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NOLA in September?



  • kkemp2211
    kkemp2211 Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2013

    Betsy - I went on my first swamp tour 2 years ago and it was so much fun!  But maybe that's because we picked up daiquiri's on the way Cool

    The Metairie parades are fun too, less crowded than the uptown parades which might be nice if you're not feeling 100%.

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    MartyJ, chelehump, LindaG47, PinkHeart - thank you so much, I think it turned out to a positioning problem and the fact that there is a tube actually going into my body - yikes!  Pinkheart, I don't know what your surgical history is, but you deserve some sort of purple heart, these drains are the biggest pains in my but.  It is amazing what my life revolves around these days, it took me an hour and one half to get bathed, etc., this morning and was a major ordeal.  I am SO GRATEFUl for all the help and kindness.

    QUESTION - I get easily winded, can't take a deep breath, does anyone have any experience with that?  I assume it goes away...

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2013

    Heavenschild,    I was easily winded, too and it was apparent when I tried to talk.  I would quietly say a few words then stop to catch my breath - I was simply exhausted.  I can't remember anything about taking deep breaths.  Lasted about 10 days.    It took me an hour to shower, etc and that would leave me shaky from exhaustion.  So, I only showered about every three days so I could conserve energy.  My husband took care of my drains and washed my garments during this difficult time.  It gets better and you forget about how tough it was (sort of like child birth!).   Peace to you.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Heavenschild - did they give you an inspirometer?  A plastic thingy that measures the breaths you take in - deep breaths.  My docs had me use it frequently in the hospital and continued once I got home.  The breaths do get easier and deeper once the lungs clear more.  Drink lots of fluids to help flush the body.  And yes, it will take you ages to do things for a while.  It is your body's way of making you slow down so you heal.  Relax and enjoy it!

  • Maxine58
    Maxine58 Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2013

    Thanks so much Springtime! Have a safe trip.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2013

    Heavenschild, the inspirometer was huge for my recovery. You have to get the anesthesia out of your lungs. I also had a piece of cartilage removed from my sternum at stage 1, so taking a deep breath was challenging for a week or more.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Pre-op went well. I am the only case for dr d on Wednesday. He said it will be about 6 hours. Nothing simple for me. I am all marked up. Lots of blue ink. He said he would do my elbows for no charge but thinks it isn't worth it. Says I don't have a lot of fat there and if he removes what I have I will just have hanging skin. Then I'll want that excised. So I am not getting the elbows done. My scars under my armpits will extend about 3inches toward the back on both sides but not onto the back. He will also do the butt lift and the scar will be higher than now to resolves the bunny tail.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2013

    I'm glad your pre-op went well.  Did you tell Dr. D about your dream?  

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    Jane123 - 10 days, that is great (seriously).  It helps to know that there is an end to this. 

    LAStar & MartyJ - Yes, the inspirometer will become my best friend.  They did take a piece of my rib out to get to some blood vessels that they were going to use.

    Bdavis - Praying for your SX tomorrow, sounds like your body after this will be just rockin'

    Hugs to all. 

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2013

    Ladies, thank you so much for your support about the seroma. Dr. Cohen called me yesterday and really put my mind at ease..he was wonderful. I had written off contacting my local PS and he advised me to give it a try. He had even heard of my doctor, as he used to practice in New York.  I called his office today and was able to see his physician's assistant. No seroma yah!! She told me she was glad I came in and said to contact them in the future, as needed. That was very reassuring...not only that but she kept telling me how impressed she was with my results! This was the first time I had seen a physician after leaving NOLA post Stage 2. She even told me twice how great they looked :)

    Ready to start the new job next week!

    Betsy- You are going to do great and look amazing!! Thanks for all your advice and support to the ladies here.

    Chelle- So glad it went well with you husband. I am sure you you felt much better after talking with him.

    Pamela- Will be thinking of you this week. I think everything feels more "complete" after Stage 2. 

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2013

    Bdavis,  two days and counting.  Enjoy your free time and let us all kown how the bear fat grafting goes (LOL).  You're going to be beautiful.  Will be thinking about you.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited January 2013

    Thinking of Betsie and Pamela. You are both going to do great!!!

    I loved the swamp tour, but there may not be gators this time of year. We saw a few in November. They were slow moving then.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Ah, we see gators every day in SC.  They come out on the lagoon banks to sun.  Evil devils, they are!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Leigh Ann yes I did. He thought it was funny. Said I should get a taroh card reading to know its meaning.

    Off to bed. One more full day of leisure before I am back under the knife.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited January 2013

    Best wishes for a great surgery, Betsy! Healing thoughts comin' ...

