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NOLA in September?



  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2012

    I did a little more looking on the lipo/boomerang fat question and found an article in the Wellness blog at the NY Times from June 13 of 2012 which discusses a study which found that people who exercise after lipo do not have a return of the fat.   Non-exercisers do regain the lost fat, and it tends to be more visceral fat than subcutaneous so is more unhealthy.  Just another reason to exercise!   For some reason I cannot paste the link -sorry.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    Ralston -- here we are both 5 weeks post-DIEP and having a few problems. I have a tiny scab left on a breast incision, but I think it will be OK. There is firmness underneath that makes me think there could be fat necrosis there. Time will tell -- I hope it softens on its own without caving in.

    Are you saying you have to wait 6 months for the tiny blood clot to clear before you have DIEP stage 2? Long time, isn't it. I feel your discouragement -- I have that too, sometimes upbeat, often wondering why it has to be this way, and trying to pray through it.

    Because my abdominal wound is open superficially and draining, and hurts when I have it dressed or wear a binder, I feel a little isolated, keeping the wound open to air at home as much as possible. Today I received a tube of Xenoderm from the Center and will find out when I email them pictures tomorrow whether the wound is ready for me to switch from betadine painting to applying this ointment that will help debride the wound. Does your upper abdomen get hard and tense? Mine does that off and on -- not sure what triggers it, and it is fuller than I'd like. I'm also feeling totally drained, not interested in exercising or even walking.

    I hope you are doing better before your PS followup. Things have to get better, don't they!

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    All of this lipo and regaining fat talk makes me want to be sure to lose some weight before stage 2, to minimize the amount of lipo I'd need/want. Sounds like lipo confuses the body. Undecided 

    Did any of you have infections or other undesirable side effects from lipo?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2012

    exercise is key. To everything! Find one or two you like, stick with it!

    Women who exercise during treatment are less likely to get recurrances. It can also cut your rate after. There is no down side to exercise! No nasty side effects! It's all good!

    <<off soap box>> 

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2012

    Last evening I had the opportunity to meet up with a woman who had treated in NOLA 2 years ago. She is not on the thread here but I was given her name through the Center. We had chatted about getting together and finally got the chance to meet last night. It felt so good to talk with someone face to face who had gone to NOLA. Just like connecting with you all here it felt so reassuring to talk with someone who had gone through this journey.

    For those of you (such as myself) going through or have had the Hip Flaps in NOLA. WOW! I am so impressed. She offered to show me the results and it only confirms this IS the place to be! She looks amazing. I was so impressed I went in and gave her a hug...after we only had met an hour ago. I feel so fortunate to have had someone live close to me to meet with and to be able to treat in NOLA. All the planning that goes into having surgery out of state is so worth it after seeing her results. While I know everyone's experiences are different she said she had gained much of her feeling back. I only hope I get the opportunity to do this for someone else. I couldn't wait to share with you all here!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Ralston... I have that exact abdominal bloat.. It seems better on some days, and then it looks like I'm pregnant.

    About the fat. oddly, it is only under my armpits... I have been exercising again since 6 weeks post stage II and eat pretty well... I did have lipo under the armpits at stage II, but I am unsure if I just need more or if fat migrated as things have settled... either way, I need it lipo'd again or cut out... I think I will google that study.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Just read some of those reports... it says it comes back to other locations within a year.. But be mindful that these cases were people who had problem areas. Like saddlebags  etc... I know for me, I didn't have any problem areas, (my fat was well distributed) but he cleaned up some areas... like outer thigh. I know I had lipo on thighs, love handles, inner knee and upper abs... The study shows that if you have fat removed from your lower body it will show up in upper abs, triceps and shoulders... I do NOT think this is what is happening over here... I believe that perhaps after fat grafting and before it settled in, it may have migrated, OR I did have lipo in underarm area but they did not have me wear compression in that area, only in the other areas... so it makes me wonder about that.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited August 2012

    Spring - Amen, sister!  

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2012

    AnnAlive--have you been to a wound care clinic? I think you might see quicker progress if you have someone taking care of it in person.  They (wound care docs) have so many tools that PSs don't know about.  That debriding ointment is just one thing.  There are ways to dress the wound that will make it heal faster.  Do you need help finding one near you?

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2012

    My fat used to be evenly distributed.  Now, after SGAP, DIEP and just a little lipo on the hips and lower back--not so much.  When I gained weight this past year it went directly to my arms (upper and forearms) and my thighs.  I think I have more subcutaneous fat on my calves too, although it's only noticeable to me.  My upper abdomen has a little chub on it and I almost never gained weight there before. 

