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NOLA in September?



  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Betsy - yes, it is coming up fast! What tweak do you have planned? I'm in "hoping to avoid a 2b" mode as I heal from stage 2, so tired of surgery. Thanks for the Marena advice - again - (you too, Jeskachi) and I know I'll go that route. I measure an XL on Marena's sizing charts, but may talk to them before ordering. Did you match up to the charts?

    Kerry - thinking about you and wonder if you are at the same phase in progress at a week post-op. I'm still tired, sore, swollen, and very bruised. I'm happily off pain meds, though, and just put up with a little soreness. We weren't around family for Christmas, but skyped and then went see the Les Miserables movie with DH, then out to dinner. Even with mostly sitting, that was too much of a day, so I'll chill today and stay home. Shopping for bargains would be way to much right now.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2012

    I was an XL in Marena... wearing a size 14 pants after SGAP.  I probably could have gone down to L after the DIEP because I was a 12-14 then, but the XL worked fine.  If you're literally in-between sizes on their charts (use the table chart, not the wizard where you type in numbers), for waist or hips, go down in size.  If you're short you can also probably go down a size if you're in-between on any numbers.

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2012

    Whew Kerry and AnnAlive you were the week after me and sound like you are doing better than me : (. What did Dr D do to me. : ). I left NOLA with SIX drains and he reshaped my breasts so much that he did not do my nipples : (. So there is a 2b in my future. I thought my breasts were already pretty terrific so I was surprised he had to "tweak" them so much and he said he likes that to all settle in before nipples so they end up symmetric. I am ok with it and assume if that is about all I have to have done, that will be a breeze. I think he likes to wait 6-9 months for 2b?? All I know is I want to make it through the summer without surgeries and recoveries 10 surgeries in a 2 years my family will "fire" me.... : )

    One pesky drain left : (

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    LesleyAnne, I think the timing of the nipples effect insurance.  From my understanding, once the nipples are done, insurance considers the reconstruction complete and won't pay for more revisions.  Of course, waiting to see how things settle makes sense, too.  

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Jeskachi - oops, I was not using the Marena chart (had to look for it) but the wizard, and I'm uneven: XL in waist, L in hips. Sizing is so crazy. I wore size 10-12 pants before surgery and the same pants are a little snug now while in compression (bulk of the zippers + swelling). The Center put me in a 3XL Veronique, and while it feels compressed in the torso, the thighs are loose with no compression. I asked Laura and Stacy about it at my post-op and they said no, the fit is proper. I still have what may be the DOM that I didn't use after stage 1, in size XXL, and it fits a little better. I am using all of these now, and then I can switch to Marena next week, allowed on New Year's Day! But XL or L? I better call them.

    Lesleyanne - SIX drains!!!!!! I don't know how you managed those and their record-keeping. Dr. D did a marvelous job on you, I'm sure. Don't you wish we could ask the docs afterwards what they did and why? But they are busy. I get a copy of the operative reports, but they may not say it all. It would be fascinating (and frightening) to see a video of our own surgeries. Surprised  I did watch a DIEP surgery online, Mayo Clinic I think. And I still went for it!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    Ann.. I wore a M and L Marena but had a XXL DOM, so I would call and talk with them... the wizard said I needed an XL, but after talking with them we settled on the L and M.. so I got both... and both fit. As for what I am doing for my 2b, I am having some necrotic tissue removed on the left side and having a rotational flap to fix it. In addition, I am having another butt lift, some lipo and an indentation filled in, plus a little reshaping of my right breast... Kind of all over stuff.

    Marty... I had my nipple built last year, and am having a revision next month, still covered. If there is a problem, insurance will cover it.

    Lesleyanne...Dr D recommends waiting many months for a 2B.. I had stage II in Novemeber 2011, and he didn't want to touch me until at least the end of the summer... so I decided to wait til January so that in case I need a 2c I have time left in 2013 for insurance reasons.

