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NOLA in September?



  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited January 2013

    Kerry -- good to hear how you're doing since we're both at almost 5 weeks. I wore the Veronique garment 2 weeks as required, then Marena 2 more weeks (daytime). I wanted to wear it 4 weeks, but the elastic was digging into my skin too much at the top so I stopped wearing it last week. However, I have compression on again today because support feels better sometimes. I don't see any lipo results yet. I still have swelling and mild soreness in my outer thighs and hips. I haven't been too active because I don't want fat grafting to absorb too much, but I take walks or shop some days. I will start PT next week to improve my ROM on the ALND side. My breast symmetry isn't what I'd like it to be, and I hope it improves somehow in the next few weeks.

    I have already scheduled with Vinnie for May, hoping I won't need to postpone for a stage 2b. I don't know the answer to the question about toxicity of the tattoo inks.

    My abdominal scar was very thick from stage 1 due to a large area of necrosis, but the middle 10" was retucked at stage 2 and is healing much neater, not wide. There are a couple of tiny lumps under the incision that may be fat necrosis and I don't want to think about that! I'm surprised you still see glue, Kerry. Most of mine was gone at 2 weeks, all of it by 3 weeks, and I avoided messing with it -- just trimmed excess as it peeled. You're right -- looking forward to summer!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    Loved the lipo discussion.

    Ann- i recently noticed several hard lumps under my belly scar. After i convinced myself they werent tumors, i figured they were just scar tissue. The printout said at this point, our bodies were laying down exuberant scar tissue.

    My upper arms are already too heavy for my preference, if lipo of my thighs and flanks will make them heavier, if i continue to give in to my sweet tooth, i will shoot myself!

    Back to the lift question- has anyone not had one and been happy or vice versa?

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2013

    Pamela, I have had a lift , twice, on my natural breast. The first time I had an implant and lift. I liked the look but it does interfere with nipple sensation, but I hated the scars. Because I had the implant there was tension on the incisions which caused wide scarring . This very likely could have been the result of a not so great PS. The second time, (after having the implant removed) I had it done again with my stage 2 sgap . I am thrilled with it, although I think it is smaller because of it. Ok with me as we are trying for symmetry. My scars look fabulous, very neat clean lines. I still have a small amount of feeling in the nipple but it is different, not necessarily pleasant. So, not sure this is the info you wanted, but there it is!

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2013

    Hi Russell1 - Sorry, I will be at St. Charles.  I forgot that you would be at Fairway.  We will be together in spirit!  Sonya

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2013

    PinkHeart,  I have had the permanent makeup for over 28 years.  My body would absorb it and  I would find myself having to do it again and again.  Finally after moving to NC I had eyeliner redone and it has really stayed for me.  She is the one that I know used the organic ink.  I had my brows done just before chemo and it was nice waking up with color.  The brows were done in FL and they did not last but got me through when I needed them. Hope this helps.  I LOVE the eyeliner.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2013

    I had a fabulous time XC skiing outside of Sun Valley/Ketchum (thought of you, Betsy).  I did not use my ski poles much since I am one week shy of full release to weight lifting activities (gym type lifting).  Took a soothing bath last night and found a 1+ mm lump in my right breast.  Laura assures me this is routine due to fat grafting and I feel okay about that but I would like to hear from you post stage 2ers about any hard, round lumps you may have noticed.  This is not a lump like the edge of a flap, but a very round firm ball.   She faxed a Rx so I can get an ultrasound if I want, to put my mind at ease.   I have not had a cancer Dx, but am BRCA2+ mutation with many BRCA relatives having had breast cancer - my two cousins and I had prophylactic mastectomies.   Thanks everyone!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2013

    TATTOO INK: That is a very good question about the tattoo ink. If somebody goes to Vinnie for a tattoo, please report back to us. Fingers crossed that it is organic ink. I wonder if that makes it safe?

    LIPO: Marty and Cherrie, WELCOME to my lipo story! And other Stage 2 women, C'monn! You can do it! Many women have been so pleased with their "new" bodies, that this exercise cycle is not unusual! I hope it happens for you. There is a Facebook group of BC sisters who encourage each other to exercise and eat healthy. If any of you are interseted in joining, and we're hooked up on Facebook, let me know. Did you know exercise is key to reducing estrogen and glucose and reduces the risk of recurrence? and is also just a really healthy thing to do. << off soap box >> :)

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2013

    Thanks springtime for the exercise encouragement! I have been out snowshoeing almost everyday this week and I feel so much better afterwards.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Ah Sun Valley... jealous!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2013

    AnnAlive- I had a similar experience with the garment digging into my skin. I didn't really notice it until after I removed the garment and saw the red marks. Kind of a catch 22 because when I wear it my stomach swelling seems to I noticed today. The glue around my tummy tuck incision is all gone just some small spots of glue on my hip flap incisions (in the back) and I think that may just take some more time to come off. That was how it was after my Stage 1 as well. Laura said to hold on starting the scar treatment until all the glue was gone, but I am really anxious to start as so much of the glue is gone. I hope I will still have good results from the scar treatment at 5 or 6 wks post op, as if I would have used it at 4 weeks.

