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NOLA in September?



  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning Ladies!

    4my4babies - You sound like you are doing well. Good Job. 4 days after my stage 1 I was walking the French Qtr.  Drink lots of water and walk as much as you can to flush your system.

    New Question:  I have my stage 2 set for Friday, 15 Mar.  I plan on flying home the evening of Saturday, 16 Mar simply because the flights are about $400 cheaper than leaving on Sunday.  I know NOLA wants you to stay 2 nights post surgery but I really have to watch my travel expenses.  What are your thoughts on flying home (3 hours of flight time between 2 flight legs) so soon after stage 2?

    Thank you ladies - you are the best!

  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2013

    Oh yeah, I have the same question as Pamela44.  Not sure I want a lift.  I am 53 (5'4", 135#). I went into skin nipple saving DIEP a 34C (okay C minus - lol) and asked to be only slightly fuller to fill out my skin. And to an extent that is what Dr S gave me.  While I am now slightly asymetrical and as the swelling continues to go down, I am afraid I will come out a B cup if I have a lift during stage 2.  I really want to be a full C cup when all is over.  

    No way I would do inner thigh lipo.  They are already loose.  Between saddle bags, love handles and the fat left above my DIEP incision I think there is enough for stage 2.  I read where Dr D says only about 50% of the fat grafted during lipo will survive.  Stage 2 scares me to death since I am already fearful that I have some necrosis from stage 1.  Ugh.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Paula. I was in the hospital for 2 nights with stage II and flew home 2 days later. So from MY experience that is too soon. For my 2nd stage II I am flying out Saturday with a Wednesday surgery and I am a little concerned I didn't leave enough time with that schedule. But I feel that if need be I can still have 2 nights in the hospital and another night before flying, but no way would I fly the day after surgery. My 2 cents.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Can u fly on Monday?

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited January 2013

    So am I hearing that when you have lipo the fat redistributes to other places? If I have my love handles done it will gather on my back???? Does anyone have clear light on this? I have less than 5 weeks to go.

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited January 2013

    Cherrie- I don't think that the fat "redistributes". If you gain weight after lipo, the area that was lipo'd doesn't have fat cells ( or as many), so the weight will be seen in other areas. I was told we have a certain number of fat cells and don't grow new ones. The existing ones just get smaller and larger as we lose and gain weight. So, once removed, that area won't gain as much weight as before. Thus, you will notice weight gain in other areas....arms, love handles, back, etc.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited January 2013

    Surgery is feb. 29th now. A week later, which will be ok. After all the festivities :)

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited January 2013

    So, bottom line is dont gain weight after lipo as it will tend to go to places that were NOT lipoed! Ouch!! This all gets to be overwhelming!

    I have this flat tummy, but the love handles do not balance the look. My back already has fat. I'd love to have that gone. Dr. M has her work cut out for me. I guess I will trust what she thinks.

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2013

    Hi Russell1 - I will having my Stage 2 on March 1, the day after you, so I hope we can cross paths in the hospital.

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    Hello Ladies!  I am having a bilat DIEP this Wednesday.  My question is that my oncologist told me that 50% of the abdominal incisions open up - is this true?  seems like lousy odds, and what can I do to minimize that?

    Thanks - I'm on the newbie *2013 DIEP* thread and some of you ladies are nice enough to stop by, so appreciated!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2013

    My fat did not redistribute to other places. I swear, I think this is an old wives tale or something. It is just friggin GONE! ha!!

    I would say it can take up to 6-9 months to see the "results" of lipo because of the swelling. 

    I've heard form other women that some docs say you get better results after lipo if you wear compression up to 6 months. I had a marena garment (the best kind) and I could only stand it for 2 weeks after the drains came out, which is what the docs told me at that time. 

    If you have surgery dates to add, or changed dates, would you please PM it to me? Thanks you gorgeous women!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Heavenschild. I think that is not correct. I know of like 1-2 people that happened to. My suggestion is not to over-exert. Don't reach or twist. The abdomen is like triple stitched inside and then glued shut. Don't pick at the glue. Let it come off on its own.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    And about lipo and fat. I had my love handles, thighs, abdomen, inner knees lipo'd and those areas are all fine. I do seem to have extra fat in my armpits and below but I hear that as a common complaint after mastectomy. Luckily for me I need a baby flap and dr d will use that fat and then excise the other side. If I hadn't needed the flap I would have had him excise it anyway. I never used to have it and I want it gone. Also it is true that avoiding weight gain after lipo is important to avoid odd weight distribution because it will go to non-lipo'd areas first. Not looking for fat ankles. LOL. So far 14 months out I am fine with no oddities. And if in the future I ended up with a weird fat deposit I would have it taken care of. ... Within reason.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    heavenschild- Where did your MO get those stats?  I was never given those numbers, never came across these stats in all of my research (pubmed etc). I don't believe them.  I would be very interested to see the journal article you MO is quoting from- I am guessing it doesn't exist....   (Diep ladies wear a compression garment for a couple of weeks to help with healing.) 

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2013

    Spring, glad that fat is GONE! I have been wearing the Mareena and I just past my 6 wk mark, think I may wear it a bit longer daytime only, it is so cold here it keeps me warm. I figure it cant hurt. I dont think I see any difference from my lipo and dont seem to be swollen but who knows. Gald to hear that I may still see some results. I think the key is not to gain weight after lipo, someone posted an informative article about this a few pages back. But of course, our bodies react so individually. Thanks for sharing your positive experience.

