (((((hugs)))))

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2012

    Hang in there Cherrie... 

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2012

    Lots of activity the last few weeks leading up to surgery. Finding myself with more questions.

    Do you pay out a lot for the hospital costs? I thought for some reason after talking with Vickie and discussing costs that was all I would be paying. I learned there are seperate costs on top of that amount for hospital. Any insight is appreciated.

    Having pre-ops done early next month. Did many of you send your test results through the mail or take the films with you? Just trying to think about safely transporting films in a suitcase...

    Thank  you! 

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2012

    KerryA - the hospital where you have your tests should send the reports to Nola. The hospital costs are billed as if you were in network according to your plan.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    Headed to my local (pre-op) appointment today. I'm anxious, but ready to move forward. I can't thank you all enough for all your support and it feels great to be able to help others who are at the point I was several months ago.

    I don't like to get into the financial part, but I am not sure what to do. Vicki and I came up with my amount prior to surgery which is the way it's done. I found out yesterday that for Dr. D's bill, my insurance paid almost all of it because I did have an out of pocket max (even for out of network) so my portion to pay was just the (OCR - over customary and reasonable), which turned out to be substancially less than the amount agreed upon. The hospital portion isn't held under (OCR) and I was told it would be paid at 100%. Now, I have the agreed amount for stage II, which will also be paid at 100% for the hospital and Dr. D (OCR), but it won't be as much as stage I....I left a message for Vicki to call me, but I feel bad. These doctors deserve all they have and much more and I am so thankful, but I don't have $$$ to just throw around. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I talked to Vickie before stage I about the out of pocket max and she said they always pay so much less than what is billed since it's out of network and held to (OCR), but that's not what happened.

    She hasn't called me back yet, but I just don't want to sound ungrateful...
    Again, did this happen to anyone else? Do you just pay the amount agreed upon eventhough the insurance paid almost everythig in full?

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    Chellehump -- I'm having a terrible time right now with my Aetna insurance after stage 1 charges. They insist the St. Charles hospital and anesthesia charges are out-of-network because Dr. S is out-of-network. I told them that before surgery the hospital rep said the charges are handled as in-network because of Multiplan. Aetna says Multiplan generates a discount, but it is still out-of-network. Also, Aetna now says the CT-A scan was not approved! Yikes, this makes me crazy, and the financial worries are not good for healing.

    I hope you get yours worked out. I will have to call Melanie at the hospital to appeal the charges, I think.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2012

    Insurance stuff - okay, I have kind of had both those scenarios... Sort of, because you know in the end, my insurance company bites, but...

    Okay, as far as St. Charles and covering as if in network. What they are working with you actually has nothing to do with your insurance. It is between you and St. Charles. Your insurance is gping to pay at out of network, because the hospital is out of network. They do not differentiate. What the hospital is doing for you, is working with you as if they were in network. Let me see if I can make that more clear, because I think I am sounding confusing! Okay, say your policy covers an in network hospital at 100% after a $500 deductible, and it covers an out of network hospital at only 60% after a $500 deductible. Say your hospital bill is $30,000. As an out of network hospital, your insurance would pay them 60% of the bill minus another $500 that you would be expected to pay for your deductible. So they would pay a total of $17,500, and as far as insurance sees it you would be expected to pay $12,500. Right? But what the hospital is doing for you is accepting that $17,500 and allowing you to pay YOUR portion as if in network - therefore your in network rate would be your $500 deductible and that's it. Of course, I do not know the specifics of your plan, but that is an idea of how that works. As far as the insurance company paying substantially more, I have not had that happen, but I did ask about it ahead of time when I went in for my stage one and I had been told that they would reimburse me if in the rare scenario that occurred (of course for me, my insurance company was the type they usually deal with - the ones that pay peanuts). So, I think you have done the right thing by calling Vicky - they are totally reasonable and will work with you.