    Jane123- I also am BRCA 2+ and had a pbm. One of the nurse's in NOLA had the same diagnosis..can't remember her name. If you happened to see the video that someone posted here recently about NOLA she was the nurse in the video. She had her pbm about 2 years ago. She had Dr Sullivan as her PS. She still undergoes a MRI each year. She explained to me that she had something show up on one of her tests and it turned out to be necrosis. We have lots of bumps/lumps after these surgeries but glad you are looking into it. Think positive thoughts!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Kerry.. That is nurse Terri. She told me her whole story... just amazing. And showed me her results (and feel).

  • kkemp2211
    kkemp2211 Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2013

    Is there anyone on here that lives in, or close to, Chandler, AZ?  A friend of mine just moved there and left her oncologist behind in NV.  She said she was going to come on tomorrow to see if she could find anyone from AZ and I thought I'd just I'd try to help out by asking on this board.

    As for me, I talked to a nurse at the hospital yesterday to give my medical history.  She said I'll be there all day on the 4th for my preop work.  My surgery is getting close!  I might start taking xanax :)

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2013

    Hi Springtime, I would like to be hooked up on Facebook.  Thank you, Jamie

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Jamie... Are we friends on FB? I don't think so... we have a NOLA group as well.

  • 4my4babies
    4my4babies Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2013

    Well, I am two days home from my PBMX w/ DIEP. I'm achy, sore, swollen, and tire easily but all in all I think I am doing great. It truly has not been as bad as I feared it might be. My husband thinks I'm doing great too. I had a shower today and was able to do it all myself. I had a shower chair in with me but was steady enough not to need it. My DH still has to help me get it altogether to dress but we made it. The swabbing of the drain tube holes and holding cotton pads in place while I get my panties up and the bra on around my hugely swollen breasts is definitely a 4 handed job. I am blessed to have his help and as hard as it's been for him (he has a queasy stomach), he's been a trooper. I HATE having to stand naked in front of him looking like this. Heck, I rarely did that BEFORE this and I sure don't look better than that right now! But we've had to just suck it up and get in with it.

    We will drive back down to Nola for my post op appointment with Dr. D. We're only 3 hours away but that will make for a long day in the car. I've had pads over my breasts since the surgery so I am looking forward to seeing how my nipples look. I'm pretty sure I will have my two breast drains removed because they aren't putting out much.

    All in all, I don't think all of this has gone any better than it has. I recommend the doctors at Nola and their facilities 100 times over. They are top notch. And for anyone trying to decide where to go for their DIEP, this is the place. I think everyone should want to go to a doctor who does this two or three times a week and has "seen it all" over someone who does this two or three times a month. I can't even remember the tweaks I make to a recipe I make two to three times a month!


  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2013

    No Betsy, but I would like to be.  Jamie














  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited January 2013

    Do I need to tell someone to join the NOLA Facebook group??? I would like to join too. : ). I am pretty easy to find Lesley Tobin Nygaard.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2013

    Jamie, first we have to be friends on FB. I am Beverly Mitchell Lovelace. Friend me and send me a message that you want to join the Motivation FB group.

    This goes for everybody. Please follow this or I will not be able to find you.

    1. Friend me on FB.

    2. send me a message telling me you want to join the Motivation FB group.

    Betsy has a NOLA FB group that many of us are also in. You need to do the same thing to get hooked into that, but instead of friending and messaging me, you need to do that with Betsy! 

    As Dr. D. would say, Hope this helps.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2013

    PRMA is live-tweeting a DIEP surgery this morning. !?! or search for hashtag #PRMAdiep

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited January 2013

    Morning all ... very snowy here in Western NY State! Hope everyone stays warm!

    Been having a problem and wanted to see if anyone else had this issue. I had my Stage 2b surgery in early November and am healing nicely ... except that my doggoned scars on my hips and butt REALLY itch!! Sometimes it is all I can do not to touch them! I have had to resort to a Cortizone anti-itch cream. Hadn't been putting much on them as I tend to heal well and the scars fade really quickly for me, but ... WOW! Anyone else have this sort of thing this long after surgery? Making me nuts (OK, nuttier ...). Maybe I should call the Center (but I hate being a nudge!).


