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NOLA in September?



  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Cherrie, I so understand the menopause challenge.  I had my hysterectomy at 43.  Those little lbs really sneak on. No more white potatoes, no more bread.  My gyn told me that my body just doesn't process those types of carbs well.  Since we both know that, she said I should quit.  Sure,  my mind gets that, but . . .  I am only an inch taller than you at 5'3" and turned 60 in June.  This is my year to be good to myself.  I can just feel the pounds roll off (yeah, right).

    Tamara - I so love Idaho.  One of my longest friends lives in Boise.  Hugs!

  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2013


    I dont have the option to wait for things to resolve simply because of time.  I need to be finished with everything by July1.  I am out of my insurance network and I simply cannot afford to go into a new benefit period. Plus the travel expense from NC to NOLA isn't cheap. If I have problems or need any other "fixes" on July 1 - I will have to settle for whomever I can find in my BCBS network.  That's scary too.   I honestly feel NOLA was my best option and stepped out in faith with little knowledge on the recovery (Totally researched the prodedure and the doc's though).  my anxiety is at a peak.  If I called NOLA everytime I freaked out I would be on the phone everyday with them.  I have never had a doc I couldn't reach out and touch regularly .... I am a scared mess.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    About the green coffee bean extract. I started on Saturday and am disappointed I need to stop til after surgery... Guess I'll have to work extra hard in Zumba tomorrow.

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2013

    Hi Paula - I had a big area in one breast that has been diagnosed on ultrasound as fat necrosis, but it has very slowly gotten softer over the 17 months or so since my Stage 1.  I have Stage 2 in six weeks and am expecting that Dr. D will poke some holes in the necrosis to allow it to soften further.  I did spend a lot of time worrying about it and being fearful of needing another flap, but I dont' think that will happen, since it has slowly gotten smaller and softer.  You are still very soon after surgery - try to give your body and brain and emotions time to work on healing, and don't put too much energy into worry.  I know that is easy to say and hard to do, but I wish I could have done it.  And if you are not ready for Stage 2, it is totally okay to wait, at least medically.  I had one of the nurses tell me that sometimes you get a better result waiting longer since you are fully healed and they can better see what it will all look like.  I had a stage 2 scheduled for 12 weeks and then just wasn't ready to face it.  I am glad to be going into Stage 2 feeling mentally and physically ready, and actually looking forward to getting rid of my pointy butt.

    Sorry - just saw your post above about not being able to wait.  July 1 is still a ways off- all I can say is that a lot will happen as you continue healing and odds of improvement are good.  I am sorry this is so stressful.  I had a slew of post-op complications that I was terribly anxious about, but looking back, they pretty much all resolved and I wish that I could have not put myself through all the anxiety.  I had a seroma and drove myself crazy worrying about whether it would resolve (it did), and all my worry was just pointless self-inflicted misery.  I know it is really hard not to be panicky, because I easily go there myself, but I hope you can just defer the worry for a bit.  You have just gone through so much physically and emotionally, if there is any way to give yourself a little mental vacation , I hope that you can do it. 

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2013

    Paula, I'm sorry if I scared you!  7 weeks out of Stage 1 is too early to worry about all of this, just focus on feeling good and getting strong again. Stage 2 recovery is worlds easier than the Stage 1 recovery! 

  • kate727
    kate727 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2013

    Hi, I am new to this site so bear with me! I had Stage 1 in New Orleans with Dr. M this past Oct. I was really struggling with where to have stage 2 because I live 4 hours from Chicago, however, not sure what the hospital there will write off, also just found out because I am having a lymph node transfer I need to stay there 2 weeks for therapy! I am just a regular person and the cost of all of this is a great concern. Also I had therapy in NOLA at the hospital and they accepted what my ins. did not pay! Which is only 50% out of network. So, I am scheduled for Feb 20 in Chicago, but now I am not sure if I should have scheduled in NOLA because the stay at hope lodge is free and although I did have Dr. M's fee, I didn't have any hospital cost. If I do go to Chicago, I will have Dr. M's fee, 50% of therapy costs, lodging, and prob. the hospital there won't accdept the 50%. does anyone have any idea where to stay where it wouldn't cost a fortune? The therapy is done in her office.  Thank you so much!

  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2013

    Thank you Running...

    I'm planning my stage 2 at 15 weeks post DIEP.  Financially I cannot wait and read on the "Ask the Dr" link from Doc D 4 mo was optimal.  Please post what you experience in stage 2. God bless.