    Hope this helps!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    Thank you Nordy!! What has happened (I think) for the hospital is I reached my out of pocket max for out of network, so they would normally pay 75% for out of network and since I met everything, they will pay 100%.  There are no (OCR charges) for the hospital, so that wouldn't apply like it does for the doctors. So, like you said my bill was $30,000 for hospital, they are paying that at 100% except for any charges like "luxury" items (slippers etc.)

    Dr. D's bill - one line was paid at 75% and all the others were paid at 100% and I am only responsible for that one line and the OCR charges. I am extremely happy with how they paid (shocked actually), but I need to see what Vicky says. My stage II is in 3 1/2 weeks and I am expected to pay my portion when I get there, but now I am not sure what that should be along with what I owe/paid for stage 1 since the insurance company shocked us all.

    It's all so confusing and I am SO thankful, but we will see what happens...

    Thank you again Ann & Nordy Smile

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited August 2012

    Wow Chelle, can't believe you are getting ready for Stage2 already! Good for you. I am waiting 6 months for mine which takes me into December. I feel like I am ready and wish it were sooner, so looking forward to it in a sick way :)

    Good luck with all the insurance stuff , mIne are just coming thru now and I am crossing my fingers for no surprises.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    I was going to wait until October, but scheduling issues on my end made any week in October out of the question. I didn't really want to get into November and December with the holidays and that is a time when a lot of people are out on vacation from work, which would be make my absense much worse. Then you run into deductables if you run into the new year Soooo, here I am. I understand the "sick" feeling, but ready to hopefully move on.  I just hope all the fat grafting takes and there are no issues after this.

    It's crazy how times flies!!

  • Kd6blk
    Kd6blk Member Posts: 33
    edited August 2012

    PRMA does not do the CTA scan. It is interesting to compare the two places. How many other centers do the CTA scans?

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited August 2012

    Cherrie, I was away on vacation and just read about your delay! I am SOOOOO sorry to hear about this. In addition to the fear factor the letdown of having to delay surgery would be very hard. Hang in there Michigan sister and keep us posted. Hugs, Amy

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2012

    Hi, All -- how long should I wait after drain removal before taking a long hot bath?  I am SO ready.  Thanks!

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited August 2012

    LAstar, I was told to wait one week after the last drain removal IF everything was closed/NO open wounds.  I would e-mail just to be sure (Jeanine is the excellent NOLA person who helped me - she would usually get back to me within the hour no matter the day of the week!)  Happy soaking, it felt soooooo good after the wait and it was something looking at my body and realizing all I had been through.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Chelle... I was told that if I agredd to pay more and my insurance in the end covered it, they would reimburse me... But I insisted to do it the other way around and pay less up front and they could bill me etc... so that is what we did, but they did assure me that they would reimburse an overage charges.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2012

    KSue- Thank you for the info. I was confused about was the last mammo, ultrasound, etc. tests that the Center was requesting. The packet mentioned bringing the films with you to the pre-op and thought that could be a challenge with traveling. After calling my doctor's office today they were happy to mail to NOLA for me.  Thank you again for the info the hospital costs. Congrats on being drain free!  I am trying to prepare by myself for that long journey...but at least I will be on the healing side by that time. 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    Thanks Betsy!! I tried to do that, but it didn't work for
    I left a message yesterday for Vicky and I haven't heard back.  It's not urgent, but want to figure something out before my stage 2.

    Like Jane123, I enjoyed my first bath!! It was so nice to just soak in bubbles and relax :) I still look at my body and think about everything I have been through, but that first bath was memorable. Happy soaking LAstar

    First pre-op is done!! YAY

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2012

    OK Springtime! Can you PLEASE put me on the schedule for Stage 2 with Dr. DellaCroce in NOLA on October 16, 2012!!!!!!!!!!!

     Wounds healing good and Dr. D finally letting me get scheduled! Jeanine called today.  Woop Woop!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stage 2 - Stage 2 - Stage 2 - Moving on up!! Never thought I'd get here!  Scared I'd be stuck at stage 0 forever!