  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited January 2013


    I had a lift on the non-cancerous side, and I am very pleased with the results. In fact, the sensitivity of that side was about to drive me crazy. It seems that many women lose sensation after a lift, however, I was totally the opposite. It has calmed down some, as I am now 6 weeks out from Stage 2.

    The lift made it much easier for him to get symmetry.

    Hope this helps.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited January 2013


    Like ttay, I had a lift at Stage 1 and Stage 2 for symmetry. At Stage 2b, told Dr. D. if he lifted it again (left contralateral breast), that the aerola would be in the mammary fold! He laughed. I still have sensation in that breast and the nipple, though as one here described it, it is a little 'different' than it was.

    Hope this helps.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Lesley, I requested you on FB... and Jamie, I am Betsy Schreier Davis. Just request me.

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Betsy I cannot believe you are up in a week. It seemed like forever ago and now it's almost here can't wait to hear how it goes : )

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    I can't believe it as well... I am excited actually.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    Thanks everyone for your replies.

  • 4my4babies
    4my4babies Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2013

    I had a great post op appointment and we are almost home from New Orleans! I had two of my four drain tubes removed today and I should be able to remove the two from my abdomen within a few more days. (They are no big deal but they are certainly a nuisance.) My "new" breasts look good! (especially considering what they just went through!) I have 4 more weeks of being restricted from lifting anything greater than 10 pounds, bending or reaching but other than those things I can do whatever I feel I am up to doing within reason. My doctor said I should expect to be sore for a few more weeks but I should be able to drive sometime next week if I feel up to it and am off pain meds (which I'm pretty sure I will be). Dr. D also said I should still expect to tire easily the next few weeks and I am to take lots of naps to encourage the internal healing processes. I said, "Well, if I have to, I have to." No doubt about it, I've never met a nap I didn't like.

    As an added bonus, Dr. Stolller phoned with the results of my path report today. These were on the breast tissue near the nipples the doctors routinely check for suspicious cells just to be on the safe side (since it's apparently tough to be certain you got all ofthe tissue when doing nipple-sparing). We didn't expect them to find anything in mine but were thrilled to have official "all clear" results nonetheless.

    So for now, I'm to continue to take it easy and heal as I wrap up this first (and most involved) stage of the reconstruction process. I will return to Nola in approx 3 months for Stage 2 of the process.  That is, the revision/sculpting of my "new girls." This second surgery will be much less invasive procedure than the first. It will also be a much shorter procedure (1 or 2 hours instead if 8) and will only require an overnight stay and a couple of weeks recovery time.  Then I'll done!  

    It's amazing really. Less than a week ago, I went from a 40% chance of developing breast cancer in my lifetime down to a less than 1% chance in one fell swoop. (Okay, technically 2 fell, but they were both quickly put back together again and, after Stage 2, they will be better (and perkier!) than ever.) 

    My breasts and my belly are still quite tender but, honestly, my recovery has been far easier than the one for which I had prepared myself. And that, of course, was nowhere near the same realm as a battle against breast cancer. As My DH and I have said many times, that's what made all of this a no brainer in the first place. I'm certain it may not be right for everyone, but I wish all women in my former position had the knowledge and resources to consider making the same choice I made. I've known for a long time now that no matter what bad things happen in my life, God will be here for me and ultimately it will all be okay. That's how I get through each day. But adding to that the peace of mind in knowing the odds are that my family, friends and I will never suffer the wide-ranging consequences of me developing breast cancer, is life changing. Truly life changing.

    Thank you again for all of your prayers. They have clearly been answered and we are beyond blessed. Thank you God!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2013

    4my4babies- That relief is so amazing isn't it? Hitting the imaginary "like" button to your message. Wishing a strong have a great outlook which is so important. Happy for you too!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    4my4babies- i felt the same way. I was relieved to essentially have breast cancer off the table and off my mind. Having one cancer (ovca) i knew i did not, could not face another.

    I am going for stage two in 4 days. Initially i was extremely excited and couldnt wait to get back to nola. Now however, i am not scared at all, but just tired of all the doctoring and medical stuff. Maybe this is beause i faced a scare this past month that my ovca was back, but thank goodness i found out yesterday it is not. My brain is just weary and my body just wants to go swimming in the sun. Not likely where i live for another 6 months. I. Am also a little anticlimactic now about the breasts but i do really like them. Do you know what i mean?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    I fly out in 3 days... YAHOO!!!!

    So I had a really weird NOLA dream last night. I dreamt that my daughter and I drove to NOLA with a sedated bear in the back seat. Apparently I was bringing the bear whose fat we were going to use in my surgery. Dr D and I went to examine the bear after my pre-op which took a long time, and that meant my daughter missed out on seeing NOLA. So what's the hidden message??