    On another note: I put on my rub on nipple tattoo yesterday....funny

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    besa:  my oncologist was quoting her own stats, which look like they really suck.  (sorry)  This was the same oncologist that had to go in and get clean margins after my first lumpectomy, and I also had to have an emergency hematoma exision after the first surgery (I blew up like Dollie Parton).  I'm not getting warm fuzzies.

    bdavis - thanks, no twisting or reaching, I will be a lady of leisure!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    I am confused. Won't your plastic surgeon be doing the surgery? My oncologist doesn't perform surgery. I had a breast surgeon do the MX and the PS harvested the fat.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2013

    OK so here's how it goes. You get the lipo. Your body looks really good now in gym clothes, yoga pants, and all exercise outfits where previously you may have felt a bit out of your element. This encourages you to exercise! (It did for me!), and then you look even better, and the whole thing becomes a cycle. That's my lipo story, and I'm sticking to it. 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    heavenschild - I am confused also is your oncologist doing surgery???  Is your oncologist reporting what she has seen looking at the result of some other plastic surgeon's work?    A breast surgeon should do the mastectomy and a plastic surgeon should harvest the fat and do the DIEP reconstruction.   If you are concerned you can call the Center and just ask them for their stats.  I am sure they would be happy to give you their numbers.  I have done a ton of research and am looking at published reports -- this is just not what I am seeing.

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    bdavis - my oncologist is also my breast surgeon, then there are two PS's that harvest the belly fat and do the reconstruction.  She has worked with the PS's before a lot, apparently, and this was her observation re: the abdominal incision opening.  Both the PS and oncologist/breast surgeon will be seeing me for post-op, so she will also see what my tummy is doing. 

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Spring - love your lipo story.  I think i will join you!!!

    Heavenschild - sounds like somewhere something got confused in the stats.  Of course if you MO only knows 4 women who had DIEP and 2 had a wound problem then they might be quoting what they know.  I am sure your PS will give you better stats.  like Betsy said - lay low, your body will tell you how much to move, many surgeons say no lifting more than 5 lbs for 6 wks.  Don't force yourself to stand straight, your body will when it is ready.  If your back hurts, take a muscle relaxant (like flexerall). You will be fine!  Can't wait to hear from you after.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited January 2013

    Spring- your lipo story cracked me up. I liked it and think I will join you too!!! Ha ha I am still laughing. Bring it on Stage 2!!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited January 2013

    Running4sanity...Are you at Fairway as well? If so that would be nice!!!

  • Lulu2012
    Lulu2012 Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2013


    I was wondering if other women are as concerned as I am about getting nipple/areola tattooing due to serious health concerns relating to the tattoo pigments?

    One cannot deny the cosmetic and psychological benefits that would come from a completed look to a newly reconstructed breast by adding the tattoo.

    But research shows that the pigments used to complete a tattoo contain toxic metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium as well as other chemicals known to be carcinogenic. It would seem that after going through a cancer diagnosis, one would want to stay away from such toxic chemicals.

    I understand that even some of the most well known tattoo establishments use such toxic chemicals in their pigments.

    Does anyone know of any responsible and health conscious tattoo artists who use vegan or more natural tattoo pigments?

    Thank you and I look forward to your suggestions. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Hi Lulu,

    I haven't had my tattoos yet, but will be using Vinniw Myers when I do... Good question though.

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited January 2013

    Paula Kay...I had my Stage IIB in December on a Friday.  I was told I could leave on Monday.  But on Saturday the flights were so much cheaper that I actually thought about catching one as soon as we were discharged.  Fortunately I chickened out and we left on Monday.  SO happy I waited.  I got to have a follow up before I left, a major benefit as they took out my pain balls and two drains plus they addressed the blisters the tape left on my skin.  I felt much more confident leaving and somewhat more rested.  MSY airport is no luxury place and my plane was delayed so the extra time gave me a little cushion to relax even though it was a very hectic time of year.  I would stay as long as you can even if it means going to the Hope Lodge to help with expenses.  I did and do not regret it one bit.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    I have a tattoo question, too, but relating to lymphedema.

    Would there be an issue of getting LE, or aggravating existing LE from getting nipple tattoos since they are done with needles? 

    Also, a good questions about pigment and toxins.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2013


    Hi, I have had permanent makeup done and they used organic ink.  Sorry if my computer attaches a bunch of junk with this.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013


    Did you do the tatto makeup done before chemo?  Was it worth doing? 

    I didn't end up having to do chemo, I would love to have very light eyeliner done as I have light eyelashes, and I have thin, light eyebrows, too.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2013

    I am almost 5 weeks post Stage 2 and am starting to notice some results of the lipo in the outer thigh area.

    I confirmed with Laura on two separate calls that it was okay to start normal exercise. I stopped wearing the garment at 4 weeks post op and still wear it ocassionally when I have started exercising again. I went to Zumba class yesterday and my stomach was quite swollen aftewards and that still seems to be the case. I have put the garment back on to hopefully decrease some it. I don't want to do my harm than good but thought all was ok since I got the okay twice to exercise. Did anyone experience this from their tummy tucks post Stage 2? I know swelling takes a few months to go down, I just don't want to be creating more swelling

    I couldn't recall who asked about thickness with their abdominal incision. Now that my glue has started to resolve I have noticed a distinct thickness in the incision from my tummy tuck. Hoping this is also just something that takes some time to improve.

    Overall, I am very happy with the lipo and what I had done at Stage 2. I think my Stage 2 would not have been as big if I haven't done a tummy tuck...but think it will be all worth it. Can't wait for summer!