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2012

    Thanks Ann and Bdavis and MartyJ as always you gals are a wealth of knowledge and I so appreciate you!!!!

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Betsy - I called Marena an hour ago and they decided L will work out better for me, that M might kill my waist. I ordered a black and beige. $$$ = Merry Christmas to me. Your 2b sounds very comprehensive, and looks like you'll get more use out of your compression garments!

    Thanks for your useful advice!

  • Sharon1942
    Sharon1942 Member Posts: 96
    edited December 2012

    bdavis & others, here is a dumb question:  Why do you wear compression garments?  I had DIEP reconstruction (left) this past Sept. in Dallas & my PS did not mention compression garments.  Does that just come with stage 2 when they do lipo/fat grafting to fill places in flap?  I go back in January to discuss stage 2.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    LesleyAnn- Don't you worry. I have four drains and think I would have come out with six if I had the breast lift. I too thought things was looking good overall. I am 32 yrs old and no kids so I was suprised when he mentioned a breast lift. I decided to pass on that since I went for some work on my stomach. Hang in there!

    I have been have a challenging time. I did not want to come online here and say like a downer but my Stage 2 recovery has been more challenging for me.  When I got home from Stage 1 everyone was saying how suprised they were that I was moving around so well and looked overall. At Christmas my family kept telling me how tired I looked..I appreciate their honesty but it didn't help lift my spirits.  My Stage 1 was not a walk in the park but I think the difference was when I went in for  Stage 2 hearing Dr D mention all the things I could have done.. just made me feel more self conscious I guess. I realize he is a plastic surgeon and wants us to feel our best, I just thought things looked pretty good overall. Once I heard those suggestions I went for them and fully understand that I made those decisions. Right now I am so swollen that I can't see any results. I know this takes time. I think we just all want to see those results after going through this surgery. When I went for my post op and they said I could look in the mirror I couldn't see any results expect everything looking much larger than when I came in. I am off the pain meds but am still quite sore. Right now I need to focus on the long term and realize nothing will happen overnight. I just hope that at least I get to go back to where my body was before because right now I am not feeling that way. I also spent this morning on the phone with the Center and the Hospital. We received more bills, some of which will be our responsibility. I am just very worn down from everything I think. So sorry for the long story but I just needed to get it out. Going to nap for a bit and hopefully calm some of these concerns.

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2012

    Thanks for sharing Kerry that is what we are here for, to support one another so it doesn't have to be all "hearts and flowers". For what it's worth you sharing your challenges has made me feel better about mine and just knowing I am not alone in this. My tummy was not a train wreck before and I know it is a long recovery and most people are super happy. I just feel that my navel looks ewwww right now not oozy or anything just deformed as does my mid-section overall. Just keeping the with and my 2 was tougher than my 1....thought I was the only one....

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Kerry- I can feel the frustration you are experiencing. This is the place to vent. Hopefully others have been through what you have and can reach out to you. When you are sore and can't see results, it is easy to feel what you are. Sending ((((hugs)))) your way.

    Rest, take care of yourself and know we are here for you.

    Betsy- I am sure you have many different feelings as the time nears. You have been so great about letting others know they are in great hands. You are too!!!! You have waited a long time for this. You are going to do wonderful. All those positive affirmations. 😄

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012

    Kerry, leslyeann,

    I had my stage 2 on Dec 7 th and I too am struggling a bit this time. I am just so tired which makes it hard mentally . I am probably looking at more fat grafting in June, but don't want to even think about this anymore. I am trying to just listen to my body right now and take naps when I need to. Thank you for sharing your feelings, we are not alone

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie... Oh.. I know I am in good hands... and my apprehension does not come with worry about the surgery... more about things I need to get done at home, and not getting to Zumba for 6 weeks after. I have 100% faith in the docs.

