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NOLA in September?



  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2012

    Ditto for me.  I wasn't making light of debridement, was just making the point that flying for it would have been a lot of effort for something a local doc could (and should) take care of.  And, as Maggie said previously, the debridement part of it wasn't that big of a deal. 

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2012

    Ann & Kerry you sound so great. My 2 was last Fri and I am in quite a bit of abdominal pain. Trying to ween off Percocet but it is not working out. : (. Narcotics bind me up which also makes me is a delicate balance. My surgery was over 6 hours I had 6 drains but down to 3 as of today but the others are chugging along. How long before the tummy does not hurt so bad.... : (


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2012

    Ladies, NOLA has lost an amazing woman who reached out to me and at least one other woman who was traveling to NOLA alone for a surgery.  Alaina Arnold went to be with the Lord on 12/12/12. She participated on these forums and reached out to us---the most selfless person I've ever met.  I was headed to NOLA for my 4th breast revision surgery with Dr. D, a full hysterectomy and rectocele repair.  My aunt in Oklahoma planned to head to NOLA the day of my surgery to take care of me after, but when Alaina saw that I was going alone, she picked me up at the airport and a beautiful friendship grew between us over the past four years. Alaina nearly died a year ago, but miraculously was given another year with us.   I was honored to be invited to a surprise 50th birthday party her sister arranged for her two weeks ago, and I am so thankful that I went, because it was to be the last time I saw her and I had no idea the end was so near.  I got to spend that night at her house and get to know her family a bit, then the next day we enjoyed lunch at our favorite NOLA restaurant, Zea.  Alaina took me to the airport, and then later that day, she became very jaundiced.  Nine days later, she was gone.  Most of you on this thread never got to meet Alaina, but she attended the EnCourage meetings at the Center regularly.  I just wanted to post this for those of us old-timers who knew Alaina...Spring, Minnesota, Nordy, Pam...I will miss her very much!!!   Here is her obituary, for anyone interested.  Because of the party, I got to meet just about every relative mentioned---they are all great people.

  • florafarm
    florafarm Member Posts: 31
    edited December 2012

    Hey ladies, all went well with stage 2, about 4 hrs, but Dr. Massey told me right before surgery that she wasn't going to do everything on my wish list because of the cellulitis I had a month ago. She didn't want to dig around more than necessary for fear of spreading any lingering bacteria. She didn't want to place any drains either, so my recovery should be easy. She did dog ears, lipo on my hips, fat grafting to one breast, scar revision on both breasts. These were the most important things, but I was looking forward to the super small waist she promised! Disappointing as I really want this to be my last surgery. I probably won't go back for more as psychologically I want to move on with life and I think my hubby will have a fit if I go back for more....and then there's the deductibles and OOP to meet...Found out Downey was in the room next to me, so we had a nice visit last night !

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Florafarm - I replied to you on the DIEP 2012 thread. Welcome out of stage 2. I know what you mean about the psychology of reconstrucion. We have to decide at some point that enough is enough, and I hope I've reached it with my stage 2 this week.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Hi annlive how are you doing?

    Showering soon which will be the first time to see lower stomach scar. Hope it was worth it. Walked with my husband this morning. One round. Turtle speed but know it will get better. Family tell us ther is a blizzard going on back home. Will be nice to have a white Christmas. Hopefully flight will be on schedule- we fly out Saturday.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    KerryA - I'm doing as fine as can be expected. Very sore. Are you? My first shower was this morning at the hotel, so it was the first time I saw the revised incisions and grafting. DH says don't worry, it will get better. Cry I have lots of bruising and it's hard to move around, but I read on this thread that it will improve after a week. We walked 3 rounds at the hospital.

    I did wake up in the Veronique compression garment, and they gave me a spare, but both are sized at 3XL, and I'm not that big! The thighs of the girdle are too loose, so I will ask about a smaller size at my post-op tomorrow. Laura told me she is leaving, so I will be seeing Amy. Who is Amy?

    Sandy - Thanks for your memory of Alaina. I read the obit too--a very nice lady she was.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2012

    Amy is the other PA. I met her the beginning of Sept. she's very nice.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Annalive-I am doing good overall. Good for you making three laps around the hospital. I am very sore too. More sore then I ever felt from stage 1. I understand though that you feel better quicker this time around. Hope that is true! Toilet seats ouch...

    On a separate note I am so glad I had the loose stomach skin removed. No crunches could take away that extra skin away. I was at 200 lbs at one time and now 128 lbs 5'6 tall. So letting go of that extra skin felt good. I worked hard to lose that weight and now really enjoy being active.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Within a few days you will be feeling much better! Let others do things for you.