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2013

    Hi Paula - I sent you a private message.  We are all here to support you.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2013

    Paula, I'm dealing with the same thing....actually saw your reply to my question for Dr. D on the Ask the Dr. forum. :)

    I'm obsessively checking for softening these days to no avail.  I'm incredibly anxious about my upcoming stage 2 because I was REALLY hoping for something simple and easy to recover from.

  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2013

    Audrella -That's part of my concern.  We schedule our stage 2 with little to expect until you get there so there is no prep time or real knowledge ahead.  I am acting totally on faith.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited January 2013

    I'm wondering if everyone is happy with their lipo. I find that I look lumpy around the knees and inner thighs, which is just what I was afraid of... I wish listened to my intuition. and I'm sort of wishing I'd committed to put in the extra hours at the gym after my breasts were healed. Also, the fat injections did make my breasts wider, which wasn't my desire. I needed the fat in the upper pole to cover where my ribs were showing, but wasn't expecting width. I like that my abdominal scar was lowered,in stage 2 and he also stretched and tucked things so that I got my waistline back -- was looking a little boxy in the torso after stage 1.

    So I know that I'll want a stage 2b to revise breast shape and remove new dog ears, but I'll probably wait a year, even though I don't even have nipples now, I really barely care! I have to get back in shape and take time off of surgery. Counting SNB & port, lumpectomy, stage 1, stage 2, knee surgery, and having some wisdom teeth pulled, I've had quite enough surgery for now!

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited January 2013


    I hear you there.  I have had nine surgeries in 3 years.  I have averaged 3 a year although this last year was 4 which makes it pretty hard to be in shape because there is so much recovery going on.  I do plan on waiting because Dr D did not do my nipples he had to revise the breasts too much.  I just went in Dec 14 for stage 2 and he did a lot so I may still have a little swelling but my breasts are wider than I expected.  Having troble buttoning some blouses without gaps which I was not expecting.  I am relaxed about it though because once I actually get moving again I will lose a few and that will impact breast size so I am ok with it.

    I assume based on where you are in the OC there has to be some places that do endermoligie.  I have used this in the past with good results.  Not cheap and you have to keep it up once a month.  I plan to ask if I can do that at least on my legs.  No way could I take it near the hip/flank/butt area or tummy at this point.

    I do like looking like I have a bit of a waist again too I felt boxy as well!!!

    Are you able to exercise or resume most of your activities at this point?  I am one month out yesterday so hoping I can get back at it in 2 weeks not quite ready yet.


  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I have not been on the boards for a while, as I've had so much work and family illnesses. But I wanted to post and give you all an update: I recently had my stage 2 in NOLA with Dr. D. I was originally diagnosed in July 2011, had two failed lumpectomies, and was told by the surgeon radiation would take care of everything. After researching, and talking with many, many survivors and doctors, I decided to do BMX. I visited all the best plastic surgeons in my metro area. What I saw could not compare to NOLA. We scheduled a visit, signed on, and I had GAP flap. One flap failed, so then I had a DIEP. I had to wait, bcause of work, to get the stage 2, but I was reminded how exceptionally awesome the NOLA staff and doctors are:  the Breast Center is without question one of the best, most compassionate and most dedicated centers I have seen in my experience of breast cancer. The doctors, the nurses, the staff are all caring people, they do not push, and they are extremely competent. After my original BMX, the pathology came back that there was lobular carc in the "good breast." All the mri's, etc. did not pick this up, so I am very satisfied with my decision to do a preventative BMX with both breasts. And I know Dr. Stolier has a new journal article out about pathology and cancer which someone should post a link to. Tissue transfer is not for the faint of heart, it is a challenging surgery and the recovery is not for those without grit. But I have three little kids who reach to my breast. It is a pleasure for them to cuddle with me and when I give them hugs I have great satisfaction knowing they have regained the warmth of their mother's bosom again. Good luck to all of you ladies!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited January 2013

    Jenlee, I am right there with you with the lipo, but I have a few other issues too. I actually called Jeanine yesterday and sent some pics over today. I am thinking a 2b, but it won't be until December if & when I do it. I know this sounds awful, but I haven't told my husband about it. We have been so stressed over the past 2 years with all my surgeries and our son that we really wanted a calm surgery free 2013. It's killing me not talking to him about this and I am not sure he will understand, but I tell my husband everything and hope my worry is unwarranted.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2013