    Oh well... just another challenge in this whole process.  I'm sure if I lose the weight it won't be an issue.  Working on it :)

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    Jeskachi -- No, I haven't been to a wound care clinic. So far, I'm following Dr. S' instructions -- sending pictures, applying betadine, and will swiitch to Xenoderm ointment (that the center sent) when Dr. S thinks the wound looks ready, maybe right away. He wanted the drying effect of the betadine first, and then the ointment will help debride and probably make the wound very messy! I did look up wound care clinics and see that my regional hospital has one. I wonder if it requires a physician referral, similar to PT. I think if the wound gets infected, I will have to get more local care. I hate this mess, but Dr. S claims it will heal in a month, or up to 6 weeks. If I get a chance, I may ask him about going to a wound care clinic. I'd like to go to the pool, but can't until this incision is healed!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2012

    I'm a big believer in wound care clinics after having some small wound issues with both surgeries.  They like to have a referrral just so they have your background, otherwise I think you could just show up.  But it works best if they're working in consult with your surgeon.  Any surgeon, I think, is glad to have wound care doctors as a back-up.  I highly recommend seeing one, things will go so much faster for you.  That eschar really does block healing and sometimes the ointment isn't enough to break it down, it has to be physically debrided (cut away).  A wound care doctor can make that call and can do the debriding.  There are a lot of dressings that will help it heal quickly and smoothly too.  The clinic can order those for you under your insurance.  I've never had problems getting wound care visits or supplies paid for.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    Wow ladies, I am scheduled for stage II in 4 weeks. Is there areas I should and should not have lipoed? I am very short and I gain my weight in my thighs and no matter how much diet and excercise I do, I can't seem to get them where I want them. I was going to have him lipo (thighs - inner and outer) and inner knees, but now I am a bit worried. I was also thinking of having a mini tummy tuck to get rid of an area my doctor left me after my hysterectomy...long story, but it's so unappealing.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Chelle... I had outer thigh, inner thigh and inner knee and my legs are great... My ONLY problem is under the arm pit, which was also lipo'd.. Perhaps I am dealing with scar tissue? Or not enough was taken in the revision at stage II? I do not have added fat anywhere else. Also, after the underarms were lipo'd I did not put compression on that area (how do you even do that??) So maybe that is the problem.

    I will see in early October when I see Dr D.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2012

    I thought about having my arms done too (my, but I thought about that. How do you do compression for upper arms & armpit? My original thought was to say anything from my chin to my knees is fair game Wink

    I can't make up my mind about the tummy though. If he's going to lift the thighs and butt, it would be nice to have the front side done. I am just looking to be "restored" after all this and I see the ugliness my doctor left every time I get out of the shower and look in the mirror. I just don't want to get in over my head and cause additional problems. Maybe I'm just nervous....

    Sorry for babbling, it's been a long emotional day and I think I will take a hot bubble bath to help relax tonight.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2012

    Docs don't generally do lipo on arms because of the extra skin issue.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Someone on here did... and they gave them a compression garment that went to the elbows... I think it depends on how much fat you have.. I may ask to have the fat behind my elbow taken... My only concern is the whole LE thing. I only had 2 nodes taken so I am not at great risk, but still.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2012

    Hey, ladies, check us out! What does one do when coping with cancer, mastectomy and reconstruction? Why write a Business Plan, arm-wrestle with the bank to get a business cosntruction loan, live through 6 months of contractors and renovations and finally open a B&B -- the Edwards Waterhouse Inn. Go to the Gallery to see the photos of the house, inside and out!!

    Maggie (the somewhat weary one looking at Stage 2b in late fall)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Looking good Maggie!!!!

  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237
    edited August 2012

    I spoke to liz today at nola. Just waiting on insurance info. Keeping my fingers crossed. I really really want to go. Crazy to be this excited. She said they could get me in as early as late sept.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2012

    Would someone explain how the thighs get lifted with a butt lift?  I just can't figure out the logistics.  I'm really looking forward to Stage2.  Hope to get anything that needs it done.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    My understanding is that they reopen the butt incision and pull the lower butt fat up to meet the upper fat (closing the gap) and stitch

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited August 2012

      Ann,   I had a very small area on my abdominal wound that had the eschar-probably 2 inches long and about the the same width as the scar, maybe alitte bit wider. I was 6 weeks out from DIEP and it just never seemed to get any better. Dr. M. had me go to a wound care Doc. who debrided my wound(x2) and it has healed to the point that I will only have 1 more visit.  I also recommend that you see a wound care Doc. They have so many different options and it's my feeling that you will heal faster-just my opinion.  Also, I never felt a thing!  You will need to have your operative report from Dr. S. and a prescription/written referral.  Good luck and please keep us posted!   Katiejane

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited August 2012

    Jeskachi & Katiejane -- I heard from the nurse this evening, and Dr. S has decided it's a good idea for me to go to a wound care center to have them evaluate what would be best for my necrotic abdominal wound. The wound care place is at the hospital, and their website says they require that patients be sent by their PCP. I don't currently have a PCP, so Dr. S' nurse has left a message and will try to intervene on my behalf to see if they will take the out-of-state referral. If that doesn't work, I suppose I could try my oncologist or even my local PS (from failed TEs, who agreed to be my backup if needed -- he is aware I was headed to NOLA). When I took pictures this morning and placed a ruler, the eschar area was about 5 cm x 2 cm.