    Question- I have healed well, but it is very hard under my right breast and some under my left. Is this to be expected after Stage 1. Does it get better or do they deal with this at stage 2? It has me a little worried. Everything has gone well. I hate for that to change.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie that will be all fixed up at stage 2. they really focus on making everything pretty so to speak at that stage. Dr d also gave lots of options to consider. It was nice to focus on that after the bigger surgery for stage 1. Just my opinion. I was concerned too about some hardness under both breasts and he addressed it.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie - I had hardness on the inside corner of the left flap and a bump at the top of the right flap, and they were repaired this week in stage 2.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    My hardness is a large area. Dr. M was going to do out patient for my stage 2. I will be having lipo, fat graphing, one dog ear, and this hardness. Hope I can handle no hospital stay.

    What do you guys think that have been through this?

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie- outpatient is anything under 23 hours and the time starts after you leave recovery. So you can get a good stay in after Stage 2..

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie- It can take 3 months or sometimes more for things to soften up and swelling to subside.  It looks like you are only a little more than a month out so I think it is too early to know what you are dealing with.  I was told (not by the doctors at the Center but an earlier plastic surgeon- so this does not carry the weight of something said by the Center doctors) that gravity helps things soften up if it is swelling - the top of the reconstruction tends to soften first - then the lower areas.  If there indeed are hard areas left they will be dealt with at stage 2.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Thanks everyone. I will let Dr. M know and hope that time resolves this. Monday will be 6 weeks and my compression comes off.

    Marty-I am back to walking. 🎄

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie - me,too. Of course the weather helped, but I am afraid the warm spell is over. Now I'll have to really push myself.

    I have a large hard roll at the bottom of the right. Dr. M said she would work in it at Stage 2. She said that is may resolve in time. She also talked about how the blood supply branches after the surgery and told me that, like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, some times there is a hole in the branches. The reduced flow or missing branches can cause the hardness. Time and patience were what she emphasized. That side as a whole is much firmer than the left. I should add that it seems that Dr M prefers at least an overnight at stage 2. I think that is to be sure you are stabilized. Might be good to plan for that possibility.

    Tomorrow is 6 weeks for me. I still have two areas of concern on the abominal incision so I will keep the compression on til it resolves. I am sending Dr. M close ups tomorrow. I have found that I tend to bloat though the waist especially if I am standing a lot.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    Sandy... thanks for posting about Alaina. I never met her, but have heard about her for the last two years. Anytime one of our sister's pass to the other side, it is a sad time. I know everytime you came to NOLA you got together with her... My thoughts are with her family and you!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2012

    Thanks Betsy.  I am thankful that I got to know her.  

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Had post op today. Glad I went. First garment was too tight since I was swollen so they gave a larger size. Very swollen. Wow! Told my husband i look like the stay puff marshallow man....The pain from my stage 2 has definitely been more intense. Seating down takes a bit of time. Does this this pain fade more quickly? Stomach looks good though so that was worth it. So happy I did that but this pain is no joke.

    The center was quiet today. We brought in a gift basket of goodies from Wisconsin for the hospital and the center as a thank you for all their wonderful care this year. Know they work some long hours there and take such great care of us all.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Kerry -- I had my post-op with Amy and Stacy today. We were there from 10:15 to 11 am. Yes, it was quiet -- didn't see you. If you were there earlier, did you leave that big basket of fruit I saw on the desk? We also saw a basket that had a bottle of wine or other drink and things.

    I have swelling too, and it's increasing. They said it's from lipo, and that I will have bruising even where lipo wasn't done, such as my lower legs, because fluid is injected in before they lipo out. My ankles and legs are puffy, and I never get that. Sitting and doing nothing, I feel no pain, but getting in and out of a chair or bed is miserable, and so is walking. I don't like the way Percocet makes me feel, so want to wean to Tylenol when I can. They said no NSAIDS until a week out. They wouldn't take out my one abdominal drain -- must keep it until at least Monday.

    I wish we could have coordinated and had lunch together if possible. We walked 3 blocks to the Cheesecake Bistro to eat an early lunch. Miserable walk, not accustomed to 50 degrees and wind, and walking in street where sidewalk was blocked off. Have a good flight home tomorrow. We start our drive back to Florida in the morning.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Hi Ann I am sorry we missed each other. I was there around the same time. I wasn't going to have post op but with the swelling and pain I wanted one. My husband was carrying out gift basket. The swelling is crazy isn't it? My arms are swollen too. After my post op I did not feel well..don't think I've been great company for my husband. I have spent most of the time sleeping or trying to get comfortable with this pain. Getting out of bed or in the car is tough I agree. So sorry again we did not get to see each other but I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Glad you girls are on your way home tomorrow. Home makes it that much more tolerable. Ann I laughed because of your comment about 50 and windy. We are having strong winds in Michigan and it is in the low 30's. I agree, it is miserable. I did my walking on the treadmill today.