    Sharon... I believe the biggest reason for compression is to reduce swelling and avoid seromas to help heal without lumps and pockets of fluid. I believe (although don't quote me on this) I think after lipo it is also to reduce swelling and also help the tissue adhere properly. Perhaps ask your doctor. Or maybe even a google search, although sometimes you get misinformation out there on the web.

    Lesley and Kerry... The short term can be rough... everyone is different of course. I have had more drains than I can tell you and at one point I had drains for almost 9 weeks. It WILL pass... and you WILL feel normal at some point. I am a year (13 months) post stage II, and I have no real symptons of surgery. When I am at the gym and arch backwards, my abdomen feels tight, but I can handle that. It isn't painful, and only when I stretch that one way. And I am vouluntarily going back under the knife... if it had never ended I may not be so anxious to have another surgery, but I KNOW it is just a phase and in teh end I will be pleased with my decision. Patience is key.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Sharon - yes, the compression garments are for stage 2 liposuction, to help the skin adhere to tissue as it heals inside, or something like that as someone on this thread explained it. Wink It feels better too, supported 24/7 for a number of weeks (different surgeons have their own guidelines).

    Oh Kerry! You are only one day post-op after me, and I don't see any results yet either, except my waist measures an inch less than yesterday (as I was measuring for Marena garment) -- but is still swollen. After stage 1 I had a large area of necrosis on the abdominal incision, so it took a bit of work to repair at stage 2, I was told. My torso has so many deep purple bruises. I have very little energy, and I'm 20+ years older than you, so my expectations of quick recovery may be lower (took me 8 weeks to come around after stage 1). Dr. D did a lot of good work on you, and I want to encourage you to give it time. If I remember right, other ladies on this thread have said it can take months to see the full results. I hear you on the bills. More came through than I was expecting too. As for how we feel about our healing progress, let's see how we are doing next week starting a new year. Hang in there, Kerry! Wish we had been able to meet up -- I think we were in the Center at the same time for our post-ops.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Thank you ladies for your support. After a nap and getting out for a little bit I feel a bit better. My husband has been a great trooper too but you ladies understood on a different level.

    Bdavis- Good for you for moving forward with your upcoming surgery. I agree that we deserve to get to a point where we all feel good about how we look and feel. You have provided such great advice to us all here.

    Ann- I think we were both at our post ops at the same time and wish we could have met up. Thanks for your encouraging words!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    sharon1942--I too did not have compression garments for my stage 1 diep in Nov with Dr M...think it really just depends on whether or not the doc thinks you need it for stage 1


  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    My surgery for stage 2b was on the 14th and I still feel very tired.  Stayed in jammies all day today.  Itching all over and boobs are heavy and sore ( they went from small b's to DIEP b-c size).  Dr. T had to make new incisions under and down to remove lots of scar tissue.  Reopened stomach incision to revise and redid naval.  All drains are now gone ( had 4). 

    Had appointment for follow up tomorrow and flight was cancelled due to weather.  SO bummed.  I was able to pull drains okay but do not want to pull the stiches by myself.  Ready for a nonsurgery 2013!

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited December 2012

    I hope everyone who celebrates had a Merry Christmas!  And Wishing all a Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year!!

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited December 2012

    Stage 2 ladies, I am 5 weeks out and feel really good. Stamina and endurance is returning and no soreness or discomfort at all. Time improves all. I had quite a bit done as well. Regarding seeing lipo results, I do not see much from frontal view but let me say my waistline is remarkably shrinking from the back side view. My week one compared to week five photos show a substantial difference. A little bit of visible progress goes a long way building patience. Snap some back side photos if you are not already doing so.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Anita - that is so good to hear, as I feel I am dragging around with less energy than I had 2 days ago at 1 week out. I'm still swollen, but that has improved a little, not visibily so much as by measurement. Thanks for sharing what we can look forward to. Wow, you are 14 years post-diagnosis as of tomorrow! Go celebrate!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2012