    Continuing the lipo and butt lift discussion -- for someone who had only DIEP (no SGAP), will they do lipo on the butt at stage 2, such as the lowest saggy part?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2012

    Good luck Fredntan, let us know what you find out!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    Ann, if you want some lipo on your butt, you can get it. Dr S will shape you up! When he got ready to mark me up, he first asked me if I wanted to tell him my problem areas or if I wanted him to give suggestions. I went with his suggestions, because I didn't even know all the stuff he could do. I ended up pointing out only one area when he was done.

    Good luck with getting the wound care specialist going.

    Welcome fredntan!

    2 weeks from today I will pushing that pain pump! I can't believe it's almost here. Plenty to do to get ready.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2012

    Hello everyone!  It's been a while since I posted but I have been reading and keeping up on everyone's progress!  It's exciting to see so many getting scheduled!  I've been quiet since I am in delay mode and I have just been so busy with work and just waiting to get scheduled for Stage 2!  Reading about the wound care and also fat under the armpit and bloated belly really hits home with me!

       I had Stage 1 with Dr. D in May after failed implant and failed tram flap and I am so happy with the results so far even though I am dealing with a wound also. (nothing near as bad as I had before - this is almost nothing!)  I had a spot of eschar on the side of the flap which I treated with the betadine 3 times a day and kept it covered/then the X-ointment to help debride it when the scab was coming off. I only used it for a few days because it kept it so moist and I felt it was starting to look worse than better.   Then Dr. D wanted me to get a wound vac which I have now. I went to wound care for 7 months healing from the failed tram before so I got right in. Thank God I love my wound doc!  The vac isn't to bad but the worst part of it is lugging around this heavy fanny pack around!  BUT it works so well in speeding the healing the wound (which is delaying things since it heals from the inside out) that I'll put up with it.   I should of had it a week or 2 they thought but it is more like a month because I had some undermining where it was a little deeper in a few small areas and I know without it it would of taken months to heal.  I am almost closed up and looks like I may get scheduled for stage 2 in October or November.  I am also on antiobiotics while I have the vac on.

    Annalive - I know how it really is a let down to have things delayed but time will pass (look - I am already onto a new wound! - After that failed tram I never thought I'd heal from that one.  So chin up and ride the wave - before you know it you'll be done with all of this and looking good!

    BDavis - I have the jiggle fat blob under my armpit where I had nodes removed (only 3) but there is alot of extra skin and fat accumulates there.  Plus being numb there it feels like a softball under my armpit and looks terrible.  this was from 2009 after my bm.  So anyways - I showed Dr. D and he cut some skin off and a little lipo there.  It helped alot  but not all gone because it even goes towards my back.  He said at Stage 2 he will go back a little farther and smooth it out.  I CAN'T WAIT FOR
     THAT!!  This has bothered me the most for the last 3 years!! Now I am hoping it will be gone for good!

     Everyone Take Care!!   Geralyn 

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012

    Betsy ~

    Regarding how to get compression under the arm, my PT-CLT had their rep order me a "swell spot" for my chest wall/truncal lympedema.  I tucked it under my cami and it looks kind of like a pot holder with a crescent shape on one end so it fits under your armpit.  Mine was $45 and fortunately insurance paid for it.

    Here's a link to one example:

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited August 2012

    Geralyn, glad you are on the mend!

    Regarding the fat blob under the armpits, where is the scar from removal of the skin? I wear a lot of sleeveless tops, which i guess is why we want the fat gone anyway... So don't want a scar that makes me self-conscious about lifting my arms.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2012

    Hmmm... my post disappeared.

    Geralyn. You give me hope. I am glad to hear Dr D can address this. I think I would prefer the small scar over the blob. I also have fattiness in the armpit, which I assumed was due to the surgery and mammary node removal, but maybe not?? I have a very long list of needs for Dr D.. so we'll see.

    Pinkheart... I looked at the link.. very interesting... One distributor is literally down the street from me, less than a mile away. I did not have luck getting insurance to pay for my Marenas, but I didn't have a prescription... so I would need a script to get these covered I suspect. Too bad the docs don't hand them out.