    I can't really tell that the lipo was done, but I haven't exercised as much as I should have (see link below).  I'll probably have a Stage 2b at some point to correct a dog ear and maybe to even out my breasts.  It's hard for me to care at this point! Every once in a while, I just stop and feel grateful to not have drains, hip aspirations, or nipple shields.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Jenlee.. If I remember right, your compression garment was loose at the knees, correct? I wonder if that is the problem. I do not have lumpiness and couldn't be happier with my lipo, and going back in for more. I will say that I am glad I put 14 months between stage II and IIb because what needs to be done isn't noticeable right away. It takes time for things to settle out. I now can see that my left out thigh is a little flatter than the right, so I will ask him to even me up. And my right inner knee is a little flabbier than the left. And I have a spot on my abs next to my belly button that could use just a touch of lipo to make it even. Little, very little things here and there. And while I am under anesthesia for the real reason I am going (baby flap on left), he will address all the little things. I am also getting another butt lift as the first one didn't seem to fill the gap. Again, with only 4 months between stage II and the GAP flap, my butt was probably still swollen, but now he'll have a very good idea what needs to be done. AND at the end of this, if I still need one more tweak, I have the rest of 2013 to get it done. But hopefully this will be it.

    Last night, I was talking with my husband, and only now do I see that I really didn't include him in the decision to have a BMX and fly to NOLA.. I just told him what I would be doing. (Back in 2011). I now realize I regret that as he feels like I left him out of the discussion. I think I felt like I needed to defend my decision to so many doctors and when he was playing devils advocate with me (why not just radiation? Why not implants?), I took as another hurdle, so I just did what I knew in my heart was right. Did anyone else make their decision unilaterally? Did you feel you were defending your choice with your spouse? I feel really bad now.

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited January 2013


    Don't feel bad!!!  My spouse is an oncology nurse and use to work for a plastic surgeon.  I don't think I ever discussed it with him in the manner of what do you think or allowing him input in terms of should I or shouldn't I.  We are super close and I have 2 boys 13 & about to be 10 in March.  It has been a crazy 3 years for them.  We are super active kayakers, rock climbers, snow & water me being out of commission in one way or another for 3 years has been tough.  I was bummed I did not get the nipples at Stage 2 in Dec BUT I trust DR D implicitly so I know there is a 2b for me.  I will wait a LONG time because even my sons will divorce me if there is another summer of recovery around here (I am kidding but you get the idea )

    It really is my body and I think he knows that I have to find a way to a place where I feel OK in my own skin so I am not sure how he could really pipe in on that.  I had two implant failure surgeries and emergency removal the second time.  It was rough they could not get my fever and vomiting from infection under control.  I lost some chest wall and had an ugly gaping wound on the radiated side they could not even fully close me up.  Dr D had a lot to fix and I still had the wound 3 months later when I went to NOLA and he had to run pathology on the tissue.

    My point in sharing that is that my honey came in after the emergency surgery and said he thought I should give myself a break.  I was averaging 3 surgeries a year for the last three, so always recovering....THAT was said before they took the dressings off and he saw what my chest looked like.  I was disfigured.  I had them pull both implants the non-radiated side was fine but my big thing was not wanting one on and one off.  I wanted two "breasts" or no breasts, trying to get even was something I could not handle.  I had a lot of ugly loose skin on the non-radiated side and a 7-8 inch long and 3-4 inch wide open "gash" on my chest  : (

    I did discuss it with him more in the sense of logistics for travel, kids, caretaking, etc, but I did not exactly let him vote.  I knew in my heart what was right and I think I did not want anyone to make me second guess my choice.  I was in a pretty bad head space after theat emergency surgery so he was supportive knowing I would not be OK walking around like that...

    So don't feel bad, in the long run you being happy now is probably SO much better for the relationship than not "consulting" him if that makes sense



  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2013

    Boy Lesleyann, your emergency surgery sure hits close to home. I experienced the same thing, severe infection with vomiting and fever....horrible, did not tell this to anyone but seriously thought I might die. I was travelling with my daughter at the time driving her down the west coast from Seattle to LA for college , never guessing we would only make it as far as a San Francisco emercency room. Also took me a long time to recover mentally from that, along with feeling guilty about the trauma I put my daughter thru when it should have been such an exciting time for her. Of course we survived, but it takes it toll for sure on both us and our families. I am almost 6weeks past my Stage 2 uni sgap. Still need a bit of tweaking and nipples...but seriously thinking I may take a break from it all.