    Has anyone experienced a persistent patch of dry skin on their immediate recon breast? I'm not one to have dry skin and I'm not in menopause. I can get away without moisturizing and often do not moisturize. I developed a reddish dry patch on my lower inner breast about 6 weeks after 2B, and have had the patch almost 2 months now. The dry patch (about the size of my palm) stops at both the vertical and horizontal scars of the inverted 'T' incision. The dry patch just showed up, it did not grow. I started rads about 3 weeks ago on the other breast. I moisturize both breasts 2-3 times per day. My rads breast does not have dry skin! My RO wants me to have that dry patch checked out. I will email the Center but just wanted to check experiences here.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited December 2012

    My other birthday, yup. I'm 14 and feel like I have adolescent breasts to go along with it. I still get gitty about the jiggling lol! No regrets about Diep here.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited December 2012

    My real age is 45. Diagnosed at 31.

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012

    Willy,thanks for posting. I am 3weeks post stage 2 and still no energy. Glad at 5 weeks you are feeling good.  I photo documented most all of this process but havent taken any pictures for stage 2, too busy with the holidays i guess. i am going to do that today, because you are right, it is really amazing when you look back and see the small changes.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Anita- Thanks for your posts. It is encouraging. Pictures are a good idea.

    We were able to remove 3 drains last night. When my husband removed them there was a release of air from each drain. It was a distinct sound. We thought that was interesting. I am still quite swollen so I am guessing it was releasing some of the air in there. I was told they inject a lot of fluid when they do lipo so I was surprised it was air and not fluid. Either way I guess in some way it helped me justify/acknowledge the major swelling, if that makes sense. Soreness is manageable now but I agree with the other ladies here, my energy level is at zero. I have been trying to get out of the house to lift the spirits as it cold and deary in Wisconsin with more snow coming tomorrow.

    Off for some picture taking this evening with my husband :)

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2012

    Kerry, My swelling did not go down until after drains were removed and I started walking twice a day.  I tried to drink regularly, too.  When you are numb areas feel bigger than they really are.  Also, remember you are low on endorphins since you are not running so you can feel unlike yourself or feel bummed.  Once you can get moving you will feel better.  You will be back in business soon!

    Speaking of wierd sounds, I heard a distinct popping sound around my incisions 5 different times - like bubble wrap.  Maybe the sutures dissolving?  My husband heard one of them!  

    Cider8, I am the queen of post op rashes!  Yes, I had dry patches on each recon breast and around my back incision.  I used a lotion product callled Renew after bathing and the patches cleared up in 2 weeks.  My dermatologist told me no soap and no hot water and even gave me a Rx for a steroid cream but I did not get it.  To order Renew call 1-800-282-3000 or

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2012

    Great to hear all the post stage 2 ladies seem to be doing well!  That is wonderful news.

    I'm scheduled for stage 2 in February.  It makes me anxious not knowing exactly what I am in for.  I've read posts where some of you knew exactly what was going to be done before you went in.  From what I understand that is not going to be the case for me....I'll figure it out once I get to NOLA.  

    I'm a bit uneven, I have too much side cleavage, and I have a large hard area on my left breast.  I'm not sure if the hard area is scar tissue or necrosis?  It's just under the skin, but it is about 1/3 of the surface area of my left breast.  I assume this should/can be addressed?  It seems like a lot of hardness to me.  It's right in the center...anyone know if this will affect the ability to do nipples at this stage? 

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    So glad to hear that energy come back.  I needed the encouragement today as I am two weeks out and just too tired for my liking.  I need to get walking but weather is cold and wet.  Dry skin is everywhere and normally I do not have this issue.  But I get to baby myself with good lotion and get some me time.

    Do any of the stage 2 vets know when the heavy breast feeling subsides?  Feels like I am carrying lead in them.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2012

    texan,  Seemed like it took weeks, I think around week 5 I quit noticing the heaviness and I now notice they are settling in (week 6).  It was unusual to sleep with the heavy feeling, yes.  My energy level is good but I have periods of sadness about all of this when I remember what I felt like before the numbness...