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2013

    Thinking of you, Betsy.  All will be well!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Betsy & Pamela, best wishes for a great surgery.  The end is in sight!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2013

    Was someone here looking for a place to stay in Chicago for surgery with Dr. M?  I just came across this. There are some good rates for downtown condos.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2013

    Just got back from the breast ultrasound.  All is well.  I have a cyst in my skin layer - not necrotic fat as expected - not malignant.  No further follow up.  Relief  Laughing.  The us tech was funny, she kept saying "but you still have a pectoralis muscle and then fat on top" even after I had informed her of my restuffed pillows recon.  She also encouraged me to get an MRI to check the rest of the breast since it had been over a year.  I teased her that you cannot get breast cancer in abdominal and hip fat - she then got it & giggled and remarked that on her equipment my breast appears normal.  Nice work, Dr. D.

    Good luck to PamelaSmile and BetsySmile

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2013

    Great news Jane123....I bet you are so relieved!

    Betsy...I'm still chuckling at your dream.  What time is your surgery tomorrow?  

    Betsy and Pamela are both in my thoughts this week!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Good one, Jane.  It is hard for people to understand that there are no mamms to gram.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    Hi all! I am nervous, nervous, nervous! Just had my preop. Where to start. I am not having lipo of inner thights, too afraid of creasing and dr. S. agrees. Will have lipo of outer thighs, flanks and under skin of abdomen. That is more lipo then i thought i would have. I am not a "cosmetic surg person" but i have to trust the doctor that the abd lipo will not cause any skin wrinking. He is revising a 5" part of the abd scar that has lumpy scar tissue under it and to meet the rest of the scar better.

    Now the breasts- if u recall i have two triangles of abd skin on the undersides. That will be excised and removed, thus slightly lifting the breasts. One nipple is pointing a little down so i suggested just stitching it "up" without doing a full bilateral lift since i want a natural look and not too lifted. Also the benefit of this would be a natural fadeout around my areola that i was born with and not a demarcating circle. He thought it was a good idea but of course now i am thinking i should not have influenced him, even tho he said it was six of one, i/2 dzn of the other. My idea however does not allow for complete control of nac placement. I am so worried. I hope i didnt make a mistake.

    Betsy- good luck to you. My surgy is at 6 am. See u in the hospital.

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2013

    Good luck tomorrow Pamela and Betsy. Pamela, it is natural to be nervous, but trust the docs, you are in good hands. Looking forward to hearing from you both when you are feeling up to it.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Pamela. I arrive at 6:30 with surgery at 7:30. I am dr d's only case so it's reassuring knowing he can take his time and make me perfect. Perhaps I will see you in the staging area.

    Jane123... Glad to hear...

    So I don't think I mentioned this, but as I have said, dr d is doing another butt lift, but he is moving my incisions.. He said the last 10 cases he has done he has put the incision over the butt crack to avoid the bunny tail look, so that is what he will do to me to get rid of my small puffiness.. He said otherwise with just another lift, my bunny tail could get worse... Plus to resolve my indentation on the right, he may do a rotational flap on the right side as well. Jeanine and I spent about 30 minutes discussing my procedure cause she thought he was doing a lat flap and taking muscle, but he is not... Which is good cause I didn't think he was.

    I am not nervous... And actually haven't thought much about it. That approach works best for me.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2013

    Betsy, Wishing you sweet dreams and a speedy recovery.  Thinking of you.

    Pamela, try not to be nervous.  Things will go great and you'll be a happy camper. Sweet dreams to you too.












  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited January 2013

    Thinking of Pamela & Betsy! Hugs and positive thoughts coming at both of you!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2013

    Pamela, you will see Dr S right before surgery. That is your chance to discuss any of your concerns with him. I suggest you talk to him then so you don't worry or second guess yourself. Write it down to help sort thoughts now and so you don't forget tomorrow.

    Betsy, I had such a time during preop with my rotational flap. No one was used to it, plus there was a chance I needed a hip flap. I threw everyone for a loop but remained steadfast and patient! No 'lat flap' indeed. I still cannot tell, by touch, that one side had the rotational flap and the other did not. I'm pretty excited for you!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Paula... I am excited too. I am off to dream about a lean body, curvaceous boobs and bears. Catch you all on the other side.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited January 2013

    Betsy - I haven't been on this thread in awhile. I hope that the results of your 2B are exactly what you're hoping for! Enjoy being pampered at the Center. I'm sure that the atmosphere in NOLA is electric with the Superbowl and the lead up to Mardi Gras. Hopefully, you;'ll feel well enough to enjoy the festivities post op. I'll be thinking of you!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2013

    Good luck in the morning, gals, and laissez les bon temps roulez!