    I am in awe of all you brave women out there as we continue to fight the fight.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    I am going for stage 2 in two weeks.  I will have my breasts lifted and shaped, lipo around the top of the tummy scar where there is a little bulge at one spot and probably lipo of the flank area.  I am contemplating a little lipo of the outer thighs but I am hesitant to do the inner thighs.  I don't want asymmetry and the inner thighs are not really necessary to contour the belly region, though of course at 10-12 pounds overweight, it would help.  I am afraid to do lipo around the knees.  I am 58 and my skin may not bounce back well since I have noticeable (to me) sagging a little of my upper arms and plenty of cellulite in my legs. I play tennis so I do expose my legs a lot in the short tennis skirts. What do you think?  I would love to see posted pictures of the lipo you ladies had done.  Maybe you can post them to the picture forum?? Thanks.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    Also, a 2b is not in the cards for me so I want to get stage 2 right the first time.  

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    One last question- what is lowering of the abdominal scar?  Is that done if the scar is unnaturally high, or just to get it as low as possible?  If I wear low cut underwear the scar is still covered so I don't think I will do that, but I was wondering what others are doing?  Lowering the scar requires opening the whole scar from hip to hip and starting over again with healing?  Please let me know.  I want to understand as much as possible before I speak to Dr. Sullivan in that one preop appointment where we will set out everything for stage 2.

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited January 2013

    Kate727: Is staying at the Hope Lodge out of the question?

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited January 2013

    Good luck 4mybabies! Thinking of you:)

    Chelle..your son is in my prayers!!!

    Good luck ladies with the weightloss and the coffebean extract!

    My 13yr. old races motocross and just came home with a concussion so we are off to ER to get him checked:(

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Lesley... Thanks for your story... I think I need to come to terms with it all...

  • 4my4babies
    4my4babies Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2013

    It's count down time! I had my day of pre-op appointments. CT scan of my abdomen to see where the best veins for harvesting are, met with the PT to talk about post surgical care but most didn't apply to me as I am prophylactic. (No lymph nodes taken so no lymphadema risk.) and then marked up for my DIEP by Dr. D.

    We're in hotel now getting ready to go to bed. We report to the hospital at 6:30 in the morning and surgery will get started around 7:30. Bi-lateral MX with DIEP estimated to take 5-6 hrs. I feel like I should be nervous, but I honestly am not. I'm fairly certain that's because I know God's got this! Too many things have fallen into place for Him not to be. I'll post from "the other side"! Thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    bdavis- I made the decision to have a contralateral prophalectic mastectomy on my own.  I talked things throuh with my husband but there was no expectation from either of us that this needed to be a joint decision where we were both on the same page.  Right up until the day before surgery at the Center my husband's take on things was that if he was in my shoes he would not have the surgery. The difference in opinion was a non-issue -- expecially after a previous bc diagnosis.  Neither one of us had a crystal ball that would predict the future. I needed to make the decision that was best for me based on the information I had and how I felt about things.  ( It was interesting that the day before my scheduled surgery -after listening to a long conversation between Dr. Stolier and myself concerning the reasons for the surgery - he decided that the surgery was actually the option he would have chosen himself.)   

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies - I went to my first yoga class ever last night and will add for those fresh out of recovery - it is a great way to start off the road to fitness. The class was an hour long, included meditation, some funky stretching poses and seemed fairly simple enough to do. Today, I have been sore in places that I expected were weakend due to the surgeries.  The best part is that my lower back finally feels better though!!! Ever since the stage 1 surgery, I know when I have "had it" for a day because my lower back starts hurting. My local gym only offers it once a week and I think I could benefit from doing it every day until I feel more "normal". I'm going to find a dvd so I can incorporate it into my morning routine even if it's just 15 minutes. I think once my weakened areas are stronger, the rest of the cardio and such will only improve. 

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    4my4babies - see you on the other side!! You are going to do great and happy healing in NOLA!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2013

    4my4babies-you will do great.. God is watching over you. I remember waking up the day of my stage 1 and feeling a sense of peace come over me. I finally felt at rest about the decision. We are all thinking of you!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2013

    4my4babies, best wishes for a smooth procedure tomorrow.  Being treated by the best gives a wonderful peace of mind!