    Have a blessed Christmas and remember that each day will get better. My stage 2 is in 8 weeks.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Wow Cherrie - 8 weeks? Seems like stage one was just a few weeks ago. Happy 6 weeks!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2012

    Wow! Lots going on here... I check in so rarely these days that it is hard to keep up!

    Sandy - Your post about Alaina was beautiful. Again, I am so very glad for you that you were ale to make it to her birthday party. She will be missed by all who knew her. She was a beautiful person and I am sure continues to be a beautiful angel. Hugs to you my friend.

    Mags... So you are now walking around with a wound vac? I am sorry! I have experience with the vac (and debridement too), but not as the recipient! Wound vacs work extremely well for helping a wound to close from the inside out and encourages the formation of granulation tissue (healthy tissue) while the debridement part of it removes eschar and other necrotic tissue. I agree that wound care can be done by your local wound doc, and is the better scenario since it is going to be long term. I also have to say that there are many different types of debridement, some that are definitely just a step above picking a scab (such as using a sterile 4x4 to slough off dead skin), but some that require a skilled practitioner (such as sharp debridement with a scissors or a scalpel, and sometimes are so involved that patients are taken to the OR for the procedure)... Just saying... Anyway, I am really happy that you are being seen and are now on your way to healing. I am sorry that you have to carry your vac with you though!

    Spring!!! I can't wait!

    Need2New--- are you here at all??? Please know that I am thinking about you. Huge hugs.

    Jane123 -- I am glad you are feeling better! Hoping your rash continues to subside.

    AnnAlive -- so happy you felt well enough to have your surgery! I hope you are feeling well!

    Anyway, I originally came on to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday! Christmas, Hannuka, Kwanza, Diwali, the New Year... I would celebrate them all if I could!

    Oh, yes, and one last thing... I finally got my lymphoscintigraphy... It shows what we already know, of course, and that is that I have lymphedema of my RUE, however, what it also showed is how severe it is. There was absolutely NO drainage until the 4 hour mark (and it was very minimal) and exhibited dermal backflow. I am hoping this new information will be enough to get my insurance to cover VLNT... Grrrr!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    So we are flying out in few hours. Last night was bittersweeet. Glad to have both surgeries behind me yet I don't think it has sunk it yet. Did others feel this way? My husband and I love this city and all it has to offer. We enjoyed some good food last night at the Joint and a sweet treat at Sucre. Then we walked in the quarter for a bit. There were two street performers playing Christmas music one playing violin and the other a small acoustic guitar. It was beautiful. I was teary eyed. Felt so blessed to have found nola and to be in this great city with my husband. So many people were watching and recording it on their phones. It felt good for a few hours to enjoy it all.

    Flying home to snowy Wisconsin. We had a blizzard this week. Hopefully our flight into Chicago won't be delayed. We have family picking us up at the airport and so looking forward to seeing them.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Kerry - now you have a reason to return to NOLA.  To mark anniversaries of your new breasts!  Maybe not every year, but those little trips with your DH might just be the perfect thing to save for in your sock drawer. Happy Holidays!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2012

    Yes, I found a new love of New Orleans this last year that is very different from the crazy trips I made while in college. I found strength, hope, and renewal in that wild city and reconnected with an old friend there. I look forward to going back for nipple tattoos with Vinnie and no surgery! I'm reading a history of the city (The Accidental City) and now I'm so excited to see more historical sites when I return. So many people love NOLA for so many reasons, but we can truly say that it is close to our hearts.

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited December 2012

    Ladies, what tricks did you all use to hide the nipple protectors? And what's he longest any of you wore them? I know the recommendation is what: 3 weeks? Did anyone wear theirs longer?

    I'm so scared of it flattening all the way out.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2012

    ttay, I wore lots of blousy prints & thick cardigan sweaters and tried not to care much if they did show.  It also helped to tape a gauze pad over the protector so it wasn't so pointy.  I think I wore mine 10 days until Nurse Jeanine said to not bother.  I saw some interesting photos on the gallery site of someone who taped tea strainers to her breast for a more rounded look!